Whisper (14 page)

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Authors: Sarah Vistica

BOOK: Whisper
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Abigail shudders at the sight of Luken. She traipses over to his still form. Lifting his up she gasps. Luken’s eyes are a blinding blue glow. Lasers ready to shoot out of his eyes, though that only happens in comic books and superhero movies. I have run out of time. All that remains of Luken is his ghostly energy.

“Luken this is your mother, can you hear me?” He doesn’t move. Abigail let’s his head gently fall. “Let him go.” She says. Tears sting my eyes.

“Or what Abigail, the breather is smart. She knows not to try anything stupid, which would compromise Luken’s present condition.

She sighs, “Jefferson you are not all powerful.” He smirks. “We shall see about that. I am sure you are responsible for her still being alive and not forever trapped in the woods. I had been so close, then she stepped right into my trap, victory is now on my side.”

While Jefferson bickers with Abigail, she eyed me. I silently went behind him barely reaching Luken. I had to figure out a way to get rid of Jefferson, to stop the taunting and torment.

Grabbing the shadows being used to keep Luken tied up, I struggle to undo them. Luken is suspended in the air. Taking the shadows off his limp form I manage to bring him to the ground. Jefferson turns in our direction at the wrong moment. Without hesitation, I ran. It isn’t to flee it’s to regain my strategy. Glancing behind me I make sure he isn’t following me. I turn my focus to where I am running to see he is in front of me.

Jefferson’s anger flared. Iridescent blue light shone through glowing on the outer edges of the darkness he has become. My flat tops halted in the dirt. Twigs and leaves scattered beneath my feet. Luken’s uncle stood tall and shadowed with bright pale frozen black pupils with blue irises.

He charges at me. I glance at Luken to see that I was wrong he wasn’t gone not completely. I backtrack to him. “Luken it is me Avaya, wake up.”

I dodge another blow. Luken’s corporeal form is wavering. Picking my moment, I gently bring my lips to his. Luken is still unconscious, a coma waiting for the end to come. “Hang on to that kiss, I love you.” I move away from him.

Jefferson continues to pursue me. I do not know how to evade him. Abigail, a scorned mother over not seeing her son for over a century kneels beside Luken. “Maybe I have set the trap for the wrong person. It is Luken I should have set the trap for. He wouldn’t be able to resist coming to search for you. Nonetheless you will not make it Avaya.”

Tripping over a rock I grasp clumps of twigs with dirt and tiny pebbles. I throw a first full in his face, a direct hit. A smile forms against his menacing face. Jefferson swarms with shadow and darkness enlightened he has me cornered.

I think to myself,
this is the moment I will die.
I miss my parents. It won’t be long now before I am with them. Luken and I will be separated for all eternity. I do not want him to become a tortured spirit after I am gone. I closing my eyes hoping Luken will find peace. I turn my face away.

Silence, I hadn’t felt the impact of Jefferson’s attack. Peeking with my eyes, I saw Luken. “I will not lose her.” He stabbed an object into his uncle’s back. Shadows flew up into the sky. Jefferson howls eerie and sharp. His face contorted, like in the horror movies. Black pits filled up his eyes. I can’t tell if he is being destroyed by darkness or if his anger had exploded. We were about to find out. “Luken you will pay.”

“I have already paid your price. You took my life. For that I am somewhat thankful. Had it not be for your vicious act of revenge, Avaya would not have me now. That is more than I am able to put on her.” Luken was weak, struggling. He gritted his teeth. Unable to go to him, I waited. Jefferson arched his back in pain. Shadows swarm around him. Screaming I avert my eyes. “I will be back Luken count on it.”

Luken dropped to his knees unconscious, “Luken?”

“Abigail,” I call out to her. She comes to his aid. “Will he be all right?” I ask.

Her smile fills with warmth, she nods. “He will be. I hadn’t realized Luken knew how to love in the way he loves you. He has my blessing.”

“You’re leaving him?” I am confused.

“This is what I have searched for, to find him. Luken is home and has you, that is what matters,” the sting of liquid hit against my eyelids. Luken stirred coughing he carefully opens his eyes. “What about his father?”

“He will meet me.” This wasn’t okay. “Please wait, you should reunite with Luken together.”

His black slacks are too dark after the events of tonight. Luken’s white shirt has black burn marks, slowly fading away as he regains full consciousness. Opening his eyes he stares into my soul.

