Whipped) (7 page)

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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

BOOK: Whipped)
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Lachlan insists on planning our third date and once again makes it a surprise. I'm pretty sure this man is trying to kill me with happiness. And, surprisingly, I'm okay with that.

In fact, he doesn't even tell me when the date is happening. I stumble upon it coming home from work two days after our paintball war and a day before my birthday. And yes, things happened in my normal everyday life in those two days. But do you really want to hear about me getting an oil change or balancing the accounts at Whipped or how I ate too many cupcakes when one of our vendors brought them to the shop and I spent all afternoon whining to Zoe about it? I didn't think so. Dates with Lachlan, and especially the
date with Lachlan, are way more interesting.

It's Friday night. I don't have plans specifically, but I assume my evening will involve Lachlan in some capacity, since every evening this week has. Though sadly it has not involved his cock since the night at his show. But that shit better be changing soon. Because
third date!

So I'm expecting
tonight. Just not this.

is my entire apartment covered in sheets when I open the door. "Lachlan?" I'm afraid to take a step inside. I'm not even sure there's a spot I can actually step into. Multi-colored sheets, including the ones from my bed, are pinned to the walls and draped over furniture as the edges fall to the floor in different patterns.

"Hey, babe!" I hear his voice through the curtain of cotton, but I can't see him. "You have to get on your hands and knees," he says, as if this explains everything.

"What are you talking about? What is this?"

His head pops out from below one of the sheets near me, a big grin on his handsome face. I gasp and jump. "Haven't you ever built a fort from sheets before?"

I shake my head, heart rate still high from the sudden appearance of his face. "Nope. Never."

He holds a hand up to me, and I drop my purse by the door, kick off my red stiletto heels and sink to my knees, accepting his hand as he draws me into the world he created with our bedding.

"You're missing out," he says. "This is a rite of passage for any child, but it takes on a different energy as an adult. I've created a labyrinth of rooms, each containing a tease for your senses and culminating in the final surprise of the night. You must experience each room fully before progressing to the next. Understand?"

"I think so." But I'm regretting my choice of attire for the day. Namely, the black leather mini-skirt that makes crawling on my hands and knees less than comfortable.

He smirks when he sees me tugging on my skirt. "It's time for the first tease," he says, leading me over to a white box with a giant red bow. "This is for you."

"Presents!" I may not like surprises, but I
presents. My excitement is palpable as I open up the box, and I sigh in delight at the contents. It's a beautiful silk nightgown in jewel tones of red, purple and emerald green. "Oh, Lachlan, this is gorgeous. Thank you so much!"

He makes a pretense of covering his eyes. "You must change into it before we can proceed to the next room."

Grateful to relieve myself of the clothing I'm wearing, I quickly change into the new nightgown. It's like wearing a cloud. I feel sexy and alluring in it, my shoulders bare and the plunging neckline accentuating my best features. The top of the sheet tent brushes against my head as I kneel before Lachlan. He has to slouch not to burst out of it entirely. I'm guessing these tents are easier for children to navigate, but it's still fun.

He runs a hand over my shoulders and slides a finger down my neckline, our eyes locked in heated anticipation. "What do we do now?" I ask, hoping I won't need the nightgown for long.

"Now, we move to the next room and see what awaits us." He points to a pillowcase hanging from the sheet. I assume it's meant to be a door, and I crawl through it and am greeted by a picnic of delectable desserts spread out on the rug with brightly colored pillows arranged artfully around the feast.

Lachlan positions himself over a few of the pillows, resting on his elbow, so I do the same, facing him. He holds up that black silk blindfold, and I moan. "Again?"

He nods and ties it around my eyes. "For this tease, you must focus on your other senses while I feed you."

This exercise is unbelievably sensual as I open my mouth and he places a small bite of something sweet. I savor the melting chocolate with a hint of mint, letting the taste fill me. Next is a strawberry dipped in more chocolate, and then he holds a glass to my lips, and I sip champagne. Next comes something salty. Oyster. An aphrodisiac. I smile as I let the cool salty bite slide down my throat.

When his lips touch mine, I'm ready to take him in. To taste him and feel him and fuck him so very hard, but he pulls away as my body aches for more. "Not yet," he whispers, slipping the blindfold off me. "One more room."

I crawl through another pillowcase and into a kaleidoscope of color. Soft music begins playing and this room is entirely covered by floor pillows and soft blankets. Colorful Christmas lights are strung from every possible location, making the whole room feel like a magical land in another world.

Lachlan kisses me again, deeply this time, urgently, and lays me back on the pillows, positioning himself over me. "We've come to the end of our third date, Vi."

"So we have," I say, gazing intently into his too-blue eyes.

"And now, I'm going to make love to you like you've never been made love to in your life."

My body shivers with the promise as his lips fall to my neck. I feel his breath as he whispers. "After tonight, you will be mine, and I will be yours."

His words scare and excite me in equal measure. He's claiming me with every breath, with every touch, with every romantic gesture. And in the process, he's changing me. I feel the shift—slow, nearly imperceptible, but

I'm not the same Vi I was before I met him.

But I can't think too deeply about these things because this gorgeous man is sliding his hand up my thigh and over the silk panties I'm wearing. His thumb brushes against my pussy through the thin fabric, teasing without giving me any real satisfaction, as he uses his other hand to bring my wrist to his mouth. With gentle pressure, he kisses the inside of my wrist, then bares his teeth, letting them skim across the tender flesh. I moan in unexpected pleasure at his expert teasing of an often-ignored erogenous zone.

