Wild: Wildfire (13 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Wild: Wildfire
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“Come for me, sweetheart.” Jake’s voice was a low hum, driving her forward.

She bit her lip to hold back cries of pleasure, then couldn’t. Her breath came in quick gasps as she rubbed harder and harder.

“Now,” he demanded. “Right now!”

Jake’s command threw her off the summit and she came in an explosive orgasm that rocked her from head to toe.

In the next moment he stood between her thighs, his mouth taking possession of hers. He held her tight in his arms as her body shuddered.

Jake released her mouth to move downward, capturing between his teeth the nipple she’d licked for him. Aftershocks racked Dee’s body and she arched to meet him, sliding her hands into his thick black hair.

“You’re so perfect,” he murmured as he moved to the other peak and then nipped at it.

More cries escaped Dee’s throat as she clenched her hands in his hair while he suckled and licked her nipples. “I can’t wait, anymore. I need you inside me.”

When she tugged at his T-shirt, this time he helped her. He ripped it the rest of the way off and threw it to the floor before gripping her hips.

Dee slid her hands through his chest hair, loving the feel of his muscles against her sensitive fingertips. She continued down his taut abdomen to the V of hair that disappeared into his jeans.

Shaking with desire, she undid his belt and the top button. As she slid his zipper down, she pulled away his briefs and sighed as she released the full length of his cock. Her mouth watered as she caressed his rod, feeling his thickness in her hand. So hard, yet soft all at the same time.

Jake groaned as she ran her thumb over the head, brushing the pearly bead of semen at the tip, and was gratified by his sharp intake of breath.

Her gaze met his, and he groaned again as she brought her thumb to her mouth and licked the salty sweetness of his semen. “You taste so good.”

He pushed his jeans and briefs around his thighs. After whipping on protection, he slid his finger into the creamy wetness of her pussy.

“Now, baby.” She strained closer to him, gripping his bare shoulders and hooking her thighs around his hips.

Jake pressed the tip of his erection against the swollen flesh between her thighs, his gaze locked with hers.

She braced her arms on the table and bucked her hips. “Fuck me, dammit!”

In tune with her desire, Jake plunged his cock into her, burying himself as deep as he could go.

Grasping her hips tighter, he took her hard and fast. Dee’s breasts bounced with every thrust as she clenched him between her thighs, her head back and her lips parted.

It felt so good having him pounding inside. “Yes,” she cried. “Harder. Faster.

She twisted and screamed as another violent orgasm seized her.

“Dee…” Jake thrust into her a few more times and then shouted her name again as he shuddered with his own climax. He clenched her hips as he pulsated inside her his cock throbbing and jerking as his semen spilled inside her.

Bracing his arms on either side of Dee, Jake leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers. His breathing was heavy, his sweat mingling with hers, the smell of sex surrounding them.

Jake’s smile matched Dee’s, and as he kissed her she felt him harden inside her. She almost groaned in frustration when he withdrew, still partially erect.

Cupping her breast, he caressed her nipple with his thumb, sending more shivers through her. “Thanks for making a man’s fantasy come true.”

Dee smiled and trailed kisses along his scar to the corner of his mouth. “Anytime, cowboy.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” He held her close to him, as though he never wanted to let her go.

And Dee was afraid she never wanted him to.



Jake could hardly believe how completely Dee had fulfilled his fantasy of watching her masturbate, and of fucking her on top of the table. If he hadn’t shot his load three times last night, he was sure he would have come in his jeans while he watched her bring herself to climax.

When he could finally bring himself to step away from her, he pulled his jeans up around his hips and helped her off the table.

Dee leaned against him. “Hold me,” she murmured against his chest. “My legs are too wobbly after that round of Earth shattering sex.”

“Earth shattering, huh?” He nibbled her earlobe, amazed at how hard he was again. “Let’s go for exploding universe sex next.”

She shivered as his tongue dipped into her ear. “Does that have anything to do with the big bang theory?”

Jake chuckled. God, she was wonderful. “Why don’t we find out?”

“You’re on.” Dee leaned more fully against him. “But first let me get my legs working again.”

“I can take care of that.”

Dee squealed and clung to him as he scooped her up in his arms. Holding her close, he carried her down the long hallway to her room, his boots echoing against the tile in the silent house. He remembered exactly where her room was, as though he’d been there yesterday. He’d never fucked her in her home before, much less her bedroom, but when no one was around they had shared more than a few kisses in there.

Light spilled into the dark bedroom from the hallway, illuminating a huge bed in the center of her room. A snowy comforter covered it, matching pillows and bolsters piled near the brass headboard.

