Whipped) (8 page)

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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

BOOK: Whipped)
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"Thank you, but we have other plans tonight," says Lach. "I promise I'll be by next week for your famous fried chicken, though. Wouldn't miss that." He kisses her cheek and we leave. On the way back from the car he reaches for my hand. "Thank you for coming today. It means a lot to share this with you."

I squeeze his hand, my heart swelling with a flurry of confusing emotions. "Thank you for bringing me."

"There's one more thing I'd like to show you, if that's okay?"

I nod. "Of course. I'm enjoying spending the day with you."

And it's probably good we aren't still at home. Because we'd both want more fucking and my pussy probably needs a brief reprieve to recuperate.

This time he takes me to a very different neighborhood. One of wealth and prestige, with huge houses meant for the rich. He stops in front of one of the nicest ones. "This is going to be my house, once all the paperwork is finalized."

I whistle under my breath. I knew he had money, but I didn't know it was this much. "It's gorgeous."

He nods. "I've wanted a house like this my whole life. I used to dream about it when I was a kid, living in a place like Kevin's. Only my mom didn't cook fried chicken or keep things clean. I had to fend for myself as she left empty bottles of booze and overflowing ashtrays everywhere. I was lucky if I got a hot meal even once a week. This was my dream. To live somewhere that would always be warm, clean, spacious and full of food."

My heart breaks for that little boy he was, and I want to kick his mother in the crotch for being so lousy. Instead, I hold his hand. "You deserve a house like this and a life like that," I say.

We drive home in silence. I haven't told him it's my birthday, and I'm not sure I will. This day has been perfect, and I wouldn't change anything about it.

Until we get to our front door.

When I open it, the dark living room explodes in a group of people jumping up to scream, "Happy birthday, Vi!"

I punch Lachlan in the arm. "A surprise party?"

He grins at me and pulls me closer to him, kissing me on the head. "You'll get used to the surprises, Vi. I promise. Happy birthday, babe."




Kacie and Tate know how to throw a party. I contacted them to plan something special for Vi, and they turned our apartment into a dance club. The lights are low. A disco ball hangs from the ceiling. Tate has a mini bar set up in the kitchen. Kacie manages a playlist of pop songs in the living room. People dance and drink all over.

I wrap my arms around Vi as we move to the music. "Never knew you had so many friends." I let Kacie and Tate handle most of the invites.

She grins. "I meet a lot of people at the store."

I notice a couple dry humping against a wall. "Really horny people."

"I do sell sex toys."

I twirl her around. "That reminds me. How'd you get into that?"

She shrugs. "I like sex. And I like helping people explore their sexuality. It's what I loved about being a Dominatrix."

"So why change careers?"

"Being a Dom made relationships… difficult. I never had sex with my clients, but they still found my sessions sexual. Intimate. Not a lot of guys could handle that."

I wonder if I could. I'm not sure. "Do you miss being a Dom?"

"Sometimes. I love how it forced me to be creative."

I frown. "Like painting?"

She laughs. "No. With my methods. Clients like variety. Every day, I had to discover new ways to blend pleasure and pain. I still get ideas, but…" she hesitates. "It's harder to try them."

I feel like she means impossible. I wonder if this is a problem. I'm not submissive. I take control. She seems to enjoy it, but she must miss being in charge. Could I enjoy letting go?

Vi kisses my cheek. "I need a drink. Want anything?"

I shake my head. She walks off toward the kitchen. I think our conversation soured her mood. Mental note. Don't bring up points of contention at girlfriend's birthday party.

Tate shuffles through the crowd and clasps my shoulder. "Hey, man. Having fun?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the help. When my buddies decide to tie the knot, and I should let you know it may be another ten years, I'm recommending you guys for the bachelor party."

"Nice." Tate sways his arms. "I… um… I liked your show."

I chuckle. "Vi told me you ended up there. Heard you kinda freaked out. For future reference, it's a great place to pick up women."

"Huh. Never thought about that." He sips a glass of orange liquid. "You must have met a lot of girls there."


"A new girl each night."

I don't like where this is going. "My contract's almost up."

"Good." Tate's words are slurring. He's getting drunk. "Because you know, Vi's not a one night kind of girl."

"And I'm not a one night kind of guy. Not anymore. I insisted on three dates before sex."

