Read Wrapped in Silk Online

Authors: MJ Fields

Wrapped in Silk (45 page)

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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Brody threw his head back and laughed deeply, and turned her around, “Happy Birthday Em.”

“Oh My God!” Emma gasped loudly and started towards the steps.

Brody quickly grabbed her and pulled her back against him and laughed, “Don’t you dare expose me.”

Emma laughed and turned around and kissed him, “Not helping EM.”

The cabin was amazing, it sat on Lake Winnipesaukee.

“Was it worth the five hour drive Em?” Brody asked as he watched her walk around smiling.

“Absolutely, Brody this is amazing. How long are we staying?” Emma smiled.

“A week this time, but in the summer I thought we could stay here as often as possible,” he smiled, “It’s ours.”

Emma gasped, “You bought it?”

“Yes, I hope it makes you happy,” Brody said anxiously.

“Yes happy, very, very happy,” Emma threw her arms around him, “I like the fireplace, it reminds me of England.”

Brody groaned, “Your parents will be here soon. But right now you need to stay away from me.”

Emma laughed and turned away, “London, show me the upstairs?”

“I am up here,” London waved from the balcony, “Five bedrooms Mom!”

“Five?” Emma laughed as she ran up the stairs.


“They will be gone at least an hour, show me the room you picked,” Brody asked smiling.

“Well I picked the one London told me you had picked. You t
wo are sneaky, how long have you been working on this?” Emma smiled.

“Since we got back from England. I promised you a happy life and well I am trying Em,” Brody frowned.

“What does that mean Brody?” Emma asked rubbing his face.

Honestly, you have had cancer, two lost children, my Uncle…God Emma…then my father. It hasn’t been that wonderful, but it will be. I have put you through a lot,” Brody pulled her hair back away from her face and lifted her chin, “And now I have made you cry.”

“Brody, I am cancer free, you helped me through all that, I have a man who wanted a child with me, who adores and loves my child, your Uncle is an ass, and your father passed away, none of those are your fault, none of it
.” Emma kissed him, “I am happier than I ever imagined. We all have pasts, but each day with you erases the hurt from my past. You don’t just make me happy Brody you make me whole.”

Brody kissed her harshly on the mouth and his han
d floated softly down her back, “I have never felt more cherished Em, not ever.”

“Me either, I love you,” Emma kissed his neck softly and pulled his shirt off. She undid his pants and they fell to the ground, “God I am so glad you don’t wear

Emma took him in her mouth quickly and he gasped
, “Em stop….fuck.”

Brody took her hair in h
is hands and guided her head. She stopped and grasped his shaft and stroked gently as her tongue flicked across his tip causing him to twitch. She cupped his sack and tugged gently as she sucked hard on him. Brody moaned and threw his head back.

“Emma,” he hissed trying to hold back his release.

Emma moved faster and she felt him tense and release into her mouth and he held the back of her head and thrust into her mouth cursing loudly.

When he was empty he stammered back against the counter, “Damn Em.”

Emma smiled and stood up and watched him try to regain his composure. She took a picture with her phone of him leaning against the counter running his hands through his hair and his mouth slightly opened trying to catch his breath.

He opened his eyes and smiled, “Do you have any idea how amazing you are?”

“Yes,” Emma beamed.

Brody laughed, “Do you have any idea what I am going to do to you?”

Emma’s jaw dropped and she froze, Brody pulled his pants up and peered up at her through his dark lashes and raised his eyebrow. Emma gasped and he took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. He stood back and leaned on the counter and looked her up and down, slowly he licked his lips and ran his tongue across his plump lower lip. He cocked his head to the side and glared at her.

“You may want to run Em,” his voice warned as he slowly took a step towards her.

“What?” she whispered as her eyes grew and jaw dropped.

He laughed wickedly, “Three, two…”

Emma jumped and ran up the stairs as he followed her, she dove into the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin and watched him come in the room giving her an intimidating glare.

“You don’t scare me,” her voice squeaked as he got closer.

“Oh this won’t be scary, but you’re going to feel boneless for the rest of the day,” he warned.

eyes lit up and Brody laughed a deep dark laugh.

He grabbed a box off of the self in the closet and brought it out.

“Brody they will be back…” Emma began.

“I would stop talking if I were you,” Brody warned.


Brody stood up quickly and gave Emma a look that made her stop talking immediately.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, “Caroline, Emma has decided she would rather not cook tonight…no she doesn’t want you to either, Emma wants Prime Rib, only the best cut. There is a place we passed about twenty miles out of town, would you mind terribly. The drive up tired her out and I think she is going to rest a bit and then when you get back she would like to eat, she is going to be very hungry. Thank you.”

“Brody…” Emma began to protest.

“It would be best if you would just shut that hot little mouth of yours Em, fair warning, not a peep,” he advised his brow raising.

Brody opened the box and took out several silk scarves and smiled and looked at Emma.

She sat with her knees to her chest with the blanket pulled over her nose and her eyes wide.

“Stand up and take your clothes off Emma,” Brody instructed.

Emma didn’t move, “Do it now or I will do it for you.”

Emma stood up quickly and did what he asked. Brody let his pants drop to the floor and stood with his back to her.

“Kneel on the edge of the bed and sit back on your heels,” He instructed and turned towards her with his erection in hand slowly moving his hand back and fourth.

Emma moaned and her nipples tightened and peeked.

