Whisper (11 page)

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Authors: Sarah Vistica

BOOK: Whisper
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I woke up in the morning to Xavier sitting by my side. His light blond hair had grown an inch his green eyes are intense and hypnotic. He smiles as I become alert of my surroundings. “Hey feeling better today?”

Xavier’s hand leans on my leg enough to make me wince in slight pain. He doesn’t move at first. Something menacing in his eyes linger between us, my legs bent to be free. “Yes. My strength is increasing.”

Luken entered my room, only I could see and hear him. A piece of paper gripped tightly in his hand yellowish and old. “What is he doing here?”

“I am glad you came.”

Luken’s body started to transform into a pale blue glow. “Well, I had to check on my favorite girl.” Xavier says with a cocky grin.

“You are mine.” Luken’s eyes turn into glaring slits. A rush of air swept passed Xavier and me. “What was that?” He searched my room.

just a jealous spirit,
I wanted to say.

A light in Xavier’s eyes disappeared. Fiery and burning desire took over. He stares at me. Before it all happened a black cloud emerges behind Xavier. A cloak of darkness, looming. The cloud thrust at Xavier. It is gone before a scream can escape my lips. He blinks a moment gazing at me, his stare grew cold.

He spoke in a malice tone, this isn’t his voice. “Luken stole my beautiful sweetheart, I shall claim his.”

Xavier’s two hands grab my throat. I felt the air close around me, my breathing became ragged. A smirk of admiration formed on his lips. He clenched
tighter. My arms try to pry at his tight hands. He clenched robbing my life farther away from me.

Luken came into my room. He saw Xavier clutching my throat. I barely could see him through my waning vision. Before my eyes closed and the world went black, I felt Luken pull Xavier off me.

* * *

Bethanne laid on icepack against my throat. I felt a damp cloth against my forehead and cheeks. Swallowing hurt. “No, no do not move miss Avaya.”

Searching her face I ask my voice hoarse, “where is Xavier?”

“He is there.” Bethanne says. Livia sat beside him on the couch. She kept asking questions, lifting water to his lips. I saw an ill, weak Xavier glance in my direction. I turned my face away. Bethanne brought a spoon to my mouth, “here drink this it’ll help your throat.”

Xavier placed his hand on his head, shaking his head. Xavier tried to get up collapsing back on the couch. I noticed Luken when he came toward me. Placing his hand on my forehead he gently sweeps soft caresses back and forth.

“They cannot see me. Blink once if the shadow said something that might help me to figure out who it is.” I blinked once.

Bethanne and Livia watch me. I gaze at Luken. “Avaya what are you looking at?” I don’t answer. Luken agitated groans, “it possessed Xavier. He could have killed you and not even known he did or why. Be glad I came when I did. This is what I went to retrieve.

Luken pointed to my night table. I leaned over looking at it. It was from the Woodenbury Gazette. At first glance I thought it was the same article Celia showed, but it wasn’t. It is dated a year later.

The article said Luken hadn’t been found yet. It also declared his search over and that is it. They gave up on him. My heart broke as I read over the article. Picking it up in my head I read it again and again, but the words didn’t change.

A few days passed before my strength returned. Livia helped me to the attic. Boxes on top boxes filled the dust filled room. I searched for an old newspaper about Anabelle Woodson. I had to know how she fit into all of this.

“Here it is. Anabelle married Luken’s cousin two years after his disappearance. It says his name was George.” I read.

Livia reaches for it, “wait I remember Anabelle had an interest in Luken’s other cousin Charles, but when she laid eyes on Luken she walked away from him. That was not common to happen.” Livia spoke as though she personally knew Anabelle. I had too much to deal with to think about it much.

“There has got to be answers up here, people don’t just disappear into thin air. Maybe he was lured away somehow. Livia is it possible Luken was murdered over his engagement to Anabelle and he never saw it coming?”

She shrugs. “It is possible.” Livia froze glancing carefully around with her eye. I watched her ears perk up. “We should go now. You still need your rest. Bethanne will be punished surely by Miss Brantshire if she decides to check on you miss, as will I.”

While Livia adjusted my blankets, Bethanne poured some hot tea. Miss Brantshire graced us with her presence. Her hair is pulled up into a high bun silver streaks glisten from her gentle tendrils. Miss Brantshire’s dress is gray with a high collar in the back.

“I heard you were still on bed rest, feeling better dear?”

“A little, Livia and Bethanne have been doing a wonderful job.”

“I am pleased to hear this.” Miss Brantshire picks up the front of her dress exiting my room.