Just as Jake laid Dee on the bed and stepped back to start to remove his jeans, Blue’s barking caught his attention. Blue carried on, growling and snarling outside Dee’s window.

“Something—or someone—is out there.” Dee’s hushed voice filled Jake with concern. “Blue never barks like that unless there’s a reason.”

“Keep the light off.” A mixture of rage and wariness gave Jake a surge of strength. He moved away from her, wishing he hadn’t left his gun in his truck. He eased to one of the room’s windows and lifted the curtain with his finger, just enough to look out into the starlit night.

When Jake’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of the night, he saw Blue a few feet from the window. The dog’s hackles were practically standing on edge as he continued to growl and bark in the direction of the barn—but at what?

Jake heard the rustle of fabric as Dee moved behind him, then saw out of the corner of his eye that she had slid on a robe. “See anything?” she whispered.

“No—” he started to reply, just as a shadowed figure eased from the black mouth of the barn, moving slowly in the shadows. “Damn.”

Without a second thought, Jake whirled and sprinted from Dee’s bedroom toward the front door. “Stay in the house,” he called over his shoulder as he hurried.

“Jake! Dammit…” Her feet padded against the floor as she followed him down the hallway. “You’d better be careful.”

With stealth that came naturally to him, enhanced by years of work in law enforcement, Jake silently opened the front door and slipped onto the porch and into the night. Blue still barked, sparing Jake only a quick glance before growling again at the shadows around the barn.

Jake’s heart rate picked up as he neared his truck, planning to grab his gun from beneath the seat. The night air chilled his bare chest, but he barely noticed. The fire of pursuit burned in his blood.

Just as he reached his truck door, he saw the shadow sprint from the barn into the nearby mesquite bushes. Jake yanked the door open and grabbed his weapon, then took off across the yard toward the barn. The sound of a horse’s whinny followed by hoof beats told him he was too late.

In the distance he saw the shadowy outline of a horse and rider heading toward the mountains.

Jake knew he’d never catch up to them, so instead he gripped his gun and eased out to the barn. When he was sure he was alone, he flipped on the barn light and searched the place. The only thing he found amiss was the latch to Imp’s stall undone, but thank God the little bastard of a calf was still there.


Chapter Eleven

Settling back in a chair in the breakfast nook, Jake took a swig of the beer Dee had given him while he watched her pace the kitchen floor. He’d made the proper calls to all the proper departments. Jarrod Savage and his deputy were on their way.

“Why would somebody trespass and hang around my barn?” Dee hugged her arms beneath her breasts as she moved, the motion plumping them up so that they almost spilled out of the opening of the blouse she was now wearing. “And why did they mess with Imp’s stall?”

Jake’s cock twitched as he watched her. Damn, but it had been only an hour since he’d taken her on the tabletop, and he was raring for more. Too bad they’d have to wait for Savage to do his dog-and-pony show.

But the thought of someone being on Dee’s property cooled his lust. He cursed himself for thinking about sex when he should be figuring out who was responsible for the rustling, and who had tried to steal Dee’s calf. Mentally he ran down the list of suspects and motives as Dee paced.

Kev Grand had a real thing for her—maybe he was trying to get some kind of sick revenge for Dee pushing off his advances. Jake was still irked about Kev’s accusation—Dee had told him about it while they waited for the sheriff. Why would Kev try to throw suspicion on Jake?

Then there was that new foreman, Jess Lawless. Something about the man didn’t quite fit, and it was pissing Jake off not being able to place what it was. Come Monday at work, he’d have to do a little research.

Of the other neighboring ranchers, so far Steve Wilds was the only one who hadn’t had any cattle stolen. From what Jake had heard from Deputy Forrester, the Wilds were hard up for cash. But it was a little too obvious and a little too stupid to not take his own.

Outside Blue barked, and Jake heard the sound of a vehicle driving up. Looked like it was time to see what the sheriff had to say.



Dee’s stomach was in knots as she and Jake headed outside to meet the sheriff. Savage had made it there faster than she’d expected. He was the sheriff for all of Cochise County, and his office was a good thirty minute drive from her ranch. He must have been in the area when Jake made the call.

When she could make out the sheriff’s features in the porch light, she saw that he was one cool drink of water. He’d only recently been elected, and she hadn’t had the opportunity to meet him before. The man was at least six feet tall, broad shouldered and muscular. And when he took off his tan Stetson, she noticed he had the most amazing crystal green eyes to go along with his thick brown hair and sable mustache.

“Dean MacLeod,” Dee said as she held out her hand to shake the sheriff’s. She couldn’t help but think that Catie’s panties would be in a twist if she got a look at this fine cowboy. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sheriff.”