He hoists himself up, his strength increasing. Luken places a hand on my cheek. “My sweet Avaya, you shouldn’t have risked your life for me.” Luken pulls me in for a kiss.

Luken notices the woman standing behind me. “Mother,” he says surprised. “I have been hoping to see you.”

I started to walk toward the mansion. Luken deserved privacy with his mother. Soon he and his father will be face to face, a family reunion. Helping to bring them together weighed in on me. I felt pressure against my heart, the emotions clouding my thoughts. My timing to say goodbye to him neared. After all, how can we have a relationship, when he doesn’t even really exist anymore?

“Where are you going Avaya?” I turn toward him, “back to my Uncle James to give you some privacy.” I gazed at him. I bit my lip to hide the quivering.

Luken comes up to me with Abigail by his side. “Thank you for encouraging my mother and letting her know where to find me. It means so much.”

“Yes, thank you” Abigail smiles, her strength regenerated.

Abigail started to disappear, “wait you aren’t leaving now are you?”

“We agreed to meet tomorrow night in the cemetery. Let us keep that agreement.”

The next night Luken and I went to the cemetery to meet Abigail, she wasn’t there. Coming out of the mausoleum was Luken’s father. We caught up to him. “Hello father.” Jonathon’s eyes widened before his blue glow faded. His eyes softened at the sight of the son he has been waiting to be reunited with. I could see Abigail approaching from a distance. Her husband laid eyes on her for the first time in…I don’t know how long. There had been so much devastation in the Vandersen family.

“My boy it is a joy to see you home. I have searched and failed more than I am able to claim.” Luken stood an inch shorter than his father.

Luken’s light radiated, “yes father I have been here all along waiting for Avaya to exist. I was starting to think all hope had been lost until I found her.”

His parents turned away, gold lit up in their entranced gazes. “It is time for us to go Luken,” Jonathon says taking Abigail’s hand. “Will you be joining us, at some point?” Abigail asks him.

Luken pauses. He nods after hesitant gaze at me. “Someday I shall join you, give my best to Jonathon and Lizabeth when you see them.” I didn’t mean to blurt it out, “Lizabeth is here.” I felt my hand wrap around my mouth. They all turn gazing at me with confused frowns. “Darling what do you mean Lizabeth is here, she is not.” I swallow. “I have seen her.”

Luken turns back to his parents, “If I see her, I will send her to you.” They generously nod. “Goodbye son,” Jonathon says.

We stood together, Luken tangled our fingers together. I leaned my head against his shoulder, watching his parents turn together, they faded away. His parents were gone, content and joyful. It was pure and honest.

Luken and I turned to walk back to the mansion. I had to get back into my room and in bed before anyone discovered I snuck out. Miss Brantshire had checked
out on me once an hour all day to assure I had stayed in my room. She even locked me in my room last night after I returned.

I stopped scanning the trees at the edge of the forest. A strange sensation crept into my body. “What is it Avaya?” Luken asked urging me to continue.

“I have the strangest feeling,” I shivered. Luken wraps his arms around me, though no warmth radiates from him. “Someone is watching.”

“Come darling, you have had a long rough couple of nights. Your mind must be playing tricks on you.”

The sensation didn’t wane, yet I continued to walk with him. The back door remained unlocked. Luken and I walked the corridors of the maid’s main floor hallway together. Someone walked toward us carrying a silver tray. I hid behind a wood panel.

Luken’s lips pull into a partial smile. He laughed at me silently, “what?”

“Love she is but a spirit, a maid from my time. She is harmless and will not disturb you.”

I came out of my hiding place, walking passed her translucent figure, she turns to me. A small smile displays with a nod, “Master Luken,” she says passing us. It had been eerie. She wore a long gray dress with white stripes, a white apron and gray puffy shoulders.

Once in bed, Luken kisses the top of my head. He left me alone, just as I had got the covers up to my shoulders. Bethanne came in. “Oh you’re awake, good morning Miss Avaya, I hope you slept well.”

“Uh, yes I did thank you.” I felt bed lying to Bethanne.

She has on a similar dress as the spirit I had seen walking in the back corridor. Only Bethanne’s dress is white with gray stripes, just below the knees and no puffy shoulders. Her dirty blond hair hangs down passed her shoulders, straight and sleek.

I wanted to ask her about the maid walking in the hallway, but I couldn’t. Bethanne would find out I left my room and wandered the mansion at night. She
would assume I had gone places I should not go alone. It doesn’t matter that I wasn’t actually alone.




