Wild: Wildfire (10 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Wild: Wildfire
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* * * * *


Dee wheeled her almost full grocery cart through the store and stopped to grab a couple of boxes of cold cereal. Her head ached and she wasn’t in the mood for shopping, but the fridge and pantry were looking pretty bare.

As she tossed a package of gourmet coffee into her cart, Dee couldn’t help again wondering what Jake was doing and why he hadn’t called. And why he hadn’t taken her up on her obvious desire for him. She’d all but begged the man to fuck her. Twice.

Her cheeks burned as she added a bear-shaped container of honey to her basket and a squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup. Well, it was his loss.

She glanced at her shopping list as she rounded a corner into the sundries department. Just a few more things and she could go home for a quiet afternoon.

Toothpaste and shampoo—

With a crash, her cart collided with another shopper’s basket.

Dee stumbled back. Words of apology died on her lips as she looked up to see that she’d just crashed into Jake Reynolds.

He turned from the display in front of him and gave her that slow, sexy grin that made her knees weak. “Got something against whatever I’m driving, sweetheart?”

Warmth flushed through her and she raised her chin. She wasn’t about to let him see how much he’d hurt her feelings by not calling like he’d promised.

Her gaze dropped to his practically empty cart and she spied Preparation H amongst the bread, bologna and peanut butter. “Hemorrhoids giving you trouble?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

He grimaced. “A particularly large one.”

The display he was standing next to caught her eye.

. He was probably stocking up for his current conquest. She gestured to the packages of prophylactics. “Planning on getting lucky?”

At least he had the decency to look embarrassed. But in the next instant his expression turned sensual as he murmured, “You tell me.”

Dee clenched the handle of her shopping basket and forced a bright smile. “Well, gotta run.” She started to move the cart around his. “See you around.”

“Hey.” Jake caught her by the arm before she could pass him.

She cut him a glare. “Let go.”

Instead of dropping his hand, he rubbed his thumb on the inside of her elbow, his touch teasing the sensitive skin. “What’s wrong?” A genuinely puzzled expression crossed his face.

Dee rolled her eyes. “Oooh, let’s see. We damn near fuck in your truck cab, you don’t call me for two weeks after you said you would, and you expect me to fall into bed with you?”

“I see.” His tone was a little hard, his gaze a steely gray. “Lawless didn’t give you the message.”

With a frown, Dee asked, “What message?”

“I called before I left, but your foreman answered the phone and said you were checking stock tanks.” Jake released Dee’s arm and leaned against his shopping basket. “At the last minute I was sent to California to help break up a major smuggling ring with ties to a case I’ve been working on here. I got back late last night.”

“Oh. It must have slipped Jess’s mind.” Heat crept up her neck toward her cheeks. Her anger with Jake died like flames under a downpour.

Did Jess forget?

Did he forget on purpose?

Didn’t matter. She’d just kill the man and have done with it, dammit.

Two weeks of suffering, of being angry for nothing. Dee’s rage faded to embarrassment.

“I’ve missed you.” The way Jake stared at her cleared everything up, straightaway. She felt calm again, then agitated right away, then…wet with lust. “I’d planned to call you today after I got a few things for my mom.”

She nodded, not sure what to say.

“I want to take you someplace special.” He moved closer, just inches away. “Tonight.”

Her body quivered at his nearness, and she bit her lip. She’d spent the past two weeks telling herself it was for the best he hadn’t called. It was dangerous to be around the man too much. She kept losing her head, and he made her long for things she knew better than to wish for.

“Dee?” he murmured.

The sound of his voice, his earthy scent and raw masculinity made her wild. She needed to tell him no. Not now, not ever. “What time?”

“Is seven too early?” The pleasure in his expression was unmistakable.

“That sounds fine.” Dee swallowed. “Casual?”

“No. Dress sexy. I want to see what I’ve been waiting for.” His gaze was so filled with desire that her breasts were positively aching and her panties soaked.

God, she had to fuck him.

And soon, before she lost her mind.

Dee gave Jake a seductive smile and leaned past him to grab a box of extra-extra large ribbed condoms and tossed them into her basket.

She touched her fingertips to his jaw and pushed it closed. “Don’t be late,” she murmured and wheeled her cart to the checkout counter.


Chapter Eight

Frowning, Dee studied her reflection in her bedroom mirror. “Maybe I should wear something else.”

“That dress says exactly what you want.” Catie grinned as she handed Dee her brush. “Fuck me, baby.”