I'm ready to be naked and spread before him, but he has other plans. He's intent on building up the tension in me to excruciating degrees. Letting go of my wrist, his mouth finds my collarbone, trailing soft brushes of his lips down my chest, flicking a tongue over a hard nipple through my nightgown, his hands now gripping my hips. I gasp. "Lachlan, you're killing me."

He looks up, a sly grin on his lips. "Babe, you ain’t seen nothing yet."

Turns out, he's right. As he works his way down my body—so very slowly—he finds spots to tease and torture that no man ever explored before.

"Turn over, babe. And take off your clothes. All of them."

"This seems imbalanced. You're still in jeans and a shirt."

"I'll be naked soon enough. Now turn over. Trust me. You want to do what I tell you."

I peel off my nightgown before I turn over, giving him a full few of my breasts. His breath hitches, and I smile teasingly and shimmy out of my underwear, giving him glimpses between my legs as I do. If he's going to torture me, I want him to feel the pain too.

When I finally lay on my stomach, the soft blankets cushioning my naked skin, my body coils in increased tension. I don't know what he's going to do. I'm not in control. I'm not the one wielding the power. It scares me. And excites me. I breathe deeply, trying to relax as I anticipate what he might do.

He starts gently, hands running over my shoulders, my back, down to my ass. First with a light tickling of his fingertips. The contact sends shivers over my body. When he increases the pressure, gripping my ass harder as he massages me, I moan. His hands feel amazing, and my hips naturally arc into them, greedy for more.

He lightens his touch again as his hands run down my legs, stopping behind my knees. Then I feel his warm breath against my skin, followed by the gentle touch of his lips as he caresses the skin. I know this is a sensitive spot for women, but I've never had anyone explore my body this way. I'm hooked on how it feels. When his tongue flicks out, teasing my flesh, I moan, my leg flexing in reflex.

He works his way down my calves to my feet, rubbing, massaging, bringing pleasure to every inch of my body.

When he moves back up my legs and places his hands over my ass, spreading my legs until I'm fully exposed to him, I begin to shake from need.

He lifts my hips with strong hands, and then his tongue teases my pussy from behind. The erotically-charged position and act nearly sends me over the edge, but he stops before I can come.

"Not yet, babe. Let it build." His voice is husky, and I can tell he's exercising a lot of self-control as well.

The knowledge brings me pleasure. "Someday it'll be your cock in my mouth, and I'll remember this."

He laughs. "I certainly hope so."

And then he is silent, his mouth once again working magic between my legs, hands gripping my ass. He takes me to the edge over and over, stopping before I can fall. I want to fall. I want to fall so fucking bad.

He flips me over then, my body still quivering with how close I am to coming. While I watch, he strips off his shirt, exposing a body sculptured from marble and the wet dreams of every woman alive.

When he pulls off his pants I nearly come without his touch. He is huge. Hard. Glorious.

"I want you to come on my cock, babe. And then I want to fuck you all night long." He slips on a condom, and I spread my legs.

Oh God. Yes. With one hard thrust, he is deep inside me, and I am coming hard, flung off the side of that particular mountain in an instant. My body clenches, muscles spasming in final blissful release. He holds himself still inside of me for a moment and then thrusts deeply, repeatedly, holding my hips as he fucks me the way I've been dreaming he would since the night in his dressing room.

He is true to his promise. We break for water, for food, for making out and holding each other, but then we fuck again. In every position, in all the rooms of our tent house, slowly, quickly, passionately and tenderly. I lose count of my orgasms, and his. I lose count of everything but the feel of our flesh connected, of his scent and taste and the way he fills me and touches me and makes me feel.

And it is exquisite.

At the break of dawn we finally rest, my head against his chest, his arms around me, and that is how I fall asleep and wake up.

And, I realize, this is the best birthday present I could have asked for.


The next day Lachlan asks me to join him for the day. "I want to show you what I'm really about."

His comment intrigues me, and after we pull down the fort of sheets and put everything away, I follow him out for a Saturday adventure that could involve anything.

Given his regular job, I couldn't be more shocked when we arrive at a low-income neighborhood to pick up three kids.

Two boys and a girl stand around a basketball court waiting. When Lachlan and I walk up, one of the boys runs up to him, a big grin on his face. "Dude, you're late."

"Sorry, Kev, I overslept a bit. I'd like you to meet someone."

They both turn to me, and I hold out my hand. "Hi, I'm Vi."

The boy takes my hand and gives Lachlan a big grin. "Is this the chick you've been mooning over?"

I laugh as we shake, and Lach nudges the kid. "This is Kevin and his friends Mike and Lauren. I've been teaching them dance after school."

The kids follow us back to the car and climb in. "Where are we going now?" I ask.

"I'm going to show you my dream."

We arrive at the old mall and park in front of it. "I want to turn this into an after-school program for dance, free to any kid who needs a safe place to go after school and wants to learn dance, do homework, hang out."

I whistle under my breath. "I had no idea."

"I know what it's like to be on your own too young. I want these kids to have someone."

We get out and walk around as he describes what he envisions everywhere. The stage, the rooms for rehearsals, a game room and study room. He dreams big, and I fall a little harder for him because of it.

Several hours have passed when we get back and drop the kids off. We walk Kevin home and his mother greets us at the door. She smiles widely at Lachlan and then pulls me into a hug after introductions are made. "So nice to meet a friend of Lachlan's. He's such a dear man. Won't you two be staying for dinner? I've made plenty."

A quick look at their humble home was enough to tell me they probably didn't have 'plenty' to spare, but you'd never know it the way she opened her home to us. Again, I wondered at this man I was just getting to know. Who was he underneath all the sexy?

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