Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Woman on Top [McQueen Was My Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Adrian turned around and headed to the truck with a new determination. He would fly out of here tomorrow. Nathan had access to a Cessna that he used at the Triple Play’s airstrip in conjunction with his BASE jumping. Nathan could fly Adrian to Canyonlands Field, and from there he could get to Denver. The company wouldn’t send a plane for his personal business.

That’s it. I’m out of here.

But when he approached the truck, something had changed. For one, the windows were steamed, so he could only make out vague silhouettes lit up by the feeble glow of the electronic devices in the dash. It looked as though Brooke and Gabriel had switched places, and she now leaned back against his driver’s door. And what was Gabriel’s head doing down around her midsection? The damned windshield was so steamy drips of moisture created tracks in it. How the fuck did Gabriel expect to see the poacher through such steam?

Adrian strode to the truck and yanked the door open.

And was staring right at Gabriel’s ass.

He had peeled Brooke’s leggings from her after removing her furry boots. Apparently having swiftly moved beyond the make-out stage, the guy Adrian had assumed was gay was enthusiastically muff diving, bobbing his head up and down with giant slurps. Brooke, for her part, cradled Gabriel’s head to her pussy so lovingly that her tits under her sweater were squished between her upper arms. She wasn’t terribly well-endowed and definitely didn’t have implants, but squeezing her breasts like that gave an even more accurate impression of a snow bunny, and Adrian muttered, “Oh, hell, no.”

Gabriel took a split second break to bark, “Shut the damned door.”

Since Adrian wasn’t about to back off and leave them alone, he jumped in the cab and yanked the heavy door shut behind him. He kneeled behind Gabriel, his fingers hitched in the officer’s duty belt. Brooke’s big, moist eyes became even shinier—or so he imagined—when he reached around Gabriel’s waist to finger the buckle. She swiveled her hips and urged her pussy against Gabriel’s mouth, but her eyes were on Adrian’s hands. She was clearly excited with curiosity to know what he would do next.

Adrian’s distended prick was plain to see as he kneeled behind the officer, who was flat on his chest, Brooke’s legs slung over his shoulders. Gabriel’s face was buried in her muff, but Brooke tugged on his thick brunet hair to get him to slow down, she was so interested in Adrian’s doings.
I’ll give her a show. She’ll get so horny watching me she’ll drown Gabriel in her juices, and every time she sees me she’ll remember. It was me who got her hot.

Whipping Gabriel’s belt buckle asunder, Adrian found it very invigorating to be the one in charge now, the top dog. He’d started having a panic attack when Gabriel had handcuffed him earlier, but being in control sent a surge of power through him. He yanked down Gabriel’s brown cotton work pants, gently pressing his Glock, baton, taser, and other implements against the back of the seat so no buttons were accidentally pushed. It wouldn’t do to butt-dial Gabriel’s home office.

Adrian applied a big cow’s lick to his palm and smacked Gabriel’s rounded, upturned ass. He was gratified when Brooke’s eyes became wider and her jaw dropped. He did it again, and again, satisfied at the loud smack resonating inside the steamy cab.

“Ooh,” Brooke breathed with appreciation, clutching and unclutching a handful of Gabriel’s glossy hair. Was she a buckle bunny, or perhaps a

“Hey!” cried Gabriel, removing his face from Brooke’s crotch. He tried to crane his head over his shoulder, but couldn’t see Adrian taking aim at his shapely ass again.
“What’s the fucking idea?”

his fucking idea,” Brooke whispered. “Don’t stop, Adrian.”

you make a move on Brooke when I’m standing halfway down the hill?” Adrian’s rage was genuine.

Gabriel grunted but made no move to flip himself around or remove himself from Adrian’s range. In fact, it looked as though he spread his thighs an inch farther apart on the bench seat, and even lifted his ass to Adrian’s punishing palm. “
weren’t about to. And she looked so lonely in her little furry parka.”

Adrian locked his gaze with Brooke’s. “Take off your sweater.”

She eagerly did his bidding, filling him even more fully with his own power. It seemed to be cathartic, acting as the dominant one in the ménage. Gabriel submissively watched Brooke peel the sweater with the Scandinavian design and fling it heedlessly on the dashboard. She settled back against the car door, petting Gabriel’s head so that her buoyant breasts jiggled enticingly.