“Don’t mind her miss. She means well, strictness and old school customs have hardened her.” Bethanne defended Miss Brantshire.

Luken sat beside me after Livia and Bethanne left me alone in my room. He stroked my cheek. “Find anything interesting in the attic?” He asks with a sly playful grin.

“I read about Anabelle Woodson.” Luken’s lips pulled tight. “I do not want to discuss her.” I gently touch his hand. “Maybe it is possible your cousin is involved in your disappearance.” Luken appalled moves away from me. “My cousin Charles would not seek revenge. We both know she made her choice.”

I didn’t mention to Luken what I had been told. “Okay, it was only a thought. You believe it wasn’t him, I’ll let it go.”

The candles lit near my bed flickered brightly, when Luken soothed his energy, the flames became a dim light. Our silence became awkward. I couldn’t stand it any longer. Lowering my voice, I wondered. “Will you play for me tonight?”

“Of course I will.” Luken leans down gently touching our lips together. His forehead on mine, he whispers, “Avaya try to rest. I will come back after you have fallen asleep.”

It isn’t long before the sounds echo through the hallways. Right as my eyes started to close I thought someone stood in my room. I couldn’t fight sleep to know if it is my imagination or if I am not alone in my room.

During the night I felt a light pressure fall on my bed. The hand slid down my arm wrapping around my hand. Coldness touches my cheek. Someone laid their head above mine. The fear of it struck me enough, I kept my eyes closed.

Pretending to sleep I breathed in and out deep rhythmic breaths. Lips carefully graze my earlobe, a sweet gesture. My breathing betrays me. “Avaya I know you’re awake.” Luken I let out a sigh of relief.

He reaches down to kiss me. Pure honesty crashes against my beating heart. Luken’s hair falls in front of his eyes. Tender kisses innocently trail down my neck and back to my lips.




The weekend debuted today, I anticipated being able to get outside for some fresh air. Becca, I thought might want to check out the grounds with me. But my uncle has her studying consistently with a tutor so she can return to school in the fall.

My uncle had opened the mansion up for some historical event in Woodenbury. People came from all over to get a peek at the isolated manor. Located on what I still believe is an abandoned highway.

He asked me to help with those who were staying for the night and day guests. I led people to a check in area. There they were directed by maids leading them to a room in the east wing. I wasn’t sure how many were staying for the night, but there was no shortage of rooms.

After people were checked in, I help with leading people into a waiting area for tours. Miss Brantshire is in charge of making sure all guests understand the rules. She rattled off all the prohibited places. Tours were in small groups. One for each wing and a history lesson was being taught in the library.

A girl with her friend walks passed me on my way up to my room. “Did you see him? That was so scary, I want to leave now.” She grabs her friends arm. The other girl with her replies, “I don’t know…did you see him talk about gorgeous.” Luken, I thought to myself.

Heading up to my room didn’t seem likely. An elderly woman came up to me from the foyer holding the hand of her granddaughter. “Excuse me, which way to the tour?” I smile gesturing, “right this way.” I lead her into a room where a video plays telling the history of the mansion and Woodenbury.

Miss Brantshire caught me watching the video. Celia quietly snickered, a few people away from me. Miss Brantshire scolded me telling me it was for the temporary visitors not for me. She sent me away to check for more guests.

The day drags on until the last tour group left the mansion. Miss Brantshire waited until the start of night to let me know some of the overnight guests bought a haunting package my uncle created. It wouldn’t compare to the haunts I experience here.

I didn’t want to be here. Too many people thought the staff was re-enacting the role of a servant maid. At dinner, Luken came in to the room with Celia. She clung to his arm possessively. A couple teen girls giggle talking in hushes voices to each other.

I walked up to him, “Hi,” He turns to me with smirk. “Sorry honey he’s mine tonight,” Celia ushers him away. “Nate, sit with me?” She says flirtatiously.

He eyes for a moment, I shake my head barely, but he noticed. “Austin, sit with Celia,” Luken says to a guy standing in a group. “So it’s Nate tonight?” He smiles. “Shh it is not something I want advertised. We don’t want to frighten guests.” I playfully role my eyes, “have fun sitting with Celia.” I say as he walks away to sit on the other side of Celia.

Lying in bed for the night I kept hearing loud noises in the hallway. Rambunctious guests, some on a midnight tour. Other guests were partaking in a haunting scavenger hunt. All I wanted was to fall asleep. Voices echoed and screams scattered through hallway.

My door pops open. A few friends together in a group walk inside. “This is Lizabeth’s room.” One says. “I wonder if there ghost is in here.” The other girl says with a spooky voice.

