With Her Capture (28 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #paranormal, #sexy, #werewolf, #werewolves, #sensual, #erotic paranormal, #cariboo lunewulf, #lorie oclare, #lunewulf, #malta werewolf

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Before sunrise the owls showed up. Magda
hated traveling without her paws on the ground. It was the worse
sensation of not being in control that she’d ever experienced. The
sun was bright in their eyes, the snow no longer falling, when they
landed outside of Banff and she and Ayden changed into their flesh
and dressed. Then, following the plan she’d initially devised for
herself, they boarded the human bus and headed south.

Traveling among humans worked. Days passed.
Magda was positive she’d never get the stench out of her nose and
wanted to run and be among werewolves again. Slightly less than a
week later, they arrived in Colorado. This is where she’d fought to
come. She had been willing to lose the male she loved in order to
reach the Malta werewolf pack. Magda wasn’t sure if she’d ever see
her littermates again. It had been an incredible sacrifice. She
stared at the Colorado Rockies, which definitely weren’t as
magnificent as the Canadian Rockies and swore she smelled impending
doom closing in around her.



Chapter Eighteen

It was so damned good to be off that bus.
Ayden didn’t mind being surrounded by humans. He wasn’t bothered by
all their chatter. He’d learned to block it out. What did bother
him was that he smelled more than humans in the crowd.

Ayden pulled Magda close and whispered into
her hair. “Do you smell that?”

“Yes, but I don’t see anyone,” she whispered
in turn.

Ayden stared at everyone who’d come off the
bus with them. None of them were werewolves. In their close
proximity while traveling, he would have sniffed out another male
or female.

“I think it’s coming from over there.” Magda
nodded toward their left.

He lifted the straddle bags that had been
bound together and hauled with the rest of the passengers’ luggage
under the bus in a special compartment. Using the strap designed
for that purpose, Ayden put some muscle into resting them on his
shoulder. Then putting his free arm around Magda’s waist, he led
them in that direction.

He wanted a secluded spot somewhere to spend
a day or two, or a week, recovering from that human bus they’d
endured the past week. He wanted to kiss, lick, and nibble every
inch of Magda’s body until they forgot they’d ever been around so
many humans. Ayden wanted to fuck his mate and listen to her
adorable moans while he buried his cock deep inside her.

It might be smart to avoid any werewolves. If
they were to run into their kind, he and Magda would be honor bound
to enter their pack and introduce themselves. There would be time
enough for that soon.

Valle, Colorado didn’t have any
, or Cariboo
packs. They’d check the
list of all registered packs in the area. The Malta werewolf pack
was registered with Werewolf Affairs, which was part of the
American government that Magda had howled about to him. The packs,
both Malta and
, were located on Wulf Peaks. Whether
the mountains were named for the werewolves living up in them, or
for another reason, he didn’t know. All he knew right now was that
there were werewolves nearby, and not up in those mountains.

So first—whether he wanted it or
not—business. Magda was right. The scent grew stronger. He was
picking up on two males. One of them, at least, smelled mated. The
two of them parted their way through the passengers and those who
had come to pick them up. They reached the sidewalk and Ayden
focused across the street. Two males, who were neither
nor Malta werewolf, stood studying Ayden and Magda,
their arms crossed and expressions wary.

“This is their turf,” Ayden whispered to
Magda. “Let’s go see what the mutts are up to in this part of the

One of the American mutts howled at them
before Ayden and Magda had crossed the street. “Odd way for a
couple werewolves to travel.” The male took his time with eye
contact, instead searching the crowd of humans still in the parking
lot by the bus before resting his washed-out green eyes on Ayden.
His straw-like hair was almost orange and the male was puckered
with as many scars as he had freckles.

“It was necessary,” Ayden offered, knowing
growling at the male, when this was his territory and not Ayden’s
would only bring trouble he didn’t want. “My mate isn’t accepted in
some areas.”

“Must be one hell of a good piece of tail for
you to sacrifice so much.”