His eyes go wide. "Three. Man, I'm not sure I could do that. Nice. Okay, listen, you seem nice. And you dance well. So, I won't get in your way. But if you break my girl's heart…" He makes a stick with his hands and pretends to break it.

I'm not sure he could actually take me. But it’s a sweet sentiment.

"I have no intention of leaving her," I say firmly.

He nods. "Good. I'll get back to the bar. You get back to your girl."

As he wobbles away, Kacie walks up next to me, swiping her stylishly messy blond hair off her face. "He give you the Tate Test?"

Is this Vi's party? Or the Lachlan experiment? But hey, I never spent a lot of time with Vi's friends. I should have expected this. "I think so."

Kacie smiles. "He didn't hit you with a bottle of vodka. So that's a good sign."

I raise an eyebrow. "He's done that before?"

"He used to be the bouncer for all of our bachelor parties. A few times, things got wild."

I nudge her shoulder. "So is this the Kacie Test?"

"Yeah. But it's pretty simple." She changes her voice. It reminds me of someone from the Godfather movie. "You gonna be the perfect guy for my girl?"

"I'll do my best."

"Yay. Now, I have to go find Sebastian. The babies are with a sitter, and we're getting crazy tonight." She saunters away to her husband.

I glance around for Vi. Instead, I see Zoe running toward me, her purple bob bouncing with each step. Did they plan this?

I raise my hand, stopping Zoe in her tracks. "Vi's awesome. I have no intention of leaving her. I'll be the best boyfriend ever. Did I get everything?"

She gives me a thumbs-up and disappears back into the crowd. Am I drunk, or does she look like Tinkerbell?

The doorbell rings. How many friends does Vi have?

I open the door. A guy with blond hair stands in the doorway, guitar case in one hand, flowers in the other. "You here for the party?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm Chad. I used to be Vi's boyfriend."

I grit my jaw. That unfamiliar feeling enters me again. "I don't think you're invited."

He smiles. "It's okay. I used to live here." He walks forward.

I stop him with my hand. "Well, Chad. I'm Lachlan. And I live here now."

The fucker's still smiling. "Vi would want to see me." He notices something behind my shoulder. "Hey! Vi, it's Chad."

I turn around. Vi walks up to us, a red glass in her hand. "Chad, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you. Here, for you." He holds out the flowers.

Vi doesn't move. "Chad. You need to leave."

"Come on, Vi. We need to talk."

"We have talked. Goodbye, Chad."

Before he can protest, she closes the door on him. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this. I like it. "So that's your old boyfriend?"

She gulps down her drink. "Yeah. We lived together for a while. It was…You know what, I don't want to talk about it right now." Right. Don't bring up points of contention. Vi takes another sip. "I need a refill."

"I'll join you."

We walk over to the bar, and I order a Buttery Nipple. Yes, it's a drink. Vi orders a Miami Ice. Tate is a speed demon as he mixes the drinks. He passes us the glasses. "Here you go, guys. Sorry, but we're out of ice."

A thought crosses my mind. "I'll run out and get some."

Vi grabs my hand. "You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll go down to the corner store. I'll be just a minute."

She gives me a kiss. "Thanks."

I run out of the apartment. I pass a red bouquet on the stairs. I see Chad in the lobby and grab his shoulder. "You shouldn't have showed up."

"Get your hands off me, man."

I don't. I squeeze harder. "If Vi wants you to leave her alone, you leave her alone."

"She doesn't know what she wants."

I smirk. "Because she's not with you?"

"Because she's apparently with you, mister tough guy. She doesn't like that. Not really. She needs a sub." He sure
like a sub. Small and thin. Pale. I imagine snapping him in two.

I lean closer and whisper in his ear. "If she really needed a sub, then she'd still be with you."

"Fuck you." He yanks my hand off and opens the door. He turns back for a moment. "Tell her happy birthday from me." He leaves.

I drive down to the corner store, buy a bag of ice, and return to the party. Tate mixes us more drinks. Vi caresses my face. "You okay? You're shaking?"

"Just tired. Happy birthday, babe."

But I’m not okay. We drink and dance and kiss, and Chad’s words replay in my head. And I wonder if I
what Vi needs.

And if I’m not, if I can change.




The night of my birthday party, Lachlan and I fucked like we'd never fucked before. It was as if he had to prove how much he wanted me. I know seeing Chad there probably messed with him a bit. Honestly, it messed with me, too. Not that it made me doubt my feelings for Lach. But it was unsettling to consider how different I am with Lachlan compared to Chad.

