Whisper (5 page)

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Authors: Sarah Vistica

BOOK: Whisper
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Secret Garden

It had been a week since I first arrived here. I hadn’t seen Nate in a few days. Maybe he forgot about our plans to go for a walk together. Something about him didn’t add up for me. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. “Go away.” The echo of a seething voice pierced my ears.

Silence filled the room. I sat in the library again trying to mull over any information I might be able to find about Luken Vandersen. The doors opened, nervous, I quietly moved to hide behind a row of shelved books.

Miss Brantshire’s dark gray hair pulled back in her twisted bun stood with her back to me. Slowing my breathing, I remained absolutely silent. “You were supposed to keep him occupied.” She reprimanded.

“I can’t control him. I tried and failed. Besides he is too interested in Avaya.” It was Celia. “Besides Nate will do his own damage.” Celia added.

A loud whack cracked through the room. Celia held her cheek. “Watch your tongue. I have seen her around, if she finds Nate we are in a world of trouble.”

Celia wore a bright blue dress hemmed to her mid-thigh with one sleeve. “What about the girl?”

Miss Brantshire starts to move away from my hiding place saying, “I have been watching her, she is not aware of anything. For now she is not an issue.”

I waited until they took their conversation away from the library.

When the coast was clear I ran. I went down the hall of the first floor. A side door led outside to fresh air. I ran until I reached the garden in the back corner of the property. Bumping into darkness I fell to the ground.

A boy stood before me.
Luken, no this was not him.
“Avaya is that you?” He asked politely holding out his hand to help me to my feet. “Hi.” I say shyly. Nate stood before me. “You should not be out here alone at night.” I stared back at the mansion.

On the second floor a girl wearing a white dress with dark hair stood in the window of a room overlooking the back of the property. Under her eyes there is bruising. She watched us before tilting her head down turning away. “Who was that?” Nate didn’t answer instead guided me away. “Do not worry, she won’t hurt you. Follow me.”

Nate led me down some stairs leading into the woods, “Nate, no,” he stopped at my hesitation. “I won’t let anything hurt you Avaya. I promise you’re safe with me.”

Unsure I don’t move right away, he takes my hand and I follow him. We walk through the woods stopping outside the ivy covered wood I came across last week. Nate leans against a rock. I watched him brooding, titling his head eyeing me.

“I have seen you walking outside. Have you come across this place?”

Swallowing I nod, “I have. What is it?”

Nate’s mischief could get me into trouble. “I will show you.” I follow him until we stop at a rock. He moved it and an old style cast iron key lay inside. The handle is circular with the Vandersen crest. Nate picked it up. The rock was placed back in position before he turned to face me. “Nate how did you know it was there?” I asked him.

He didn’t say a word. We walked along the wall. He felt with his hands until he came to a rock with the Vandersen crest branded into it. “Here it is.” He placed the key in the ivy I heard a click and groan. A door popped ajar.

Peeking inside, a massive dead garden filled the area. A swing with old rope clung to the thick branches of a tree. “How did you know about this?”

Nate doesn’t turn to me he walks to a bench sitting down looking up at the moon. “I am gifted in that sense. Of course, it could be I have done my own investigating to find it.”

I clung to him when I saw the glow of iridescent blue in the distance within the confines of this garden of weeds. Nate didn’t notice my closeness. A woman wandered nonchalantly she wore a white gown, wavy dark hair hung down her back. She is an older version of the girl I have seen in the mansion dressed similarly.

“Can we go now?” Nate’s eyes scanned in the direction I focused on. Instead of leaving he shrugs. “Pay no mind to her.”

“What is going on here Nate? It is seems like every night I am freaked out of my mind. I am seeing things I shouldn’t be seeing and hear things I shouldn’t hear. People appear and disappear right before my eyes. Am I insane?”

Nate coaxed me sit down. Taking a breath, I relax at his soothing hands, “why is it that you resemble Luken Vandersen? Do you know how he died?”

Nate blankly looks passed me. “I am not able to answer that question Avaya. No, I am not able to say how he died. I do not know. It is a lost mystery nobody will ever be able to solve.

He watches me. “I will solve it.” My hand flew to my mouth.
Did I really just say that?
“I mean…” Nate smiles, “I am sure if anyone were to attempt it you’d be the one to succeed.”

Electric pain stabbed at the side of my head, I felt my body fall against the soft ground. “Avaya…” I heard Nate’s voice fade away as images tried to break through. My breath caught as I saw a boy clearer than the fog and muddled images in the background. I couldn’t see his face, it is covered in shadows. The echo of his voice surged deeper pain inside, “you are in danger.” His formal voice spoke, “I am here…I am here.” It echoed.

Slowly the pain faded and the images disappeared. I could hear whimpering. It is me making little noises, the exploding pain dulled. Sweat dripped down the side of my face. “She’s waking up.” I heard a female voice. Who was that?

Soft fabric massaged against my fingers. I hadn’t fully come into consciousness. I could hear myself whispering calling for Luken. I only hoped
nobody else could hear. A door closed. Sleep called to me. Someone’s fingers tangled with my own. “Luken,” I said aloud.

