Who's Your Daddy? (36 page)

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Authors: Lauren Gallagher

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

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“That’s amazing,” he purred. “Oh God, your mouth…” All at once, he released his breath, and I had half a heartbeat to realize why before her lips were around my cock again.

Then Donovan leaned toward me, and he kissed my neck as Carmen sucked my cock. I put an arm around his waist just so I wouldn’t lose my rapidly failing balance, and kept my hand in her hair, every slow bob of her head making me fucking crazy.

“You never did get to try being in the middle.” Donovan nipped my earlobe. His voice dropped to a desperate, lust-saturated growl as he said, “Tell me you want to.”

Being inside her? While he fucked me? I shivered. I tried to remember how to think, or speak, or whatever it was I needed to do to tell him yes, yes, yes, I wanted them like that. Finally, I just nodded, and when his hot breath and warm lips brushed across my neck, goose bumps rose on every inch of my skin.

Donovan’s hands drifted up my sides. “You want that, Carmen?” he asked. “You want him to fuck you while I fuck him at the same time?”

Carmen moaned softly, her voice vibrating against my cock.

“What do you think?” Donovan whispered to me.

I licked my lips, and finally forced out the one word I could remember how to form: “

Carmen ran her tongue along the underside of my cock, then she sat back. “Bed?”

“Same as before.” Donovan released me and said to her, “You on the edge.” He glanced at me, grinning. “It’s just Isaac and me who’ll be switching positions.”

“Sounds good to me.” Carmen stood. She held her hands out to me, and when I took them, she backed up until she bumped the bed. I wrapped my arms around her, and she met my lips in a deep, feverish kiss as I tangled my fingers in her hair.

She pressed her hips against me, and after everything she’d done to my cock, I was beyond desperate to be inside her. Especially with Donovan inside me. More goose bumps prickled my skin, and I groaned with anticipation.

I wasn’t the only one, apparently. Carmen released me and sat on the edge of the bed. As she lay back, she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me up against her.

“You want something, do you?” I asked, chuckling in spite of the way my knees shook and my heart raced.

“Yes.” She licked her lips. “I want you. Right now.”

“She really does get demanding, doesn’t she?” Donovan said. The nightstand drawer opened, then closed, and the click of the lube bottle made my mouth water.

“She does get demanding,” I said, my voice unsteady.

“Then maybe you should give her what she wants,” he said.

“Yes, you should.” Carmen bit her lip. “God, Isaac…”

“Hmm, maybe I should.” I teased her pussy with the head of my cock, and Carmen closed her eyes. She reached over her head and grabbed handfuls of the bedsheets, whimpering and squirming as I gave her just a little, pulled back, gave her a little again.

“You are a cruel, cruel man,” Donovan growled. I glanced at him, and he grinned at me as he stroked lube onto his cock. Nodding toward Carmen, he said, “You’re not going to torture the poor girl, are you?”

“Torture?” I faced Carmen again. “I’m not tortur—” I forced my cock all the way inside her.

Carmen gasped. Her eyes flew open. “Oh…God…”

I pulled out and thrust in again. She moaned in both pleasure and protest every time I slowly withdrew, and her back arched and her hips bucked against mine every time I slammed back in hard enough to drive a yelp out of her.

“Fuck, don’t stop,” she said, panting and clawing at the sheets above her head.

Then Donovan put his hand on my shoulder, and I slowed to a stop.

“Don’t stop,” she slurred. Her hips tried to encourage mine back into motion. “Isaac…”

I leaned down and kissed her. “I’m not stopping. Just letting him join in.”

She opened her eyes and looked past me, and I swore her pussy tightened around my cock when she realized—remembered?—what Donovan was doing.

He put a hand on my hip. I closed my eyes and held my breath.

We’d had sex countless times, but this time, I was already inside Carmen. Unmoving, but inside her, and the tight, wet heat of her pussy only served to intensify the cool pressure against my ass. I exhaled slowly as Donovan pushed deeper, and when his cock slid across my prostate, he ignited white-hot lightning that skittered up my spine and along every last one of my nerve endings.

