Whipped) (13 page)

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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

BOOK: Whipped)
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The store has been busy today. So busy that Zoe and I have had very little time to chat and catch up since I got back from my weekend home with Lach. I can tell she spent time crying and drinking, which I don't blame her for a bit. Even though the guy was a complete Douche (with a capital
, of course), he was in her life for a long time, and it's hard to make that kind of change, even if it's for the best. So I've been covering the floor while she stays mostly in the back doing inventory. But now we're locking up, turning off the lights and getting ready to hang out with Kacie, Tate and Sebastian, when she turns to me with a small frown.

"I think I need to pass on tonight. I'm not up for hanging out."

"Zoe, what's going on? You've been off all day, and I know it's more than just the breakup." She averts her eyes, and I can tell it's something big. "Zoe? Spill it, girl. No judgment from me, I swear."

She sighs and leans against the glass of our front door. "You know that night you said to call Tate to cheer me up?"

Uh-oh. "Yeah?"

"Well, he came over. We drank and ate junk food and watched movies, and drank some more and…"

"Oh, God. You didn't!"

Her chin drops to her head. "We did. We slept together."

My first impulse is to laugh, because while I would totally love for two of my best friends to hook up, it should not be Tate and Zoe. They wouldn't mix at all. But I can tell this is a big deal for her, so I suppress my grin and put a hand on her arm. "How do you feel about it?"

"Confused. I love Tate, but not like that. It was fun, but I'm not interested in it happening again. But what if he is? What if I've ruined our entire friendship dynamic?"

I raise an eyebrow. "You really think Tate is suddenly eager to settle down? I think you're safe on that count. Just tell him how you feel. He's probably freaking out right now thinking you want more, and he doesn't want to hurt you and fuck everything up. He'll be relieved."

A gleam of hope lights in her eyes. "Really? Because I do love him. He's the best, and I couldn't stand losing his friendship because we got carried away one lonely crazy night."

"I'm sure. Tell him how you feel. You'll both feel better for it. Do it tonight."

She straightens her back and puts on a face that looks like she's ready to go into battle. She's adorable. "Okay, I will. Thanks, Vi."

As we walk to our cars, I can't help but ask, "So, how was it? Is he any good in the sack?"

She blushes and laughs and slaps my arm before nodding. "Yeah, he's actually pretty amazing. I haven't had an orgasm that wasn't self-generated in years. It was nice."

"Glad to hear it. Maybe it's just what you needed. Someone safe and who cares about you to help you over that hump."

She sticks the key into her car and smiles. "I hadn't thought about it that way, but maybe. If he feels the same, I'll be so relieved. But don't tell Kacie, okay? I don't really want anyone else knowing."

"I won't tell her," I promise. "But Tate probably will. They tell each other everything."

Her face drops, and I smile. "Don't worry, she won't care. Come on, everything will be fine, you'll see."


When we get to our favorite bar, Tate, Kacie and Sebastian are already waiting for us. Kacie grins when she sees us walking in. "We thought you were going to bail on us."

"Nah, we just had to close up. Busy day."

"So business is going well?" Sebastian asks.

Zoe, studiously avoiding eye contact with Tate, nods. "Sure is."

"I'm glad to hear it," he says as he drops his hand on Kacie's knee. The two of them together are too cute for words. If I wasn't falling hard for my own hottie, I might gag a little.

Tate stands, and I can tell he's avoiding Zoe as well. "First round's on me," he says. "What's everyone's choice of poison?"

We put in our orders and, as he leaves to order our drinks, I nudge Zoe. "Why don't you go help him? He won't be able to carry it all."

She gives me her version of the evil eye, which comes across about as evil as a puppy trying to look fierce, and follows Tate to the bar. I can see them talking and hope that it goes well for them both and they can get over this awkwardness.

Kacie eyes me for a moment. "Do you know?"

"I know some things. What do you know?"

"I know my brother is freaking out, and I know why," she says.

"I know why Zoe is also freaking out."

Sebastian looks at the both of us. "What am I missing?"

Kacie grins and pats his arm. "I'll tell you later."

