Read White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) Online

Authors: Autumn Jones Lake

White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) (42 page)

BOOK: White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5)
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Yeah, we’ve been a little reckless, considering. “I’m keeping track. I even have an app on my phone, to remind me when to take my pill and—” I grin to lighten things up. “Keep track of all the sex we have. I promise, if I’m late or anything weird happens, I won’t ignore it. I’ll go to the doctor right away.” My hand brushes through his hair, nails dragging against his scalp. “I just can’t stand having anything between us right now.” I cock my head to the side and stare at him. “Is that why you keep marking me?” I tease.

His hands tighten on my ass, and he leans down to bite at my nipples. “No, baby, I just like seeing you covered in my cum.”

“So dirty.”

“Yeah. For you.” He pauses, his brows slashing down. “Hold up. You have an app on your phone for what?”

“To track my cycle.” I lean in and whisper in his ear. “Remind me to put in how many times we’ve had sex.”

He laughs and growls, running his hands up my sides. “We better get busy then.”

“Rock, if we get any busier, my business will be raw.”


After all the excitement of Rock returning home died down, Trinity remembered she had her first therapy appointment the next morning.

“No problem, babe. We’ll leave right after.”

She’s agreeable to that plan.

It’s a beautiful fall day, so I’ve got no problem waiting outside for her. About an hour and a half later, she returns, slightly more relaxed than when she went in the office.

“You okay?”



“Hell, yes,” she answers, with a big smile as she places her hand on my shoulder and swings her leg over the bike. “Let’s go.”

Her arms tighten around me and we take off. The three hours up the Northway don’t feel sufficient to outrun whatever we’re both feeling.

We’re lucky we came today. It’s the last weekend the lodge near Ausable Chasm is even open for the season. We find a diner for an early dinner and I finally have a chance to talk to Trinity.

“Everything go okay?”

She fiddles with the salt and pepper shakers before answering. “Yes. I think so. I have another appointment for next week.”


She finally lifts her eyes to meet mine. “Do you mean that?”

“Of course, baby.”

“Thank you.”

Before heading to our room for the night, I make arrangements for rock-climbing tomorrow afternoon. We can rent whatever equipment we need for an exorbitant fee but I think it will be good for us to do something physical outdoors.

I’m flicking through the four channels available up here when she comes out of the bathroom wearing head to toe flannel and a worried expression. “You look cute. Are you cold?”

“A little.” She perches in the chair next to the bed and stares at me.

“What’s wrong?”


“Are you coming to bed?”

“I can’t tonight.”

“Can’t what?” Then it hits me—she’s still rattled from her therapy appointment this morning—and I sit up, holding out my hand. “Come here.” She hesitates, but I don’t ask again. Finally, she moves closer and I pull her into my lap, smoothing the hair off her face. “You think I’m that much of a dick?”


Her arms tighten around my neck and she burrows her face against me. Holding her tight against me, I turn and lean back and click off the lamp. “Get some rest. You don’t want me to beat you at rock-climbing tomorrow do you?”

She laughs softly. “It’s not a competitive sport.”

“Sure it is.”

After a few minutes, she rolls off me but stays close. “Wrath, did you mean it when you said you wanted to build a house for us?”

I turn so I can face her. “Fuck yeah, I meant it.”

“Do you still want to?”

“You know I do. Before he left, I actually discussed it with Rock.”

“You did?”

“Yup.” I give her a more serious assessment. “Why, angel? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just weird.”

“One of the guys say something to you?”

“No. Nothing like that.” She fiddles with her hands until I place my hand over hers.

“Talk to me.”

“It’s just weird. I want us to be alone together. Like a real couple, you know? This, right now, is nice. I love the clubhouse, but—”

“There’re a lot of reminders?”


“We’ve outgrown it. That’s okay. It will take some time though. You gonna be okay until then?”

“You’re not mad?”

“Fuck no. How could I be mad?”

“I don’t know—”

“Trinity, I want to give you everything. Anything you want. Whatever makes you happy, babe.”


“We’ll still be on the property for anything that comes up. But I agree. It would be nice to be on our own.”

“Thank you.”

A gentle tickling sensation wakes me early the next morning. Rock’s hands roaming down my side, sliding my underwear down my legs. His mouth dipping down to kiss my legs, hips, tummy and nuzzle against my thighs.

“I know you’re awake, Baby Doll. Spread your legs for me.”

I can’t even tease or play with him the way I normally do. I’m too eager to feel his mouth and hands on me. He groans as I open for him. “That’s it,” he whispers.

Thick fingers, slide over slick flesh and I moan. He’s the one doing the teasing this morning. His fingers dip between my lips, enough to make me gasp, but then out again, spreading my wetness around. My hips arch and twist as I try to get him to go deeper. Give me more. He bites his lower lip while he watches my desperate, pleasure-seeking dance.

A soft hiss of air rushes out of me when he finally slips his finger inside.

Yup. Right there.

Deeper. He works me hard, yet somehow also gentle. He adds another finger, and twists to rub over my G-spot.

“Fuck,” I gasp.

“Not yet.”

But he takes mercy on me, maneuvering between my legs, grabbing my thighs and shoving me wide open and laying soft kisses and licks on my pussy. White, searing pleasure flashes over my skin and I gasp as his fingers delve back inside, spreading my lips for his tongue, licking a path to my clit, but not quite touching, just enough to make me whimper his name.