“You okay?” Donovan’s hand ran up my side, drifting softly over lightning-infused nerves and making me tremble even more. “Isaac?”

I moistened my lips. He’d stopped. All the way inside me, he’d stopped, and that still presence was as maddening for me as my cock must have been for Carmen just then.

Pressing the heels of my hands into the bed, I pushed my hips back against his, and as he yielded to me, I slid out of Carmen. When I moved back into her, Donovan followed. We fell into synch, but then he quickly took over.

Donovan picked up speed. So did I. It took only a few strokes before we found a perfect, rapid rhythm, and I had never experience anything anywhere near as intense as Donovan’s cock thrusting into me while my own cock thrust into Carmen.

She was absolutely stunning this way. Not only how she felt—hot, wet and so, so tight—but the way she looked and the way she sounded. Her dark hair was disheveled and splayed on the sheets, and her body…God, in heaven, her body. Her breasts bounced in time with my strokes, and her face was the very picture of bliss: eyebrows alternating between knitted together and jumping, her lips forming profanities just like the ones Donovan growled behind me.

And even though he was out of my sight, all my other senses were equally tuned to him as they were to her. Whenever he groaned or swore or grunted, I forgot how to breathe. When he leaned close enough, his sharp, rapid exhalations cooled the sweat between my shoulder blades, and his fingers dug into my hips as he fucked me deep and hard like he knew I loved it.

Carmen let go of the sheets and put her hands over her breasts. At first I thought it was to keep them from bouncing as much, but then she pinched her nipples, and her pussy clamped down hard on my cock.

I lost all sense of time and anything that might have existed beyond the three of us. Donovan was deep inside me, I was deep inside Carmen, and ecstasy didn’t even begin to describe it. Tears welled up in my eyes, and my knees threatened to buckle. I didn’t care if they did. As long as Carmen kept rolling her hips, and Donovan kept thrusting into me, and she kept making those helpless sounds while he kept panting and swearing, I just didn’t care.

Carmen gasped, and Donovan and I both moved faster, our hips moving in perfect synch as I drove into her and he drove into me and oh God, I wasn’t going to last much longer like this.

Donovan’s hand left my hip, and a second later, reappeared on my shoulder. Then the other hand did the same. He groaned and, digging his fingers into my shoulders, fucked me harder. In turn, I fucked Carmen harder. She screwed her eyes shut. She kept one hand on her breast, her fingers still pinching her nipple to the point it must have been painful. Her other hand slid between us, and I knew the moment she found her clit because her pussy tightened again.

I closed my eyes and lost myself in her. In them. In everything the two of them did to me. In her crescendoing whimpers that became cries. In the way she struggled to breathe just as much as I did, and the way he released sharp, uneven breaths onto my sweaty skin.

Then, Carmen surrendered. Her hips bucked, her pussy squeezed my cock, and when she let go of a delirious sob, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I thrust even as the world spun around me and my legs turned to liquid, and as Carmen’s cries fell away, mine took their place. When mine faded, Donovan roared, shuddered and collapsed against me.

I leaned over on my shaking arms. Donovan rested his forehead on the back of my neck. Carmen put a trembling hand over her eyes. None of us spoke. None of us moved. The air still crackled with the electricity of our chain reaction orgasms, and my nerve endings tingled beneath my sweaty skin.

Eventually, someone must have moved. Donovan pulled out. So did I. We each grabbed showers, dried off, and slipped into bed together with Carmen in the middle. We’d all cooled off, but it was still warm, so we kicked the sheet out of the way.

“So you guys really want to do this?” she asked.

Donovan propped himself up on his elbow, and absently rested his hand on the gentle swell of Carmen’s belly. “Yes, we really do.”

“We wouldn’t patronize you or anything like that,” I said. “You know that.”

Carmen sighed. “I know. And I never meant to imply you would. I’m just…” She trailed off, shaking her head. “I guess I’m forever the pessimist. This was the best possible solution, so it had to be the least likely, you know?”

