Winds of Heaven (24 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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Casey looked up and noticed how tired Liz looked. Her blue eyes still sparkled, but she looked pooped. She stood and guided Liz to the couch. “C’mon, take a load off and put your feet up for a while. I’ll clean up.”

When she finished, she walked into the living room to find Liz sleeping peacefully on the couch, her feet up and her head back.

“Mama,” Skye called from the hallway.

Immediately, Liz’s eyes flew open and she tried to sit up. Casey went to her. “I’ll see what the little urchin wants. I think I’ll take her for a walk in my woods.”

“Okay, Skye. Let’s go for walk,” Casey offered and took the girl out. On the way out, she winked at Liz. “Be right back, we’re gonna check out the woods.”

Liz smiled gratefully, appreciating the quiet time and appreciating that Casey could sense this without being asked. She hated to ask anything of Casey; she had been so good and so considerate. It was nice to have someone take care of her daughter, just for a few minutes.

An hour later, Liz was getting worried. She paced back and forth in the cabin. Then she heard them talking as they walked onto the porch. She threw her arms around Casey’s neck.

“Where have you been?” she cried as her hormones flew all over the place.

Casey’s eyes widened as she put an arm around Liz’s waist. “I’m sorry. We went to pick wildflowers,” she explained and Liz let her go.

“Sorry,” Liz said and picked up Skye and started crying all over again.

Skye gave her mother a strange look and looked up at Casey, who shrugged and motioned her to give her mother a kiss.

Skye put her hands on either side of her mother’s face and went nose to nose. “Don’t
, Mama,” she said in adult fashion and kissed her mother.

That did it. The water works started. Casey affectionately put her arm around her shoulders.

“Mama sad?”

Casey took Skye from Liz and led Liz to the couch where she sat next to her. Skye crawled up and sat on Casey’s lap.

. Mommy is just happy. She loves you very much.”

“I love you, too!” Liz cried out.

Casey was stunned.

Skye clapped her hands together. “Mama

Casey laughed and reached over, brushing the tears off Liz’s cheek.

Mama?” Skye asked and yanked on her shirt.

Liz looked into Casey’s green eyes; she had no idea what she saw there. Well, she had an idea, and it scared her to death.

. I love your Mommy, too,” she said as she handed Liz the wildflowers.


Chapter 15

When it was time for bed, Skye pulled at Casey’s hand. Liz laughed and tried to pick up her daughter. “It’s time for bed, sweet pea.”

come too,” Skye said. “Read to me.”

Casey laughed and allowed Skye to pull her down the hall. “I’ll read to her. You relax,” Casey said over her shoulder.

“Now you’ve done it, Ms. Bennett. You’ll be reading to her every night,” Liz called out as she made her way to the front porch. She eased into the rocker and put her head back.

Smiling, she heard Casey mumbling as she read to Skye. Liz looked out at the lake and watched the evening stars fill the sky. She put her head back and closed her eyes as she gently rocked in the chair.

When she woke, she looked around in a panic. “What time is it?” She stifled a groan as she went back into the house. It was nearly 9:00 by the clock on the mantel. Where was Casey? She walked down the hall and went into the bedroom; she smiled and shook her head. There lay Casey on her back sound asleep with her arms over her head. Skye was sitting up next to her, looking at the book. She looked up when Liz walked into the room.

Skye put her fingertip to her lips and Liz nodded. “

“I see,” Liz whispered. “Why aren’t you?”

“Mama sleep.”

Liz raised an eyebrow as she glanced at Casey, breathing deeply in her sound sleep. She looked so peaceful, Liz thought, so vulnerable. Liz held out her hand, and Skye handed her the book. “Time for you to get to sleep, sweet pea.”

Skye scrunched her nose, then lay back against the pillows. Casey in her sleep put her arm around Skye, who in turn cuddled closer.

Liz changed and locked up the cabin. She went back into the bedroom to check on Skye. She was going to sleep on the couch, but as she looked at the firm mattress that looked so inviting, her back told her otherwise. She bit at her bottom lip as she gently pulled back the sheet and eased under them. She let out a contented sigh as she stretched out on her back. Liz closed her eyes, and just before she drifted off, she reached over, resting her hand on her daughter’s leg.


Liz woke the next morning to find Casey gone. She slipped out of bed, mindful not to wake Skye, and threw on her robe. She walked out into the living room finding Casey nowhere in sight. Then she looked out the big window and saw her swimming; she was naked.

“Oh, God.” She stood rooted to the spot and stared. “I should be looking away,” she whispered, but she couldn’t take her gaze off the tanned hips as they bobbed out of the water as Casey swam. She had a beautifully toned body. Liz sported a sour look. “I remember those days,” she said dryly.

Just then, Casey changed directions and swam to shore. Liz swallowed and tried to look away, truly, she did. No, she didn’t. She wanted to see Casey’s body.

Casey walked out of the water, running her fingers through her thick short hair, then shook it like a dog. Liz tried to find some moisture in her mouth as she watched the muscular, yet distinctly feminine body gracefully walk to the robe and slip it on.

