With Her Capture (32 page)

Read With Her Capture Online

Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #paranormal, #sexy, #werewolf, #werewolves, #sensual, #erotic paranormal, #cariboo lunewulf, #lorie oclare, #lunewulf, #malta werewolf

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Magda thought about the cave and how Ayden
had pursued her even when she’d used her gift against him. When
she’d run from him, he hadn’t given up. Looking at her mate, who
was howling loudly about two males who had caught their tails on
fire when they’d all been young and stupid, she smiled, feeling
more love for him than she’d known possible.

“He captured me,” she said.

“Often proof of a happy, life-long

Magda stole herself away from her gorgeous
mate and looked at Rosa. “Is that what your mate did with you?”

Rosa shook her head. “I captured him.”



Chapter Twenty

Rosa walked through the small, dark cabin,
holding a lantern. Her long, shiny black hair glowed against the
light from it.

“I knew after howling with you over fresh
kill that you and your mate were meant to have this place as your
new den,” she said, turning slowly. Her scent seemed almost
melancholy. “My mother and I lived here when we first joined this
pack. She stayed here alone until her death after I mated with
Dimitri. But before I met him, my mom and I knew a lot of happiness
here. Times hadn’t smelled good for either of us before coming to
this mountain. I’m not saying this den brought us peace but it’s
filled with the smells of two females who learned how to love life
again while living here. Now it’s your and your mate’s turn to fill
this den with smells of happiness and love.”

Magda didn’t know what to say. She followed
her new queen bitch down a hallway, with cobwebs hanging above them
while Rosa opened one bedroom door, then another.

“This is very kind of you,” Magda told her,
meaning it. “Although, we were prepared to build our own den.”

“With winter coming on?” Rosa shook her head.
“I forget you and your mate are more accustomed to such harsh
weather than we were when we first moved here. So much snow is
still a lot for me to handle. It smells rather ironic that the
American government gave us our own territory, but then ordered us
to a land and a climate so opposite from what we’d always

Magda turned at the sound of Ayden and
Dimitri trudging through the front door. The sound of logs being
dropped near the fireplace disrupted the tranquil dark silence, and
filled the place with the smell of chopped wood. The other members
of the pack had all wished Ayden and Magda good hunting, promising
to run with the two of them soon. The two males disappeared back
outside, working in compatible silence while they continued hauling
more wood inside.

“Tomorrow my mate will check the lines and
make sure they are still secure to the cabin to give you two
power,” Rosa said, brushing dust from a window sill with her

“I’m sure we will be able to stay warm

“Newly mated?” Rosa’s laughter was
contagious. “I remember those days and have no doubt.”

Magda followed Rosa out to the pickup truck
that Dimitri had driven to their new den. She held the lantern over
her head, turning the wick to give maximum light while Rosa lowered
the truck’s back hatch. Instead of reaching for the boxes of
blankets and kitchen supplies the other werewolves had donated to
help get Ayden and Magda started, Rosa simply stared at them and
three boxes floated into the air.

“You have got to teach me how to do that,”
Magda said, shaking her head and stepping aside, then following the
floating boxes, which were at eye level, back inside.

“Trust me when I howl this to you. There was
a time when I relied on my gift so heavily I didn’t bother to sniff
out what was right under my nose.”

Magda knew she’d relied on every sense she
had to stay alive over the past months. But then, she didn’t know
how to do half the things Rosa did with her gift or living might
have been easier.

“It was Dimitri, actually, who taught me how
to use my gift best. Which smells amazing when you take into
consideration that he never mastered the gift our pack leader on
Malta taught us. And if you ask me, that shows how strong the kind
of gift my mate does have actually is.”

“I agree,” Magda thought, thinking of Ayden.
She found it interesting, though, that the Malta werewolves pack
leader didn’t have the gift and wondered how that came to be.

She gave Rosa a hug when she and Dimitri were
satisfied that Ayden and Magda had what they needed to start
settling into their new den. Magda was thrilled to know she had a
new female as a friend. Until now, only her littermates had been
close enough for her to run with. The thought that there was a new
female, someone Magda smelled honesty and happiness on, who might
fill the void of not having Katrin and Liesa in her life, made her
as happy as snuggling against Ayden once Rosa and Dimitri left.

