Whisper (4 page)

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Authors: Sarah Vistica

BOOK: Whisper
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Dinner Event

My bathroom covered in marble tile is the only modern looking room in the mansion. I got out of the shower and stopped in front of my bed. A box laid on the silk covers wrapped in black with a rose tapped over the top. What is this? I lifted the rose to my nostrils, breathing in the floral aroma.

A card attached to the box simply read:

I thought this might be appropriate for dinner tonight.

I unwrapped the package to find a silver necklace seven tiny pearls decorated the neckline. An ivory lace overlay dress came down to my lower shins. It fitted forming to my body. Lace decorated the outside wrapping around the bodice. I stood in front of the mirror wearing the dress with the necklace. Two hair combs lay on my vanity desk. Bethanne curled my hair. Livia placed the combs securing them tightly. I opted to do my own make-up, but Bethanne insisted she take care of it. Instead I compromised choosing my own perfume. The sweet scent smell of fruit mixed with freshness.

After Bethanne and Livia stepped out of my room I waited. My hair hung off my shoulders I glanced into the mirror frozen. A figure came toward me from behind. It was not fear tethering me, but him.

His blond hair is combed back neatly. I try to gaze at myself. He is slowly coming toward me wearing a black dress shirt and black slacks. Luring blue eyes and a smirk I could not turn away from. He smells of cologne long since retired, yet completely striking.

The closer he moves toward me the greater I sense his presence inside. Electricity flared my nerves. The warmth of energy transfers between himself and I. Holding the necklace I take slow breaths. This isn’t happening. For a second I thought maybe this is a dream until I gently dug my fingernail into my flesh. Pain seared my finger…throbbing, this is no dream.

“Hello…Avaya. Don’t you look beautiful?” I stall while turning to face him.

‘“Thank you, I guess.” I don’t know what to say.

“Would you so kindly let me escort you to dinner? I will be your dinner companion it may be less strange.” I nod unsure of myself.

Reaching for my bag, I say, “Nate?” He turns around. “What is it?”

I wonder if he saw my eyes dart away from him. My heart called out to Luken, I found myself asking Nate “are you related to Luken Vandersen.”

Nate stiffens at the mention of Luken’s name.

* * *

At dinner we entered into a room formally decorated. Table centerpieces were along the middle of the table. Side tables filled with trays of food and a dance floor sat in an alcove of the room. I hadn’t realized there were so many people invited to this dinner it was not overtly fancy.

“This way…” Nate placed his hand on the small of my back guiding me toward a group of people who stood out. The same girl Celia stood among them eyeing Nate. She switched between giving me dagger eyes to him with desire and longing.

“I was wondering when you’d show yourself.” She leaned her hand on his shoulder.

Nate casually brushes her away from him, “well I could not arrive without my companion.” He winks in my direction. I felt my cheeks flame.

Why did he do this to me? Being around him I almost forgot how I ended up here at the Vandersen Manor and that my parents were…not around. It was hard to pin point it. Gazing at Nate, I know he resembles Luken, but there is more. He has the sweet melodic elegant tone of a boy I have heard before, where had I heard it?

I realized Celia spoke to me, noticing her hand on her hip standing with her leg bent. “Avaya, how are Nate and yourself acquainted?”

Nate’s eyes met mine he carefully shook his head, barely only for me to see. Celia leans her head to the side. I didn’t know how to respond. Her dark hair shiny and straight came down to her lower back. Celia’s golden tanned skin, radiated, glowing off her body. An attempt to attract Nate I am sure.

Nate stepped up next to me. “Celia you were there when Avaya and I met. Excuse us?” Nate took a gentle hold of Celia’s elbow and led her away.

Another boy came up to me, without a proper introduction. “Pay no mind to Celia. She is no longer.”
I didn’t understand.

I furrowed my brows, “Celia’s spirit is all that remains nothing but an inner shell of her former self.”

“Celia is dead?” I ask horrified. I don’t believe in spirits here on earth. Only what I have learned on Sunday that all spirits here on earth are demons not the spirit itself. Maybe there is more to it.

“Of course Celia is dead.” She is so vibrant and corporeal. “There are others here, but it is not my place to speak of them. Celia is the exception.”

This boy stared at me stone faced. A light chuckle escapes his lips, “I guess some people do not have a sense of humor.” He smiles, “Avaya it was a joke.”

“Oh…I guess I have nothing to fear then.”