I don’t know how long I slept. Opening my eyes, Nate stood gazing out the terrace window. Bethanne and Livia rummaged around on a tray. Sitting up I wondered how I got to my room. “Oh miss, please lay down. Nate said you were unconscious, he carried you back to your room.”

Trying to wrap my mind around it, “what, Nate brought me here?”

“I thought it would be best to get some help.” He spoke calmly.

“Thank you Nate.”

“I am simply relieved to see you are all right.” He says leaning over me. Nate kisses my forehead. Without saying another word, he leaves my room.




My uncle contacted Miss Brantshire to notify her he has extended his stay and would be home in a couple days. Time here moved at a slower pace. I had been here almost two weeks, it seems longer.

Each night the soft melodic sounds of the piano play, calling to me. I started having trouble sleeping a few nights ago, unless the piano played. I remembered Luken’s lyrical piece he composed. I imagined he wrote it for me. The last time I wandered the corridors of the mansion it had come from the Parlor room. At least I think it was coming from there, even though the room had been empty.

Last night when I heard the music play, my curiosity became forceful. I explored the quiet mansion again. Staring out my window up at the moon, I started to turn away and froze. A gentleman was staring out at the town’s dull lights glowing in the distance. His shoulders relaxed in sorrow.

I start down the hall viewing the different portraits from different eras decorating the walls. I stopped at a photo of my parents and
me. In the background there stood a boy with blond hair wearing black. His pale skin stood out in the photo. I couldn’t have been more than two years old. He faced the camera. I have been here before. For the first time, I felt moisture collect in my eyes. I wanted to cry. If I wasn’t seeing things Luken stood in the background of the image.

From what I could see of the man from the window watching as he stares out at distant lights, he wears a white long sleeved dress shirt. Not from any recent time period. His slacks a dark black blend in with the night sky. I have not seen that type of a haircut before.

By the time I reached the main floor, I stood near a window checking to see if he still stood in the same spot. He was gone. Every time I have a chance to get near him, he disappears from sight.

This morning after getting dressed I headed down to breakfast. On my way Bethanne stops me. “Miss…oh come quickly you must. Your uncle has returned and is asking to see you.” My Uncle James is back? Nerves gripped tightly inside of me.

I have met him before according to the photo I saw only this is different. Taking a deep breath, I head toward his study. Bethanne is jumping on the balls of her feet. “Oh yes Miss Clary needs help in the kitchen today.”

Right, Miss Brantshire had volunteered me to kitchen duty. It was not something I am comfortable with at least not here. Questions rise up inside of me. What should I say to him first? Will he like me? I wonder what Miss Brantshire has said to him about me.

Carefully I entered, he sat in a chair. His dark hair combed, pulled back into a small ponytail. He wore a semi-formal suit. My Uncle James rose to greet me. He walked toward me, his eyes hollow and tired. “Hello Avaya. It has been a long time since we last saw each other. Accept my sympathies over the circumstances for your being here.”

“Thank you.” He nods gesturing for me to come closer.

“My sweet niece, are you getting settled? I hope you will be all right on your own.” He stared at me a moment longer. “I will not be able to keep you entertained I am in no condition.” I didn’t know what he was talking about. “I am getting settled. Why do you look so sad?” I ask.

He turns away from me, commanding me to leave his office. I obey only after he speaks again more sternly. It was not long after that my Uncle James left again. Did something happen to him? I had so many questions and not enough answers to compliment them.

* * *

I stood near the rock where I saw the boy standing. Walking towards the woods where I saw him approach, nothing was there. I stayed on the edge, about to step
into the woods. Fear consumed me. A sudden chill crept up my spine someone stared at me. I saw a shadow move near one of the trees. It warded me off from investigating further.

The cemetery on the property was not exactly comforting. I walked into the only mausoleum on the property. Inside there were four names.

Jonathon Adam Vandersen II 1839-1912

Abigail Marie Vandersen 1834-1887

Jonathon William Vandersen III 1860-1931

Lizabeth Anna Vandersen 1870-1963

All of the Vandersen family is in here. I turn seeing a plaque next to a portrait of Luken Vandersen.

Luken Nathaniel Vandersen 1865-

I stare at the middle name again… Nate. It had to be a coincidence. Brushing the idea away, I remember the book I read said Luken’s year of death is unknown.

Luken invaded my thoughts intensifying how much I thought about him until I wanted to know him. I would have been fortunate to have someone as handsome as he was back in his time. Maybe it was better not to find out what happened to him. Searching his past, I might find something too hard to comprehend.

A cold chill swarmed around me inside the mausoleum. I could hear Bethanne or Livia start to call for me. A chilled breeze waved tree branches swiftly back and forth with swishing sounds.

“Avaya,” I heard Bethanne’s concern.

“I am here.” I shout running to a side door. She is wearing a parka clutching it tight to her chest.

“A freeze storm is on its way. You must come inside.”