“And I aim to get it tonight.” Laughing, Dee ran the brush through her hair, the auburn mass falling wildly around her face and shoulders.

Although for the thousandth time, Dee wondered if she was making a mistake by going out with Jake.

Well, why the hell not? Why couldn’t she just enjoy the man and his body while it lasted? Enjoy the ride, knowing that eventually she’d have to get off.

As much as a part of her wished for something more permanent, she refused to give in to those dreams Jake had said about wanting to start over, but she’d decided long ago—and was now frequently reminding herself—that she wouldn’t trust her heart and soul to anyone again. Period.

“When’s he supposed to be here?” Catie plopped onto the edge of Dee’s bed, her hands braced behind her.

Pursing her lips at her reflection, Dee put a touch of peach lipstick. “Anytime now.”

“So how would you rate Jake in bed in comparison to other guys you’ve been with?”

“I can’t.” Dee gave a little shrug and dabbed orange blossom perfume on each wrist. “I don’t have anyone to compare him with.”

Catie’s voice rose, her tone incredulous. “Are you saying that he’s the
man you’ve actually fucked?”

“Well…” Dee grabbed her purse and dropped her lipstick inside, her eyes avoiding Catie’s chocolate gaze. “I’ve only gone so far with other guys, and then I—I freeze up.” She shoved her hair out of her face and looked at her friend. “Maybe I
an Ice Queen like everyone thinks.”

A man’s voice rumbled, “I know for a fact you aren’t.”

With a yelp, Dee whirled toward the door, knocking her purse and all its contents across the floor. Heat flooded her as her eyes locked with Jake’s.

He was leaning up against the doorframe, his arms folded across his broad chest, and his gaze focused intently on her. She was ready to die of embarrassment at him overhearing that he was the only man she’d ever had sex with—that was not something she’d
intended to let him know.

Yet his sensual smile and smoldering gray eyes made her stomach flutter in anticipation. He was wearing his black Stetson, an ivory western dress shirt with pearl snaps, snug jeans and boots. And damn if she didn’t want to eat him up whole, right then and there.

“Hi.” Catie bounced off the bed and extended her hand toward Jake, giving it a quick shake before dropping it. “I’m Catie, and I dare say you could only be Jake.”

“Pleasure.” His sexy grin and the rumble of his voice made Dee’s nipples tighten, and all she could think about was being alone with him. Naked.

Catie grinned at Dee over her shoulder and said, “Hot tub. Definitely,” before turning back to Jake. “I was heading on out. You two have fun.”

“See ya, Sweetpea,” Dee called after her friend as she knelt down and gathered the scattered contents of her purse.

As Dee heard the front door open and shut, Jake crouched beside her and said, “Hot tub?”

“Oh, nothing.” Just the thought of having Jake in the whirlpool with her made Dee’s mouth water. But she still would not want to share him in any way with another woman. Even just playful sex with her best friend?

The answer came through loud and clear.

“Ready to go?” he said in a husky murmur, his gaze raking over her as he handed Dee the tube of lipstick and her compact. “Or are you planning to go barefoot?”

“Oh.” Heat burned Dee’s cheeks as she stuffed everything back into her purse. “I’ll grab some heels.”

Jake reached back and pulled Dee’s sandal out of his hip pocket. “Missing this?”

Her eyes widened as they stood. “How did you get it?”

“You dropped it by your Rover the night of the dance. I found it after you left.”

“I can’t believe you’ve had my shoe all of this time.” Dee smiled at Jake and grabbed the other sandal off the top of her dresser. “I’ll get these on and then I’m ready.”

Was she ever ready. She wanted him bad. Right now.

Jake moved so close that she could feel his heat radiating through her. “Let me see if the shoe fits, Cinderella.”

She tilted her head, her heartbeat accelerating. “And if it does, will you be my cowboy prince?”

Her insides melted as he gave her that drop-dead gorgeous grin of his. “If you want me to be.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Dee reached for the sandal, but he shook his head. “No, the prince gets to try it on you.” Before she could respond, he maneuvered her onto the edge of her bed, and knelt down in front of her.

He rested his hands either side of her hips, his mouth so close to hers that she could feel the warmth of his breath on her lips. Blood rushed in her ears and her throat went dry.

His eyes slowly traveled down her dress, and her gaze followed his. From her prominent nipples puckering the front of the dress, to her flat belly, down to the garters exposed below the hem of her skirt that had hiked up to the top of her thighs.

Slowly, he slid one finger from her hip, over the exposed skin above the garter, and onto the sheer stocking. Dee gulped, her breathing coming hard and fast, her panties already soaking.