Are both of those people me? Can I be just one side of that coin and still be happy?

It's been a lot to think about over the last few months, but it hasn't diminished the pleasure I've experienced being with Lachlan. It hasn't even bothered me that once he and his manager cooled off he was back at work turning women on.

I trust him, though. I know he's just performing. Just like it wasn't sexual with my clients when I was a Dom. I've given some thought to taking on a client or two, but it hasn't felt right. Not with Lach in my life. I understand why he's ready to leave the Aussie Posse. In addition to wanting to build something else with his life, it takes a lot of emotional and sexual energy to give people their fantasy day in and day out. Our jobs aren't so different.

But God, these last few months. I've become one of those people you avoid on Facebook because all my status updates are about how happy I am.

You'd think that after a few months of being with Lachlan every night, waking up to him every morning, fucking him every day—more than once—that the bloom would fade from the rose. That his tricks would wear thin and his cock would no longer be as satisfying.

You'd be dead wrong.



Routines happen, ya know? This is my home. I'm used to living alone. We haven't been a couple that long. And… did I mention I'm used to living alone?

I'm also used to being able to let my shit hang out at home. At work, both at Whipped and when I was a Dom, I have to be neat, orderly, all things in their place and in control. In my abode, I let my hair down and like things… casual.

Lachlan, surprisingly, is not quite as lackadaisical about his environment. Which he's making abundantly clear.

"Vi, babe, seriously? The laundry basket is literally less than a foot from the dirty clothes you dumped in the bathroom. Hon, I adore you to death, but really?"

He stands in the hall holding the wicker basket with a pained expression on his face.

I hold up my laptop as I slouch on the couch. "I'm about to level up on Diablo. I'll tidy up later."

"You always say later and later never happens."

"That's not true," I say as I kick some major spider ass with my badass magical powers. "Later just hasn't arrived yet. You really stress out too much about the little things, my dear. Try to relax."

He drops the basket with so much drama I laugh as he scurries to the kitchen. "Something smells heavenly," I say. "What's for dinner?"

"Chickpea and potato curry with coconut sauce," he says from the other room.

"Oh my God, you are amazing."

He pokes his head out. "That's what she said."

I break from my game and throw a couch pillow at his him. "Ass."

He winks at me and ducks back into the kitchen. "You know babe, I don't have time to do all the cooking and the cleaning."

"Then don't clean." Seems reasonable enough to me. I mean, it's not like I let things get gross. They just get a bit… untidy. There
a difference, which is lost on Mr. Neat Freak.

"You know that's not a possibility," he says.

"I did offer to cook," I remind him as I finally level up.

He groans. "Yes. About that. I'm still recovering from the last time. I can't eat spaghetti and meatballs without feeling nauseous. I didn't know a person could screw up spaghetti."

"It's a gift," I tell him. I'm aware of my shortcomings when it comes to domestic life. That's what take-out is for. And why I'll never live in a small town where shit closes early and pizza is the only option. Nope, I'm a big city girl that runs 24/7 in all weather.

I'm lost in my next quest when Lachlan takes my computer away and pulls me off the couch. "I've just realized something."

"That you interrupted my game and got me killed?" I frown at him and reach for my computer but he blocks me with his delicious body.

"No. I realized why we've been bickering more lately."

"Why's that?"

"It's been more than twenty-four hours since we fucked."

I laugh. "And?"

"And that's obviously too long for us. It must be remedied, stat."

"Or what?"

He pulls me to him, tightening his grip around my waist. "You don't want to know the
or what
. Trust me."

And then he lifts me into his arms and carries me to my bedroom, which has become our bedroom in recent months.

I feign resisting, but I enjoy the teasing, the foreplay, the roughness as he throws me onto the bed and pulls off my pants. "I want you, Vi. Now."

"Then take me. If you can."

What ensues is an erotic wrestling match where he pushes my legs open, I fight him, there are love bites and a few playful slaps, and then I am on my knees, legs spread, as he pounds his cock into my eager pussy.

When he slaps my ass, the sting of it makes me so hot I come on his cock while he fucks me more.

And then I come again when he comes, both of us sweaty, out of breath, and satiated. For now.

In his arms, I sigh, snuggling closer, enjoying the scent of his body and the feel of his muscles under my hands.

He nuzzles my hair and kisses my head, and I can feel his smile as he says, "I think we leveled up."

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