Whisper (7 page)

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Authors: Sarah Vistica

BOOK: Whisper
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For a week after Nate revealed himself to me as Luken there was silence. No music played, it left me restless. I found myself wandering around my room longing to see Luken. I thought to myself,
maybe Nate is a separate person playing a joke on me.
It doesn’t make any sense. I only know I have not seen him since the night I found him playing piano in the parlor room. At sunset there is no boy on the rock staring across the mountains watching the pinks and oranges in the sky fade behind the hills and mountains across from the pond.

Instead of wallowing in the absence, I asked my uncle if I could invite over my new friends I met when Livia and I went into town for Miss Clary. I waited an agonizing hour for an answer from him. When he said yes I called Chrissi.

“Hey it’s Avaya.”

“Oh hey, what’s going on?”

“If you all still want to come stay the night, my uncle agreed.”

Silence echoed on the other line.

“We were actually kidding about staying there, but sure let me call Nicolette and Xavier. See you tonight.”

I said bye and turned off my phone.

* * *

I stood in front of my favorite portrait of Luken. Memorizing his face, I gazed at the arch of his brow. His nose curved down into a slight point at the tip. It is hard not to stare at his thin plump lips.

Closing my eyes, I try to imagine what it must have been like to be the girl fortunate enough to have him, to be his future bride. When I open my eyes, they are locked on his intensely. Goosebumps rise on my skin, little bumps of enthrallment.

Later on in the library, I sat against the window staring into the back of the property. Near the edge of the woods movement catches my eye. A shadow glides behind a tree. An alarm goes off in my mind as the imposing shadow peeks around the tree gazing in the direction of the rock where the boy would sit. It turned in my direction, I move behind the wall away from the window. Breathing slowly, I wait too scared at what I might see if I look again.

Checking out the window I see only normal shadows are cast by the trees. I turned to face Celia. “I hear you’re looking for information on Luken Vandersen.” She says with her hand on her hip.

“Not that it is any of your business, but yes I am. No I don’t need your help.” She smirks. “Fine than I guess you won’t be interested in seeing what I have.” She turns to walk away.

I rush to stop her. “That is what I thought.” She says.

Celia hands me a piece of yellowed paper. I sit down at the table to view it better. “What is this?” I ask her unsure of its relevance. “An old newspaper article,” I twisted my body to glance at Celia to find she is no longer in the room.

Bethanne and Livia come in, “what are you doing?” Livia asks.

“Celia gave me this old news story about Luken.” Bethanne and Livia stood eyeing each other. Clearly they are still keeping a secret from me.

I read the article:


May 23, 1884


Luken Vandersen, the youngest son of wealthy railroad owner Jonathon Vandersen, disappeared from his family’s property about sunset on May 11, 1884 while accompanied by his fiancée Miss Anabelle Woodson. The circumstances revolving around the nineteen year old young heir’s disappearance are unknown.

Investigators have found no evidence of murder or abduction. The Vandersen family is offering an extensive award for any information regarding Luken Vandersen and asks for his safe return.


There was not much here that would help me. I wanted to see Celia and tell her this was a joke, but staring at it. Maybe she is trying to tell me something I do not quite understand. The questions build in my head. What has happened to the boy making frequent appearances on the grounds of the Vandersen Manor and why am I feeling so unsafe without him?

I am distraught when Xavier, Nicolette, and Chrissi arrive. Miss Brantshire met them at the door. She stood there, staring down at them. I understand what they must think of her she has that effect on unwanted guests.

Fighting to compose myself, I don’t want them seeing the fear consuming me deep down into the pit of my stomach. I focus my attention unintentionally on Xavier. He is wearing denim jeans that cling to his hips with a green polo t-shirt.

Nicolette and Chrissi are huddled together walking into the main corridor. “Where is your room?” Nicolette asks.

Standing in my room they set their things down. Browsing around Nicolette nods her head. Xavier walks over to us. “Am I going to be stuck babysitting while you ladies have a girl’s night?”

Nicolette laughs, “I think stud you mean we’ll be babysitting you. Mr. I can’t stop talking about or thinking about Avaya.” Xavier and I both turn red.

