Worst Case Scenario (8 page)

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Authors: G. Allen Mercer

BOOK: Worst Case Scenario
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  “I need some eyes and ears on the ground.  With your military background and obvious ability to see detail, you can really help me start to spread the word about life out there now.”

Ian nodded.  “I like that plan, Dukes.  Of course I can do that.”

“I have a pretty good network of HAM radio guys.  Someone has to get the truth about what’s going on out on the air.”

Ian agreed.  “You’re on, I’ll be your Recon.”

Ian took the packs and slung one over each shoulder.  The ‘X’ pack was heavier.  “Thanks.”

Dukes shook Ian’s outstretched hand.  “I’ve got one more thing to give you that might help,” he said closing the closet and headed to another set of doors.  “By the way. Both packs are two days worth of supplies for two people, but the one with the ‘X’ on the handle.”

Ian took the heavy pack off to reveal that there was a red X stitched on the carrying handle.

“It also has a 100 mile two way radio, a short wave radio, a set of binoculars, a camp ax and,” he flipped the combination on a pad lock and opened the door to a room dedicated to weapons. “25 rounds of 9mm hollow points.”

  “Wow!” Ian smiled at the number of pistols, rifles and knives mounted in cases around the room.  “Now that’s really impressive!”

“Alright sir, you’re the Military Intelligence officer, so...” He handed Ian a 9mm pistol.  He didn’t have to tell him that it was already loaded.  “Every officer needs a good side arm. That’s one of my older ones, but I’m sure you won’t mind. ”

“Roger that,” Ian affirmed.  He liked the weight of the Glock 17 in his hand.  He checked the chamber to see that there was a round ready to go.  Dukes also gave him a shoulder holster and an extra clip of extra ammo.

“Thank you, again.”

“You’re welcome.  So,” he turned to look at Ian. “What about Mary?  Do you want her armed?”

Ian had been thinking about that question since he realized that she would be coming with him.  Either way, armed or not, she could be a liability…or an asset.

“Yeah, I think I do,” Ian said, his eyes surveyed the arsenal.  He was impressed.  “I’d love to outfit her with an AR-15 or .308, but Dukes, I don’t think she’s ever even held anything more dangerous than a sharp steak knife.” 
Probably a liability.
“Let’s keep her in the same ammo family as me…something in a 9mm.”

“Alright, something in a 9mm for a first time bad ass woman.”

“So, when you say it that way…”

“Ian, I actually like the Smith M&P better than the Glock 17 I gave you, but being able to swap magazines with June or Penny in a fire fight is golden for an old prepper like me.”

“Good point.”

“So, take this,” Dukes said, handing Ian a folded over weapon.  “Once again, it is a little older, but I think it will work for you.”

Ian unhinged the small carbine rifle and checked the chamber.  It was unloaded.  “A Kel-Tec, what an awesome choice.  Lightweight, less kickback than a traditional rifle, easier to handle and hit a target than a pistol, and it takes the same ammo and clip as the Glock.   You know, this is the second rifle I started Grace on after the .22.”

“I have three of them for those exact reasons.  Take that one for Mary.”

Ian stowed the weapons and followed Dukes back upstairs, where he was greeted to the smell of a warm breakfast.

After eating, Dukes and Ian reviewed maps and communications protocols before Ian and Mary geared up and headed outside with Dukes, Penny and June.  The early morning light was just breaking over the trees.  It was as if nothing of significance had happened in the world.

“I have a debt to you and your family that I might not ever be able to repay,” Ian said to Dukes and his family. 

Dukes held out his hand and Ian grabbed it and pulled the other man into an embrace.  “Thank you, brother,” Ian said, quietly.

“Just get me some intel about what you see and who we’re up against.  I’ll do my best to help guide you home,” Dukes said, releasing the man.

Mary was somber and hugged everyone.  She was having a hard time keeping her emotions in check and decided not to say anything as she fought tears.

“Tell your daughter that I’d like to meet her sometime,” Penny said, to Ian’s surprise.  “If your anything like my father, I bet we have a lot in common,” she added.

Ian smiled.  “I’ll do that Penny.”

At that second, they heard a loud booming sound rumble across the farm.

“That sounded like something big,” June said, her voice trembling.

“There’s a natural gas terminal on the on the Georgia side of the lake near the highway.  I bet that’s what it was,” Dukes surmised.  “I need to check those cameras and we should get inside.”

With a deep breath, Ian tugged the straps of his pack a little tighter.  “We should go then,” he said and started walking.  “Thank you again, and God’s peace.”  And with that, Ian and Mary quickly lost sight of the cabin as they headed northwest towards Birmingham.



To be continued…





The Worst Case Scenario Series

Book 2: Bug Out




This series of books is like nothing else I have ever written.  They sprung to life quickly while traveling home on a plane.  We were circling to land at the airport in Atlanta…hence the beginning.


I’d like to thank Dan.  One Friday morning, he made a comment about how much he enjoyed reading the action scenes in the draft version of
Mighty To Save
, my follow up to
Underlying Grace
.  It was that comment that inspired me to pen a pure action series.  Thanks again, Dan.


The most important person to thank is my wife.  She puts up with reading endless editions of my work and providing the voice of reality when I don’t quite have it right.  Perhaps one day she and I can sell ice together…she knows what that means.


I’d also like to acknowledge the other writer in our family, my son, Justin A. Mercer.  I’d invite you to read his work discussing teen depression.  The book is titled
Hell Has No Stars. 
It went viral on Facebook in 2014…I had no idea that so many people were impacted by teen depression.


Finally, I know that my talent and passion to write is derived from a source that does not wholly belong to me.  It belongs to God, and I hope that I am using it to His glory.


Heroes rise to handle adversity.  Heroes rise to satisfy need.  Heroes rise unselfishly.  Jesus is my hero, and He is Risen!



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More books by G. Allen Mercer




Underlying Grace Series

Have you ever questioned what God might have in store for your life?  In this work of fiction, Neil Abrams and his family find themselves in the crossroads of this very question. 

Book 1:
Underlying Grace

Book 2:
Mighty To Save


Worst Case Scenario

This brand new action adventure series follows Ian, Leah and Grace Burrows after the unthinkable has happened; a foreign country has detonated nuclear bombs on US soil in and has launched an invasion force.

Their family is prepared for almost any emergency, but they never imagined that they would actually face their worst case scenario; a massive attack on America while the family is spread apart from each other. 

Worst Case Scenario: Book 1

Worst Case Scenario: Book 2 Bug Out

Worst Case Scenario: Book 3 Invasion


Justin Flowers and the Orb of Time:
(Re-release Summer 2015) – Young Adult

Justin descends from a family of time travelers, but he has no idea of his talents or of his family tree.  But, with the chance discovery of a time key and a well-timed wish, Justin is thrust into a world where evil is plotting to change time, and he is the only person that can stop it!


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