He escorted me to the dinner table. Showing me to my seat, I took my place beside Nate. The other boy walked over to Celia whispering in her ear, while she gleamed watching me a satisfaction of sorts.

“I apologize about Celia, she and I had a few things to discuss.” The cloth of his black slacks brushes against the material of my dress. A discreet move, nobody else appeared aware of the flirtatious touch.

Miss Brantshire escorted two people into the room. They were dressed in casual evening attire. He wore denim jeans with a button down dark blue shirt. She wore a silk green top with form fitting jeans and heels.

“He looks like he needs to be brought down a couple notches.” Nate says into my ear.

I couldn’t help but smile. Nate has that effect on me. Out of my own control, my eyes would weave in his direction holding fast to his lips moving as he spoke, the way his deep sapphire eyes knew exact movements to be charming and alluring. Nate knows how to create an air of mysteriousness around him.

Ahahh!  I thumped my elbow against the table grabbing my head. My brown hair twined around my fingers. I heard a loud crash before the distorted voice spoke. “Get back here.” It said. Was that a man or a woman speaking? The same images of muddled figures blur together.

“Avaya…I am here, I am here.” The same soothing voice echoes through the muffled voices.

The pain doesn’t subside slowly, it is yanked away. Opening my eyes my whole body shakes. Nate stares down at me. Lying on my back I gaze up at him. The terror in my eyes concerns him I can see his brow crease. His hand is cool against my cheek.

“What happened?” Shaking my head I try to sit up.

“Wait Avaya talk to me.”

“It’s nothing, I am fine.” I carefully stand to my feet.

The eyes of guests gaped. Celia smirked, pleased by my episode. Instead of engaging I ignored her sitting down to pretend nothing occurred. I wondered how long I will be able to go on pretending my headaches are normal.

It had been thirty minutes into the dinner when the visiting couple first spoke to me. “I’m Ben this is my wife Lindy. Have you seen or heard any strange occurrences here?” Miss Brantshire peeked over the rim of her nose at me shaking her head gently. “Depends on what you consider strange. Otherwise no I have not seen or heard anything.” I peeked over at Miss Brantshire carefully nodding, pleased with my answer.

“How did you become aware of the Vandersen Manor?” Miss Brantshire asked the young couple.

“We found the mansion on a paranormal site about strange places and haunted historical mansions thought we’d check it out see if the stories are true. Lindy and I paid good money in advance for some haunted fun we better see some kind of action.” Ben beamed.

Lindy nervously spoke, “I am hoping to get through the night without being scared out of my mind. Look at me I am already shaking.” Lindy laughed.

“Avaya is staying in the west wing as well. She heard someone walking around in the hallway when she first arrived.” Livia added.

“It was only my imagination.” I tried to keep suspicion off me.

“Sounds like a good start to an unforgettable night for us.” Ben was ready to be terrified; Lindy kept staring at the door ready to leave.

“Is it true there is a forbidden hallway in the west wing?” Ben pierced his gaze into mine. I felt Nate squeeze my hand tightly…flooding me with the comfort of an anchor at my side.

Thankfully Miss Brantshire took pressure away from me. “Yes it is true. Master Caulder asks nobody disobey his rules. It is forbidden for a reason, we respect it here at the Vandersen Manor. We ask visitors to respect this as well.” She is being unusually kind to our visitors.

After dessert the dance floor had been opened. “Would you care to dance, darling?” I swiftly gaze into Nate’s eyes. “Excuse me?” He smirks. “Would you care to dance?”

He takes me to the dance floor twirling me around effortlessly. I hadn’t known with the right dance partner I could dance so elegant and formal. Nate pulls me close placing his hand on the small of my back swaying me lightly back and forth.

Livia and Bethanne disappeared. Miss Brantshire stood on the sidelines watching my every move. Nate whispered into my ear, “Avaya…I must tell you something.” He spoke softly.

“Miss Brantshire,” Bethanne burst into the room interrupting the evening. She hurried to her. I watched Bethanne whisper into Miss Brantshire’s ear before she nodded and followed her out of the room. Nate was no longer touching me.

I turn away and he is gone. At least I thought he was gone. I turn back the other way and bump into his chest. “I thought…never mind.”

“I was simply going to say we should go for a night walk when lady ice leaves for a night.” Nate chuckled, “lady ice is my given nickname for Miss Brantshire.”

