You Belong With Me (10 page)

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Authors: M. R. Joseph

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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"Let's go."

Carter and Ashby walked away from the bar arm in arm towards the cabanas.

"Ashby, I just need to tell Casey that I'm leaving."

"Seriously, Carter, she's not your mom. Do you need to report to her?" she said annoyed.

"I'm staying at her house for the next month Ashby. I owe it to her to tell her I'm leaving so don't get all smart ass on me."

"Fine. Let's just hurry. It's been a long time since I've had a piece of you and I'm starved."

They made their way back to the cabana where the rest of the group was. Casey was sitting on Jordan's lap talking to Lyla.

"Car, where have you..." Casey paused when she saw Ashby with her arm linked in Carter's.

"Ashby, nice to see you," she said politely.

"Casey. How are you?" Ashby asked still focused on Carter's face.

"Fine. Jordan this is a friend of Carter's. Ashby Evans."

Jordan like the gentleman he was stood up to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ashby. I'm Jordan. Casey's boyfriend." Ashby looked at Carter and he shrugged then she looked at Casey. She didn't respond to Jordan. She tugged on Carter's arm.

"Let's go, baby. I'm starving." She licked her lips suggestively again.

"Um Case, we are going to go hit a club on the Boulevard so I 'm not sure when I'll be in but I have a key so I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh, ok. Well, then goodnight." Jordan reached out to shake Carter's hand.

"Goodnight, Carter. It was so great to finally meet you. I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other until you go back on the road again."

"I guess you will," Carter responded.

"My parents are having a dinner party next Friday at their home in Bel-Air and I'd love for you to join us. Will you?"

Carter was speechless. Did he really want to go to the Reid home and play the best friend? Did he want to mingle with the rich all the while watching Jordan and Casey snuggle up together all night? NO! His heart told him something different. It was just another opportunity to spend time with Casey, and maybe she would see what money does to people and that she didn't belong. She only belonged to him.

"Sure. I think that would be great."

"Do you have a tux?" Jordan asked.

"No, but I'm sure I will have no problem renting one. You'll help me, won't you, Case? Case?"

All Casey was focused on was Ashby's hand massaging Carter's ass inappropriately.

She regained her focus on Carter's face. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry, of course. We will go on my day off next week."

"Great. Thanks, Case. He bent down ad kissed her cheek. " OK so, goodnight. Don't wait up."

He walked away with Ashby as she cupped his ass again and he reciprocated.

Casey's head spun but she remained quiet. Lyla looked over at her and knew the Casey was bothered by their brazen flirting. They both shook their heads at the image of Ashby Evans. Casey and Lyla could not stand her. They knew she was a pretentious climber who only wanted Carter for his fame just to say she fucked a rock star. That was it. It bothered her she just didn't know in what aspect that was. It confused her. It always did where Ashby was concerned. Did it bother her that Ashby was a leach? Yes. But something inside told her that wasn't quite it. Jordan grabbed Casey's hand and squeezed it lovingly.

"Baby, you ok?" He smiled at her.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Are you ready to go? I want you all to myself." She grinned at him and winked.

"Oh hell yes!"





























Ashby pulled Carter's arm towards her car parked in Beach Bum's lot. Her tongue was already in his ear even before they made it to the door.

"Hey, hey, relax Ash. It's early, honey. Let's get a few drinks and talk."

She continued invading his ear with her tongue and bit his earlobe.

"But Car- terrrrr," she wined. "It's been over six months since I've been this close to you and it's driving me crazy, baby. Don't you want me?"

Carter rolled his eyes at her and wanted to tell her what he really thought, which was that no he didn't want her. No parts of her. All he wanted was Casey's arms around him and a chance to make her all his for the taking. He wanted no parts of Ashby but his growing appendage had other ideas. So he lied to her.