“Look at your tits Emma, begging for my mouth to suck them, look at them Emma,” Brody’s voice was gruff and hot.

Emma looked down and closed her knees tightly.

“Spread your legs now,” he said pumping himself harder.

walked over and grabbed two candles out of the box and set them on the dresser and lit them.

’re not going to talk, just listen and understand that I am going to fuck you until you can’t take anymore. These candles might seem romantic but that hot wax is going to be a bit uncomfortable dripping over those red aching nipples,” Brody warned.

“Do you have any idea how hot…”

“Emma don’t,” Brody said harshly.

“I know exactly how hot you
’re getting, I see your tight little pussy is swollen wanting me, your perfect tits need to be sucked hard and you’re getting wet, soaked actually. It started downstairs as you sucked greedily on my cock until I filled your mouth with my come, and then with each warning it gets slicker and wetter and needs me even more. I promise you you’ll come Emma, harder and longer than ever before,” Brody blew out the candles.

“I am going to let that sit for a moment so that I do
esn’t burn you…” Brody started.

“I want you too,” Emma panted.

“Shhh Em, no you don’t and I don’t want to hurt you,” Brody took a scarf and wrapped it around her waist and tied it loosely.

“Spread your knees further I want to see that clit,” Brody instructed.

“Use your hands on yourself, spread and rub,” Brody said softly.

She did as he asked and he st
roked himself at the same time.


Emma jumped, “I need you, please, I need you.”

Emma started sq
ueezing her knees together and Brody stood between them so she could not. He leaned into her and tied two scarves from the waist band to her ankles so that she couldn’t move them and then tied two more to her wrists and attached them to her ankles.

“Look at you, so beautiful,” he rubbed his cock lightly against her clit and she groaned loudly.

He stepped back and looked her up and down, “Breathtaking,” he whispered.

He grabbed the candle and slowly poured little drops on to her left nipple and she yelled out
his name, he repeated it on her right.

’re going to get so turned on your nipples are going to grow even more and crack that wax after it’s hardened,” Brody blindfolded Emma.

“The way you wanted me in the car, unable to see me
, just the thought of me, my voice talking about tying you up Em, it’s anticipation. You couldn’t wait to be on your knees sucking this,” he stroked himself and moaned loudly.

“I see your nipples responding to me Em, they are so in need of my mouth, my teeth, my breath,” he blew cold air onto them, “I can
’t wait to have them in my mouth.”

Brody rubbed from her knees to just below her
groin, “And then there is this,” he bent down and blew on her and she moaned.

She felt the blindfold release, “You have cracked the wax Em, I think I should get rid of it now.”

Brody ran his teeth slowly across her nipples peeling the wax away with his mouth and repeated on the other side.

“Oh God,” Emma screamed and she felt herself starting to orgasm.

“Damn Em,” Brody
released the scarf around her waist and flipped her on her stomach and pushed into her.

Emma screamed out with each thrust and tried to pull away.

“Hell no,” Brody flipped her to her back and shoved two fingers into her, as she peaked his mouth covered her as she let go, holding nothing back until she lay limp.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

“Fuck Em,” he pushed into her and she let out little cries of pleasure until she came again and he did so with her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked when he finally pushed himself off of her.

“Perfect,” Emma whispered.

“You tasted perfect, that has to happen
every time,” Emma rolled to her back and hid her face in the pillow, Brody smacked her ass, “Got it, no holding back on me, I want it like that every time.”

Brody pulled her up, “Shower with me, my fucking hot amazing wife!”

Emma looked up at him and scowled, he was beaming.

“I wasn’t even in you yet, that’s un
believable. When you went off… I am so glad I had my mouth…damn Em, you taste amazing… hot damn!” He twirled her in a circle and kissed her.

buried her face in his neck and giggled.

Brody cupped her chin and looked at her and smiled, “You are
glowing. We are so good together love.”

Emma felt h
im growing against him and looked up, “One more time and then a shower, they’ll be here soon.”

“Brody!” she yelped when he threw her over his shoulder and smacked her bare butt.

Chapter 17

Brody woke from his dream and gasped, he looked over and Emma was still asleep. He got out of bed and washed his face and took a deep breath. He walked downstairs and got a drink and sat on the couch and thought about what he had remembered.

A blonde woman, she reminded him of his first experience with a Dom and he sat back.
Why the fuck am I dreaming about this,
he wondered. She had a tattoo, it looked more like a brand. He remembered the bar he was at before he was married, with Rebecca when Ariel showed up,
the bar maid had the same tattoo, so what,
he told himself. He stood and paced the floor and remembered he had seen it again and froze.
No big deal, but why the dreams damn it
! He asked himself
. It’s not like it matters anymore Brody get a grip.

Brody sat on the couch and tried to stop his brain from going back to his dream. He looked down and grabbed the leather photo album and started looking through it. He came to the last page and froze.

“Oh my God,” Brody gasped.

“Everything okay out here?”
Henry asked walking past him into the kitchen.

“Yes, everything is fine,” Brody said and his voice shook.

Henry walked over and looked at him as he stared down at the pictures, “Brody?”

Brody shook his head back and fourth, “It’s nothing Henry.”

“It doesn’t seem like nothing Hines, you look white as a sheet,” Henry said and sat.

“It’s nothing I have just been having a rough time lately, not a lot of sleep,” Brody forced a smile.

BOOK: Wrapped in Silk
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