Wild: Wildfire (9 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Wild: Wildfire
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* * * * *


Jake’s gut clenched as he drove the last mile between his office and Dee’s door. He’d spent the day tracking down leads on the rustlers, but they just kept dead-ending, frustrating the hell out of him.

When Jake had called Jarrod Savage, the sheriff had been out of the office, and Jake had ended up talking with Deputy Ryan Forrester instead. Forrester had been the cowboy Dee had danced with that night at the rodeo dance when she had ended up with a twisted ankle. Just the thought of another man with his arms around Dee was enough to make Jake want to kick the man’s ass.

As far as the phone call, Forrester hadn’t been much help. The deputy was far too relaxed about the whole rustling situation.

Jake parked in front of Dee’s house wondering if any of the local ranchers could be involved. Or was this strictly an outside job?

Whatever the answer, he couldn’t give it any more thought. For the moment, his mind needed one thing and one thing only.

After a deep, slow breath, he got out of his truck, headed up the steps and knocked on Dee’s door. His throat tightened, and he realized he was nervous.
It was his first real ‘date’ with her since he’d moved back to Douglas, and he didn’t want to blow it.

The past two weeks had been hell, forcing himself to keep his distance from Dee. He intended to take things slow and easy this time. Give their relationship a chance to grow, and give her a chance to trust him again.

But when the door opened and he saw Dee, every shred of his good intentions vanished, replaced by raging desire. He clenched his hands and swallowed real hard.

Dee smiled, her green eyes wide. She’d piled her auburn hair on top of her head in a sexy style that made her look like she’d just gotten out of bed after a day of fucking. The tiny black dress she wore only reached mid-thigh, revealing her long sexy legs.

Legs he wanted to have clamped tight around him as he thrust his cock into her wet core. It was all he could do to keep from grabbing her and taking her now.

As though she could read his thoughts, Dee sighed and ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip.

The woman had no mercy.

He reached up and hooked his finger under one of the delicate straps securing her dress. “God, but you’re gorgeous, sweetheart.”

Dee’s smile was seductive. “You sure clean up nice.”

Her hand went to that sensitive spot at the base of her throat. His gaze followed, then dropped to the generous amount of exposed cleavage. Her nipples peaked below the thin material, and he had to force himself not to let his hand wander from her shoulder to her breasts.

“Just a sec.” Her voice was low and husky as she drew away from his touch. “Let me get my purse.”

When she walked to the kitchen, he just about groaned out loud at the sight of her sheer black stockings hugging her shapely legs. A line ran down the back of each stocking—stockings that should be outlawed for what they did to a man. Not to mention those high heels she was wearing. Her outfit screamed sex and he had the erection to prove it.

Trying to gain some control over his body, Jake took a deep breath and thought about work. Thought about anything but what Dee’s body did to him.

It didn’t do a damn bit of good.



Dee’s skin tingled where Jake was touching her elbow as he guided her into
Los Dos Hermanos
, a popular restaurant in Douglas. Sounds of laughter and voices, clinking plates and mariachi music filled the air. Tantalizing smells of Mexican food caused her stomach to growl.

The place was crowded, but they didn’t have long to wait before the hostess escorted them to a corner booth.
decorated the walls, strategically arranged baskets of colorful gourds, and
swaying from the ceiling’s exposed beams.

Jake slid onto the bench next to Dee, his presence solid and virile. When she glanced up, he gave her a devastating smile, and she quivered with awareness from head to toe.

After they had ordered, and the waitress had returned with their drinks, Dee took a long sip of her margarita. The mixture of salt from the rim and the citrusy taste rolled over her tongue. She needed to relax and enjoy the evening, and she was hoping the margarita would help her mellow a bit.

Jake’s eyes swirled stormy gray as he watched her, filled with passion—and something else. Something that made Dee wonder if there could be a happily ever after.

Not likely. She wasn’t Cinderella.

Though lately Jake had been kind of like a Prince Charming. A devastatingly handsome, untamed cowboy of a prince.

A smile teased the corner of her mouth.

He trailed his finger over her lips. “What’s that smile for?”

“It’s silly.”

“Tell me.”

Dee dropped her gaze to her margarita, picked it up and took a healthy swallow. She rarely drank, and she could already feel her body loosening from the alcohol. Maybe it would loosen her inhibitions, too, and she’d get Jake where she wanted him.

In bed, between my thighs.

Heat flushed her cheeks as she looked back to him. “I was just thinking you’ve been a cowboy Prince Charming these past couple of weeks.”