"Yes, baby of course I want you but I'm thirsty and I feel like hanging for a while. We can go back to Casey's after we have a few. You game for that? If not, let's say our goodbyes now and I'll go find another hungry hottie who will feast on me." He knew she didn't want to go back to Casey's but she would never relinquish him to the female wolves of Indian Shores. He started thinking about a plan. He could take her back to Casey's knowing that she and Jordan would be there. What if he did the usual which was make Ashby scream his name till she was hoarse. Maybe it would make Casey be jealous or would she even care? Casey knew already he was a shit so would this solidify that? There was only one way to find out.

Carter and Ashby cruised down Gulf Boulevard towards a dance club called "Screamers." It was dark, hot, and crawling with bodies rubbing against each other on the dance floor. Perfect setting to get Ashby all hot and bothered for his plan. They made their way to the bar. A few people spotted Carter and went up to him shaking his hand and congratulating him on the success of Luminosity. A few actually grabbed cocktail napkins and pens and asked for his autograph. He was more than happy to oblige. He glanced over at Ashby and she looked at him through hooded, lustful eyes. He was going to keep her that way for a little longer while he mingled with the patrons of Screamers. The manager Ross came over to him to buy him a drink and a shot.

"Well, welcome back to Indian Shores Carter London." He extended his hand to Carter and gave him a bro hug. "Man, it's great to see you. I heard the tour was fantastic. Are you glad to be home?"

"Ross, good seeing you man. Yes. I'm glad to be home now anyway. We go back out in a few weeks to finish the East Coast leg of the tour."

"Wow, man. How long is that?"

"Three months. We go to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Orlando, and finish here at The Hard Rock in Tampa. Then back in the studio, hopefully." Carter took a long sip of his beer. The people surrounding him were mesmerized by his schedule.

"Full plate you got there. Glad to see it's all working out for you. How's Tommy? Last I heard, he did a stint in rehab before you went on tour." Carter cringed at the memory of those times. The detox. He and Casey staying up for hours helping him. Thank God for Casey's nursing skills.


9 months ago

Carter stood over Tommy passed out in the parking lot of Beach Bums. They were there celebrating getting their big break and going on tour with a Grammy winning band. Rehearsals would start in five weeks and the tour would take them to the West Coast and then to Vegas for a few shows. It was going to be a dream come true except for the fact that Carter was forced to leave Casey. A whole group of people were there. Friends, Casey's brother Chris, Carter's mom, his brother Domenic and his wife Eva. The manager of Beach Bums, Gary, wanted to give them this little party since it helped his business, the bigger they got, and not to mention that it was at Beach Bums where they got their start. There was an electricity in the air. Carter was never happier. Everyone he loved was there, especially Casey. They were all seated at a few large, long tables near one of the bars. Everyone sat around talking, drinking, and laughing. Casey was her usual adorable self. She stuck close to Carter, chatting with his mom Jane who loved Casey to pieces.

"So Casey, my dear, can you believe my boys are leaving us for six whole months?" The boys she was referring to were Carter and Tommy. When Tommy's parents were killed, Jane took Tommy in and became an instant parent to him. Always watching what he ate, what he drank, that he did his homework, had a warm bed and fresh laundry. Casey gave Jane a reassuring hug.

"I know, Jane. I'm so proud of them and I can't believe I won't see that handsome face for six months. What's a girl to do?" Jane bent into Casey's ear and whispered, "Well you know you could marry him and go along for the ride." She winked at her. Casey blushed slightly.

"We all know that would never be Jane. He's like another brother to me. We stumbled down that path a long time ago and we hit a dead end." Carter spotted them whispering back and forth and looked at them with a puzzled smirk on his face. He made his way over to them and lifted Casey's tiny body out of her chair, startling her and sat down plopping her on his lap.

"OK, you two. That little conversation looked like a meeting of the minds. What's up?" Casey put one of her arms around his neck.

"Nothing, nosey. We are just going to miss this handsome face is all." She squeezed his cheeks together like a baby and he wrinkled up his face. He returned the gesture.

"Well, I'm going to miss this sweet face. I can't believe I'm not going to see it for a while. What a loss." Casey got up and fished under the table for a large package wrapped in bright colored wrapping paper. She gave it to Carter and went and sat down next to Jane. Domenic and Eva joined them.