Gabriel slithered a greedy hand up her abdomen, and Adrian spanked his ass some more. Harder this time.
The hand stopped moving. “Keep your fucking hands off her, Verona. You’re here to lick her pussy and that’s it. Only I get to admire her tits. C’mon. That’s it. Get your ass up here.”

He gripped Gabriel’s hips and pulled them to him. He stripped off the henley shirt that clung to Gabriel’s athletic torso, holding his breath in awe when he first viewed how finely muscled the torso was. Gabriel must have lifted weights every day for years to achieve such a chiseled slab, and Adrian had to resist the urge to run his tongue down the furrows and grooves, following the long slopes of the back muscles. Gabriel was even a buttery tan, as though he rode his horse about through the canyons shirtless all day long, his badge attached to his belt, probably wearing a cowboy hat instead of the Wildlife Resources cap they gave him.

The image nearly bowled Adrian over, so on a sudden impulse he yanked the handcuffs from their holster on Gabriel’s duty belt and snapped them around one of Gabriel’s wrists. “Behind your head,” he ordered, and clicked them shut when Gabriel obeyed.

There. That did it. Now Gabriel couldn’t grab Brooke’s breast.

And Adrian could spank him as much as he wished. “You’re not touching this hot babe, you hear?” He found that he liked to brush his fingertips between Gabriel’s thighs between slaps. Gabriel’s prick, so thick and meaty Adrian was glad he hadn’t speared him up the ass down by Inkwell Lake, stood out stiffly from his body, a veritable flagpole clearly displaying his lust. When Adrian slapped his balls Gabriel twitched, the cock jumped, and finally Adrian could stand it no more. The next time he fully slapped Gabriel’s balls, heavy in his palm, and he wrapped his fist around the officer’s hot, pulsating dick.

And nearly came in his pants with the thrill it gave him.

It thrilled Brooke, too, apparently, who took her handful of Gabriel’s hair and yanked his face back into her slick pussy.

Chapter Six


Gabriel was taken aback when that marine Adrian slammed the truck door shut and began dominating the hell out of him.

Gabriel supposed he had it coming to him after the way he’d treated Adrian down by Inkwell Lake. Sometimes men, though clearly enjoying the bondage and discipline encounters with Gabriel as the dom, wound up rebelling once the cuffs came off. Gabriel had figured it out. Their huge macho egos ultimately couldn’t deal with the fact they’d enjoyed being mouthed by another man, even if they were helplessly handcuffed the entire time.

Adrian Kinsey had walloped him the second he’d removed the cuffs. Gabriel figured then they were even, and Brooke was fair game.

Adrian had left the truck, all pissed about something. Maybe Adrian truly
gay, and it irritated him to be forced to look at women in lingerie. That would explain the livid scars on Adrian’s back that didn’t look too old. Gabriel’s first conclusion was that Adrian had been engaged in rough trade. Gabriel was even more certain when Adrian had practically raced out of the truck to get away from that lingerie catalogue.

Left alone in the truck with the glamorous Miss McQueen, what was a guy to do? Of
Gabriel was going to sweep her into his arms. He hadn’t held a woman in months, and he had
held a lingerie model. She responded warmly, her vanilla scent washing over him, slinging one knee over his, parting her luscious, berry-colored lips. She sighed into his mouth, and her tongue tip licking his felt almost loving, although Gabriel knew this wasn’t possible. They’d just met.

When he flipped her over so she straddled him, they deepened the kiss. Brooke wrapped her arms around his neck and sucked on his tongue, even wiggling her hips so her pussy mashed over his engorged cock. He slid his hands up her rib cage under her sweater to feel the shapely tits. The sheer pushup bra did nothing to enhance her average-sized tits, as though she wanted to minimize her assets. She had not seemed overly egotistical about his discovery of her in the magazine—perhaps she was trying to play it down, start a new life. She had said she wasn’t supposed to be flaunting that lifestyle.

So he scratched her nipples from outside the bra, knowing it would send erotic pulses down into her pussy. He was right. She gasped and pulled away.

“I don’t want to do anything without Adrian,” she murmured.

