Wolf Pack (10 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Wolf Pack
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There was a faint trace of blood reaching her and she quickened her steps. She remained as cautious as possible while tracking. With her superior hearing, Kendra could pick up a beat of a heart along with a trickle of blood just ahead.

She spotted a body slumped in the shadows up against the wall. Kendra didn’t recognize him but the man was dressed the same as the guard outside. A light shuffle came from over her shoulder and she tensed. She whirled around but it was Cole behind her. He brushed up against her and she shuddered. Kendra glanced between the body and Cole until he nudged her away. She guessed it was Cole’s doing that had the man laid out. At least they didn’t need to worry about any more guards.

Kendra licked at Cole’s chin then she raced over to the entrance. Before she was back with the hostages, she stopped and began her transformation. Her body ached but she rose onto her feet and stumbled to the chained rogues. There was one chain holding them to together with the ends anchored into the solid wall. She yanked at the metal, trying to tear it away. She cried out when it didn’t budge. She pulled harder, putting all her weight behind it. The rogue closest to her started to wake up. He groaned as his head rolled to the side and he blinked at her.

“Help me,” he mumbled.

“I am. I will,” she promised. She jerked at the chains. “Come on!”

“Here!” Cole grabbed the chain above her hold. “On three.”


Cole nodded. “One…two…three.”

The anchor flew from the wall and the chain fell.

“We’ve got to help them,” Kendra told him.

Cole whistled, and Jade came running in. She dropped the backpack she’d been carrying down in front of Kendra. She’d been in charge of the clothing.

“Get dressed,” Jade said. “Zak is already shifting and is calling in Jamie’s team to help get them out of here.”

“Great,” Kendra said as she quickly pulled on her clothes. “We’ve got eight here to get back to the Alpha house.”

“Jamie will park the truck at the bottom of the path. If we can get them down there we won’t risk any of the other guards seeing us. This is only a small group of rogues who need rescuing,” Zak said as he entered.

Kendra went back over to the man who’d woken up earlier. “Hey,” she greeted him. “What’s your name?”

“Chad Graham,” he whispered.

“Can you stand?” she asked.

“I think so—help me?”

She pulled him up by his arm and steadied him when he listed to the side. “Hey, lean on me.”

“Take him out,” Cole said from behind her.

Kendra walked Chad to the exit with his arm around her neck. Jade was helping two of the women, who appeared to be in a little better shape than Chad.

It took time but eventually all eight saved rogues were at the dirt path when Jamie drove up. Abilene and Luca jumped out of the vehicle and rushed over to them.

As gently as possible, they loaded everyone in the truck bed.

“We’ll meet you back at the house,” Kendra told the group.

“You’re not coming with us?” Chad grabbed her arm. “Where are you going?”

Kendra smiled at him. “I’ll be right behind you. We have to make sure everything is cleaned up here and have some pack posted nearby to see who comes back.”

“But you’re going to be where we’re going?”

“Yes, the Alpha house. We can protect you there,” she assured him.

His blue eyes widened. “Taylor Rosas?”

“Yes,” she said. “He knows what’s going on and we’ll get all of you safe.”

“Can we go back home?” he asked.

“Yes. Shawn Langford is gone for good. One way or another. He will never hurt you again,” she told him.

“Okay.” He released her.

Kendra backed away from the truck and glanced over to Cole. She was surprised to see anger on his face. She rushed to his side. “What’s wrong? Did we miss something?” Looking around, she couldn’t spot any danger around.

“Kendra!” Cole snapped. He gripped her shoulders hard.

“Ow, what?” She snapped her head back at him.

“You let him touch you,” he growled.

“Uh.” She wasn’t sure what this was about. “Cole?”

“It was all I could do to stop myself from tearing his throat out,” he whispered before he yanked her off to the side, away from their friends. “I almost lost control. I’ve never felt like that before.”

“I wasn’t— He wasn’t—” she said.

“I know,” he assured her. “But I’m kinda freaking out here.”

“Okay.” She cupped his face. “Take a deep breath and look at me. I’m right in front of you. Your wolf is close to the surface because you just shifted. If he’s accepted me he’d be jealous of anyone close by, especially touching me. It’ll get better.”

