Whirlwind (4 page)

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Authors: Robin DeJarnett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Whirlwind
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Thankfully, I was saved from further embarrassment when the woman next to me whispered, “I’m so happy for them. Aren’t you?”


The prickles on my neck disappeared as I forced out my unenthusiastic answer. “Yes, I am.”


What a pitiful excuse of a friend I was. Who was I to mourn Mitch’s happiness? He’d found the very thing I’d been fantasizing about just moments before: a companion with whom to share his love, his life. Someone tied to him by a bond stronger than anything but death. And he deserved nothing less.


“Yes, I am,” I repeated, meaning it this time.






The familiar strains of Pachelbel’s Canon filled the sanctuary, and the doors in the back of the church opened wide, revealing Ann and her father. The afternoon sun enrobed her in an unearthly radiance as she waited for her cue. The word
came to mind. With a deep breath, she nodded to her father and began her slow walk down the aisle.


Strapless and simple, her gown had an elegance that could only have been conceived by a major designer. A pure, virginal white, the dress emphasized Ann’s perfect figure with its wide skirt and tailored waistline. The white satin was completely covered by the thinnest organza, which caught the light, adding to her heavenly aura.


was another appropriate word, judging by the jeweled tiara holding Ann’s immaculate golden bun on the top of her head. The tiara’s clear gems glinted in the light that filtered through the stained glass, and I had no doubt it was encrusted with real diamonds. No veil hid Ann’s face. Only a few expertly curled tendrils framed her prominent cheekbones and soft blue eyes. On her arm, her father completed the picture: the perfect accessory in his contrasting dark tux.


Ann’s expression was fixed in a small, nervous smile as she moved steadily toward the front of the church. Her eyes darted once or twice to the crowd, but she acknowledged no one. The instant she saw Mitch, her face changed. Her lips rounded up the corners, and she blinked furiously. If it were possible, she became even more radiant at that moment. She practically glowed under his gaze.


Surprisingly, Mitch didn’t return the smile. With a tangible intensity, he surrounded his bride with wordless adoration, seeming to see nothing but her as she closed the distance between them. He held out a trembling hand and swallowed before looking to her father, almost fearfully. Mitch had once told me he was sure Ann was a dream that would disappear someday, but I’d thought he was joking. Seeing how terrified he was at this moment, I felt bad for having teased him.


Mr. Linwood murmured a few unintelligible words and patted Mitch on the shoulder. Mitch nodded solemnly, then offered Ann his arm. Her aura surrounded them both as she clung to him, and several people in the crowd sighed.


Watching the two of them climb the steps to the minister, I understood exactly why Ann had chosen this subdued venue. Against the soft background of cream and blue, she and Mitch outshone everything and everyone.


Well, almost everyone.


Waiting on the top step, Jason winked at his brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law. The lights meant to frame the bride and groom also illuminated his eyes, adding neon sparkles to his azure irises—especially when they darted to me.


Although I tried to stay focused on Mitch and Ann, my attention kept shifting to the man next to them. Jason’s eyes flickered to me a couple of times before he turned to face his brother, and my heart skipped a beat every time they did.


Once stationed next to Mitch, Jason stood motionless, as if locked in a masterpiece, listening intently. Out of the bright sunshine, his hair took on a darker, richer look, and my eye was drawn to a few renegade lengths that curled invitingly toward his ear. Surely some lucky girl would smooth them back into place tonight, and my fingers twitched, wishing they could do the honors.


What was I doing?
“No time for a guy,” I’d said pompously, as if I was turning them away by the dozen. The truth was I’d never attracted such attention before, especially from someone so devastatingly handsome. Men regarded me in only two lights: tough and equal, or plain and invisible. The only relationships I’d had
about more as afterthoughts than by design—starting with a bored, “So, you don’t have a date, huh?” rather than a breathless, “May I join you?” I’d never been pursued, and I had most certainly never done any pursuing.


It’s about time, don’t you think?


I couldn’t believe the words ringing in my head. Me, go after
As crazy as the notion was, I couldn’t help but stare at Jason, wondering…wanting…


The minister’s words became but a low hum in my ears as I sifted through everything Mitch had ever told me about his younger brother.


Jason had spent most summers in school, I remembered. Mitch had complained about how little he saw him. What was Jason studying…was it pre-med? He went to school in the Midwest somewhere…at
Crap! Those schools are arch rivals. I can’t screw that up—he’ll never speak to me again!


Again? It wasn’t like we’d had an actual conversation. Jason had hardly said two words to me.


He and Mitch were close—I knew they corresponded regularly by text and email—but the only photo Mitch had of his brother was a wallet-sized candid from at least ten years ago. The water-soaked boys in the picture looked nothing like the tailored men standing together today.


My tongue slid around my teeth, searching for the wayward piece of hamburger that must be stuck there. Why else would Jason keep looking at me? Maybe my little episode had him thinking I’d be a good subject for his next psych paper.


Laughter erupted, and I looked around quickly, expecting to see everyone staring at me. Thankfully I was not the center of attention this time. Something the minister said must have been funny, not my inability to cope with an overactive fantasy.


Mitch threw a glance over his shoulder at the crowd and grinned tentatively. At least he didn’t look like he was about to pass out.