"What's in the box, bro?" Domenic asked.

"I have no idea. Case just handed it to me."

"Well, go ahead and open it," Eva demanded playfully.

Carter ripped open the paper to find a rectangular shaped box. He opened the box and his mouth gaped open.

"Case, you got me a laptop?" She shook her head yes.

"Open it, goofball."

He took the laptop out of the box and ran his hand across the shiny lid.

"Car, open it, when you turn it on and look at the screen," Casey said excitingly.

He did what he was told. When the screen illuminated there was a note displayed on the screen. It read:




This is so you can have a little piece of home while you are away. At 6:15 every Wednesday, no matter where we are, we can get on our laptops and click on video chat and we can see each other and talk. Even if it's just for a minute, it will be the best minute of our day. I'm so proud of you.

Love Always,


He looked up at her and felt tears threatening his eyes. Jane and Eva both had tears in their eyes. Carter closed the laptop, placed it on the table and rose. He stood before Casey and grabbed both her arms and pulled her up. He hugged her and she felt a warm tear upon her shoulder. Not her tear. Carter pulled away and smiled down at her. It wasn't the gift of the laptop that stirred his emotions, it was the gift of her just existing, being alive and a part of his life. He pulled away from her and he slid his hand under the table as well and pulled out a box.

"And this my dear is a little piece of me for you."

He handed her the box and she grinned excitedly at him.

She torn open the box to find a pair of white Converse with studded guitars and musical notes jeweled on the canvas. The inside of the tongue of the one shoe read:


Every time you wear these boy shoes, think of this boy.




She laughed at the note and placed them back in the box and made her way to him. She bent down and kissed his cheek.

"You know me so well, London, don't you? Thank you. They are the prettiest boy shoes I have ever seen." She pressed her nose against his and he took a shuttering deep breath in. Magnolias. Casey and Magnolias. Two scents he will never be able to separate. Six months he would have to spend without the magical blend of those two perfect scents.

As the night went on, Casey spotted Tommy and Lyla in a heated discussion so she made her way over to them.

"Ly, I told you a long time ago that I was a stupid kid and I didn't realize what I was doing. I thought I was missing out on something else. It had nothing to do with my feelings for you. I was just... dumb. Please, when I get back can we give this another shot?"

Lyla threw back the rest of her drink and looked straight ahead effectively ignoring him. Casey hung back and Carter joined her and asked, "What's up here?"

"Well, all I got so far is that Tommy wants Lyla to give him another chance once you guys get back from the tour."

"Holy Shit!" Carter exclaimed.

Tommy put his hand on her shoulder.

"Ly, please. I still love you, baby. I made a mistake."

She shoved his hand off of her.

"Tommy, you gave me fucking crabs!"

Everyone turned to look at them and Lyla dropped her head to the bar. Carter and Casey rushed over and Carter got in front of Tommy.

"OK, man. Just leave it be. Let's get a drink and go sit and visit with my mom."

"Fuck that, Lond. Fine, Lyla. Slut. Don't expect to hear from me again. You were just a fuck. A rotten one at that!"

Lyla leaped off the chair and punched Tommy square in the nose. "Fuck you Lingetti. Loser piece of dog shit! Don't ever look my way again. You are nothing and always will be."

Casey led Lyla who was now crying off to the ladie's room. She called to Eva.

"Eva, can you come with us please." Eva made her way towards them. She stopped to speak to Tommy.

"Tommy, that girl has loved you forever and you treat her like yesterday's garbage. Someday you'll realize what your actions have cost you and for some people it's just, not forgivable. Maybe this time away will make you grow up a bit. I pray it does." She walked away from Carter, a bloody nosed Tommy, and her husband standing their wide eyed and jaws dropped.

"Tom, come on and let's get you some ice."

Tommy pushed Carter's chest and grabbed a napkin off the bar.

"Fuck you, Lond. Leave me alone."

He stormed off and Carter tried to see where he was going but lost him in the crowd.

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