Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“But he just can’t shake this little group of three pursuers. They’re obviously very well-trained at pursuit, and he’s figuring they probably know all the martial arts, too. In fact, just as he’s leaping to the top of a moat wall, preparing to dive into some sludge to make a swim for it, one of the men reaches into his robes about to throw one of those ninja stars at him, right?”

“You’ve watched too many James Bond movies,” Adrian said fondly, but he didn’t stop Nathan from continuing.

“So these three ace mercs have got him pinned on this wall, and one reaches into his robes and pulls out”—Nathan looked around the table to make sure he had everyone’s rapt attention—“a camera.”

Everyone gaped, and Xandra was the first to cry, “A
? What, he wanted to document Adrian’s thievery?”

Nathan explained jovially. “
They weren’t men at all
. The three women hadn’t seen him take any cross, just leave the church. They were young, modern women, very interested in Western ways, and when they saw Adrian’s flaming hair they simply had to have a photo standing next to him.”

“So they were groupies, essentially,” stated Julian.

“Oh, absolutely,” Nathan affirmed. “They were all over him like police sergeants on a jelly donut.”

Adrian inserted, “I wore a keffiyeh covering my head, too, so I have no idea how I stood out from the crowd.”

Nathan grinned. “It certainly wasn’t your lily-white face.”

“No, not at all.” Adrian shocked Brooke by reaching over to take her hand. He had the passionate, tantric look in his eyes, holding her gaze steady.

“Don’t you miss that?” she asked him quietly while the rest of the gang made corny references to Adrian’s white skin.

He shrugged. “In a way. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. But I think Gabriel had the right idea yesterday. There’s nothing to stop me from flying around evaluating antiquities. I don’t necessarily have to be the one breaking into the safe to get them.”

This warmed Brooke’s heart more than anything. She was so happy, she was afraid to rely on it. Relying on something positive meant taking it for granted. And one could be very thrown for a loop when some disaster occurred to upset a happy home. It was much better to remain skeptical and be prepared for the worst.

“Hey, Adrian,” said Doug, meandering over to their table while looking at his cell phone.

“I just got a weird message from Cody. He was doing a perimeter fence check and found two more breaches that definitely weren’t there the day before yesterday.” He looked up from his phone. “Sounds like your man is on the move again.”

“That tool bag.” When Wade Rivers was mentioned, Adrian wrenched his hand from Brooke’s and frowned something fierce. “Gabriel’s got eyes on him as we speak, but the moron’s probably already aware he’s being watched. I’d like some face time with him myself. I can probably accomplish a lot more by
going through the official channels.”

“Yeah,” Nathan agreed, “but the blowback on Gabriel wouldn’t be worth it. You don’t know how much I wanted to just whack Xandra’s stalker, but that’s one unfortunate side effect of going mainstream.”

Xandra nodded. “Can’t just run around whacking people.”

That’s too bad. It might come in handy in a case like this.
Brooke rose to go to the bar and get more sparkling waters. She liked how quickly Doug had taken to Adrian. Xandra had told her that Doug had had a difficult time accepting Nathan at first. Doug had given Nathan a raft of shit, accusing him of being a money-grubbing lothario only out for Xandra’s lodge income. Then Doug had haplessly, and continuously, thwarted Nathan’s efforts to apprehend a guy who had been breaking into her suite.

Doug didn’t seem to have any of these problems with Adrian. Brooke was relieved. They had seemed to bond together over the cattle operation that Xandra had deeded over to Doug. Adrian seemed a little ashamed of his privileged upbringing in New Canaan, Connecticut—his father was some kind of steel magnate—but one of the obvious benefits was that he was very comfortable on a horse and had taken a keen interest in the ranch aspect of the Triple Play. That was fine with Brooke. If she was going to run the office there, it would be nice to see her boyfriend during the day sometimes.

My boyfriend
. Brooke nearly laughed aloud as she paid for the drinks. When was the last time she’d had a real boyfriend? Sure, she had partied with the fast crowd in Charleston. As a lingerie model, she’d collected many admirers. But she’d never admired any of them back passionately enough to think of him as a boyfriend.

Nathan stood at the bar next to her, and she found herself asking him a question. “Nathan, can you tell me…Was it difficult to adjust to life here in Utah? After living such an action-filled life in Africa, don’t you find it too dull here?”