…what if
said something to Jason? That couldn’t be good. I could only imagine how Mitch would describe me, especially in the acronym-laden world of the internet.


oh no!
I gasped, and the people nearby shushed me.
The personality profile!


Last October, I’d received a class assignment to write an extended profile on a real, non-famous person. “A friend, classmate, or coworker—someone local you can find multiple sources on,” the instructor had said. Of course, I’d chosen Mitch.


I’d talked to his parents, and they’d given me Jason’s email. I’d carefully composed a very dry and business-like message requesting his assistance, but after the basic information had been exchanged, our emails became more of the LMAO variety. The room became exceptionally hot as I remembered those notes…


Jason had cracked a few jokes about me hanging around in the manure with his brother, which led me to send a few of my favorite doctor jokes. He also questioned me about Mitch, seeming innocent at first:


Mitch mentioned that you met him for coffee yesterday. Does he still insist on refusing the drink holders and balancing cups on top of each other? He takes “green” to the extreme, don’t you think?


At first glance the question was innocuous enough, but I saw through his weak attempt at fishing out information. If only two coffees had been ordered, Jason would assume we were out alone.


He was a sly one. I smiled as I typed:


I don’t know. I’m into green too, and I brought my own cup.


Mitch must not have said much about me, because Jason’s email interrogation continued. I purposely kept my answers vague, enjoying stringing him along as long as possible. But when he asked about Mitch’s skill as an equestrian, I finally gave in and flat out asked:


Do you want to know if I’m the one your brother is riding?


Normally I’d get a response within the hour—Jason seemed to be online all the time—but in this case I didn’t hear back for a full day. I worried I’d offended him; he really didn’t know how blunt I could be. Eventually his response arrived, for the first time without any cagey questions.


To be perfectly honest, yes. Mitch mentions you often. He likes you and the way you make him laugh. I think he cares about you a lot.


That’s all I was trying to do with my questions—get a glimpse of what Mitch sees in you. I’m sorry. I can see now you are a no-nonsense woman.


So, are you my brother’s new mount?


I laughed out loud when I read the note—much to the chagrin of the other students on the fourth floor of the library at the time. After apologizing and making a mental note to read my email at home in the future, I carefully composed my response. Jason seemed like someone who could appreciate some friendly innuendo.


That depends. How many brothers do you have?


This time the reply came in seconds.


Just the one. How many men are you sleeping with?


Apparently I wasn’t the only one who was no-nonsense. Quickly I sent him my answer and packed up my books.


Well, sleeping may not be the right term. Cowboys like to ride a lot…bareback.


Jason’s response arrived before I could shut down my laptop, and I left the library snickering.


But that can’t be nearly as much fun as playing doctor.


We continued to joke for another week, but then midterms hit, and I let his last comments go unanswered. It was Christmas before I realized I’d left him hanging. I still felt a little guilty I’d let the teasing end without even a “thank you” for his help with my story. But he must’ve been busy too, because he’d never restarted the conversation.


How easy it’d been to get completely dirty with a faceless, shameless pen pal and walk away. No regrets, no commitments, and no rejection in the end. Perfect.


But now my pen pal had a face—with a magnificently sculpted chin, inviting lips, and eyes that turned my knees to jelly. All the tasteless, smutty things I’d said to him came back in a rush.


I threw my hand over my eyes, my face redder than Ann’s lipstick, I was certain. Thankfully, Jason had his back to me.
Does he know I’m the one who spammed him? Did Mitch rat me out?


No way
. Jason would’ve said
if he’d known who I was—made some comment about my tasteless humor. Or was he waiting for me to figure out who he was—seeing how long he could string


No, that didn’t make sense, either. He hadn’t made any attempts to rekindle our email conversation; it’d died a quick death. It
have meant that much to him.


Now that I knew who
was, the thought of facing Jason again sent nervous stings up my spine. I considered skipping the reception as I fanned myself with my program.


“It is because of
love and
support this bond is being sealed today,” the minister said, pointing randomly at members of the audience. When his finger stopped on me, I slouched in my seat. “Witness now what you have forged.”


Damn it
. I’d missed the minister’s entire message with my selfish daydreaming. After one more peek at Jason, I swore to give Mitch and Ann the respect they deserved and fixed my eyes on them.


Mitch straightened up, preparing to recite his vows. With a deep breath, he began. “Ann, the first time I saw you, I was reborn. Everything I am, everything I will be became yours. I promise to love you, care for you, and respect you for the rest of my life. No matter what the future brings, good or bad, laughter or tears, we will face it together. I’m yours forever. This I vow.”


Mitch’s low, steady voice strengthened on the final words, emphasizing his conviction. He’d used the same tone when he told me he proposed to Ann, just weeks after meeting her.


I couldn’t imagine falling for anyone so fast. It took time to fall in love and learn about a person before that feeling of
kicked in. I’d never made it long enough to sense that permanence; I doubted there was a forever kind of guy for me.


My eyes drifted to Ann, her lips quivering as a single tear rolled down her cheek. Her forever, Mitch, reached out with one finger and gently wiped it away before she spoke.


Pressing his hand to her cheek, she took a shaky breath. “Mitch, before I met you I didn’t know what love was. You swept me off my feet and into your heart, and that’s where I found not only love, but my future. Through pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, good and bad, I promise to be by your side, loving you, respecting you, caring for you, forever. This I vow.”

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