Winds of Heaven (26 page)

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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“Bedrooms are down the hall. Master has its own bath. The other is at the end of the hall.” Casey said as she lit the gas fireplace. “Instant fire,” she said. “But I like my cabin better.”

“Me too. I love the smell of a wood-burning fireplace.” Liz sighed as she stared at the flames.

All at once, Casey was inexplicably happy. She walked over to Liz and stood in front of her, cupping Liz’s face in her warm hands. “I want to kiss you.”

“I’d like that.”

Casey gently kissed her and pulled back. She shook her head. “What’s happening, Liz?”

“I’m not sure, but I like it.”

“I do too.” Casey kissed her again. This time, Liz pulled back and smiled as she walked over to the window.

Casey walked up behind her and placed her hands on Liz’s shoulders. “What’s wrong? Should I not have kissed you?”

Liz shook her head and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Casey gently turned her around. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s just my hormones, I think. Don’t mind me,” Liz said with a chuckle.

“Liz, I think I—”

“No, don’t say it.” Liz put her fingertips against Casey’s lips.

Casey frowned and kissed her fingers. “I understand. There’s a lot going on, and you know my reputation.” She let out a sigh of resignation and walked away.

“Casey, it’s not that,” Liz insisted and followed her down the hall. Casey turned to face her. “There is a lot going on, that’s true. But it has nothing to do with your past or mine.”

“Yours?” Casey asked. “I don’t care about the past.”

Liz ran her hand over her stomach. “We have a good deal to talk about.”

Casey glanced from her stomach and back to her face. “Yes, we do. And we will. I think I’m falling in love with you, Liz.”

Liz closed her eyes and put her hand to her face. “You don’t know what you’re saying.” She opened her eyes. “Look at me.”

Casey smiled and leaned against the doorjamb. “I’m looking.”

Liz’s face turned crimson. “Don’t say something you’re—”

Skye came running down the hall. “Mama!
,” she cried out and tugged at her mother’s pants leg. “Come.”

“We’ll finish this later,” Casey said as they walked into the small bedroom.

An aquarium stood against one wall. Casey walked over and flipped the switch and the light flickered on, illuminating the tank.

Skye was amazed as she watched the colorful fish swimming around. Then Casey had a brilliant idea. She knelt next to her, running her fingers through the blond curls.

, how would you like to have this as your bedroom? You can sleep in here and watch the fish. You can feed them and take care of them for me.”

Skye’s eyes widened, and she hugged Casey around the neck. “Mine own room. I feed

“Yep, but you have to take care of them,” Casey reminded her, and Skye nodded and picked up the container of food. “I’ll show you how to feed them later.”

Skye ran to her mother. “Mama, mine own room.”

Liz gave a suspicious glance in Casey’s direction. “What’s going on in that musical head?” She then turned her attention to her daughter. “That’s great, sweet pea. Would you like your own room?”

Skye nodded and placed her stuffed fish on the bed and gently patted it. “Mine own bed, my

“Well, it’s all settled. Skye has her own room. Now we have to figure out where Mommy wants to sleep,” Casey said as she pondered the question while scratching her chin.

Liz stood leaning against the door and looked to the heavens. “You big child,” she said but couldn’t help but grin.

“Hmm… Where should Mommy sleep?” Casey sighed and looked down at the curly top for help.

“Casey Bennett,” Liz scolded half-heartedly as she watched her daughter mimicking Casey as she scratched her chin.

Skye frowned and looked at both women. “Mama sleep with

Casey’s mouth opened in a mock amazement. “No? You think Mommy and I should sleep in the same bed?”

Skye nodded emphatically. “Sure...” she said and dismissed the topic.

“Sure. I agree with
.” Casey nodded emphatically. “It’s all settled. Mama sleep with
,” Casey said in a low seductive voice as she walked past Liz, who was blushing, and kissed her cheek.

“Okay, the fridge is stocked. I just have to make a quick trip to the studio. I’ll be back in two hours, tops.” Casey threw on her coat. She grabbed Liz around the waist and pulled her as close as the baby would allow. “Have dinner ready, wench,” she said seductively and kissed her deeply.

Liz narrowed her eyes at Casey, who smiled sheepishly. “Or I’ll pick something up. Oh, I almost forgot, here...” She handed Liz a cell phone. “If you go out with Skye and you need to call. Keep it on you.” She kissed her again. “I like kissing you.”

kiss me.

Casey looked down, easily whisked Skye up with one hand, and kissed her.

“Kiss Mama ’gen.” Skye giggled.

“My pleasure.” Casey kissed Liz, then pulled back.

Liz sighed happily. “’Gen,
.” Liz sighed.

Casey set the child down and kissed Liz deeply. Both women sighed as Casey reluctantly pulled back.

“I gotta go. See you in a little while.
, watch the fish.” She winked at Liz and walked out the door.

Liz looked down at her daughter. “Casey is a nut.”