A week later and I still am looking over my shoulder thinking Jefferson is there. Last night I saw a boy about Luken’s age standing in my room. I asked him, “Are you Charles?” He disappeared.

Luken started to play again to help me sleep. Only tonight, it isn’t much of a help.

In my sleep an older girl or young lady stood before me smirking. Her curled glistening blond hair came to settle on her shoulders. She wears a short sleeved dress. Fancy with puffed out sleeves, the dress comes to her feet. If she wore heels I can’t see them. She turns her back to me throwing her face around to mine, I scream. Not because it is gruesome, it is so pale mingled with blue and purple. She starts to giggle eerily.

Bolting up right in bed, I could hear footsteps echoing away from my room. A strange laughter echoed down the hall. Luken is by my side instantly. He holds his finger to his lips. Ushering me to remain quiet, I nodded. Overcome with fatigue I laid my head against him.

* * *

Becca and I are meeting Xavier, Nicolette, and Chrissi at the diner in Woodenbury. When we get there Xavier has a placed saved for me to sit by his side. He is determined to change my heart. Luken holds it dominantly. Xavier gazes at me, a dreamy smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

“Hey gorgeous,” Xavier plants a tiny kiss on my cheek.

I blushed at the touch of his lips on my skin. Three girls stared glancing back and forth between us. This isn’t how I wanted the early afternoon to go down. I can see Nicolette wanted to play matchmaker. It was not going to be easy. Luken wouldn’t approve had he been here. When we walked in, I thought I saw him for a split second sitting at a booth in the back on the other side of the diner with a girl, her back to me. It must have been my imagination, when I double back to take another look the table is empty.

“How have you been Avaya, it seems like it has been forever.” Chrissi says.

“Life it is great, things are…good.” They must all think Xavier is the reason for my nerves.

“So life is great, got it,” Nicolette laughs.

We hung out at the diner for a bit after we ate. The movie theater was showing an old movie. It was not until after five in the afternoon when the theater would allow people in to this particular movie.

Chrissi asked Becca, “How is the tutoring?”

“Rough. My father doesn’t want me to repeat my junior year. With the tutoring schedule, I will be returning this fall. I can say farewell to tutoring, I hope. The summer is coming to an end too soon though.

“Don’t fret Becca it’ll be worth it in the end.” I encouraged. Sadness flickers in her eyes. It didn’t last long, she tried to mask it.

Xavier leans over, slinging his arm around me. “Avaya how is the boyfriend?”

Here we go.

“Get over it already Xavier.” Nicolette throws a fry at him.

He tried to block the fry, picking it up Xavier threw it back at her. “It is just a question.”

“He is good.” I say hesitantly.

I felt a sting in my mind. I hoped fog would caress my vision. Gripping the side of my seat I grit my teeth through the pain. There were no images this time.

Becca watched me through he eyelashes. I wondered if she might be jealous of Luken and my being together. She must have had a crush on him, being around him for so long. Maybe even she was resigned at Xavier being interested in knowing me. They had gone to school together for years. I come along, he notices me and he wanted me. For the moment, she found a stronghold to regain her cheerful self.

At the theater, Becca reached over to him, “hey Xavier, mind if I sit next to you?”

He smiles. Both of them glance my way, both trying to make me jealous or Xavier at least is trying. It isn’t working. Ignoring his petty jealousy I kept my eyes focused on the movie screen.

* * *

Luken and I sat on the rock facing the pond. I lean back against him. Luken slid his arms around my waist, pecking my cheek sweetly. A small smile rose on my lips, my cheeks burned pink. Turning to glance at Luken, he leaned hid head down our lips connected. We were stalling for time, waiting to watch the sun set.

The cool breeze ripples over us. The sun casted pinks and purples in the sky with rays of orange and gold. Like candy danced in the sky. When the night came, we got up to head back inside.

“Avaya…” The wind whispers my name, haunting and slithery.

“What is it?”

“Nothing,” I ignored it as we headed toward the mansion.

Luken is a couple steps ahead of me, when I feel someone standing behind me. I didn’t see anyone, the shivers navigating up my spine, were from the cold. I watched Luken. Realizing I couldn’t move. He didn’t look back either. I tried to call out to him and silence came out of my mouth.

A shadow wraps around my waist, it pulled me back so forcefully I don’t make a sound. The shadows spun me to face me with someone who I didn’t expect to see ever again.

Jefferson maliciously smirks, with glowing red eyes.

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