Winds of Heaven (28 page)

Read Winds of Heaven Online

Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“You shameless hussy, you,” Casey said in a low voice.

“You have a beautiful body, please be patient with me,” Liz said in a small voice.

Casey sat up and rolled Liz onto her back. “I think you’re beautiful. Please don’t worry about that. Trust me, to hold you like this, to be sleeping next to you is heaven. Good night,” she whispered against her lips.

“Good night,” Liz murmured.

She fell wonderfully asleep…for two hours. The baby was pressing on her bladder. Liz groaned and struggled out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

On her way out, she checked on Skye. She was sound asleep and holding her fish. Liz smiled and walked back to bed.

Casey was sprawled out on her stomach and Liz stood there for a moment and gazed at her lovely body. She then got into bed and let out a small groan.

Casey instantly woke and lifted her head. “Okay?” she mumbled as she sat up slightly.

Liz inched her way closer and lay on her back next to her. Casey sighed and slid closer, her arm draped across her chest, her head resting on the pillow so close Liz could feel her warm breath on her cheek.

Casey woke with a contented sigh. She opened one eye and smiled. Liz was still sleeping, her mouth slightly opened and her breathing deep and even. Casey took the time to marvel at Liz’s body. She tentatively leaned over and placed her ear against Liz’s stomach. “Can you hear me?” Casey whispered. “I love your mom. She’s so pretty, and she loves you. Oh, my name is Casey.”

“What are you doing?”

Casey looked up and grinned. “Good morning, Mommy. We’re just getting acquainted. They can hear now, you know.”

Liz laughed sleepily and stretched. “Are you going to be quoting from that book until the baby comes?”

“Probably.” Casey kissed her belly. “How did you sleep?”

Liz opened her arms and Casey gently lay next to her, resting her head on her breast. “Very plump and soft, Ms. Kennedy.”

Liz laughed nervously. “And very sensitive. I slept very well. I loved waking up to find you next to me. It made going to the bathroom at three a.m. almost a pleasure.”


Both women looked at the door to see Skye standing there, rubbing her eyes.

,” Casey said. Skye immediately smiled, her eyes still half closed as she jumped up on the bed.

“Shit,” Casey said quickly and pulled the sheet over her nakedness. She smiled sheepishly at Liz, who rolled her eyes.

Skye crawled between them and clung to her mother. “
naked,” she whispered.

Casey turned bright red and covered her face with her hands.

“I know,” Liz whispered back and pulled her daughter close. “She left her PJs at the cabin.”

Casey cringed and slipped out of bed, quickly slipping into the boxers and tank top. “I’ll go make breakfast.”

“You can’t cook.”

“Oh, well, I’ll make the coffee. You make breakfast.”

Liz stared at the doorway, listening to Casey whistling in the kitchen. Skye took her thumb out of her mouth. “

Liz laughed and tickled Skye. “Yes, Casey is very funny.”

“Mama, stop.”

Liz relented and pulled Skye up to her. “Sweet pea, I want to ask you something.”

Skye knelt next to her mother, her blond curly hair all over, her pink cheeks flushed. “You like Casey, don’t you?”


“Would you like Casey to live with us, sweet pea?” Liz noticed Skye’s brow was furrowed in concentration, and for a moment, Liz thought… “What, baby?”

Skye leaned in and whispered, “I have to go potty.”

Liz laughed and ran her fingers through her blond curls. “Good girl, Skye. You go ahead.”


Chapter 17

“Well, you’re a little lighter than I’d like, but everything is in order. Now I see that you don’t want to know the sex of the baby.” Dr. Haines took off her glasses and smiled.

Casey gave Liz a curious look. “Really? I thought you knew, you keep saying ‘she,’” Casey said logically.

“I want to be surprised,” she said and shrugged. “Do you want to know?”

Casey thought for a moment, then smiled. “No. Let’s be surprised.”

Liz reached over and took her hand.

“Is Liz’s weight a problem?” Casey asked and held on to her hand.

The doctor shook her head. “No, I’ve got the results of all the lab tests from your doctor in Wisconsin. You are borderline anemic. Get as much rest as you can. Watch your diet, just as you have been. The baby is due the first week in December. Are you staying in Chicago?”

“Would it be better if we did?” Liz asked seriously.

“It’s not imperative. I want to monitor your anemia. As I said, it’s not unusual, but if you can, stay in town.”

“We live far from the hospital,” Casey interjected. She glanced at Liz. “Let’s stay here. We can go up north anytime.”

Liz nodded and anxiously put her hand on her stomach. The doctor looked at both women and smiled. “Your first I take it?”

They both nodded. “You’ll be fine. The only problem I see is your weight. The baby’s heart is fine. She’s the right size and everything looks good,” she said.

Liz smiled nervously and held Casey’s hand.