Ayden suddenly didn’t care about trouble.
These two could bring on as much as they wanted. He’d send them
both rolling down the sidewalk, head over tail. Pushing Magda
behind him, he closed in on the asshole who dared insult her.

The male with the freckled and puckered-faced
curled his lip and snarled. “Okay you over grown

“Over grown
?” Ayden laughed.
“You must be one of those American mutts I’ve heard howled about.
Apparently having so many breeds diluted down inside you has made
you limp in the brain, and likely other places, too.”

He didn’t dodge when the freckled face
werewolf lunged at him. The mutt was no match for him. Ayden put
his hand on the male’s chest and shoved him backward. The male
stumbled before stabilizing himself.

“Enough!” The second werewolf stepped between
his pack mate and Ayden.

He stood face to face with Ayden. That is, if
it weren’t for the fact that Ayden stood several inches taller than
both males.

“Who are you and why are you here?” the
second male demanded. “Your accent is strong. Where are you

This male had black hair that was straight,
yet windblown and tangled around the werewolf’s square face. His
skin was white, and shy of a few scars—nothing too severe for a
male his age, which was probably somewhere around Ayden’s age—there
were no other marks on his skin. He stared at Ayden, glanced at
Magda, then returned opaque, blue eyes on Ayden. The male
straightened and waited for answers.

“We didn’t plan on interacting with your
pack.” It was best to give clear, honest answers, while revealing
as little as possible about either of them. Ayden wasn’t ready to
trust any werewolves in America until he’d had a hell of a lot more
time to sniff out the place. Right now his nose was still too full
of diesel fumes to form any opinion about these two. “Our stop here
is temporary.”

“You are in our territory.”

“It was necessary,” Ayden said. “The bus
stops here.”

“And so you are talking to us now.” The male
took a step back and pulled out a cell phone. He sent a text and
continued staring at the screen, as if he might be able to sniff
out the answer before it appeared on his phone. “You will both wait
until I have heard from our pack leader,” he informed them, without
looking up.

“And I’ll howl to him the same thing I’m
telling you,” Ayden said, aware of Magda prickling against him when
she moved in by his side. She was nervous, in spite of the male in
front of them seeming calm. Ayden wrapped his arm around her,
pulling her close. It was all he was able to do at the moment to
assure her they hadn’t come this far only to run into trouble from
two mutts.

The phone vibrated in the black haired
werewolf’s hand. The freckled face, puckered flesh male behind his
pack mate, tilted his head at the high pitch sound then leaned
around him to see what it said.

“Head up this road a mile to a small inn on
the left. The bitch there will give you a room. Our pack leader
will visit you soon.”

He didn’t wait for an answer but left Ayden
and Magda. The two males crossed the road and climbed into an old
pickup truck. Neither one of them looked back to see if Ayden and
Magda followed their instructions.

“We need to find out where the Malta werewolf
pack is on Wulf Peaks,” Magda whispered.

He started walking with her in the direction
the male had howled. “We will,” he promised and hoped this pack of
mutts wouldn’t start smelling of trouble.


Ayden listened to the water run in the motel
bathroom. Staring out the large window on their ground floor room,
he focused on the mountain range that created a picturesque view as
the backdrop of the town before him. His thoughts were further away
than the mountains, though.

Magda soaked in a hot shower, which he’d
insisted she enjoy without him. Already he despised this mutt pack
leader for not showing up yet. Ayden would have preferred showering
with his mate. He couldn’t afford the luxury of cleaning her. Not
yet. They weren’t safe. He smelled danger even in the walls of this
werewolf run establishment.

He turned from the window, although there
wasn’t much to look at in the unadorned room. Steam rolled out
around the bathroom door that he hadn’t closed all the way. Ayden
had no doubts that Magda’s nipples would be puckered hard into
sweet little erections in spite of how hot it was in there.