"Are they on the same page?" I ask, hoping for Zoe's sake they are.

"If that page involves friendship and a mutually satisfying one-time experience, then yes."

I sigh in relief. I was pretty sure I was right, but getting confirmation doesn't hurt. "I'm so glad."

Sebastian looks over at Tate and Zoe and then back at us. "Oh, I see. They slept together, didn't they?"

"I'm impressed, doctor," Kacie says, snuggling up to him.

"I'm not oblivious to everything, even if I am blinded by your beauty," he says, kissing her nose.

Tate and Zoe come back with our drinks, laughing and talking like old friends. Zoe leans over and whispers
thank you
in my ear, and I pat her hand and sip my cocktail.

"I feel like we don't get together enough anymore," I say. "I miss all your faces."

Kacie nods. "Me too. Things are just crazy. The babies, work, finding time for my handsome husband. It's a lot. All wonderful and fantastic but a lot."

"I understand," I say.

I look to Tate. "What's up with you, dude?"

He glances at Zoe and back at me. "Oh, you know. The usual."

I can't ask him about women because obviously there's no one new if he just slept with Zoe, but he beats me to the punch.

"After recent events, I've realized I need a time out from women. To figure out what I want before I mess up any important relationships in my life."

I can tell even Kacie is surprised. "So you're giving men a try?" she asks teasingly.

Playing along, I grin. "It's the Aussie Posse. They converted you, didn't they? No shame in that. They converted me. At least, one of them did."

Tate laughs. "No, I'm just… on a sex fast."

"That sounds awful," I say. "But I've been there, done that, though never deliberately."

Sebastian takes a drink from his beer. "I think it's a good move. Sometimes you need less distraction to figure things out."

Tate raises his glass to toast him. "Exactly."

Kacie looks back at me. "How are things with Lachlan? Boy can that man dance."

Sebastian gasps. "Do I need to worry, Mrs. Donovan? Perhaps I should take up dance lessons."

"You don't need to worry, but I'll never say no to seeing him dance," she says.

"Lach and I are doing great. Mostly. I mean, we have a ton of fun together. He gets along with my parents and they love him. I… I might even love him. But I don't know where we're headed. He may be leaving on another tour with his group for a year."

Tate frowns. "That seriously sucks."

"If you think you might be falling for him, maybe it's worth trying it long distance?"

I shrug. "Maybe. I don't know. I just don't like the idea of him leaving. And of not knowing one way or the other. That's the hardest part. The not knowing."

"Have you told him that?" Kacie asks.

"No," I say. "I don't want my feelings for him to affect his decisions."

"You need to tell him," Sebastian says. "Because in the end, it's his choice, but he should have all the information in order to make that choice. By not telling him, you're removing the choice from him."

I gulp down the last of my cocktail. "I hadn't thought about it like that."

Zoe nods in agreement. "A wise person once told me you should just tell him how you feel. That you'll both feel better for it."

Beaten with my own words! "You're right. You're all right. Tonight, when he gets home from work… I'll tell him."

"That you don't want him to leave?" Kacie asks.

I nod. "And… that I've fallen in love with him."




I'm sitting on the couch watching
Raiders of the Lost Ark
when Vi gets home from the night with her friends. I was invited but I had a show tonight and had to pass.

Vi looks nervous when she comes in, clutching her purse in her hand like she's scared of a mugger.

"What's up, babe? Did you have fun tonight?"

She nods and comes to sit next to me. "Yeah, it was fun."

I put my arm around her, expecting her to settle against my body, but she doesn't. Okay, I guess we're talking. I turn the volume down on the television and tilt my body to face her.

"I've got something to tell you, Lachlan," she says through pinched lips. "I'm not sure how you're going to react."

"Okay. I'm listening." If she's about to break up with me, shit will not end well for me. But I can't imagine that's the conversation we're about to have. I mean, shit, that would be so out of the blue. Still, I'm a bag of raw nerves as I wait for her to spit it out.

"You know how you have to decide soon about your contract and whether to renew and keep touring?"