“Stress is another factor to be considered. I don’t know your personal life, but I can see you care for each other. That’s good. You will need each other. Is there any other stress?”

They looked at each other and Casey shook her head. “Liz?”

She gave Casey a glance but said nothing.

“Why don’t I leave you for a few minutes? Your appointment is for Tuesday, three o’clock,” she said kindly and walked out.

Casey was watching Liz. “What is it, sweetie?”

“I... Don’t be angry. Suzette called the other day. Well, she—”

“She what?”

“She said you and she were together that afternoon when you were late. I know, I know, she was lying. I trust you, Casey.”

Casey paced back and forth, her anger rising with each step. Then she looked at Liz, who looked tired and pale, and knelt in front of her. “Okay. From now on, please talk to me. I’m not hiding anything from you. I’m not seeing anyone. You know that.”

“I do. Please don’t go off now.”

Casey put her fingers up to her lips. “No worrying, the baby can hear you. Hey, have you thought of a name? We never talked about it. Wait, let’s go home and the three of us will come up with something.”

“Skye would never forgive us,” Liz assured her.

Casey grinned, but her mind was on Suzette... She wanted to kill the snaky bitch.

They walked into the living room and there stood Niles, giving Skye a piggyback ride around the living room. Brian was sitting on the couch, sipping a glass of wine and laughing hysterically.

’ me ride,” she exclaimed as Niles set her down. He blushed horribly as he avoided Casey’s smirk.

Skye rushed up to them and reached for her mother.

Casey intercepted and lifted her, kissed her cheek, and handed Skye to her mother.

“No lifting,” she said sternly and Liz rolled her eyes. “Niles, thanks. You’re a good friend.”

Niles grinned. “I like the effect Liz has on you. Thanks.”

“Oh, by the way, have you gotten a cellist yet?”

“As a matter of fact, I can have one day after next. He’s doing a commercial for soap. Why a cello would make a difference in soap, I don’t know.” He shrugged.

“Good, I’m telling Suzette tomorrow,” Casey said firmly, and Niles patted her back.

“Good, I won’t be there,” he said; Casey glared at him. “Just kidding.”

The four of them exchanged kisses, then Niles pinched Skye’s nose. “Good night, you little goddess,” he said and kissed her check.

Brian laughed and kissed her forehead. “What a heartbreaker you’re gonna be.”

After Liz closed the door, she watched Casey as she stood by the fire. The normally green warm eyes now held a dark, cold tiger-like gaze as she looked into the dancing flames of the fire.


Casey paced like a tiger, waiting for Suzette to arrive. Niles watched her as did Jeffrey.

“Case, would you like me to tell her?” Niles offered and Jeffrey stepped up, as well.

Casey looked at them and laughed. “Thanks, guys, but, no, I need to do this. It was my doing, and I have to correct it. Don’t worry, I’m a quieter, gentler Casey Bennett,” she said and both men laughed along.

It was then that the door opened, and instead of Suzette, Liz walked in, holding Skye. Casey blinked and grinned. “What the hell?” She sighed and walked into the studio.

Niles and Jeffrey watched. “Don’t tell me women are not more perceptive than we are, Niles. Liz knows what’s coming. Look at her. She looks like a bear protecting her cubs.”

Both men laughed. “Casey Bennett in love, with a family no less. Excuse me while I retire to bedlam.” Niles laughed and Jeffrey joined him.

Casey walked up to Liz and took Skye as the little blonde reached for her. “Hey,
,” she said, giving Skye a kiss. She then looked at Liz. “What are you doing here?” She leaned over and kissed Liz, who sighed as she pulled back.

“Skye and I were out getting Halloween candy, which reminds me, we’re going pumpkin shopping tomorrow. So I thought we’d stop by and see where you work,” she said lightly.

She looked tired and Casey gave her a worried look. “Dr. Haines told you to stay quiet, not gallivant all over the North Shore,” she scolded gently and kissed her again. “But I’m glad you’re here. This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain cellist, would it?”

“Don’t be a dope.”

“You’re a lousy liar,” Casey said.

, pay
,” Skye said and patted her cheeks.

Casey looked into those blue eyes. “God, you Kennedy women and those blue eyes,” she said and set her down. Casey then sat at the piano.

Liz stood by the piano and leaned in, smiling. “Whatever happened to that song you played at the cabin?”

“I gave up on that,” Casey said as she played.

“Why? It was beautiful,” Liz asked, then closed her eyes and smiled. “My, you play so beautifully.”

“That’s what I say. She should write her own music and make a CD. I’m telling you, she’s written a ton of songs that—”

“Shut up, Niles,” Casey said affectionately as she played.

“She plays it like a lover,” Niles whispered to Liz, who shivered visibly as she watched the long delicate fingers glide over the black and white keys.

Casey looked at Liz and smiled. Niles looked back and forth between them. “Get a room.”

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