“This wood has been outside in that shed for
a while and is fairly dry. I think we’d be best sleeping in the
living room tonight near the fire.” Ayden let go of her and
returned to the fireplace. He checked the flue then began stacking
wood to burn. “There are tools out there, too. Dimitri said we can
chop down trees. I can build you a bed and a table. With the cash I
have on me, we can drive into this town, Cuchara, where Dimitri
said there is a decent furniture store. I’ll have your den looking
just how you want it in no time.”

Magda pulled the first blanket out of the box
and shook it open, then spread it on the floor in front of the
fireplace. There were several more blankets that she did the same
with until she’d created a nice sleeping area. Then taking both of
their coats, she rolled them at one end to serve as pillows.

“Did you know that Rosa’s mother died in this
den?” she asked, sitting in the middle of the blankets and crossing
her legs.

Ayden’s back was to her when he crinkled up
sheets from a small stack of newspaper next to the fireplace and
set them on fire with matches. “Dimitri mentioned it.”

“It seems almost wrong filling this den with
our smells and taking the scent of Rosa’s mother away from

Flames began dancing around the pile of logs.
It was a decent size fireplace and in minutes a good sized fire
caused their shadows to dance along the bare walls around them.
Ayden chose a long, narrow stick as a poker and played with the
flames a moment longer without saying anything.

She watched his muscles flex under his
clothes. His broad shoulders and thick chest blocked her full view
of the flames. When the fire sprang to life while he manipulated
it, Ayden became a dark silhouette surrounded by light. He was a
big werewolf, powerful and strong. She didn’t doubt for a moment
he’d be able to turn this cabin into anything she wanted. Magda
couldn’t think of a thing she wanted other than what she finally
now had. It seemed dreams she hadn’t dare try and smell while awake
had now all come true. In the few hours since they’d arrived on
this mountain, already she felt she belonged. More so, that she and
Ayden belonged. He had been part of a pack before but this was a
first for her.

“Something tells me that Dimitri and Rosa
wouldn’t have offered this den just to smell hospitable.” Ayden
turned from the fire, putting his makeshift poker down and crawled
across the blankets toward her. He hesitated when their noses
almost touched, making a show of sniffing the air. “What is
troubling my beautiful mate?” he whispered.

“My life is better than I ever imagined it
would be after losing my sire and mother.” She smiled, meaning it,
and focused on his mouth before letting her gaze travel down the
rest of his body. “Although I can think of a way, or two, that we
can make it smell more perfect.”

His masculine chuckle gave her chills. It
wasn’t cold in the cabin anymore. If it was, she sure wasn’t
noticing it. Granted the roaring fire was doing its job and warming
the room, but Ayden’s presence wrapped around her. His powerful
body, at peace and relaxed next to hers, heated her insides at
least as well as the fire. She leaned forward and nipped at his
lower lip.

Ayden grabbed the side of her head, growling,
and letting her know she’d drawn the primal side of him to the
surface. She loved the sting on her scalp when he pulled her hair
and pressed his lips to hers. At first he moved slow, taking his
time until she opened for him. He dipped his tongue into her mouth
and moaned, which made chills rush over her. His fingers pushed
through her hair until he grabbed the back of her neck. She ached
for his actions to grow rougher.

Magda didn’t fight him when he yanked her
head back. “Cariboo, I want you,” she whispered.

“My black beauty, I want you too.”

“No more French?” She smiled.

“We’re in American now, with our new pack.”
He scraped his teeth over her lip. “But you’ll always be my
beaute noire
,” he whispered.

Pressure built inside her, starting deep in
her womb and spreading fast while the old logs burned. The
crackling and popping from the fire were as appeasing as a romantic
song. Ayden lowered her to the blankets and his free hand moved
under her clothes.

“I believe I can think of more than a couple
ways to make things perfect,” he grumbled, his voice raw and laced
heavily with the lust that also altered the smell in the room.