"Yes." It's been on my mind more than ever lately.

"I don't want to tell you what to do with your own life, but I want you to know that I'd be really heartbroken if you left." She pauses, her eyes pained. "I'd rather you stayed."

I sigh in relief. "That's what you're worried about? Babe, I don't want to go either. And I'd be heartbroken, too."

She smiles, the tension in her shoulders easing a bit, but not entirely. "There's one more thing."


As she speaks, her words ramble together in one long sentence with no breaks or pauses or commas. "Lachlan I know you might not be ready to hear this or say it back and I don't want you to say it just because you think you should but—"

I stop her with a kiss, then I pull away, my hand cupping her head. "Vi, I love you."

Her eyes glisten with tears. "You do?"

"Yes. I've known awhile but I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I was waiting until I knew what our future would hold. But I love you, Vi. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met. I've never told anyone this before."

She smiles. "Neither have I. I love you, too."

And as Indiana Jones runs away from a giant boulder, I make love to the woman I love and we fall asleep on the couch together to old movies.

The next day I don't tell Vi my plans. She's already at work when I get up and head out.

First, I pick up groceries and drive to Kevin's. He sits on the sidewalk in front of his house, tossing a tennis ball up and down. His skateboard lies next to him. He has dark circles under his eyes. "Hey, Lach. What up?"

"Not much. Why aren't you practicing?"

He groans and smacks the board. "The wheels broke off again."

"Let me take a look." I do. The thing is beyond repair. I sit beside Kevin. "I'll get you a new one, buddy."

He rolls his eyes. "Like a year from now? No thanks." This isn't like him.

I frown. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Just don't need your help."

"Okay. If you want, you could help me out with something in exchange."

He stands up and turns away. "I don't care about the board. You don't have to…" His shoulders droop. He sighs. "You barely come around anymore."

I've been busy, with work, with investors, with Vi, but I don't tell any of that to Kevin, because it shouldn't have gotten in the way. "I'm sorry, Kev. I'll come by more often again."

He turns back and grins. It's the way I used to grin to my parents. It's hollow. "Thanks. How's your center going?"

"It's not. I failed to get any investors."

"No way." He sits back down, puts a hand on my shoulder. "Man, there's got to be more suits out there you can talk to."

I shrug. "Sure, but—"

"But what? You got a good idea. You got the skills. Now you just need the money. It's simple."

I smirk. "Yeah. There might be a way. It might even be easier."

"Okay. Yeah, what is it?"

"I can tour again. And with the money, I won't even need an investor. I'll have full control of the center."

Kevin pulls back, shaking his head. "I don't know, man. Tour again? I thought you said you were tired of that."

"I am. I'm tired of touring. But I'm also tired of investors trying to change my vision."

"So the question is, what are you tired of more?"

"Your smart-ass wisdom," I joke. But he's got a point. There must be a right answer to my problems. Even if it's an answer I don't want to hear.

I tap him on the back and stand up. "Come on, let's see what your mom's up to."

He follows me up the porch. "Probably burning the lasagna again."

"Hey, be respectful. It's only happened like ten times." I smirk.

He smiles. There's more warmth to it now. He leads me inside the dimly lit house. The air is hazy and thick. Mary stirs a pot on the stove. She wipes her hands and adjusts her glasses. Her hair has streaks of grey. She hasn't dyed it. She must be busier than usual. "Lachlan, my boy, you remembered not to knock."

"Family doesn't knock." I slip off my shoes and hand Mary the groceries.

She examines them and sighs. "The organic chicken again? And I thought you were learning."

We all chuckle. I grab the chicken. "I'll bake it."

"No. You don't need to… ah, who am I kidding, it will go perfect with the tomato soup I'm making. Stick the thing in the oven." She eyes Kevin. "Is there something you're forgetting, Kevin McAllister?"

He groans. "My shoes." He walks back to the door and kicks them off.

I start on the chicken, seasoning it with pepper, while Mary mixes her soup and Kevin cuts up carrots. We eat dinner together. Under the table, Mary rubs her foot, gritting her teeth. She makes her holy shit face. "Stupid heels. Bill lowered my pay, so I'm working extra just to make the same."

