Wild Ones: A Sometimes Dismaying, Weirdly Reassuring Story About Looking at People Lookingat Animals in America (33 page)

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buckwheat and, 112–14, 133–34, 147, 150, 154, 156, 173–74

capturing of females for breeding, 157–59, 173–74, 173–74, 187

description of, 182–83

flight period of, 109

herbicides and, 243–44

Johnson and, 156, 157–62, 166

power plants and, 190–91

taxonomy and, 179, 182–84

Leaf (Nissan car), 20, 35

Leibovitz, Annie, 54

Leist, Sam, 88, 89, 91

lemmings, 79

Leopold, Aldo, 219

Lepidopterists’ Society, 125, 166


Lilly, John, 236–38, 241

lions, 67, 130, 131–32

Lipscomb, James, 29–31

Lishman, William, 220–21, 223–26, 230, 230
234, 264

lizards, 60

lobsters, 60

London, Jack, 65

Long, William, 65

Longcore, Travis, 163

Los Angeles Times,
57, 67, 70, 219

louseworts, 60

Madison, James, 48

mammoths (American Incognitum), 45, 50–51, 60
64, 130, 143, 231, 272

maple trees, 149

Mattoni, Rudi, 162–69, 182, 184–88, 244, 293

McIntyre, Joan (Joana Varawa), 8, 234–46, 257, 277, 293

McNaney, James, 137

McVay, Scott, 235

megafauna, 57, 130–31, 199, 231

Melson, Gail, 230

Mendocino Ridge incident, 241–43, 245–46

mice, Preble’s meadow jumping, 181

Michtom, Rose, 63

military bases, 162–63

Mind in the Waters: A Book to Celebrate the Consciousness of Whales and Dolphins
(McIntyre), 239, 241

Mind of the Dolphin, The
(Lilly), 238

monkeys, 60

monkfish, 128

Monroe, James, 49

Mooallem, Isla, 1, 4, 8–9, 20, 77, 84, 85, 87–88, 90–92, 136, 169, 173–76, 178, 259–61, 265, 283, 288, 290

Mooallem, Wandee, 84, 87, 91, 92, 169, 173, 174

Moorpark College, 157–60, 166, 172

moose, 48–49, 111, 252

Mormon metalmark butterflies, 182–85

moths, pink bollworm, 164–65

mountain lions, cougars, pumas, 48, 60, 60
63, 67–68

mountain sheep, 60
143, 252, 253

Muir, John, 285

Murphy, Gerald, 263

mussels, 59

Mutanen, Tommy, 31–32, 97

naked stem buckwheat, 112–14, 133–34, 147, 150, 154, 156, 173–74

Nat Geo Wild, 79

National Geographic,
80, 202

National Geographic Society, 28–29, 44

National Zoo, 140

Natural History
(Buffon), 46

nature, 192


Nature 1st, 29

Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, 207–10, 212, 222, 223, 226, 227, 229, 231, 247–50, 256, 259–60, 263, 265, 269, 290, 292, 294

wetlands of, 212

New Line Cinema, 54

New York Times,
30, 57, 69, 140, 142, 175–76, 178, 200, 235

New York Zoological Society, 140


Nissan Leaf, 20, 35

Nixon, Richard, 57, 146

Notes on the State of Virginia
(Jefferson), 45, 50, 142–43

Obama administration, 73

O’Brien, Liam, 119–20, 189–90

butterflies and, 116–18, 119–20, 123, 129, 132–33

Office of Endangered Species, 146

Operation Migration, 203–16, 220, 223–30, 233, 246–50, 259–60, 262–71, 272–82, 290–92, 294–96

opossums, 61, 70–72, 260

Osborne, Ken, 173

otters, 60, 60

Our Vanishing Wildlife: Its Extermination and Preservation
(Hornaday), 142–45, 258

Owens pupfish, 283–90

owls, 59–60

Palmer, Chris, 79

Palos Verdes blue butterflies, 162–66, 168, 182

pandas, 60

panthers, 48

passenger pigeons, 136–37, 231

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 204, 217, 218, 250, 259, 263, 295

Pauly, Daniel, 128

Payne, Roger, 235

Peale, Charles Willson, 50, 51

pelicans, 258, 289

Pennypacker, Brooke, 209, 210, 213–15, 228, 263–65, 267, 272, 274–80, 290–92, 294–96

