Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Adrian helped, lifting her by grasping her waist. This was the shallow end of the pool, and they were only in the warm, sulfurous waters up to their thighs. He shook his head as he looked at her, seemingly full of wonder. He seemed to like what he saw. “Brooke. You are one hell of a ravishing, erotic lady.”

She relaxed a little, although she knew she could still be ravishing and erotic and not be
by Adrian. He pressed himself to her, letting his erection bob between her thighs, knocking at her pussy’s entrance.

But she couldn’t, of course, grab ahold and guide him into her. Her arms were beginning to ache, bound as they were behind her neck, and she twisted and lunged her hips toward him. Raising the handcuffs over her head, she brought them down around the back of Adrian’s neck, which gave her some relief and brought him closer to her. Even in the steamy pool room where both chlorine and minerals clung to one’s hair, she could detect his unique, subtle scent of pine and snow crystals.

“I do love you,” she whispered against his mouth. “You might think I’m silly, that I don’t know you at all, that I don’t know what your job entails to make you what you are. I just feel that I
you, Adrian. The first second I saw you I felt that you were mine, that you somehow belonged to me. And I’m telling you, Adrian. I belong to you. I don’t care if you don’t want me. I’m still yours.”

“But I
want you,” Adrian murmured and slid his lips over hers.

Oh, he just means he wants to fuck me. What man doesn’t?
Though disappointed, Brooke went along with it when Adrian lifted her leg that wasn’t on the step and twined it around his hip. He nudged his fat cockhead inside her slippery labia. He broke the kiss to stare into her eyes, and oddly, she did feel a sense of calm washing over her. Maybe it was the mineral water emanating its healing powers. Maybe it was the eucalyptus and lavender essence they piped into the wet sauna—the door was just fifteen feet away. Or maybe it was Adrian’s steady gaze, his eyes and skin so light his image was nearly engulfed by steam.

Or his odd Eastern words. “More valuable than treasures in a storehouse are the treasures of the body.” His words calmed Brooke almost as much as the affection she felt pouring from him as he eased his cock up inside her. He swiveled his hips erotically, not seeming to breathe as he looked into her eyes. “The treasures of the heart are the most valuable of all.”

Remembering he was a treasure hunter, she assumed that was the metaphor he was going for. Brooke tried not to rock her hips but remained still as he was, just clenching his prick with her inner pussy walls, as the Kegel exercises had taught.

He stared into her eyes as though trying to read her soul, and Brooke bared all. She had nothing to hide, and she wanted him to know he didn’t have to hide anything from her. With his cockhead nudged up against her womb, they were as close as it was possible to be, and Brooke felt very connected to him. They touched the tips of their noses together as Adrian breathed rhythmically, controlled as though trying to set up a breathing pattern.

“A man is like the wings of a bird, a woman like the body. If the wings and body become separated, how can the bird fly?”

Brooke literally felt her heart expand with love when Adrian whispered this. He
to love her, at least. He was open to it. To show her love, Brooke kissed him fully, licking his luscious lips. He seemed to let go then, to relax his breathing pattern as he lunged his hips into her, penetrating her fully with the length and breadth of his penis. But then he gasped, and Brooke looked over his shoulder.

Gabriel, knowing nothing of the hugely moving and tantric experience the couple was having, had jumped into the pool behind Adrian. Gabriel held something up for Brooke’s perusal. It was a black pyramidal butt plug that Gabriel had apparently lubed up, for he arched his eyebrows lewdly at Brooke, making her giggle. The butt plug vanished while Gabriel wiggled it in Adrian’s rectum. With his closed eyelids trembling, Adrian sucked in air, and she worried Gabriel was hurting him.

As if reading her mind, Gabriel said quietly, “The first time I stretched you. I hope that someday soon you’ll accept my cock in your ass.”

Indeed, Adrian seemed to revel in the thrill the butt plug was giving him. His entire spine undulated as he fucked Brooke, and every time Gabriel jiggled the plug she felt Adrian’s cock twitch and jump deep inside her. A strange buzzing started vibrating in Brooke’s body, as though energy was flowing from Adrian through her. She felt lighter, more buoyant. She was almost ecstatic, her mood was so light.