I want to walk down the street to Bill's Burgers and punch Bill in the face, tell him to treat Mary better. I've considered it before, but Mary's asked me not to. Bill would fire her. And she's right, he would.

When I open my center, it will need employees. Mary will be the first. I turn to Kev. "How's school, man?"

He plays with his food. "Okay."

Mary drops her fork on the table. "Okay? What about that fight you got into? And that D in math?"

He crosses his arms. "I don't want to talk about it."

Mary shakes her head and turns to me. "He's not doing well, Lach. He—"

"I'm doing fine," interrupts Kevin.

"Kevin McAllister, you will not speak to me in that tone."

"Or what? What can you do? My life already sucks."

Mary stands up. "Go to your room, now."

Kevin clenches his fists. "Fine." He storms down the hallway. His door slams shut.

Mary shakes her head and sits down. There's sorrow on her face. "Sorry about that. We've been at each other's throats all week."

I grab her hand across the table. "Family can be like that. But as long as it's not like that all the time, I say it's worth it." It's more than I had.

Mary wipes her eyes. They're close to tears. "I'm glad Kevin has someone like you in his life. He's never had anyone but me. Not even his own father…" She dabs her eyes with a napkin. "I'm sorry. It's late. I… I need to rest." She cleans up her plates. "Finish your food before you leave. Goodnight, Lachlan."


With a final pained smile, she disappears into her room. I finish my food and do all the dishes, including ones already in the sink. My phone buzzes. I ignore it. I clean the counters and table. When I'm finished, I turn off the lights and head out. As I'm halfway out the door, Kevin emerges from his room.

He looks pale in the moonlight. "If you go on tour, you won't be around."

I nod. "Not for a year."

"You know, it's okay, if you need to go. I'll be fine. I won't screw up."

My chest feels lighter. "I know you won't. You're the smartest dude I know."

"Thanks, Lach."

"Get some sleep, Kev."

"I will."

We smile at each other, and I leave, knowing whatever I decide, Kevin will be fine, because he's like me. He sees the good in life.

The first part of my night is complete. For the second, I drive to the Wynn and meet Darrel at Sinatra's. He's been calling me the past few days. He needs a decision.

He shakes my hand as we are seated. "How are things with the center?"

"As they should be."

The waiter asks for our order. Darrel gets the steak. I get a small salad. I don't expect to be long.

Darrel smiles his bright smile. "I spoke to my associates, and we're willing to offer you half a million more. You will also regain your solos. Duke has done a feeble job." He holds out his hand. "So, what do you say, Lach? Will you tour with me again?"

Two-and-a-half million. The chance to perform. To entertain. My heart pounds at the opportunity. My palms sweat. "Before I answer, I have a question for you."

Darrel drops his hand, leans closer. "Yes?"

I gather my courage and ask the question I've pondered for years. "Why did you help me?"

He chuckles. It's so simple to him. "I was looking for young dancers. You had potential."

"So it was all about the money."

"Of course. Wasn't it about the money for you?"

It was a part of it. But only a small part. Entertaining people, making them happy, is what drove me. "Thank you for your answer. Now, here's my decision." I tell him. He understands.

I say goodbye and stand. As I'm about to leave, Darrel grabs my hand. "It wasn't all about the money. When we trained, you reminded me how joyful dancing could be. You reminded me of why I started. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to that again."

"Maybe we both can."

I leave with my mind clear. On the way home, I stop by a store and consider buying rum. No. I need something else tonight.

When I enter the apartment, Vi jumps off the couch. She's wearing a red shirt. Her cheeks are pale.

I close the door behind me. "I need to tell you something."

"What?" I can tell she's nervous now. Like I was last night.

I wrap my arms around her. "I said no to the tour, because I can't go. A piece of me would stay behind. You, Vi. I love you." I pull two necklaces from my pocket, a silver puzzle piece on each. "These are for us. So that no matter where we are, we remember that where we belong is together. You are my missing piece."

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