Pennypacker, Devin, 264–65


peregrine falcons, 3

Pete and Josephine (whooping cranes), 197–98, 200–202, 217

Pew Research Center, 19

pheasants, 143

photography, 78–79

phylogenetic relatedness, 60–61

Piedra, Juan, 52, 66

pigeons, 60
136–37, 231, 258

pink bollworm moths, 164–65

Pister, Phil, 283–90

Plater, Brent, 190–91

Pleistocene era, 130, 199, 231

Pleistocene Rewilding, 131–32, 192

Pokémon, 178

Polar Bear Alert,
29–31, 80

Polar Bear Alert Program, 97–98

polar bears, 5–6, 37–38, 41, 51, 52–54, 66, 98–99, 160

adaptation theories and, 40–41

airlifting of, 97–101

Assiniboine Park Zoo and, 21

attacks on humans by, 31–32, 97

cannibalism among, 20–21, 96

in Churchill, 13–24, 25–45, 76–92, 93–101

climate change and, 6, 15, 19, 20, 22, 34–42, 53–56, 74, 85, 93–94, 96–97, 114–15, 181–82

declining population in, Churchill, 35–36

dogs and, 77, 79–81

endangered species list and, 52–53, 55–56, 59, 72–74

grizzly bears and, 181–82

holding compound for, 97–98

Hudson Bay and, 31, 34–37, 93

image of, 61

making eye contact with, 86, 89, 91

performing, 28

photographing of, 78–79

in popular culture, 53–54

seal hunting by, 25–26, 40

starvation video of, 93–96, 114–15

Polar Bears International (PBI), 14–19, 23, 35, 40
41–43, 82–83, 93, 95, 98–99

Project Polar Bear competition of, 85–90

Portia Polar Bear’s Birthday Wish
(Carroll), 82, 83

Powell, Jerry, 125–28, 132–34, 155, 166, 182–85, 293

power plants, 190–91

Preble’s meadow jumping mice, 181

Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop,

Project Jonah, 241, 245

Project Polar Bear, 85–90

Proshek, Benjamin, 183–84

pumas, cougars, mountain lions, 48, 60, 60
63, 67–68

Pyle, Robert Michael, 161–62, 178

rabbits, 143

raccoons, 260–61

Radiation Incorporated, 240

rats, 170

Ratson, Paul, 29–30, 77

realistic wild animal stories, 65–66

Reimer, Mike, 32

reindeer, 48

Reiss, Diana, 151

reverence for animals, 234–35

Rich, Catherine, 163

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, 28

Robards, Jason, 29

robins, 39

Rockwell, Robert, 40

rodents, 60

rats, 170

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 258

Roosevelt, Theodore, 61–63, 65, 68, 69, 71–72, 142

Rosing, Norbert, 79–80

Russi, Terry, 288–89

Sagan, Carl, 237

St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, 273, 274, 278–79, 282, 294

salamanders, Valdina Farms, 59

salmon, 2–3, 285

Samberg, Andy, 99

Sanders, Greg, 254, 255

sandhill cranes, 143, 214, 222–25, 258, 267

San Francisco Bay Area, 120–24

San Francisco Call,

San Francisco Chronicle,

San Gabriel Wash, 167, 168

Saturday Evening Post,

Scott, J. Michael, 3, 4, 115

seabirds, 2

Kittlitz’s murrelets, 56, 72

seals, 142, 234

polar bears’ hunting of, 25–26, 40

sea lions, 2

sea otters, 253–54

Sea Shepherd Society, 242–43

sea turtles, 2, 135–36, 238

Semonin, Paul, 50

Seton, Ernest Thompson, 64–65, 69, 83

sharks, great white, 30

sheep, 60
143, 252, 253

shifting baselines syndrome, 128–30, 132, 138, 141, 145, 179, 258–59, 292

Siegel, Kassie, 55, 56, 74

Silent Spring
(Carson), 239, 240

skinks, 41

sloths, ground, 130

Smith, Len, 27–28, 33, 42

snail darters, 57

snakes, 60
111, 170

Sonoran blue butterflies, 167

spiders, 170

Glacier Bay wolf, 56, 61


Smithsonian Institution, 57, 58, 137
140, 240

Songs of the Humpback Whale,

“Species in a Bucket” story, 283–90

Spence, Mike, 77

Sportfish I,

spotted owls, 59–60

squirrels, 143

Staller, Doug, 211–13

Stark, Fred, 218

Steiff, 63, 69

Steiff, Margarete, 63

Stewart, Martha, 15, 16, 18–19, 22–24, 35, 38, 84, 98–99, 101

Stirling, Ian, 28, 35

Stroumboulopoulos, George, 84

Sturgeon, Walt, 264, 273–74

Suckling, Kierán, 170

synanthropes, 260

Taft, William Howard, 69–72

Tajiri, Satoshi, 177–78

Taoists, 245

taxidermy, 137

taxonomy, 178–81, 191

butterflies and, 179–85

evolution and, 179

teddy bears, 62–64, 69–71, 142, 176

television, 60

nature programming on, 79

Terrazas, Louis, 106–11, 113–14, 116, 190, 193

Tex (whooping crane), 217–20, 222, 223, 233, 237

Theory of American Degeneracy, 45–50, 143

Thirty Years War for Wild Life: Gains and Losses in the Thankless Task
(Hornaday), 287–88