Donovan laughed. “Oh, ye of little faith.” He kissed her cheek. “Though I guess we never thought we’d find a girl who could put up with both of us, so…” He shrugged with one shoulder.

I chuckled. “Yeah, there is that. We might be more than one woman can handle.”

“Please.” Carmen snorted. “I can keep you two in line.”

I grinned. “Babe, if there’s a man or woman on the planet who could keep us in line, especially him, it’s definitely you.”

“And there’s—” Donovan cut himself off, and his gaze darted to her belly. Then he looked at her. “Was that…?”

She grinned. “You felt it?”

Donovan laughed. “Hell yeah, I did.” Before I could ask, he reached for my hand, and when I surrendered it, he laid my hand where his had been.

A soft flutter beneath my palm sent my heart into my throat.

“That’s…” My mouth had suddenly gone dry. I stared wide-eyed at Carmen. “Is that the baby…kicking?”

“Or somersaulting or something.” She laughed softly. “I swear he’s always active this time of day.”

Donovan and I both raised our eyebrows.

“He?” Donovan asked.

She shrugged. “Just better than ‘it’, don’t you think?”

“When can you find out?” I asked. “The sex, I mean?”

“At any of the next ultrasounds, if the little critter will cooperate.” Carmen chewed her lip. Then she whispered, “Do you guys want to come to one?”

Donovan and I looked at each other and smiled. Then I turned to her, and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

“If you want us to,” I said. “You know you don’t even have to ask.”

“Do you want us to come?” Donovan asked.

Carmen smiled and rested her hand on top of Donovan’s and mine. “Yes, I do.”

Donovan caressed her face with his free hand. “Then we will.” He chuckled. “Can you imagine explaining this to the nurses?”

Carmen laughed. “Oh God. My OB’s been wondering why I’ve been a little evasive about the father. This will, um, answer a few of her questions.”

“You don’t mind her knowing?” I asked. “Or, at least, having reason to suspect a few things?”

“Honestly?” Carmen looked at me, grinning. “I couldn’t give a fuck what she or anyone else thinks.”

I just chuckled, but deep down, I was more than a little relieved. I hadn’t known what to expect when she came over tonight, but now here we were. One way or another, regardless of what the rest of the world thought, we were going to make this work.

And I couldn’t have been happier.

Chapter Twenty-Seven



After one long, crazy day of responding to calls, everything from a couple of car wrecks to a minor structure fire, I was exhausted. I played on the Xbox with a few of the guys for a while, but when I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore, I gave up and retreated to one of the rooms upstairs to get some sleep. Within minutes, I was out cold.

Then my shrill ringtone jolted me out of a sound sleep. I glanced at the clock beside the bed. It was a little past midnight, and panic shot through me as I fumbled for my phone. I had visions of Carmen calling for help, that something was wrong with the baby, with her, something.

The LCD’s bright screen made me wince, but I finally made out the name on the caller ID:

“Fuck, what now?” I muttered and slid the phone open. “Hello?”

“Ryan’s gone,” she said, her voice laced with the same panic that still hummed in my veins.

“Gone?” I sat up. “What do you mean, gone?”

“He took my car,” she said. “I told him he couldn’t go out, but he snuck out anyway.”

I rubbed my eyes. “Christ.”

“He’s probably out with that little slut of a girlfriend,” she said. “Any idea where he might have gone?”

I narrowly kept myself from coming back with something snide and impatient. She was worried. This wasn’t a time for us to fight.

“I don’t know,” I said.

“We need to find him.” Her voice shook badly. “Please, Don.”

Heart pounding, I got out of bed. “Do you want me to come get you? Maybe we can both find him.”

“Please. Jeff can watch the kids; they’ll be fine.”

I reached down to pick up my shoes. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

After I’d hung up, I pulled on my shoes, then got up and grabbed my jacket on the way out the door. Walking as quickly as I could down the hall, I speed-dialed Ryan’s number. The phone on the other end rang. And rang. And rang. Cursing under my breath, I hung it up. I couldn’t decide if I was more furious or worried, but all of that could wait. For now, I just needed to find out where he was.

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