Continuing on down her thigh in that maddening pace, Jake trailed his finger over her knee, down her shin to her ankle. He caught her heel in his hand, tracing the ball of her foot and then raised it to his mouth.

She gasped as he ran his tongue along her arch. The feel of him through her sheer stockings was incredibly erotic. It made her hotter and wetter, and so ready for him to fuck her.

He nipped at her big toe and then sucked on it, and she thought she was going to climax from the feel of her toe in his warm mouth. She whimpered when he pulled away and slipped the sandal onto her foot.

Jake let her foot slide out of his grasp, then reached up to tug the other sandal out of her hand. The movement startled her. She’d been so intent on what he was doing, she’d forgotten that she was holding it.

Smiling, he ran his fingers down her other leg until he reached her stockinged foot. He caressed it as he had the other, with his tongue and his mouth, and then slid the sandal on. When he was finished, he brought his gaze to her face.

Nudging her knees apart, Jake moved between her thighs, and forced her back so that she was partially reclining and bracing her arms on the bed behind her. He pressed against her until the bulge in his jeans was tight against the wet crotch of her panties. His face was an inch from hers, yet he made no move to kiss her. He ground his cock harder against her pussy, spreading her thighs farther apart.

Dee moaned as he nuzzled her neck, the feel of his stubble against her skin lighting a fire inside her.

Just as she was about to beg him to fuck her, he pulled away. “I made reservations in Bisbee. We’d better leave if we’re going to make it on time.”

Surprised and disappointed, Dee only nodded. She wanted him bad. And she wanted him now.



* * * * *


Jake held his hand against the small of Dee’s bare back as the waiter led them to an obscure corner of the restaurant.

This time, the cell phone was off. He’d even left the damn thing in his car. Let the rustlers take all the cattle in the county. Tonight, his attention belonged to Dee.

Her skin felt hot against his fingertips, and he yearned to peel her clothes off and slide his cock into her.

Right there, on the restaurant floor.

It had been one incredible feat of self-control to not take her the moment he got to her house. But he didn’t want her thinking this was only about sex, even though that’s all she seemed to want from him.

As they walked across the plush burgundy carpet and through the maze of mauve draped tables, he wondered what it would take to get Dee to trust him again. This morning at the grocery store it had been obvious that she was a long way from that point.

When they reached the table, the waiter stood politely by as Jake and Dee were seated. A single candle flickered at the center of the table, barely giving enough light to see by. The restaurant was busy, but the way their table was hidden from view in the corner, they might as well have been alone. Which was just fine with Jake.

Dee set her purse and jacket down then slid into the cozy booth, trying to keep that scrap of a dress from climbing up her thighs.

Let it climb, sweetheart,
Jake thought
. Let it climb.

Scooting next to her, so that his leg was pressed against hers, Jake whispered in her ear, “It’s so dark no one can see, and the table hides you from view.”

His gaze roamed over her, and then he added, “From everyone but me, that is.”

“If you say so.” Dee gave him a wicked smile and stopped trying to pull her skirt down. Instead, she wiggled and let her dress hike up to the top of her thighs.

Jake’s cock had an immediate reaction to the sight of those garters, and he was real glad the waiter couldn’t see either one of their laps.

The ponytailed waiter handed them each a menu. After they ordered the shrimp appetizer, main course, and their drinks, the waiter left them alone. But a second later, a busboy placed glasses of ice water in front of Dee and Jake.

“Romantic.” Dee picked up her glass and sipped her ice water, glancing around the restaurant.

“Uh-huh.” Jake’s mind was mush and he could hardly take his eyes off her.

Dee’s scent of rain and orange blossoms enveloped him, sharpening his senses. Her thick hair fell like molten copper over her shoulders, resting on the top of her breasts. Candlelight reflected in her eyes and her lips were glossy and slightly parted.

The thought of what she could do with those lips darn near made Jake groan aloud. While he’d been gone, all he’d thought about was how much he’d enjoyed their time together when he’d been working with Imp, and how he wanted to see her.

The waiter returned with their drinks and vanished again into the restaurant’s darkness. Jake found himself wishing the guy would stay away. At least long enough for him to steal a kiss from Dee. Or two.

To hell with the waiter.

Dee picked up her glass of white zinfandel and smiled. Through the crystal wine glass he saw her tongue press against the rim, the rose fluid rolling over her lips. Mesmerized, he watched her throat as she swallowed.

He swallowed, too. His throat was so dry he didn’t think he could have spoken a word.