His mouth curved into a slow grin, and fine lines at the corners of his eyes crinkled.

Dee’s face grew even warmer. “Told you it was silly.”

“Cinderella.” His voice was a husky murmur as he stroked her shoulder, drawing lazy circles on her bare arm with his fingers. “Does that mean if I find your glass slipper, you’ll be my princess?”

His touch was sensual and hypnotic, stirring her blood, igniting flames throughout her body. She shivered, every fiber of her being acutely aware of him. Wanting him.

Her breasts ached, pressing against the taut silk of her dress. Her naughty stockings and garters felt erotic, and she wanted Jake to explore her body and discover exactly what she wore beneath her dress. She needed his touch, his kiss.

“Watch out.” A voice said, breaking Dee’s lustful trance. “It’s hot.”

I’m hot. So hot.

Dee blinked, reality seeping in as she realized the waitress was setting their plates in front of them. Jake smiled and eased his arm from around her shoulder and started eating his combination platter of enchiladas, tacos and refried beans.

So very hot.

Ignoring her own plate, Dee picked up her margarita and took a long draught, peeking at Jake from beneath her lashes.

It wasn’t food she was hungry for.



Jake’s groin tightened as Dee climbed into the truck cab and scooted next to him. Her orange blossom and rain scent mingled with the smell of his leather upholstery.

As he backed the truck out of the restaurant’s parking lot, Dee rested her head on his arm, her body snug against his. The next thing he knew, her hand was on his thigh. Slowly tracing patterns with her fingernail down to his knee, and then higher. Not quite up to his hip, and then back to his knee again.

His heart punched his chest as he guided his truck through Douglas, his body on fire, his cock so hard he could use it as a gearshift. He drove with one hand and captured her wayward fingers with his other. Just as sure as the sun would rise, he knew she wanted him. And he sure as hell wanted her.

She sighed and snuggled closer. “Thanks for the wonderful dinner.”

“You hardly ate.”

“I’m not hungry for
.” Her voice was filled with sensual promise.

Jake’s erection grew so enormous he was in some serious pain. He wanted to bury his cock inside her more than anything. He wanted to touch her and taste her pussy, and make her scream when she came.

When Dee couldn’t dislodge her hand from beneath his, she shifted in her seat, pressing her breasts against his arm. He groaned as she started an erotic assault, nipping at his shoulder through his shirt. She moved her other hand to his chest, sliding her fingers down to his belt.

“Dee,” he grumbled in warning and desire combined.

Pausing, she looked up at him. “What?” she asked in an innocent voice.

“If you don’t stop that, I’m liable to have an accident.”

“Mmmm.” She lightly ran her finger over the bulge straining against his zipper, lightly stroking his cock. “Now that would be a shame.”

“You’re killing me, woman.”

Jake wasn’t sure how he made it to the ranch without coming in his jeans. Dee hadn’t let up and his cock was so hard for her that the minute he reached her house, he wanted to shove that tiny skirt to her waist and take her in the cab.

As soon as he parked his truck and killed the engine and the lights, Dee laced her hands in his hair and pulled him toward her. She kissed him with such hunger that he felt it straight to the soles of his boots.

Lust consumed him as she thrust her tongue into his mouth. God, but she tasted good. Her own unique taste, combined with the citrus of the margarita.

Dee tore her lips from his and rose up on her knees, putting her breasts at the same level as his mouth. “Touch me,” she whispered.

Jake’s mouth found her nipple and she moaned as he licked and sucked at it through the thin fabric of her dress. He shoved her skirt up to her waist and groaned when he discovered she was wearing garters and a tiny wisp of panties.

“I need to feel you,” he murmured as he caressed her hips through the silk underwear. “I’ve got to taste you.”

“Please, baby,” Dee moaned as he moved his mouth to her other breast, nipping at it, soaking the thin material. He slid his hand between her damp thighs and she gasped as his fingers stroked her pussy.

While he caressed her, Dee clenched her hands in his hair and rocked her hips. “I want you inside me this time.”

“Come for me, sweetheart.” Jake sucked her nipple harder and increased the pace of his strokes. “Come for me.”

“Jake!” she cried out as her orgasm hit hard and fast.

He continued rubbing her clit, drawing out her climax until she begged him to stop. He slipped his hand out of her panties and she slid into his lap, trailing kisses across his face until she found his lips. Her ass rubbed against his erection as her tongue slid into his mouth.

“Dee,” he groaned. He had a wild woman in his arms, and he wanted to drive his cock into her now.

“Fuck me,” she demanded.

“God, yes.” He yanked up her dress.