I felt the cold chill flood my room. Icicles formed delicately against the mantle of the fireplace. It subsides before I noticed anything more amiss. Xavier and I eye each other. Chrissi and Nicolette don’t notice thankfully. Xavier is being awkward and quirky finding any excuse he can to be near me.

On the way to dinner I showed them Luken’s portrait. “He’s so handsome.” Nicolette gushes.

“Yeah if you like the morbidly depressed, look at him the guy is wearing black.” I give Xavier a warning look.

“Wait what is that?” Chrissi stopped talking listening carefully.

“Is that music?” Nicolette asked.

“All right finally something to do, shall we investigate?” Xavier rubs his hands together.

“It is probably coming from the parlor room if you want to check it out. We can’t go inside though.” The need to preserve and protect took over. “Stick your ear against the door carefully.” I hold my finger to my pouty lips.

The music isn’t the same as before. It is harsh and sour. Xavier’s eyes widen backing away from the door. We turn to go and a quick glimpse of a translucent boy stands before us his eyes are two blue glaring flames. I hoped my friends don’t recognize him.

“Stay away!” He disappears.

Chrissi repeats the same words frantically, “oh my goodness.”

“Wow that was unbelievable.” Nicolette stares at the empty place.

Xavier stood silent, not speaking a word. “I was not expecting that.” He suddenly says.

“Do you know who that was?” I asked crossing my fingers.

“I didn’t get a good look.” Nicolette says. “It looked like Luken Vandersen,” I freeze. “Chrissi are you sure?” I ask. “But I can’t be too sure.” Chrissi added.

After dinner we stayed in my room. Xavier continued to stay near me. He kept attempting to put his arm around me. I didn’t want to deal with a jealous spirit again. It is hard to evade him. I tried to picture us together. Luken though kept replacing Xavier’s face.

Nicolette started tapping me, “Avaya are you expecting anyone?” I shook my head. “Oh well your door knob is turning.”

We stare at my door waiting to see what would happen. Slowly the knob turns until my door pops open. Chrissi jumps with a slight squeak. “I apologize for disturbing you miss, thought you and your friends might desire a snack.”

I sigh at the sight of Livia. “Of course thank you. Do you want to join us?”

She waves her hand, “I simply wanted to let you know Bethanne will be here in the morning to make your bed.”

“Thank you Livia.”

Xavier lifts an eyebrow, “that was creepy.”

“Livia, she is harmless.”

I knew what he meant. Yet I am not giving Xavier the satisfaction of making Livia out to be another mysterious entity at the Vandersen Manor. “Good I was about to have to protect you from being scared.”

“Sure you were, but thanks any way.” I smile genuinely.

I wake up in the morning to find my friends still asleep. A note is sitting on my pillow. I furrow my brows carefully picking it up. I sit up in bed all the way. Luken had been here? The note says: I need to see you alone tonight. Meet me in the parlor room.

Carefully I place it inside the drawer of the nightstand next to my bed.

Xavier leans over giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek when they are ready to leave to head back into town. My face turns five shades of red. His smile radiates he lingered a moment longer.

Nicolette sticks her head out the car window, “Xavier come on, quit flirting and ask her out on a date already, I have plans tonight.”

“Yeah we don’t have all day.” Chrissi chimed in.

“Well what do you say, want to go to dinner with me this weekend?”

Tucking my hair behind my ear, “sure that would be wonderful,” I say.



Stay With Me


Nightfall came too soon. I stood in the darkened parlor room. The candle light flickered to life. I spun around at the sound of his voice. “I apologize sincerely for my behavior last night. Did I scare your friends?”


“Are you okay?”

“I am. What was that last night anyway?”

“I became unsettled at the sight of you two together. I have no grounds to be slightly jealous. The way he looks at you. Avaya I can tell there is a mutual attraction. Will you forgive me?”

“Slightly jealous,” I arch a brow.

“Alright I am insane with jealousy.” He lowers his eyes to me.

“I forgive you.”