Cole turned away from her. “Last night when you were sleeping I pulled my wolf up and he was calm and happy to be with you.”

She gasped, couldn’t hold it in.

Cole spun around. “I know I should have told you but we’ve grown so close that I had to check. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not mad,” she said. “I’m…happy.”


“We should have done it together. Gone for a midnight run, been wolves together and found out that our wolves wanted each other as much as our human sides,” she told him. “But I’m not sorry that you already know.”

“You already knew too,” he replied.

“What?” She shook her head. Now what was he talking about?

“The night we met,” he reminded her. “We were in our animal forms. We fell for each other as humans after. I already knew that our wolves accepted each other.”

“I hadn’t thought about it like that,” she admitted.

“Well, let’s get back to the house and see what we can do to help. We need to check with the others to see if any other rogues were found,” Cole said.

Kendra linked her fingers with his.

“It’ll be faster if we shift,” Zak stated as he came up to them.

Cole glanced over at her and lifted an eyebrow. “He has a point.”

She sighed but dropped his hand. “Fine.” Zak might have a point after all, and she was starving. Kendra pulled up the hem of her shirt but Cole grabbed her wrist.

“What are you doing?” he demanded.

“Taking my clothes off so I can turn into a wolf,” she answered with sarcasm. “What do you think?”

Cole huffed. “You could at least get behind a tree or something.”

She rolled her eyes but stomped out of sight away from the others. “As much as I find your dominant side sexy,” she said as she stripped, “you really need to get over yourself.”

“I know.” He undressed next to her. “I’ll work on it.”

He was going to have to. As part of a pack and specifically a member of the inner circle, she shifted with others a lot. Of course she knew how he felt, since she wasn’t any happier to have him around other women, but the possessiveness wasn’t hitting her as strongly. That had to have something to do with his dominance. She’d ask Taylor about it once they got back.

She dropped to her knees and glared at him. “We’ll talk about this later.”

“You’re sexy when you’re angry,” he replied.

Kendra began the change and once she was furry again she was surprised to see Cole waiting on her. Apparently he could transform faster than her too. She bumped his shoulder as she passed. He pawed at her back in response. That made her smile.

Jade strolled over to where they’d dropped their clothes. “I’ve got these and Zak is setting up a rotation to watch the cave. Get back to the Alpha residence.”

With a bark Kendra leaped into the air before she raced off at full speed. Behind her there was scrambling then matching paw steps. She vaulted over boulders and fallen tree limbs. The forest was alive with the sounds of smaller animals, birds chirping and the rustle of a rabbit on the run.

She loved times like this. When nature was all around her and her wolf was happy and healthy. A streak across her path caught her attention. Cole was trying to outrun her. She was not going to let that happen.

The Alpha residence was straight ahead but Cole would have to climb down from the rocks to get to it. However, there was another way to get down to the house. Kendra headed directly to the cliff. She leaped off as she went as fast as she could. The wind rustled her fur as she flew. Kendra rolled when her paws touched the ground. She came to a stop right in front of the porch.

“Really, Kendra?” Taylor said with amusement. “That’s mature.”

She rose to her feet and shook her whole body.

There was a growl behind her then a heavy weight knocking her down. Kendra nipped at Cole’s leg and he yelped. She grinned, baring her sharp teeth. Cole barked in her face.

“Children!” Taylor called. “Could you please stop acting like young pups and get over here?”

Being caught by her Alpha while she was wrestling around with her lover was not very dignified. She pushed Cole off with her hind legs and turned over to her stomach before rising.

Kendra dipped her head at Taylor in apology.

“It’s okay,” he told her as he placed his hand on her head. “Why don’t you go inside and change back. Clothes in the spare bedroom.”

She yipped then took off into the house. The front door was already open so she crossed the threshold and strolled to the empty room on the right. She pawed the door closed. Now that she knew how much her being naked around other men bothered Cole, she could make allowances for that.

Kendra closed her eyes and pictured her human form, and the transformation started. She was a little lightheaded when the change was complete. Backing up, she sat on the bed and put her head on her hands to take deep breaths until the dizziness passed.

A knock interrupted her. “Hang on.” Kendra stood and walked over to the dresser. She pulled out the top drawer and found pajama bottoms. The one under that held T-shirts. Both easily fitted multiple body types so the pack used them for anyone who needed clothes after a shift.