Nathan smiled wryly at his sister-in-law. A stunningly handsome and virile man, he had mostly run precision assaults against crazed warlords in central Africa, working for the same company as Adrian. Brooke knew that right before deciding to come to the Triple Play, he’d lost his partner when their plane was strafed by some missiles. To quit that life had been a fairly cut and dried issue for Nathan. “At times.”

Brooke was surprised Nathan would admit this. She put her water glasses down on the bar again.

“But it’s the sort of dullness that stands you in good stead over a whole lifetime, Brooke. You’ve probably felt it before, with your Charleston lifestyle. How much longer can I maintain this? Is it even desirable anymore? Adrian meditates—does some Zen stuff I’m not familiar with. All of us mercs have our methods of maintaining sanity. So he’s not even an adrenaline junkie like I am. Was,” he added, smirking.

Brooke grinned. “So you’re saying it’s a lifestyle change that
people would want to make?”


“I think I know what you mean. I didn’t want to keep the party lifestyle going, either. I was glad when my dad and Xandra practically ordered me out here. I just didn’t know what my new direction would be.”

“Looks like you’ve found it.”

Brooke regarded her brother-in-law fondly. “I’d like to think so. If you get any opportunity to put in a good word for me with those men, I’d appreciate it.”

She knew she’s said
those men
instead of
that man
, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Nathan wiggled his eyebrows meaningfully. “I’d be glad to. It’s nice to keep the same lifestyle all in the family.”

Brooke couldn’t misinterpret that.
Nathan is welcoming me to the world of the nontraditional ménage relationship.
She felt proud and more than a bit nervous. Was Nathan actually going to encourage his friend Adrian to stay in Bird in Hand, Utah? “Thank you, Nathan. You’re a good brother-in-law.”

Nathan opened his mouth to reply, but Julian was touching his arm, holding out his work radio. “Mm-hmm,” he was telling the person on the radio, presumably Gabriel. “OK. I’ll tell Marcus and Cass.”

Gabriel’s crackly voice said, “He just peeled out of here at 1408. I’m not predicting anything for certain, just giving you a heads up.”

“Who peeled out?” Brooke whispered, her eyes wide and round. “Wade Rivers?”

Julian asked Gabriel, “I guess you’re still keeping a watch on the house?”

“Yeah,” said Gabriel. “I’ll stay here awhile and watch for movement.”

“All right. Over.”

Brooke clung to Julian’s arm. “What is it? What is it?” Marcus was the director of security for the Triple Play Lodge, and it wasn’t a good sign that they had to notify him of anything.

“Wade’s roommate Dave Hall peeled out in Wade’s truck. Obviously Gabriel couldn’t follow him if he wanted to maintain surveillance on Wade. It gets real frustrating not having a partner.”

Adrian was standing behind Julian. “I knew I should’ve gone with him.”

Brooke had talked Adrian out of it. She wanted to ride horses with him at the ranch then take the lift up here to ski. Of course.
Who wouldn’t prefer that to sitting in a truck with a numb ass?
“Gabriel can’t sit surveillance on Wade’s house forever,” Brooke pointed out.

“She’s right,” said Julian. “All we can really do is have Marcus and his security guards keep an eye out at the lodge for Dave Hall’s plates.” He paused, eyes flitting from Adrian to Brooke, then back to Adrian. “But don’t underestimate these fuckers. Everyone’s convinced that Wade Rivers is behind those rapes. Last August a citizen of Bird in Hand saw Wade leaving the scene of one of the crimes, but he was deemed an unreliable witness because he was drunk.”

“Well, there’s nothing we can do,” said Brooke, “other than keep skiing.” She wanted to get Adrian’s mind off the subject, but apparently he didn’t want distraction.

He said, “I feel ridiculous goofing off when Gabriel’s out there. The least I can do is go back and talk to Marcus, let him know what to look for.”

“Sounds good,” said Julian. “I’ll go with you.”

All Brooke could do was lamely follow Adrian, exhorting him to “be careful.” She didn’t really know what this involved other than being more aware of his surroundings.

He touched her face with the back of his hand. “Of course, little one. Don’t forget. I’m accustomed to slinking down alleyways and hiding from the enemy.”