“Jarrod Savage.” The man had a deep rumbling voice that had to turn on every woman he met. He smiled as he took her hand. “Pleasure’s all mine.”

The sheriff released Dee’s hand and turned to Jake. “Good to see you again, partner, although I’m not partial to the circumstances.”

Jake took Dee’s hand and started toward the barn. “Where’s Forrester?” he asked.

Savage fell into step beside them. “Deputy Forrester checked in too far away to respond to the call.” His voice had a slightly annoyed note to it. “His instructions were to stay in this area, but he was chasing a lead to the south. He has the damn department’s horse trailer, too.”

As they walked to the barn, Jake explained what had happened in detail that amazed Dee. How he saw and remembered so much in just that brief amount of time gave Dee added respect for his profession.

A cool breeze swept over Dee’s skin and she shivered. Jake casually wrapped one arm around her shoulders and held her close, warming her, even as he continued talking with Savage.

The sheriff lifted a partial print off the latch to Imp’s stall. “Likely it was a close-by job since the perp was on horseback,” Savage said when he finished taking the evidence.

Jake nodded, his arm still tight around Dee. “Hard to imagine it could be connected to the rustling.”

Savage gave an ironic smile. “But you sure as hell never know.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Jake kept Dee close as they headed back to the house. “Come daylight I’ll be cutting sign.”

“Say what?” Dee looked from Savage to Jake.

Jake brushed his lips over her hair. “Lingo for following the tracks of the bastard.”

When they reached the Sheriff’s truck, they said their goodbyes, Savage promising to follow up with them in the next couple of days.



After they’d taken a shower together and had eaten a light supper, Jake scooped Dee up and carried her to the bedroom. In the distance he heard the sound of thunder, and a gust of wind rattled the panes of her bedroom window.

He laid Dee on the bed and for endless seconds he just stood and looked at her. The robe had fallen completely open, and beneath it she was wearing only the peridot heart pendant and had never looked more gorgeous than she did at that moment.

Those clear green eyes were wide, drinking him in the same way he was watching her. Her hair spread out like wildfire against the white comforter, her lips red and swollen, her nipples hard and dark. His gaze slid over her porcelain skin, the sprinkling of freckles across her one bared shoulder and on down to that patch of auburn curls on the mound between her firm thighs.

“You’re so beautiful, I can barely breathe,” he whispered.

“Come to me, Jake.” Her voice was a caress and a demand all in one.

When he had shed his boots and the last bit of his clothing, he eased onto the bed next to Dee.

Jake helped her completely remove the robe, and then propped himself up on one elbow. He had to struggle not to climb between her thighs and fuck her hard and fast again.

No, this time he wanted to make love to her, and cherish every bit of her body.

He smiled and allowed himself to caress her cheek. An overwhelming urge came over him, to tell her those three words lodged in his heart and soul.

I love you.

No. It was too soon. He had to win her trust and her love again. There was no doubt in his mind that she was his—he just had to take it a little slower this time to convince her.

Instead of uttering the words he longed to say, he brushed his lips over hers. She sighed, her warm breath fanning over his mouth. He ran his tongue along her lower lip, then caught it gently between his teeth and caressed the captured flesh with his tongue.

Soft cries rose from her throat as he released her lip and delved into the warm recesses of her mouth. He dipped his tongue inside, tasting her like a hummingbird drinking nectar from a blossom.

As Jake kissed Dee, he trailed his fingers down her shoulder and arm to her waist and over the curve of one hip. His fingers skimmed her flesh, light brushes that caused her to shiver and goose bumps to roughen her soft skin.

In turn she stroked him, her nails lightly raking his hips and thighs and his back. Her touch was harder than his, as if understanding that his male skin required a firmer touch than her softer femininity.

“Make love to me,” she murmured as her hand slid up his back and into his hair.

“I am, sweetheart.”

Slowly Jake kissed and explored every part of her body he could reach, using his lips and tongue and hands. Dee’s hands continued to stroke his muscles and his cock as he kissed the tender spot below her earlobe, then moved to the hollow at the base of her throat where her hand always crept when she was nervous. His tongue found the soft skin of her shoulder, the mole above her breast, the curve of her waist and her navel.

Lower and lower he worked downward until he reached the auburn curls between her thighs. He nuzzled the soft hair of her pussy and drank in the scent of her arousal.

Jake looked up to see her watching him, her eyes dark with passion, her chest rising and falling.

He kept his eyes focused on her pussy as his tongue dipped into her pussy and he tasted her. Her eyes widened and her body jerked at the contact.

“Jake.” His name was a plea and a promise on her lips.

Sliding two fingers inside of her warm core, he moved his mouth over her pussy, licking her clit and enjoying her taste.