Gabriel panted, unsure he’d heard correctly. “Adrian? He’s outside, somewhere down the canyon.”

“I know. But Gabriel, I have to tell you. I want him.”

That gave Gabriel pause for thought. He gulped then brushed his lips across hers. “So do I. How does that stand between you and me?”

Brooke paused, too. “Oh!” she cried, apparently surprised. “How very sexy of you. Well, you know, that might be handy. Because I’m sure he doesn’t want me. I…insulted him.” Now she almost looked about to cry. “Gabriel, I’m telling you. I’m determined to have him. I don’t know what came over me when I first laid eyes on him, but…I think I’m in love with him.”

Those last few words came tremulously, the very words in the air shivering. A shiver went through Gabriel, too. That douche bag marine had already beaten him out for the lingerie model’s affections. And Adrian didn’t even want her? “I know what to do,” Gabriel assured her, surprising even himself. Scooting over on the bench seat, he lifted Brooke and placed her against the driver’s door. He pulled one furry boot from her foot, then the other. “I know how to get his dander up. You want Adrian? I think I know a bit about what turns him on.”

“Oh,” she mouthed, all starry-eyed, presumably over the idea of the two men together. “You’ve already hooked up with him? My gaydar didn’t ping at all with him.”

“Let’s just say,” Gabriel said salaciously, hitching his fingertips under the waistband of her leggings, “he’s been under my thumb since the first time we met. And he’s coming back to this truck as soon as his frozen balls start falling off.” He admired her pussy, waxed into a cute little triangle of black velvet. His mouth actually started watering when she placed a foot enclosed in a sock on top of his shoulder, unashamed of displaying herself to him.

She wiggled her hips now, reaching a childish arm out to spear her fingers through his hair. She gave a little tug and a smile. “Eat me.”

Gabriel didn’t need any more encouragement to dive on in and lap away at her beautiful protruding clit.

Times like this he was glad he liked to keep a five-o’clock-the-next-day shadow going on. He knew the stubble would stimulate her inner thighs, her labia. And if he shook his head back and forth like a dog with a bone, it would drive her to greater heights as he tickled the length of her clitoris.

!” she gasped in a high tenor. The gasps came quicker and closer together as he licked her into a frenzy, Brooke rocking her hips against him and digging her fingernails into his scalp.

Gabriel didn’t need Adrian to bring this girl off. Apparently Brooke did need Adrian, and he wanted to please her. So sure, he’d let Adrian into their little circle. Gabriel could relate to Brooke’s feelings—more than once when glancing at Adrian’s aristocratic profile, he’d imagined himself in love with the marine, too. Adrian Kinsey had that magnetic ability to mesmerize people he didn’t even seem to want. If Brooke was right, and Adrian had no interest in her, Gabriel knew he could win her.

Especially if he brought her off with his mouth.

He was certain she was hovering on the verge of climax when the douche bag marine yanked open the truck door. The cloud of subzero air he let in seemed to shrink Brooke’s clitoris and nearly freeze his tongue to it, but after Gabriel yelled and Adrian got into the truck and shut the door, she melted again.

Gabriel was pleasantly shocked when Adrian pulled down his pants and slapped his ass and balls.
So I was right. He’s into rough trade.
His butt tingled and burned, the heat level rising with each slap and spreading down the backs of his thighs and up his abdomen. He must have been neglecting poor Brooke, too, for she grabbed a handful of his hair and wrenched his face back into her snatch.

Adrian obviously didn’t like this. The moment Gabriel started licking away again, Adrian jerked his torso upright and snapped his wrists together behind his neck with the cuffs. Gabriel’s prick stood out stiffly with the realization that Adrian, too, was experienced in handcuff use. It could have stemmed from his job or from his rough play with other men, but either way, a few drops of semen glistened at the tip of Gabriel’s erect penis now, he was that horny.

Adrian wedged the ridge of his own erection into Gabriel’s ass crack as he yanked his torso closer. Adrian’s free hand roamed over Gabriel’s abdomen, clearly turned on by tickling the ridges of his six-pack, the sculpting Gabriel was so proud of, having taken years to achieve. “You’re not touching this hot babe, you hear?” Adrian snarled, nibbling at Gabriel’s shoulder and the back of his neck.

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