Skye nodded, then ran down the hall to her new bedroom.

Niles watched Casey as she leafed through the music. She was humming. Casey Bennett was humming. She rolled her sleeves up and grunted. “Okay. What’s the story here, Niles? How long...” she started and looked up at the grinning Niles.

“What the hell are you grinning at?” she asked and put her hands on her hips.

“Oh, nothing, nothing. So how are Liz and little Skye? God, I feel like I know them.”

Casey now grinned. “They’re fine. I-I brought them here. I figured I’d be tied up for at least a couple weeks and I didn’t—”

“Want her out of your sight for that long?” Niles offered and Casey growled.

“No. I just didn’t want her to be alone for that long. She’s due in December. I... Well, I... Oh, shut up, Niles,” she said rudely and rearranged the music sheets. “We’ve got work to do, smart ass.” She growled and sat next to him at the control panel of the sound booth.

Niles smiled and leaned into the microphone. “Oh, Jeffrey, let’s please the composer. She’s in a snit.”

Casey closed her eyes and counted to ten. “I’m going to murder you later,” she grumbled.

Niles covered the mike with his hand. “I’ll make a note of it. Okay, let’s see how it sounds.”

Almost three hours later, Casey was ready to strangle someone—not just anyone, Suzette. “Can it be possible that she could get worse?” Casey groaned and buried her head in her hands. She then yanked the microphone and bellowed. “Enough!”

Niles quickly grabbed the mike out of her hand before the onslaught of profanity started.

“Welcome back,” he said as Jeffrey stormed into the sound booth.

“Either she goes or I go. I can’t bear it any longer,” he said angrily, and Casey waved her hand in acknowledgment. “Case...” he pleaded firmly.

“I know, I know.” She looked at her watch. “Shit. Let’s regroup. I’ll talk to Suzette tomorrow.”

“I’ll find another cellist. Don’t worry. Go home, you look pooped,” he said.


Liz had the chicken in the oven and looked at the clock. Casey had said two hours. That was almost three hours ago. She looked at the cell phone and bit her bottom lip. She did not want to seem like one of those nagging women. Casey probably just forgot about the time.

Then the hormones kicked in. What if she was with the tone-deaf cellist? Casey had a healthy sex life and had a relationship with this woman. Could Liz blame her? This woman was probably gorgeous with a gorgeous figure and was not pregnant. She also knew exactly how to please Casey.

All at once, she felt the pang of insecurity. Pregnant, fat, and with swollen feet, she thought, and eased into the kitchen chair, pushing it back to allow for the trunk she carried in front of her. Why in the world would Casey Bennett want her? Skye, that was the reason. Casey loved Skye and felt a responsibility to help. Maybe Casey only said she loved her because of Skye. Maybe she didn’t love her at all and was with that Suzette right now. Maybe Casey was like Julie, in love with the idea.

“Well then, Casey Bennett, you just sleep with your cellist. I’ll have my baby and the three of us will go back to New Mexico,” she said as the tears flooded her eyes.

With that, the front door opened. “Liz. Sorry I’m late,” Casey’s voice called out, and Liz struggled to her feet and angrily walked into the living room. She had a wooden spoon in her hand.

Casey immediately noticed the face. “Uh, Liz, put that down, it may go off,” Casey said slowly as she took off her coat. “I’m sorry I’m late. I got caught up at the studio.”

“With Suzette no doubt!” Liz exclaimed

Casey’s eyes widened. Okay, remember, she’s due in a month, she thought. You have read the books, stupid.

!” Skye came from out of the bedroom and ran down the hall.

,” she said happily as she scooped her up and gave her a kiss. “Are you taking care of the fish?” she asked as she set her down. Skye nodded happily and ran back to her room.

Liz put a shaky hand to her face and Casey quickly walked up to her and put her arms around her. “Liz. I am sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry. I hate myself,” she exclaimed and gently pushed Casey away and walked into the kitchen.

Casey winced and followed her.

“Smells good. Look, why don’t you go and sit by the fire? I’ll finish dinner.”

“It’s all done. It was ready an hour ago,” Liz snapped, then hated sounding like a nag as she sat at the table.

“Aw, Liz. I’m sorry. I’m not used to this. Please give me time. I should have called, I know.” She knelt next to her and took her hands in her own. Liz took her hand away and ran it through Casey’s thick salt and pepper hair.

“I shouldn’t expect you to change your whole life. It’s just this pregnancy, Casey. I’m scared.”

Casey’s head shot up. “Why?”

Liz put a hand to Casey’s lips. “I’m just so tired all the time. I don’t know. I’m sure it’s normal.”

“When’s your appointment with Dr. Haines?”

“Day after tomorrow. I’ll take Skye with me.”

Casey dejectedly sat back on her heels and looked up into the blue determined eyes. “You don’t want me to go with you,” she said in a deflated voice.

Liz searched the sad green eyes. “I don’t want to take you away from your work. You’ve done so much.”

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