She thought this could be attributed to the fact that the man she loved had finally allowed himself to get close enough to fuck her. She took ahold of his hand that wasn’t propped against the pool’s edge and guided it to her clit. He instantly got the picture and began to flick his middle finger up and down over her bulging button. He had already felt Brooke come with his fingers inside her, and she wanted him to feel her orgasm around his prick. She had been told—by experienced men who she hoped knew what they talked about—that her orgasms were much stronger than most women’s, and she wanted Adrian to be impressed, too. Once she sucked him in, so to speak, it might help to keep him.

They both began panting in sync as their orgasms approached. Gabriel dry-humped his friend while fucking him with the rubber plug, and it turned Brooke on to greater heights to watch the two men grapple like that, Gabriel’s free hand sliding over Adrian’s steam-slicked hip, Gabriel’s abdominal muscles rippling like waves when he humped his partner.

Adrian kept his gaze riveted to Brooke, pinning her down with the force of his stare. They humped and panted, and Brooke’s orgasm hit her all at once, unexpectedly. She clutched Adrian’s shoulders and gave an enormous heave of her hips before it all came crashing down around her. Spasm after spasm rolled up and down the length of her canal, wrenching her uterus like a giant squeezing hand. The contractions massaged Adrian’s dick more strongly than any fucking could, and she felt his entire body stiffen, his eyes rolled up in his skull, and he choked on his own cries as he came deep inside her.

Gabriel’s fiddling with the butt plug probably enhanced Adrian’s experience, and they were both locked together in a fierce orgasm so intense Brooke feared she might break something. Dozens of waves of contractions gripped her inner pussy until at last she had to push against Adrian’s shoulders, squirming her hips to get away.

“Stop,” she panted. “I can’t.”

Adrian grabbed Gabriel’s forearm and made him knock it off with the butt plug. Gabriel beamed with happiness as he climbed out of the pool. Brooke smiled—she had no doubt Gabriel would get his wish soon, to be allowed to fuck Adrian.

Brooke detached from Adrian almost sheepishly. Electric pulses still shot through her womb, her nipples. Her entire chest tingled, and she smeared her hand over the splotchy reddened skin to make it stop. Adrian didn’t seem inclined to follow Gabriel to the showers. He kept Brooke’s lifted calf pinned to his hip, and he still looked deep into her eyes. Only now, he allowed himself a small grin.

It took Brooke about a minute to catch her breath—about a minute for the tiny bubbles to clear from her vision. “That was passionate,” she whispered.

Adrian shook his head, as though he couldn’t believe it. “What was

“I was going to ask you the same thing. Some Eastern thing?”

Now he let her foot touch the floor of the pool, but he didn’t back off. “Ah, yeah,” he admitted self-consciously. “I’ve studied Buddhism a bit. I meditate, do yoga. Tantra is a part of it. The sexual act balances energies and kundalini rises upward and awakes, yadda yadda.”

“I’m very interested. No yadda yadda. That was
, Adrian. I felt as though my consciousness exploded, that I was just a seed floating in the wind.”

“Well, my seed sure exploded,” Adrian said, cornily enough. It was plain he didn’t wish to discuss Buddhism. “Our energies definitely fused. And I’ve
felt a woman come that strongly. You near about broke my prick off.”

“You bring it out in me,” Brooke said flirtatiously, looking up at him from under her lashes.

They regarded each other for so long that Gabriel ignorantly emerged from the shower holding his clean butt plug, placing it on the rim of the pool to dry. “We got time for the wet sauna before the spa opens up?”

Chapter Ten


Gabriel was lying flat on his stomach on the enormous king-size mattress draining Adrian’s beautiful prick into his mouth when his boss knocked on the cabin’s door.

Brooke was the only one not actively engaged, so she tossed on a plaid shirt of Adrian’s and went to answer the door. Gabriel raised himself on some pillows propped against the headboard, smacking his lips with delight.

“You just get tastier and tastier.”