Forcing himself to move, Jake picked up his draft and downed half the glass before letting himself look at Dee again.

The sensual play continued until the smell of grilled shrimp alerted Jake that the waiter had brought the plate of appetizers they’d ordered. Dee picked up a shrimp and peeled off the tail. Then she held the morsel between her thumb and forefinger and placed it in front of Jake’s lips.

“Open up,” she murmured and slipped the shrimp into his mouth when he complied. Jake sucked her fingers as she withdrew them and he felt the slight tremor of her hand.

“The taste of you was the best part,” he said as he selected a shrimp. Her eyes focused on him, she parted her lips. As he put the shrimp into her mouth, she caressed his fingers with butterfly strokes of her tongue.

Just from what Dee was doing with that incredible tongue, Jake’s cock was so hard he thought he might come in his jeans.

She brought another shrimp to his mouth and his gaze strayed to her breasts. He suckled her fingertips like he wanted to be doing to her prominent nipples. Slow lazy strokes and then harder, applying slight suction.

Too soon, or maybe not soon enough, the shrimp were gone. Dee licked her own fingers as she stared at him, the candlelight reflecting desire in her green eyes.

The waiter arrived with their meals, but they barely noticed.

Jake had never had a meal that was a sexual experience like this one. Every bite Dee took made him feel as though she was thinking about going down on his cock, licking her tongue along his length and swallowing his come.

She continued to feed him bites of grilled chicken with her fingers, and he returned the favor, until their plates were clean.

“Dessert?” the waiter asked when he cleared their plates away.

Frankly Jake wanted to get out of the restaurant and out to his truck. He’d never fucked in the cab before, but at the moment it was looking real good.

Dee glanced up from the dessert menu and licked her bottom lip. “Why don’t we share a piece of chocolate cheesecake?”

Jake could hardly form a coherent thought as all his blood had pooled in his groin, so he settled for a quick nod.

In a few minutes, the waiter returned with the slice of cheesecake and set it in front of them with two forks. Raspberry sauce drizzled down one side of the dessert.

Dee dipped her finger in the sauce and sucked it off. “Mmmm, this is heaven.”

Jake thrust his fork into the cheesecake. “I know what’s even better.”

She gave him a seductive smile. “Oh, you do?”

Holding the bite of cheesecake in front of her lips, Jake’s right hand glided up her thigh, over the silky stockings, and to the bare flesh above.

She gasped as his hand traveled beneath her skirt to the wisp of satin panties beneath. “Jake,” she whispered, but he slipped the bit of cheesecake into her mouth.

“Better than cheesecake.” He skimmed the crotch of her panties, and smiled when he felt how damp they were. He found the edge of the fabric, and her eyes widened as his fingers brushed over the curls beneath.

Her hand trembled as she put her own fork into the dessert and she held it up to his lips. The cheesecake was smooth and creamy and melted over his tongue as his fingers glided into the wetness of her pussy. He wanted nothing more than to taste her right now instead of that cheesecake.

“If you keep doing that,” Dee said with obvious difficulty, “I’m going to come right here in the restaurant.”

“That’s the idea.” Jake fed her another bite of cheesecake as he continued to rub his finger over her clit. “No one can tell what we’re doing.”

He looked into her eyes, the passion in them driving him wild. “I want to watch you come, sweetheart. Now.”

In the next moment her hand was in his lap, caressing his cock through his jeans. He thrust his fork into the cheesecake again, then slid the bite into Dee’s warm mouth just as she parted her lips and climaxed.

Her body shuddered with wave after wave of her orgasm. He didn’t let up stroking her until the tremors stopped and she relaxed against the back of the booth.

Oh. My. God
,” she said, her eyes rolling back. “Unbelievable.”

Watching Dee come had damn near put Jake over the edge. She continued to stroke his cock as she looked at him with heavy lidded eyes. He slipped his hand out of her panties and placed his palm over hers, stopping the motion that was driving him over the edge.

With a shaky sigh, she sat up in her seat. Her hand trembled as she picked up her glass of wine. “I’ll never think of chocolate cheesecake in quite the same way,” she murmured over the rim of her glass, and then drained the contents before setting her glass down.

“Me neither.” Jake smiled and kissed her, licking away a bit of raspberry sauce from the corner of her mouth.

The waiter approached and set the check on the table. “Anything else I can do for you?”

Dee shook her head and Jake said, “We’re more than fine.”

“Thanks. Please come again.”

Dee burst into a fit of giggles and Jake grinned. “I’m sure we will.”