“Damn...” Liz sighed and fanned herself. She quickly went into the kitchen and started breakfast.

Casey was reading the paper as they finished breakfast. “Hey, I know what we’re doing today,” she announced and put the paper down.

As always, Skye watched every move Casey made. Liz looked up and cocked her head in question.

“We’re going to the Oneida County Fair. Hot dogs for Skye, ice cream for your mom, and my Kennedy girls for me,” she blurted out, looking right into Liz’s blue eyes.

Liz smiled and Skye squealed with excitement.

Skye was head and shoulders above the rest, literally. Casey hoisted her onto her shoulders and Skye hung on to her hair.

“Look, Mama!”

Casey winced. “
, the hair...” she grumbled as she held onto Skye’s sandaled feet.

Liz looked up and laughed. “You’re way up there, sweet pea.” Then she shook her head. Both wore their sunglasses; it was quite a picture.

As they walked around, Liz ate. Two caramel apples later, she nibbled at Casey’s popcorn. “This was such a bad idea.” Liz sighed as she took another handful.

“You haven’t done this at all. Besides, you’ve only gained a little. Doc said you should have more. Are you still taking the vitamins?”

“Now you’re an expert on pregnancy.”

“Yes, I am. So don’t sass me.” Casey looked down into her eyes and cleared her throat. “I, um, I think we need to discuss the, well, when it’s time. I don’t like the idea that you’re here and I’m in Chicago. I have to get back in a couple days. Well, why don’t you two come with me?” she blurted out.

Liz stopped and gaped at her. “What? Come to Chicago with you?”

Casey rolled her eyes as she held on to the midget’s legs. “Yes, why not? I’ll be there for at least three weeks. I don’t know if I’ll have time to come back between them. Now don’t get mad.”

Liz narrowed her eyes at her and put her hands on her hips. “What did you do?”

, what you do?” a little voice came from atop her head

Casey raised her eyes and frowned. “Traitor,” she mumbled. “I didn’t do, well, I did, but I think it’s a good idea.”

“What is a good idea?” Liz asked slowly.

Casey grinned slightly. “I contacted Dr. Haines, remember her? I explained my…our situation, and she said she would be more than happy to see you while you were in Chicago. So it’s all set,” she said, grinning as she took a step back.

Liz took a deep breath but said nothing. Casey swung Skye off her shoulders and held her, whispering something quickly in her ear. The little blond curly top gave her mother a pleading look.

“Peas, Mama? I love

Liz was astonished. “You, using a child!”

“What?” Casey asked helplessly. “Can I help it if the little urchin loves me?”

“Casey,” Liz started as they walked through the fair. “This is, well, it’s unexpected.” She stopped and faced Casey. “Are you sure you want to do this? Skye and I are fine here.”

“No,” Casey said. “I don’t like you being alone.”


Casey held her hand up. “I love Marge, and I trust her. But I have to stay in Chicago, and I’d rather have you there with me.”

“Why?” Liz looked at the ground. Well, looked at her stomach anyway; someday she’d see her feet again. She wasn’t sure going to Chicago was a good idea. When Casey didn’t answer, she looked up.

Casey had an odd look on her face. Liz couldn’t gauge what it was. Skye ate her popcorn, seemingly uninterested in the adult conversation.

“I don’t want you…”


Casey looked into her eyes. “I don’t want you to be away from me that long.”

Liz had taken a handful of popcorn out of the white paper cone and quickly looked up, dropping the popcorn to the ground. When she found she could speak, she said, “It will only be for a few weeks.”

Casey shook her head. She tossed the popcorn in the nearby trash and set Skye on the ground. Casey stood in front of Liz and put her hands on Liz’s sunburned shoulders. “Liz, I’m not sure what’s happening between us or if anything is happening.”

“Is there?” Liz looked into Casey’s eyes.

“I don’t know. I-I hope so,” Casey said. She stopped and laughed nervously; Liz did the same. “All I know is right now, the thought of you and Skye out of my sight is…” She stopped and swallowed. “Well, it’s just something I don’t want to happen. I want you to come and stay with me at my apartment while I’m in Chicago. It’s plenty big enough and I’d feel better, and I…”

Liz smiled and put her hand on Casey’s arm. “Okay, you win. Skye and I will come to Chicago with you.”

Skye clapped her hands and Casey swung Skye around happily.

The rest of the day was glorious. Liz ate while Skye and Casey went on carnival rides; Skye threw up once. Casey only looked as though she might. She played all the games and Skye’s hero won more stuffed animals for her.

Then as they were leaving, they passed a carnival game. It was then Casey saw the necklace. It was a Native American dream catcher charm on a gold chain.

“Wait,” Casey said and handed Skye over to her mother. “How do I win?”

The man grinned evilly. “Just take that hammer…” He motioned to the old game. “Swing the hammer and hit the base, if it rises and hits the bell, you win whatever you want.”

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