Adrian looked abashed. “Stop it with your flattery.” He rose to get dressed. It was Adrian’s cabin, so chances were the person was looking for him. It was the day after their sauna experience, and most people were stranded at the lodge, waiting for the roads to be cleared. That was all right with Gabriel and his two companions. It gave them the excuse to stay in the cabin stoking the fire and making love to each other.

Adrian still had not come out of his shell enough to give Gabriel a blow job—or to allow Gabriel to fuck the woman—but Gabriel didn’t care much about reciprocation. All that mattered was that his partners had satisfactory orgasms. Adrian had allowed Gabriel to lick the tasty Brooke to climax and she near about strangled him with her powerful thighs. All was well.

Gabriel understood Adrian’s sexual and emotional quirks. Gabriel himself had been burned so many times by women while out on long assignments in the field, he’d given up on having any stable long-term relationships. The seemingly capricious nature of women had made him much more open to men—short, fast, brutal hookups with men.

Adrian was in love with Brooke, Gabriel knew. Was Adrian himself aware of it? Gabriel was fascinated to see how long it would take for Adrian to openly acknowledge his love.

“Why? Flattery is good for the ego.”
And I like to stroke your ego.

“I don’t deserve it, Gabriel. I’m not a good person. I’ve done bad things in the name of our government. You’ve won lifesaving medals for protecting
, for Christ’s sake. How much more noble and altruistic can you possibly get?”

Gabriel rolled his eyes and sat up on the mattress. A box of extra-large condoms sat unopened on the nightstand. Adrian had offered them, but Brooke said it wasn’t the dangerous time of the month yet. Gabriel swiped his pants from the floor. “The Boy Scouts give me awards every now and then for getting cows out of mud holes, or releasing bighorn sheep from traps. You won a Distinguished Service Medal and Purple Heart when you were in the Marines.”

“I’ve been out of the Marines for ten years. Private military contractors are a different breed. We’re not held as accountable for our actions. If I’m instructed to use necessary force to retrieve an antiquity, I do.”

Gabriel finished buttoning his pants and thought. “But those are
, Adrian. Irreplaceable national treasures.”

“I know. That’s what I tell myself.” He looked at the closed bedroom door. “Sounds like Julian.”

Gabriel was just reaching for the knob when Brooke opened the door. “Gabriel. Julian wants to talk to you. And Adrian.”

Gabriel didn’t mind that his superior at the Wildlife Resources department saw him emerge shirtless from the bedroom with another man. He’d been suspecting that Julian himself had a similar arrangement with Adrian’s hulking spy buddy, Nathan Horowitz. Those two men lived in a similar cabin with Brooke’s sister Xandra, and Julian hadn’t appeared to be in any rush to return to his field work. He was more interested in helping Nathan and Xandra BASE jump from tall sandstone spires out in Prism Canyon. Oh, and the part where Gabriel had seen Nathan plant a solid, openmouthed kiss on the sultry half-Navajo game warden, that had tipped Gabriel off. They had obviously thought no one was looking at their private deck when Gabriel was heading to their cabin to ask for a knife-sharpening stone.

Julian did cast the men an amused look when they entered the living room. Julian hadn’t worn his conservation officer uniform since Gabriel had been at the Triple Play, but today he was talking business. “Weren’t you listening to the radio?”

Gabriel tugged down the hem of the shirt he’d just donned. “It’s in my truck.”

“You got to get your head into the game. Your warrant for 1250 Petroglyph Drive came through.”

“Well, I can’t get out there until they plow the roads. And I doubt that poaching fool is going anywhere, either. You want to come with me on the bust?”

Gabriel had predicted the reluctant look that overcame Julian’s face. Julian even took a step back toward the door. “Ah, no thanks. I’m still riding high on the Hawaii trip. Not eager to get back in—Say, why don’t you go with Gabriel, Adrian? You’re licensed for concealed carry. You can’t arrest anyone, but you could assist with containment and sweeping. Everything other than citing him.”

“Yeah!” said Adrian, chipper. “I was planning to ride along anyway. It’s a real shame you guys have no backup out here. Is it true you only have one officer for fifteen hundred square miles?”

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