With a puzzled smile, the waiter took their empty dessert plate and left. Jake pulled cash out of his wallet and put it in the center of the table with the bill.

Dee dabbed her lips with her napkin, and then tossed the napkin under the table.

Jake raised an eyebrow. “What did you do that for?”

She winked. “Oops. I dropped my napkin. Better get it.”

Before he could say a word, she slid beneath the tablecloth.

Blood pounded in Jake’s ears. Dee wasn’t about to do what he thought she was.

“Ah, Dee?” he said as she disappeared.

She pushed the tablecloth out of the way and moved between his thighs. “I’m going to return the favor.”

Jake’s breathing became ragged and his hard-on positively ached. “Here?”

“Mmmm.” Dee’s nimble fingers found his belt and she undid it in record time. “You said no one could see us. And the waiter left the check, so he’s not likely to come back right away. But
come.” Her words were slightly muffled, but the sensual tone was unmistakable.

Jake felt a tug on his zipper, and then thrill and release as his throbbing cock sprang free.

His eyes darted around the restaurant.

No one could see them.


God, he hoped not.

And then he couldn’t think any more as Dee’s hot breath teased him. Slowly, she slid him into her mouth, flicking her tongue around the head of his cock.

He groaned then bit the inside of his cheek, fighting to hold back the next groan.

As if sensing her advantage, Dee went down on him, taking in his full measure.

God, her mouth was warm. Hot. Burning.

Jake slipped a hand beneath the tablecloth and clenched her hair in his fist. There was something about sitting in a restaurant and not being able to see what she was doing to him that made the entire experience beyond erotic.

He chewed his cheek to the point of blood, holding back another groan as Dee stroked him with her hand and mouth, sucking and licking him. Her other hand found the soft sack behind and caressed his balls.

Intense sensations flooded Jake. “Dee… My God.”

He’d never felt anything like this. Not even close.

Fighting to keep his eyes open, to be sure no one was about to happen upon them and haul them straight off to jail, he gave himself up to Dee’s hot mouth.

He couldn’t help it. Sweet Jesus. What was she doing to him?

Sweat broke across his forehead as Dee took him deep in her welcoming throat. So soft. So wet.

In the next instant, Jake’s body corded. He clenched his teeth to hold back a shout as he came. She grabbed his hips and held him at the back of her throat, swallowing his semen until the last surge of his orgasm ended.

His vision was still a little hazy when he noticed the waiter approaching. Dee started to get up but Jake leaned closer to the table and pressed down on her head with his palm.

“Waiter,” he mumbled, and heard her soft laugh from between his knees.

When the waiter reached the table, his gaze flicked to Dee’s empty seat and then to the cash.

“Keep the change,” Jake managed to say, his jaw twitching as he felt Dee’s hand caressing his cock. Up and down. Slowly. Teasing him, wanting a repeat.

And damned if he wasn’t getting hard again.

“Thanks,” the waiter said as he picked up the money. “Have a good one.” With a slight inclination of his head he turned and left.

“Oh, I did,” Jake murmured under his breath.

His hands slid back to Dee’s hair. He tried to pull her up, but she wasn’t budging.

Slowly, her tongue worked him again, from top to bottom.

He was pouring sweat now, and his body jerked as she closed her lips over him once more and coaxed his hardness back into her mouth. Sucking. Just the right pressure. Just the right soft brushing from her teeth.

Her hands traveled to his hips, forcing him forward as her sucking became more demanding. More insistent.

Jake let go of her and grabbed the table.

“Damn,” he whispered. “Damn, woman. Have you lost your mind?”

Dee purred, and the rumble of her voice against his now-throbbing shaft was too much to bear.

Jake closed his eyes.

Let the whole restaurant know. He could care less. All that mattered was Dee’s mouth. The rhythm of her ceaseless caress, her throaty welcome as she took him in, up and down, harder and faster.

The table rattled as he came, unable to hold back a fresh round of groans. His face burned, and he coughed, trying to cover up the sound.

Mercifully, she kissed him a few more times, then stopped. He felt her tucking his still semi-hard cock back into his shorts, and heard the soft hum of the zipper of his jeans, and then she fastened his belt buckle.

Once more, his hands found Dee’s hair and ran down her body as she rose from under the tablecloth to her seat. She grinned and dabbed her lips with the napkin.

“Found it,” she said.

Jake opened his mouth, but all that came out was a rattling sigh of exhaustion. He felt like he could fall asleep on the table. Face first. But he didn’t dare. Who knew what Dee might do to him then?

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