And when her body tensed, he slipped his hands under her hips and pressed his mouth harder against her pussy, driving her mercilessly toward completion. Her body arched up off the bed and she cried out as her orgasm tore through her.

Even then, he didn’t stop. “Jake. Baby,” she moaned. But then she was too helpless to do anything more than ride the next wave sweeping through her.

Rain pattered on the windowpane, a distant sound that somehow made their joining even more intimate.

Before she had completely come down from the summit, Jake rose above Dee and thrust his sheathed cock into her. He fought for control as he took her slow and easy, reveling in the sensation of being inside her core and wanting to prolong it as long as possible.

Dee wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands clenching his hips, her eyes closed.

“Look at me.” Jake’s voice came out in a rough growl. “Watch me fuck you.”

She opened her eyes, her gaze meeting his, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He pounded into her, like the rain that was now pounding down on the house. She begged him for more, urging him on, like parched earth begging for moisture.

Jake shouted Dee’s name as he climaxed, buried so deep inside her that he never wanted to find his way back.



Tempting aromas teased Jake’s nose. He blinked away the light and realized he was alone in Dee’s bed, and it was morning.

Mentally he cursed himself for not following the tracks as soon as the sheriff had taken off. After last night’s storm, it was likely there wasn’t a damn thing left to track. Jake had been more interested in fucking than following up on what might have been their first real lead. After all, he was Customs and more experienced at cutting sign than Savage was.

Through the open bedroom door came the delicious scents of coffee, sausage and eggs, and if he wasn’t mistaken, maple syrup. His stomach, surely tired of dry cornflakes and milk every morning, growled its loud demand for the food he smelled.

He climbed out of bed and pulled on his briefs and jeans, then padded barefoot and shirtless down the cool ceramic tile to the kitchen. The sizzle of sausages and clanking of plates met him as he rounded the corner and saw Dee.

She stood in front of the huge stainless steel range top, using a spatula to scoop a pancake from the griddle and then flipping it onto a plate.

For a moment he leaned against the doorway and just watched her as she poured more batter onto the griddle and then set the bowl down. She scooped sausages out of another pan and onto a plate, then turned the burner off beneath the frying pan.

Her long auburn hair hung wild and loose down her back, and if he wasn’t mistaken she was wearing his black T-shirt. It came to mid-thigh on her, and her legs and feet were bare.

A lump formed in Jake’s throat at the homey image Dee made as she cooked breakfast. What would it be like to wake up with her every morning? Having her beside him for conversation over pancakes and coffee. Being with her after work and sharing what had happened in each of their days. And to have her to hold in his arms every night.

Dee glanced over her shoulder and greeted him with a grin that warmed his blood and made his cock rise. “’Bout time you got up, cowboy.”

Smiling, Jake walked across the floor. When he reached her, he slid his arms around her waist and hugged her from behind, nuzzling her ear. “Mornin’.”

She sighed and leaned back against him. “Hungry?”

“Starving.” He nipped at her ear and moved to the curve of her neck. “Everything smells wonderful. Including you.”

With a soft laugh, she replied, “This pancake is going to be burnt to a crisp if you don’t stop messing with the cook.”

“Small price to pay,” he murmured. But he stepped back, releasing his hold on her. For now.

He shoved his hands in his front pockets and leaned over the plates of pancakes, sausages and scrambled eggs, sniffing with the appreciation of a starving male.

“Done.” Dee flipped the last pancake onto the stack and turned the burner’s heat off. “Now if you’ll help me carry these to the breakfast nook, you can dig in.”

Jake took his hands from his pockets and picked up the plates of pancakes and sausages. “Your every desire is my command,” he said as he headed to the round oak table near the bay window.

“That’s what I’m counting on.” Her tone was sultry and teasing, and damned if it didn’t make his cock even harder.

He set the food in the middle of the table, which was already set with plates, flatware and napkins. He went back to the counter and picked up the dish of scrambled eggs and the pot of coffee.

Dee grabbed a glass carafe of orange juice from the fridge. She stopped to retrieve the saucepan of maple syrup that had been heating on the range top, and then joined him at the table.

“Oh, the cream.” She jumped back up and went to the fridge. Jake watched her as she bent over to search the lower shelves, his T-shirt hiking up over her hips and exposing her bottom.

She wasn’t wearing any underwear.

Jake’s mouth fell open as he stared at the exposed pink folds of her pussy, and he wondered what refrigerator sex would be like.

Ice-cold air blowing over their naked bodies as he bent her over in the open door of the fridge. Dee clutching the shelves that held milk and eggs, her nipples hard from the chill. Her screams of pleasure as she yelled at him to fuck her harder while he thrust his cock deep inside her.

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