“Little one”! He called me “little one.”
Brooke was thrilled with this moniker and kept it foremost in her mind as she watched Adrian and Julian get in the gondolas that would take them back to the lodge. In her estimation, men didn’t come up with affectionate monikers unless they planned to stay.

“Don’t worry too much,” advised Nathan. “Adrian’s got a fine Smith & Wesson semiautomatic.”

Panic gripped Brooke. She’d never entertained the idea of Adrian packing a firearm. “That’s supposed to make me feel better?”

Nathan didn’t look so sure now. “It is if Wade Rivers is only packing a sawed-off shotgun with a silencer.”

Brooke cast Nathan a “thanks a lot” look and wistfully watched Adrian’s red gondola disappear over a snowy rise.

Chapter Thirteen


“All right. I think he’s ready, Brooke. He’s nice and stiff and ready to burst.”

Gabriel knew that Adrian was only rimming his anus to test his own boundaries. Adrian’s bulbous cockhead had breached Gabriel’s tight ring while Adrian’s fist massaged oil into Gabriel’s bulging prick.

Adrian was right. He was set to discharge any second now. He was so horny his balls were throbbing.

“Take his big hot dick into your mouth, Brooke.”

But apparently Brooke, on her knees in front of Gabriel on the bathroom floor, had other ideas. Her eyes were round and shining as she watched Adrian caress Gabriel’s hard-on. Gabriel was glad he wasn’t cuffed or bound this time, so he was free to fondle Brooke’s head, slithering her glossy curls between his fingers, urging her face toward his crotch.

But she wasn’t interested. She wanted to watch as her boyfriend squeezed, massaged, and pumped Gabriel’s long cock. From her vantage point kneeling on the carpet, she couldn’t see the incredible view in the mirror that Gabriel was blessed with. Standing behind Gabriel, his hips arching into Gabriel’s backside, the white purity of Adrian’s skin was nearly blinding. Gabriel was overwhelmed by Adrian’s beauty, his shapely white ass clenching and rippling as he nudged his cock deeper up Gabriel’s asshole. Gabriel sighed deeply, relaxing into the fucking, hoping Adrian’s hand didn’t coax the semen from his dick before Brooke decided to wrap her lips around it.

“Beautiful,” Adrian murmured in Gabriel’s ear, taking a bite out of his throat. His free hand, slick with oil, swept up Gabriel’s abdomen to tweak a nipple. Adrian was watching avidly in the mirror, too, his lust evident in the swelling of his cock inside of Gabriel. “Stunning. Exquisite.”

,” Gabriel gasped as Adrian’s hand made a firm swipe over his cockhead. “Brooke. Now. Brooke!

But Brooke was her own woman and didn’t fall for the enticement of his cock. Instead she stood tall and proud like a gorgeous shorebird in her bra, panties, and high heels. She had dressed like one of her modeling assignments, Gabriel suspected, to lure Adrian into her relationship web. Her love for Adrian shined through her dark, sultry eyes and was proudly displayed in every nuance of her body. Gabriel could hardly be jealous or fault her for her obvious passion for the ginger-haired marine when he felt the identical way.

And Gabriel was willing to do whatever it took to be allowed membership into this seductive triangle. He had never really had a relationship with another man—just hookups in the desert, at camping spots, fishing holes, or nude watering holes like the Inkwells where he’d first seduced Adrian. He considered himself basically a hetero man, having had several long-term relationships with women that fell apart because he was out in the field—his “office”—so much of the time. Adrian Kinsey was the first man he’d had the misfortune to fall emotionally for, and Gabriel realized that his entire mood and destiny hung on Adrian’s every word and action.

So Brooke, taking control of her own destiny, now moved to stand behind Adrian, rubbing her pussy against the crack of his bare ass. In the mirror Gabriel watched as she grabbed the bottle of oily lube from the vanity and pooled some in her palm, applying it between Adrian’s thighs. Adrian sighed into Gabriel’s ear and seated himself deeper, now rubbing his taut glans against Gabriel’s sensitive prostate. Gabriel reached behind him and wove his fingers at the back of Adrian’s neck, arching his lower back to thrust his ass toward Adrian. He wriggled like a pole dancer, loving the sensation of being on the verge of orgasm, just teetering at the top of that cliff, not quite plunging over the edge. “So good,” he sighed.

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