Read White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) Online

Authors: Autumn Jones Lake

White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) (41 page)

BOOK: White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5)
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I think back over the summer. “The guys never mentioned it.”

“Do you think you’d be up for some of those trips?”

“Rock, I want to be wherever you are. So, yes. Except our honeymoon.” For some stupid reason, I tuck in my arms, flapping them like wings. “I want to fly somewhere.”

He shakes with laughter. “Where?”


“We can rent a motorcycle there.”


Suddenly he’s back to serious again. “What I’m trying to explain is that I have everything I’ve ever wanted. What I’ve been working toward for years. I want to take a few seconds to revel in it, enjoy it, before the next thing comes along and fucks it up.”

. The claw and cracker slips out of my hands, clattering onto the plate. My eyes blink rapidly and I have to force my question out. “Am I one of those things you’re talking about?”

His hand closes over mine and he pins me with a hard stare.



I didn’t mean for our conversation to turn so heavy. But if we don’t talk about these things now, I’m afraid we never will.

“You’re everything to me too,” she whispers.

“I know.”

“It scares me.”

I understand her fear, so I’m not offended. “Because you’re afraid you’ll lose me?”


“I really want to grow old with you, Hope.”

Her mouth finally tips into a smile. “Yeah, me too. You’ll probably just keep getting hotter with age.”

I’m interrupted from answering that little gem, by our waitress clearing the table. “Dessert? Coffee?”

“Two coffees. Hope?”

She’s busy scrubbing her hands with the wet napkins that came with her lobster. “Gosh, no. I’m stuffed.”

The waitress chuckles. “Well, stick around. It’s country dance night.”

Hope wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Does my big badass biker dance?”

“Whatever you want, Baby Doll.”

“That reminds me, I didn’t know you like country music.”

She comes up with the strangest things. “Is it a deal-breaker?”

“No. Just, Trinity mentioned it when we were dress shopping. And it seemed like something I should know about the man I’m marrying.”

Christ, but she’s fucking cute. “I like lots of things.”

When our coffees are dropped off, Hope decides to order a margarita. “Now?” I ask after the waitress leaves.

Her shoulders lift. “Sure. Why not?”

I barely get a sip of my coffee before the center of the room’s cleared and the volume of the music shoots to ten. Hope drags me out to the floor, into the middle of the group forming. It’s an interesting mix of old and young. Some have a dance-or-die attitude, others seem to be here for fun.

The guy leading the group goes through the steps without music first.

It turns out my girl’s surprisingly uncoordinated.

“You didn’t even get to your margarita,” I tease.

“It’s harder than it looks.” Her face screws into a scowl. “Figures you’re good at it.”

I end up shuffle-rocking us to the back of the group, so she doesn’t knock someone over. A different instructor checks in with us. She’s tall, blonde, bubbly and introduces herself as Cathy. “Let me teach you a simple two-step,” she offers.

At first Hope’s agreeable.

Cathy shows us where to place our hands. “Dance is a conversation,” she says to me. “You don’t want to confuse her. Keep your frame smooth and your leading hand at her eye-level so she knows what to expect.”

This style’s much easier for Hope and soon she’s laughing as she follows me.

“You’re a good leader,” Cathy comments while batting her lashes.

“Thanks so much. I think we’ve got it,” Hope shouts over the music. She grumbles about Cathy’s “blonde, perky ass” as she watches her disappear into the crowd of dancers.

“You know I only have eyes for you, right?”

She gives me a sly smile. “I don’t know why. I have the grace of Godzilla.”

“Yeah, but I can do
with you.” I spin and dip her until she’s laughing uncontrollably. When she’s flushed and sweaty, I pull her in for a kiss.

“Your frame’s all sloppy,” she whispers, squeezing my hands and pushing my arms back into place.

I lean down to whisper in her ear. “Just so there’s no
, I want you.”

Three short words. But Rock says them with such simmering affection, I’m ready to mount him on the dance floor. It’s not jealousy. No, Miss-too-friendly-with-my-man has moved on to instructing another couple in the art of the two-step.

We stop at our table to collect our things. Rock shakes his head when I pick up what’s left of my margarita. “No way. I don’t want you passing out as soon as we get to our room. I’ve got plans for you.”

The way he says it, I’m only too happy to finish off my water instead.

He nods at the water. “Good girl.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “That only works on me in the bedroom.”

His mouth curls into a sexy smirk and he takes my hand pulling me outside. Under one of the streetlights we stop and stare at the Harbor.

“It’s so pretty at night.” I sigh and turn to face him.

Amusement sparks in Rock’s eyes. “Bring a bathing suit?”

“You can’t be serious. The water’s freezing. Plus, it’s dark. I don’t want to get eaten by something, unless it’s you.”

His mouth tips up in a dirty grin. “I want to get you in the hot tub.”

“Oh. Yes. I did bring something.”

“Is it tiny?”

“Maybeee,” I tease.

He grabs my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

I didn’t realize how much ground we’d covered on foot during our exploration. It seems to take forever to walk back to Rock’s bike. We’re not exactly running, but we’re definitely walking with purpose.

“Ugh, I still reek of fish,” I complain, as I slip my helmet on.

Rock chuckles. “Get on.”

The ride back to our hotel is long. I’m squirming the entire way. Desperate to get him alone.

We seem to be in agreement—Rock attacks me as soon as we’re in the door. His mouth moves over my lips, down my neck, devouring me little by little. “Rock,” I whisper. “I’m still all fishy.”