“Nate you haven’t answered my question.” His pulse quickened. “Luken of course, no I am not a distant relative. I am however fortunate to resemble him.”

There was not much about the dinner I understood. My uncle was not here and I couldn’t figure out if the night was planned as a show for Ben and Lindy. I wanted to warn them about the sounds, it was too late they have disappeared from the dining hall.

After dinner Nate walked me back to my room. A gentle touch of his lips clung cautiously to my hand. “Goodnight Avaya.”



Passing Time

Ben and Lindy walked down the hall with their belongings. Lindy’s face is sheet white while Ben walks amazed. Huddled together, Ben’s eyes were rummaged with fear around the surface.

“Are you leaving already?” The couple stops in front of me.

“We are getting the hell out of here,” Ben smiles from ear to ear.

“I just want to go home and forget about this place.” Lindy says aware of her surroundings.

“Is everything all right?”

Ben and Lindy eye each other momentarily, before sighing looking at me intently. I wondered if something happened to make them leave so early in the morning. Maybe they could not handle hearing the strange noises.

“Our room is next to that forbidden hallway. We heard someone through the wall most of the night. Ben and I braved the hallway, though I didn’t want to investigate. At the end it is a room only, hasn’t been touched in a while. Everything is covered with dust blankets. Back in our room the sounds continued. This place definitely has haunted written all over it. I take it you don’t know what happened here, there is mysterious history surrounding this place. Better you don’t know.” Lindy said.

“Wait what, what happened?” If it has to do with Luken I have to know.

“Don’t tell her that.” Ben chimed in. “I’m sorry she doesn’t have a high tolerance for the unknown, we should not have said anything.”

They walked away heading toward the front doors of the Vandersen Manor, to return to their normal lives. I wish I could return to my normal life, but there is
nothing normal about my life any longer. If I were to admit this place is growing on me after only a few days, it would mean I accepted what is.

I walked over to the window watching Ben and Lindy. The couple loaded up a car sitting out front. They drove down the straight driveway until they turned the bend to wind their way through the trees to the highway.

I sat there for another hour watching the exit heading away from the mansion. For a second I thought I saw someone standing in the darkness glowing staring toward the mansion, it was gone in the blink of an eye.

“Avaya there you are.” Bethanne rushed at me relieved.

“I went to your room to let you know breakfast is ready to be served miss and nobody was there. I grew concerned. It is a breath of fresh air to find you. I thought there was going to be another…” Bethanne halted her words.

“Bethanne another what, tell me?”

“Nothing, forgive me, it is not a concern of ours.”

* * *

I spent several days in the library trying to research Luken Vandersen. I could not get him out of my thoughts, especially with Nate roaming the hallways. In a book I found called History of Woodenbury, it stated he composed a single lyrical piece. Livia already told me nothing further would peak my interest.

At night I continued to hear the music flowing into my room. Every night at sunset the same older boy sat watching the sun. One night I watched to see if he lingered. I had fallen asleep watching him. I woke up with a crick in my neck the rock was void of the boy I had seen.

Last night I watched the rock from my bedroom. I saw him walk out of the woods sit on the rock, staring out at the mountains.
Who is he?
Bethanne and Livia insisted on turning down my sheets, when they came I wanted to show them I have been sane this entire time.

“Come here, do you see that boy sitting out by the rock?”

Both maids make their way over. I only looked away for a second. Bethanne and Livia gazed out the window. He was gone again. I am intrigued by a shadow, disappearing whenever I want to show someone he is there.

“Again miss, nobody is there. Avaya are you feeling all right?” Bethanne tried to force herself to speak without her accent, with little success.

“Yes. I saw him come out of the woods.”

“Perhaps it is a neighbor.” Bethanne suggested.

It couldn’t be. The neighbors are separated by miles. Vandersen manor is set back even farther from other homes on their own street practically. A person would get lost in those woods trying to find their way through the trees and brush in the dark.

“Maybe that is true.” I say defeated.

“Try to get some rest miss.” Bethanne and Livia leave together.

I lay staring at the two carved angels. Luken has entered into the realm of a historical figure caught up in my life. His handsome face haunts my heart. Those blue eyes piercing into my core, he lingered in my sights until my eyes refused to remain open.

Soft piano music plays in a far off place. My vision becoming clearer I want to listen deeper, the music swarms. My eyes become unbearably too heavy to keep open, I can’t fight it. The soft music grows faint as I drift into sleep.

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