Out of breath from panic I turn looking at the edge of the woods. I see a moving shadow near a tree. “What is that over there?”

Bethanne scans the direction I point toward, “I don’t see anything come on.”

Inside by the fire, Livia and Bethanne bring me tea to help me calm down. I know I saw something at the edge of the woods. By tomorrow morning the area will be covered in ice, in the summertime. Some days I wonder about this place. I don’t think this area where the mansion is located knows it is currently summer. I miss the warm breezes that came with summer back home. I desire the smells of ocean water and salt, lying in the sun.

The fire place flickers every so often. I watch it until the embers give out no more light.



Sweet Dream

I had entered another time, I saw a boy. He wears a white dress shirt in the late 1800s. His light hair left me weak in the knees. I experienced a strange tightness in my chest I have not had before. I look down to find I am wearing a dress enhancing the appearance of my breasts. It is hard to breathe. The sweetheart dress is lined with lace across the top of the bodice, a gorgeous green. My hair is pulled back with large spiral curls.

“Beautiful” echoed in my head.

When I turn to look in the mirror I am wearing normal clothes. Jeans and a short sleeve lace top with a white tank top underneath. My hair hangs down over my shoulders to my mid-back.

I face him. His bangs sweep lightly across his forehead. Never has a boy more gorgeous stood before me. It is not that he is flawless and perfect, he is not. The boy smirks creating mystery to him in this darkened room. He broods in the corner, alluding to his dark past. I could be wrong.

When he spoke, I recognize the voice. It hit me in the heart, my brain surging with pressure. His silky voice with a hint of roughness spoke to me. I walked toward him, not in control of my own actions. As I came closer I noticed his porcelain pale skin, smooth and soft.

Awed at his presence, I gently touch his face. The boy walks me to the piano, he sat down. The rhythmic sounds spill out of the piano as his fingers sway over the keys and strokes.

He spoke to me, “this will bring you comfort, my darling.”

I awoke to find it had been a dream. The melody played caressing me to move my feet.
How is that possible?
I thought to myself. “It isn’t possible.” I spoke in a whisper.

Carefully I got out of bed. I started to head downstairs only the music didn’t come from the main floor. Following the distinct sound I come to a room on the second floor I have not yet seen. My Uncle James is listening to the melody.

Slowly I open the door. He is sitting on a recliner. The door gently closes, alerting my uncle to my presence. He is in a trancelike state. He is displeased at my interrupting him it is written all over his face.

Then he softens beckoning me toward him. “Avaya come.”

I sit down beside him. “How are you doing?” I ask seeing his pained expression and hallowed tired eyes.

“It is a struggle, but I am hanging in there.”

“Did something happen that you are so sad?” He glances away taking a deep breath.

He held a framed photo in his hand. “Who are they?” I gesture to the picture.

My Uncle James places his hand innocently on top of mine. “This here is your aunt Dana and your cousin Becca.”

They resemble the woman and girl I have seen around the mansion. “What happened to them?”

“Don’t worry about that for now. Stay safe.” I wondered about my aunt and cousin. My uncle sighed. “Your aunt Dana passed on and it has been hard. Becca is in a coma most of the time. I am not able to handle the thought of losing her too.” He didn’t want to continue discussion on them.

“I heard the music, where did you find it?”

“I play it from time to time. Your aunt loved it…it brings me comfort in her absence. I apologize if it is keeping you awake.”

Quite the opposite, “it helps me sleep. I have a cd at home with the same melody on it. Mom bought it for me a few years ago after a nightmare I had.” It is not so much a nightmare.

My Uncle James rubs his temples. It breaks my heart, seeing him so distraught over his own sorrow of losing my aunt and possibly my cousin Becca. A cousin I don’t know. I hope she pulls through.

I stared at my uncle’s messed up sheets and blankets. My uncle is a possible answer to the music and strange sounds. It doesn’t add up other things I have seen and heard. The parlor room could not have been my imagination.

“I miss them…my parents I mean.” A smile twitched at my lips. Stray tears fell. Wiping them away with the back of my hand, there is no need to shed a tear.

“Avaya this is not where you want to be. I get it, but I would like you to know while in my care there will be a lot of growing up to do. I apologize for that, but it is just the way it has to be.”

It’s lonely here without them, I wanted to say. “Miss Brantshire told me what happened at breakfast when you first arrived by the way.” I knew he referred to the way I spoke to her.

Laughing to myself, I say, “I am sorry. I am just not used to your lifestyle.”

“Yes I know. It won’t happen again, I hope. You are a guest in my home after all.”

Thoughts of him sending me away flashed through my mind. “It won’t happen again.”

“I am glad we got that taken care of.” He says. He gave me a hug and rose with me. His pajama suit is rumpled beneath his open robe. My uncle is a destroyed overwhelmed sight to see.

“Try to get some sleep Avaya it will do some good.”

Leaving my uncle I head back to my room. I thought I caught a glimpse of someone walking down the forbidden hallway. It must be from my lack of sleep. I head back to my room, hearing the faint sounds of music start to play.

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