“I want to try every way you can think of.”
Magda arched her back from the floor, moving so Ayden had no
troubles pulling off her sweater. She reached for her jeans and
undid them, then brought her feet up to unlace her boots.

“Be careful what you wish for.” Ayden pulled
one boot off, dropped it to the floor with a thud, then removed her
other boot. “Hopefully you won’t fine tune that gift of yours so
that you can read my mind and ruin my fun before I grant that

Magda laughed, lifted her rear and let Ayden
pull down her jeans. “If you only knew how much it takes from me to
use the gift simply to move trees and rocks. Reading minds would
possibly knock me out into a dead faint. And believe me, Cariboo, I
will never allow myself into such a weak state as to faint.”

“I believe you.” Ayden looked down at her
when she once again lay next to him. He remained sitting, pulling
his sweatshirt over his head. He was still staring at her when his
face reappeared and the shirt landed on the pile with her clothes.
“Does it bother you being among your own kind but not possessing
the gift at their level?”

She shook her head, moving her hair off her
shoulder and away from her face. “Their pack leader is full-blooded
Malta werewolf and doesn’t have the gift. Rosa told me he never was
able to master it.”

“He told me there’s no reason why only Malta
werewolves have the gift.” His eyes gleamed and the fire behind him
helped show off the slight hints of red in his hair. It gave him a
more roguish look. “He said if I were interested that his mate has
helped others with the gift. She’d be willing to work with me—that
is if I ever felt you had the upper paw on me because you can move

“And do you feel like I have the upper

Ayden twisted his torso and roped muscle
became pronounced under his taut flesh. He reached for his boots,
pulling one off. “No. I think we smell pretty equal.”

Magda sat up, still in her bra and panties. A
slight breeze from outside, possibly sneaking in under the door to
the cabin, hit her flesh. The chill it brought caused her
overheated body to sizzle. It invigorated her and she reached for
his other boot, moving to her knees at his feet as she did so.

“I don’t know about equal,” she murmured,
applying some strength to pull the boot off. It landed with a thud
when she tossed it to the side of the blankets. Then moving forward
on her hands, she crawled up his legs until her hands were by his
thighs. “You are most definitely stronger than I am.”

“I’m not strong enough to yank a full grown
tree out of the ground, roots and all.”


He leaned back on his elbows, his half-naked
body damn near making her drool. Magda wanted to run her fingers
over the hair on his chest. She wanted to lick his nipples and bite
the tiny, hard peaks.

“I can outrun you.”

She shot her attention to his face in time to
see the corner of his mouth twist into a mischievous grin. A full
blown gale wouldn’t extinguish the fiery need that suddenly ignited
between her legs and threatened to burn her alive. Her panties grew
wet and the scent of her desire created a rich, sweet smell in the
dimly lit cabin.

“We’ll see about that.”

Ayden smiled and tried reaching for her.

Magda leaned back on her haunches and pressed
her hands into the hard erection in his jeans. He dropped his hand
and groaned.

“We might possibly both love sex the

“I’m willing to let you prove that to

Magda grinned. She unzipped his jeans, then
stretched them open and pulled. “Take these off if you want that

He raised his hips off the blankets, as she
had for him. Magda didn’t complain when he didn’t oblige her
request. Instead she tugged, working the denim down his muscular,
perfectly hairy thighs. She grabbed on to his boxers and worked
them off along with his jeans. Magda breathed in Ayden’s scent that
clung to his clothing before dropping them to the side of the
blankets. Grinning at her prize, she stared at his hard cock and
enjoyed the fresh, ripe scent from his arousal.

“I think I can come more than you can,” she
whispered, knowing she was damn close to her first orgasm.

Ayden let out a fierce rumble that didn’t
quite sound human when she wrapped her fingers around his thick
shaft. His cock danced in her hand.

“I have no problem with you proving that as
well.” His words were thick as he grit his teeth together and spoke
through them.

Magda’s hair fell forward around her face. It
narrowed her view so all she saw was Ayden’s hard erection. She
leaned forward, anticipating his taste. When her mouth was a breath
away from the round, swollen top of his dick, she hesitated for a
moment before running her tongue over his slick, smooth skin.

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