Waiting for this small group of friends to leave my room I kept my eyes open. One of the boys had seen my form in the bed stopping in his tracks. “Hey check it out there is a girl in the bed.”

“Maybe it’s a ghost genius.” The girl said. The other girl laughs. “Maybe she is Lizabeth.”

I sat up in bed. Gazing at them with a smile, I say, “I am no ghost.” They screamed, startled and ran away. I thought I had scared them until I turned and jumped startled myself. Luken materialized out of nowhere.

“Luken,” I barely whisper. “I didn’t mean to frighten you darling.” He leans against my headrest. “I am ready for this to be over.”

He pulls me against him soft touching his silky lips to the top of my head. “I know Avaya. They are only here for a night, try to keep calm or should I say, relax a little. Let’s hope they stay away from my room.”
Let us all hope they stay away from his room.
I thought to myself.

“I have some haunting to do tonight.” He kisses my cheek. “Meet me in the garden tomorrow just before sunset, we have much to discuss in private.”

Around two in the morning, Bethanne shoved me awake. I threw a pillow at her. Miss Brantshire grabbed my arm forcing me awake. There is a haunted snack hour for our guests who want to be spooked. I got out of bed.

Music started to play. Bethanne, Livia, and I were sitting in our pajamas. The piano sent cold strenuous notes into the dining hall. The haunting sounds of the piano continued to play.

I run to the parlor room. A group of about fifteen people came rushing away from the parlor room. A woman’s little girl is crying. Her mom is trying to console her telling her is part of the show. I pushed passed the group to reach the room.

A blue orb flies through chairs and tables. The same elderly man appeared in front of me. Deep tones of music vibrated from the piano, the keys moving on their own effortlessly. Bluish flames lit each burned out candle cascading shadowed light on the wall.

“Where is my son?”

His eyes focused on me. Jonathon’s temper flared, the lit candles grew brighter from his energy. Jonathon had shut the doors. People outside the parlor room were trying to pry the doors open with little success. I turned away from him bursting through the door. I let people stand there frozen in their own fear. I need Luken.

I rushed into Luken’s room. Everything is dusted and clean. The sheets have been removed from furniture. The fire blazes to life, embers flitting up the chimney. The darkness conquered with moonlight showering the room. “Luken are you in here?”

The door flies shut.
Luken where did you go?

It is like he disappeared again. He could be in the woods, but the door won’t open for me to check. Jonathon appears in front of me. He starts to walk toward me. I have nowhere to back up for an escape. I’m cornered. Jonathon turned away momentarily sobbing.

Jonathon glances at me, his complexion creamy. He wore dark slacks with a white dress shirt and a navy blue overcoat. Jonathon’s blue eyes are bright and clear. He walks toward me with a calm demeanor.

“I am sorry to frighten you. My son has been missing for a long while. He hasn’t been seen and nobody has any information.”

“Jonathon Vandersen?” I ask to reassure myself. “That is me.”

Stepping back I sit down in a chair. “Are you all right?”

He kneels down before me.  Jonathon Searched my hazel eyes for any kind of remorse or sympathy over his son, Luken. I couldn’t speak to tell him his son is here in the mansion. “Dear girl I beg of you, have you seen my boy?”

I nod slowly, “I have seen your son. His name is Luken, correct?”

His blue eyes brighten. A smile contorts his face, it looks unnatural for him. “Yes, yes that is my boy. Where have you seen him?” I take a deep breath not sure what to say to him.

“Tell my child, have they ever found him?” I shake my head. “No I am sorry. He is considered a missing piece of history.”

His eyebrows droop, sorrow evident. Jonathon sits back on Luken’s bed. The bedding dips inward when he sits down. “I don’t know, but maybe Luken is here in the mansion.” I finally say.

Jonathon turns his head to me. A complex expression covers his confused eyes. “Has he been here all this time?” The sorrow in my eyes answered his question.

Jonathon nods with finality. “It is time for Luken to come home and join our family, where is he now?”

A tear rolls down my eye. Shaking my head anger storms Jonathon. It is as though I lied to his pearl translucent form. To subside his anger I say, “I have no idea where he went. But I assure you, Luken is most likely here somewhere.” Jonathon turns away sobbing and disappears through the wall leading to the outdoors. I couldn’t tell him Luken is for sure here, something inside told me to keep it vague with the truth.

Heading to bed I waited for Luken to come. The gold trimmings on the walls swirled in elegant dancing lines. Luken didn’t come, I thought about sleep. Restless I went to the balcony. I was too distracted in my own world. When I saw the shadow come up on me, it was too late.

The last thing I remember is a black fog surrounding me.

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