As quickly as possible, she dressed before she sat back on the bed. “Come in,” she called.

The door opened and Trent walked inside holding a plate and glass. “I brought you this. We’re making some real food but it’ll be a little while before it’s ready.”

“Thanks.” She accepted the snacks and drink. “Who’s we?”

“Myself and some of the other rogues are helping a couple of your pack members,” Trent said.

“You’re settling in okay?” she questioned.

“Yes,” he answered. “I like it here. It’s much nicer than where I grew up with my father. We would never have accepted people we didn’t know into our homes or help anyone for nothing in return.”

She reached over and gripped his hand in hers. “You’re here now. That’s what matters.”

“Hey.” Cole knocked on the open door. “How’s it going?”

Trent jumped up. “I was just bringing her something to eat.”

“It’s okay.” Cole waved Trent back down. He walked farther into the room before he clamped his hand down and squeezed Trent’s shoulder. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help but hear what you said.”

“I’m grateful for everything you all have done,” Trent said.

“You deserve it and more,” Cole replied.

Trent laughed. “I better get back to the kitchen.” He rose then quickly left the room.

“Huh,” Kendra said. “I didn’t expect that.”

Cole stole the juice from her hand and took a long drink before he handed it back. “What?”

“You didn’t bite his head off for touching me,” she said.

He sat down then kissed her cheek. “I said I’d work on it. I keep my promises.”

The fact that Cole was willing to try to change himself meant everything. She turned and placed the dish on the nightstand before facing him again. She smiled as she looked into his eyes. “We might have another problem,” she whispered.

Cole frowned. “What?”

“I’m pretty sure that I’m halfway in love with you,” she confessed.

“How’s that a problem?” he asked.

“Well, it’s not,” she said. “Unless you don’t feel the same way.”

“Oh,” he responded. “You’re right. We might have a problem.”

That hurt. She drew her hands back and bit her lip. Cole grabbed her shoulders and yanked her into his lap. “Because I’m pretty sure that I’m fully in love with you.”

“Cole!” she exclaimed.

He kissed her and she returned it.

Chapter Seven




Hours passed before all the rescued rogues had been debriefed and statements had been made. Exhaustion had his shoulders aching but Cole decided to stay with Kendra at the Alpha house for a little longer and to enjoy a hot meal. Taylor had worked with the Marshals and Coalition agents on placement for everyone. Cole was letting Jamie handle that part of the case.

Inside the Alpha dining room, Trent was rushing around like a whirlwind.

Cole grinned at Trent as the young man made a big show of serving them the dinner that he’d helped prepare. Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and fresh rolls filled their plates. The food smelled great and he was hungry, but Trent was like a teenage pup who only wanted to please his parents. Which made sense after the stories Trent had told them about how he’d grown up.

Next to him Kendra was talking to her Alpha and laughing at something he’d said. She was beautiful but now that he’d confessed his love he was on the verge of freaking out. From across the table Zak kicked him. Cole glanced over to his friend.

“Stop,” Zak mouthed. “Stop thinking.”

There was no way that Zak could know what had happened between him and Kendra, but with Zak’s power of observation, Cole wasn’t surprised that Zak knew something was up with him.

Cole nodded back at his friend.

Trent finally sat down, and Taylor smiled at him. “Thank you, Trent,” Taylor said. “This all looks wonderful.”

“It was my pleasure.” Trent looked around the table. “Our pleasure.”

The dining table held twenty and every seat was full. The eight newly freed rogues, Trent, Taylor, Cole, Kendra, Zak, Abilene and six members of the Alpha’s inner circle. Cole wasn’t used to family meals like this.

He’d made the decision to leave his family and pack when he was eighteen. For months Cole had fought with himself to stay in line with his Alpha’s rules and to not let anyone in on his secret. He’d tried hard to hide the fact that he was growing more powerful and dominant. Then one night, his Alpha had ordered him on a hunt and Cole hadn’t wanted to go. Cole had wanted to go to a party he’d been invited to instead. Fuck, he’d been young and arrogant. Instead of just giving in, Cole had challenged his Alpha’s order and they’d fought. If Cole’s dad hadn’t stopped them there was no telling what might have happened. Cole had left the next day.

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