She shifted to straddle him—and the truck horn blared so loud Jake liked to have come unglued.

The porch light came on, flooding the truck with light. Dee startled and turned her head to look at the house. Blinking away the brightness, she said, “Who the hell is that?”

He slid her off his lap, adjusted her strap, and made sure her dress was in place. “Looks like a woman.”

Before Dee had the chance to say anything else, he climbed out of the truck. Blue rushed up, barking and yelping his greeting. Jake glanced at the house to see the woman’s silhouette in the open door.

“Dee, is that you?” the woman called.

“Yeah.” Dee raised her voice as she climbed out of the truck cab. “I’ll be right in, Catie.”

“About damn time,” Catie said with a laugh. “I was about to send a posse out to search for you. I’ll wait inside,” she added and closed the door.

Dee groaned as she looked back up at Jake. “I forgot she was coming over tonight to watch movies.”

Jake shut the truck door. “This late?”

“She’s always late. I told her to come at nine, and it’s probably ten now.” Dee shrugged as he slid his arm around her shoulders and coaxed her toward the house. She was unsteady on her feet, probably from the margaritas, and he worried she’d hurt her ankle again. He stopped and scooped her into his arms and headed up the stairs.

“Hey!” She clung to his neck. “No more he-man stuff.”

Jake groaned at the feel of her soft body in his arms, one hand on a silk-clad thigh. “Believe me. This
hurts me more than it hurts you.”

When he deposited her in front of the door, she braced her hands on his arms to steady herself, and frowned. “I’m sorry to end the night like this.”

“I wish I could see you tomorrow.” He hooked his finger under her chin. “But it’s my mom’s birthday and Nick and I promised to spend the whole day with her. Then Sunday I’ve got to take care of a few things on a case I’m working. I’ll call you during the week, okay?”

Dee nodded. “Sure.”

He smiled and gave her a soft kiss, then pulled away. “The next time we go out, wear that little white outfit you had on at the rodeo dance. I’m dying to see you in it again.”

“Okay,” she whispered.



* * * * *


Two weeks.

It had been almost two weeks and Jake hadn’t called.

And the damn rustlers had made off with another forty head or so from neighboring ranchers, and the damn local law enforcement was ignoring her calls.

And it was just like that SOB Jake to promise to help and then bail when things got rough.

Dee frowned at the ivory halter dress hanging in her closet, tempted to ball it up and bury it in the corner again.

The day after Jake had brought her home from their date, she’d hand washed that darn dress and pressed it. Lust had filled her at the thought of being with Jake again, and she’d needed her vibrator on more than one occasion.

For one brief moment, she’d considered calling him to find out why he hadn’t tried to reach her, but pride kicked in. She wasn’t about to go begging the man to come climb into her bed and fuck her.

Jeez. What was the matter with her, anyway? She didn’t want a relationship and she’d made that clear to him. Maybe he was staying away for that reason.

Maybe he’d found someone else. Not that it made any difference to her.

Then why did the thought of him being with another woman make her feel so angry?

Dee sighed and closed her closet door. She turned and almost tripped over Blue. The Border collie yelped and scampered out of the way, his soulful eyes gazing at her as though he was in trouble.

“Sorry, love,” she murmured. “Didn’t mean to step on you.”

No, Jake was the one she’d like to be stomping on right that minute.

She started to head to the kitchen but stopped at her bureau. As though her will was not her own, she slid open the top drawer, and then the hidden compartment. Inside lay the treasures that meant more to her than anything else: her mother’s locket; a black pearl Trace had won at the county fair when she was twelve and had given to Dee; a chunk of turquoise her father had found in Bisbee.

And the necklace Jake had given her after they’d been dating for three months. She had pushed the box way to the back of the drawer all those years ago and had forgotten it. Sort of.

Until now.

Dee wasn’t sure why her hands trembled as she withdrew the box. It was rich ivory with the jeweler’s name embossed in gold across the lid.

She lifted the cover and caught her breath. She’d forgotten how beautiful it was. The gold chain shimmered in the light, and the pendant almost seemed to glow against ivory velvet. It was a large chunk of peridot in the shape of a heart, bordered in gold.

Jake had given it to her that Christmas. Peridot may not have been considered a precious gem, but the necklace was one of the most precious things she’d ever been given. The gift had come from his heart. He’d said he’d had it made special for her, because it matched her eyes. And since it was her birthstone it would be good luck.

A lot of luck it had been.

She shoved the jeweler’s box to the back of the compartment, shut the drawer, and headed out the door. Might as well get some grocery shopping done.

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