He pulls away and bursts with laughter. Capturing my hand, he places it over his very hard cock. “I’m gonna get a hard-on every time I go near a fish market for the rest of my life.”

“Good thing you never do the grocery shopping.”

He smirks, then spins me around and yanks my pants down, baring my ass. His hand lands on my right cheek and I let out a soft hiss. “Sass-mouth,” he growls against my ear. I wriggle my butt in response, and he chuckles, then strips the rest of my clothes off. While he’s distracted, I slip out of his grasp and grab the bag with my bathing suit in it to make a run for the bathroom.

“See you at the hot tub,” I call out as I slam the bathroom door. His grumbles can be heard even over my laughter.

A few minutes later, I find him lounging in the hot tub—it’s possible a trace of drool dribbles down my chin at the sight of him. He’s devastatingly sexy. Big, tattooed and muscled chest, broad shoulders, sculpted arms draped casually over the side of the tub. Why am I still out here instead of in the water with him?

I set my cell phone and two towels on the table next to his and prop my hand on my hip. “Well?”

He sits up so fast, water splashes over the side of the tub. “Fuck.” Except for the dull glow from the parking lot lights, this entire section of the balcony is bathed in darkness. Perfect for some privacy but enough light that I see the appreciation on his face.

“I better show it to you now in case
happens to it.”

“Good idea. Make it quick.”

I spin, flaunting the low black bikini bottoms and flicking the ties at my waist. I’d never wear so little in front of anyone besides Rock. The look on his face is worth my discomfort at having so much on display.

“Very nice. You get that for me?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t wear this in front of anyone

He makes a sexy-growly sound of agreement and stands to help me into the tub.

“Ouch! It’s hot.”

“It’s a
tub, Baby Doll.”

“Smart ass.”

He wades to the opposite side and I drop down into the seat across from him. He frowns when he notices I didn’t follow. “What the fuck are you doing way over there?”

I stretch out and tip my head back, so I can stare at the stars. “Relaxing.”

There’s a sharp tug on my leg. My arms flail and splash water everywhere before Rock gets me where he wants me. His lap.

“You like fucking with me, don’t you, sass-mouth?”

I don’t get to answer. His mouth finds mine and takes it in a soft, sliding, sensual kiss that leaves me limp. My heart’s already racing when he slides his hand behind my neck and deepens our kiss. Oh,
was the one thing missing from our perfect day. Naked kissing time. My arms wrap around his neck, my hands teasing his hair and it’s so good, so hot, I might just melt.

He groans into my mouth and I grind myself against his erection. His arms slide down my back, brushing against the strings tying my top together. I don’t even care if he strips me naked and bends me over the railing I’m so turned on right now. But instead, his hands slip between us, and he teases the cups of my top down, baring my nipples to the cool night air, and his wet, rough fingers. He interrupts our kiss and leans down to fasten his mouth around a nipple. My back arches, giving myself to him. He lets go and sucks my other nipple into his mouth and I groan.

Soft, hot kisses trail up my chest to my neck, until his lips are at my ear. “You’ve been teasing me all night. I need to get inside you.”

My hips flex against him. “I need you too, Rochlan.” Reaching into the warm water between us, I shove the front of his shorts out of my way. His cock springs free, hard as stone, and ready for me. I smooth my hand up and down a few times, the water making soft splashy sounds around us. His eyelids droop, he tilts his head back and groans. “Fuck. So good, baby.” His words shiver through me, right down to my center. I keep working and stroking, varying the pressure, swiping my thumb over the tip until he snaps his head up.

Our eyes meet and hold. “Give me that sweet pussy,” he demands.

His hands slide to my hips and he unties my bottoms, flinging the material over the side of the tub. It was a small piece of clothing, but the hot water rushing against all my sensitive, uncovered parts jolts me. Eagerly, I lift and guide him to my entrance, slowly sinking down. The water causes all sorts of friction I wasn’t expecting and I lift up.

“You okay?”

“Mmm. Just the water doesn’t make things as
as you’d expect.”

Concern clouds his face. “Want to stop?”

As he says it, he slips firmly inside me and I sink down to take him deep. “Oh,” I moan in pleasure. “Fuck no. Don’t stop.”

His arms tighten around me, keeping me upright, while I grind myself as gently as possible to avoid water splashing everywhere. The pleasure’s intense and my need for him overwhelms me. His hands shift to my ass, drawing me close, while pressing himself up even deeper. His mouth brushes against my nipples, rubbing and sucking. “Good girl, riding my cock outside where anyone could catch us,” he says against my ear. I murmur in agreement and he hisses. “Fffuuck, so fucking good.”

My pussy clenches around him. Sweet, shudders of pleasure move through me and I cry out Rock’s name.

I’m still trembling with aftershocks when he thrusts up into me at a rapid pace with no concern for the water splashing all around us. His hands hold my hips in a bruising grip that makes me feel needed and owned.

Desire to smother him with affection overwhelms me. I want so much to be his sanctuary. The way he’s been mine. I nuzzle his neck, kissing my way to his ear. “I love you, Rock. Love you so much.”

He gasps and lets out a long shuddering breath. “Love you too, Baby Doll.” He struggles to get the words out as he groans through his release.

Before he’s even finished he lifts my hips up off him. My legs tighten around him. A few moments later, his eyes drift open and he stares at me with concern. “Baby, we haven’t used a condom once. Are you…keeping track of things? I can’t—”

BOOK: White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5)
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