“Oh, please, please Rock,” I pant out. His storm-grey eyes, heavy with arousal peer up, but he doesn’t take his mouth off me for a second. Two fingers pushing inside stroking a steady pace, his tongue laps at me as he finally takes my clit captive, flicking with soft strokes, designed to set me off.

A couple seconds later it does.

I let out a short scream and snap, pleasure racing over me, sparks firing behind my eyes. Completely consumed by the heat of him. When I stop quivering, my eyes pop open. He stares up at me with a grin of satisfaction tipping his glossy lips up. “You have no fucking idea, how many times I dreamed about that, Hope. I woke up sometimes with the taste of you on my tongue.” He curses as he makes his way back up my body, kissing and licking.

Before we left home, he promised to worship me and he’s definitely keeping that promise. Under him, I squirm, trying to get our bodies as close as possible.

“Eager this morning?” Rock teases.

Before I spit out an answer, his phone goes off.

“No,” I whine in frustration.

Rock’s gaze darts between the phone and me. “It’s Z. He wouldn’t bother us if it wasn’t important.”

“Get it.”

He rolls off me, grabbing the phone. “What?” he snaps.

I can’t complain. This is the first time the guys have interrupted us. Honestly, I expected a call much sooner. To give Rock some privacy, I duck into the bathroom. After taking my time, brushing my teeth, washing my face, combing my hair, I’m feeling less generous.

“Are you fucking serious?” Rock snaps into the phone. He glances up when I emerge and flashes a tight smile.

I stop to take him all in. My big, sexy,
man, sitting on the edge of the bed. Frustrated and annoyed. Well, I can fix that.

Up and off goes my T-shirt.

Rock raises an eyebrow.

Dropping down next to him, I let my thigh rub up against his. He places one hand on my leg, absently rubbing while he continues tearing Z a new ass.

“No. It’s fine, we’re coming home tonight. Set it up for tomorrow. No. Tomorrow. I don’t care what he says.”

My hand closes over his cock, stroking lightly. He gasps and gives me a stern head shake.

Sliding to the floor, I wedge myself between his legs. His hand rests on my head, holding me back. It’s an odd little struggle we’re having. I stretch my tongue, wriggling until I make contact.

He drops his hand.
I win

The instant I wrap my lips around his hard length, he lets out a moan.

“Fuck. I need to call you back.” I flick the underside of his cock with my tongue. “Shut up,” he hisses into the phone. The phone clatters on the nightstand and above me, Rock groans.

“Naughty, Hope,” he whispers in a rough voice.

I hum with laughter and swirl my tongue around his cock.  He reaches down, gathering my hair in his hands, holding it back from my face. I flick my gaze up and the intense expression he’s wearing shoots heat through me. Opening wide, I wrap my lips around him, taking as much as I can, grasping him with my hand and working him with firm strokes of my mouth and fist.

“Hope,” he groans. My name comes out garbled as if it hurts to concentrate on anything besides what I’m doing to him. I like having my big, tough man at my mercy this way and plan to do this a lot more often when we get home. The desire I’d felt earlier when he was pleasuring me comes roaring back like a wildfire. I pull back, teasing with long, soft licks. He shudders and his hands tighten in my hair, guiding me the way
wants. I gasp and try to keep up, but before I know it, he’s tugging back on my hair.


It takes a second for the word to sink in. With his hand holding my hair hostage, I’m forced to slide my body up his to get off the floor. “That’s it. Good girl,” he whispers, dragging me against him until we fall back on the bed. “Need you to ride me. Then I’m going to bend you over and spank your ass.”

“The hell you are,” I say, as I throw a leg over him, lining us up and sinking down.

He places his hands behind his head and gives me a smug smile. “Do a good job.”

. I close my eyes and gasp as he pushes up, stretching me so perfect. His hand cupping my face makes me open my eyes. He pulls me down roughly for a kiss, covering my mouth. Nothing soft or gentle about it. His hands move down, grabbing at my hips and ass, then he turns, shoving me into the bed, grinding into me. A gasp leaves me and I clutch at his shoulders. His mouth is at my neck, kissing and licking his way over to my shoulder. The tension builds inside me fierce and fast as his hips swivel, pressing himself hard against my clit. For a second, I’m tight all over, then I just explode. White stars dance behind my eyelids. Rock only gives me a second to enjoy it, before ripping me off him, urging me to my knees in the center of the bed and filling me from behind. His hand slaps my ass. “Bad girl. You know Z figured out exactly what you were up to.”

“Like you wouldn’t tell him anyway.”

I get another spank for that one. He falls down over me, fucking me down to the mattress. His hands dig into my hips, holding me in place. “I never talk details about our sex life with any of them. You’re mine. Every bit of
, belongs to me,” he growls against my ear.

I’m gasping and panting with his heavy body fucking me into the mattress and so damn turned on I’m worried the flammable sheets might be a problem. He slides up and off me and the hot spurt of cum hits my back and ass.

For a minute neither of us move as we try to catch our breath.

His hand connects with my ass, but it’s more of a loving squeeze. “Time to clean up and head home, Baby Doll.”

“We need to do this again soon,” I mumble into the comforter.

“Oh, we will. As soon as we get home.”

I roll over and catch the grin on his face. “That’s not what I meant.”

He holds out a hand and pulls me up. “I know.”

BOOK: White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5)
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