Instead of standing there at the window,
watching for anyone to approach their room and continually sniffing
the air for any signs of a werewolf approaching, Ayden would much
rather have Magda’s tight pussy wrapped around his cock. Whatever
this pack leader had to howl, it would be short and sweet. There
was little to say anyway. And he had very detailed plans that he’d
had days on a damn human bus to plot out and organize in his

They’d run hard, endured more danger than
he’d experienced in his life. It was time to experience happiness.
Regardless of his skepticism over Colorado offering sanctuary,
Magda was convinced she’d find that here. Ayden planned on giving
that to her. No matter what it took. Their running ended here. If
he had to find an isolated spot in this new mountain range, he’d
sniff it out. His
beaute noire
deserved her happy den and a
life of peace and prosperity.

An enticing aroma reached him and Ayden
breathed it in deeply. Magda was using the rose scented bath wash
he’d bought her at one of the gift shops attached to a gas station
that they’d stopped at while traveling. God damn these mutts! He
really had wanted to be the one to pour that liquid soap over her
tan skin. He wanted to clean her and create mounds of suds that
would stream down her body. Just picturing it had his dick
uncomfortably hard in his jeans.

Ever since arriving at the small motel, Ayden
had smelled nothing but werewolves. Under different circumstances,
both of them probably would have rejoiced to have found a place
like this to help cleanse their senses and spirits from their long,
unpleasant journey. He didn’t trust this pack, though. And he would
bet the walls were paper thin. That prevented him from howling, or
growling too loud to Magda that she was bringing out the beast in
him. And in more than one way. He pulled the curtains closed, and
started toward the bathroom.

“Little bitch,” he grumbled under his breath
when he pushed open the bathroom door. He was greeted by steam
moistening his flesh. It was heavy with the smell of her scented

“Think it’s safe to join me?” Magda pulled
back the shower curtain and smiled.

She tortured him with a view of her firm,
soaked breasts. Her nipples were just as he’d imagined them. So
round, puckered and mouth-watering perfect. Ayden was incapable of
pulling his attention to her face. He did spare a glance toward her
flat tummy, at the soft curve of her hips, and that incredible
shaved pussy that he knew he could soak with more than water given
just a few moments.

There was a sound toward the door to their
room. Ayden was able to look away from Magda now. He shot his
attention to the solid, red painted door. Her rose-smelling bath
soap still hung heavy in the air, but Ayden smelled something else
now, too.

“Unfortunately not. Stay in here,” he

“Their pack leader?” Magda asked.

“Stay in the bathroom,” he told her, and
pulled the bathroom door all the way closed.

The closer he got to the door leading
outside, the stronger the smell of werewolf. Make that werewolves.
The pack leader had brought reinforcements. Apparently this
had made them nervous. Ayden waited
for the knock, but none came. He stood just inside the door,
staring at brush strokes over the wood. No one knocked. There were
definitely two males just on the other side of the door. And if he
smelled them over Magda’s bath soap, they definitely smelled

Why the hell were they just standing there?
Did they think he would open the door and welcome them into his
temporary den without having to trouble themselves with knocking?
Maybe American mutts ran a little bit rabid.

Ayden didn’t unlock, or open the door. He
stepped away from it and walked to the far side of the window, then
peered around the curtain he’d just closed. Not that he put much
stock in peep holes in doors, but right now it would have been nice
to have one.

“Fucking tail,” he grumbled, careful to mouth
the words and barely make a sound.

Letting go of the curtain, Ayden straightened
and glanced back at the bathroom. Then he focused on the motel room
door. The werewolves on the other side weren’t planning on
knocking. There were two of them. He’d sniffed that much out
accurately. But he was kicking himself for not smelling the trap
those two who’d found them at the bus stop had tricked them into.
The two males stood outside the motel room door, with their backs
to it, staring straight ahead. For all Ayden knew their pack leader
wasn’t planning on coming. But he’d set two burly looking mutts to
guard the door, and the only way out of their room.

On instinct, Ayden made quick work back to
the bathroom. Magda started when he opened the door. She’d wrapped
her hair in a white towel and had just pulled her jeans up her
still slightly damp body.

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