tigers, 60


Tonight Show, The,

Tooke Lake, 265–68

tortoises, 131, 289

tourists, 14, 21, 25, 29–30, 32–34, 38, 41–42, 76, 84–92, 100

trout, 285

Tundra Buggies, 14, 28–29, 33, 42–43

Tundra Connections, 43

turkeys, 60

turtles, 2, 60
135–36, 238

diamondback terrapins, 135

TWA Flight 847, 152

ultralight planes (trikes), 203–8, 211–12, 214–15, 220–21, 223, 225, 230–31

United Nations, 53–54, 238

Urban Wildlands Group, 166

USA Today,

Valdina Farms salamanders, 59

van Heuvelen, Richard, 215

Vanity Fair,

Varawa, Joana (Joan McIntyre), 8, 234–46, 257, 277, 293

vetch, 113–14, 134

Vietnam War, 152

Washington, George, 49

Washington Post,
57, 69, 199, 220, 239

Watson, Paul, 242

Westervelt, Miriam O., 172

whales, 57, 146, 234, 252, 253, 293

Humphrey the Humpback, 150–56, 174, 175, 232–33, 234, 243

McIntyre (Varawa) and, 8, 234–46, 257, 293

Songs of the Humpback Whale,

Whale Wars,

whaling industry, 236, 239, 241–43, 246

Greenpeace and, 241–44

White Fang
(London), 65

White River Marsh, 290–91, 294

White Wilderness,

Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP), 209–12, 227, 246–51, 255–56, 259, 264–67, 269, 275–77, 290

whooping cranes, 5–6, 143, 197–216, 217–31, 246–51, 255–57, 259

breeding problems in, 249

at Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge, 265, 267–68, 272–73

climate change and, 281

crane number 2 (injured bird), 214–16, 247–48

Craniacs and, 228–30, 233, 250, 273, 282, 291, 294, 295

Duff and, 202–3, 205, 207–9, 211, 224–26, 230
231, 250, 262, 264, 273, 275, 278–82, 295

First Family, 265–68, 270, 289–90

Gee Whiz, 219, 200

Gibbs and, 265–71

Horwich and, 222–24

humans and, 199–200, 204–5, 255–57, 265–71

imprinting and, 205, 218, 222

International Crane Foundation and, 218, 222, 223, 250, 251, 267

International Whooping Crane Recovery Team and, 249

mystique of, 199–200, 230, 257

at Necedah National Wildlife Refuge,
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge

Operation Migration for, 203–16, 220, 223–30, 233, 246–50, 259–60, 262–71, 272–82, 290–92, 294–96

at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 204, 217, 218, 250, 259, 263, 295

Pennypacker and, 209, 210, 213–15, 228, 263–65, 267, 272, 274–80, 290–92, 294–96

Pete and Josephine, 197–98, 200–202, 217

population turnaround in, 201–3

at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, 273, 274, 278–79, 282, 294

shooting of, 289–90

Swamp Monster maneuver and, 215

Tex, 217–20, 222, 223, 233, 237

ultralight planes and, 203–8, 211–12, 214–15, 220–21, 223, 225, 230–31

at White River Marsh, 290–91, 294

wildness of, 255–57, 226–71

Wilcove, David, 111

Wild America,

Wild Animals I Have Known
(Seton), 66

wild animal stories, 65–66

WildEarth Guardians, 53

Wild Equity Institute, 190

Wildlife Services, 252

wildness, 257–58, 271

policing of, 251–52

of whooping cranes, 255–57, 266–71

Wilson, E. O., 170

Wolch, Jennifer, 67–68

World Wildlife Fund, 98, 101

wolves, 63–66, 68, 130, 160, 252

federal protection of, 68

World War I, 144

World Wildlife Fund, 54

Wrighter, Jack, 273–74, 279, 280, 278

Xerces blue butterflies, 122–24

Xerces Society, 123

Yellowstone Park, 251–52

YouTube, 5, 88, 233–34

zoos, 139–40

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