Stepping closer to me cautiously he lifts his hand gently tucking a stray piece of my brown hair behind my ear. The sweet gesture electrocuted the air. Before now I hadn’t know what it meant for sparks to fly.

Before I could contain myself I blurted, “Are you really Luken Vandersen the boy who disappeared?”

He cringes, “I am. I will not deny that fact. I have been going by Nate for a long while now. We must be careful Avaya I do not understand how it possible you are real. It is unfortunate others are not able to see how wrong they were. My sanity has always remained intact. Now is not the time to discuss my family or myself. I do not know what happened the night I disappeared.”

I wanted to say to him how much I understand the whole not remembering what happened the last night before life changed drastically. Instead he spoke, “I would like to know, will you dance with me?”

“There is no music.”

He gingerly holds out his hand. “Music is not required to dance, think in your thoughts about the music and the rhythm will follow.”

Stepping toward him, I take his hand. Our hands centuries apart mold together a perfect puzzle piece fitting in place. Luken gently places his other hand on the small of my back. He glides me gracefully across the parlor room.

I close my eyes picturing wearing the dress from my dream, smiling. Luken whispers in my ear. “What are you thinking about?”

“A dream I once had, just like this.”

“Well open your eyes.”

This close to Luken, thoughts I don’t know how to comprehend filled my mind. The fire burns inside me screaming to stay by his side for as long as allowable by fate. Luken sat me down at the piano. He started to play, “it helps me to sleep at night.” Luken closes his eyes, losing himself in the melody.

We spent together until I lost sight of Luken and the murky images appeared. “Avaya,” my name echoed in my head. “No…” a voice multiplied repeatedly. I screamed feeling pain. I grabbed my head not knowing what is happening. I start to breath in quick gasps trying to calm down, until the soothing sound of the voice broke through the fog. “Darling, I am here, I am here.” His voice crisp and proper calmed me down.

I open my eyes. I am lying on the floor with Luken holding me in his arms. “It was you.” I say. He gazes at me. Taken aback Luken moves away. “Avaya, what are you seeing?”

“Nothing…I can’t see anything. It is your voice I have been hearing.” I hoped this meant my memory was coming unglued. Luken helped me to my feet, tucking his arm around me.

“Maybe it is time for you to lie down.” I didn’t disagree.

Luken followed me to my room, making sure to be cautious with me. He picks up a photo sitting at my bedside. “Are they your parents?” He gestures to the man and the woman.

“Mmhmm, they were art dealers. Apparently they died which is how I ended up here.”

He mumbles something incoherent. Sadness consumes him. He stood crossing my room in a split second. Luken sat down on the cloth covered chair facing outside. “This is where I will stay until you fall asleep. The maids check on you regularly and it is best they are not given any wrong impressions.”

I climbed into bed. “I miss them, my parents. Some days I don’t believe they are gone that my phone will ring and they will be on the other end.”

Luken turns his head to me. “I am sorry Avaya.” Luken sighs before saying, “do not let your guard down. Your life is danger, nobody can be trusted. Especially here.”

“At least your being here with me is what matters most.” It sounded all wrong as the words left my mouth. I made a pass at a boy who technically no longer exists. He started laughing at my being embarrassed. Luken leaned back in the chair tossing his legs over the side. He tilted his head in surprise at my own bewilderment. “What am I not allowed to relax in my own home?”

“You are it is just so modern.” Not like I have not seen him sitting this way before considering that day in the library. I didn’t know he was a historical figure then.

Luken’s cocky grin catches me off guard. He shouldn’t smile at me with such confidence his white teeth gleamed. I wondered what went through his mind as he watched out the window.

It took convincing for Luken to lie next to me on the bed. Thoughts of a shadow in the woods coming in to my room as I slept tormented me. Every few seconds I would check to make sure Luken is still there. Scooting as close as he would allow me to get I snuggled into the covers and felt my eyes become heavy. I draped an arm over Luken to keep him close. He leaned over whispering in my ear. “Sleep well my sweet Avaya,” before I drifted off. Even in sleep I can sense him with me.

In the morning when I woke up I felt exhilarated from last night. As he promised Luken is not here. It is the first time since I got here that I truly don’t feel alone.

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