Your Man Chose Me (11 page)

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Authors: Racquel Williams

BOOK: Your Man Chose Me
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These fucking nights were getting hard without Ant. I was so angry that this nigga chose that dumbass bitch over me. He hadn't even come around to check on the girls and when I called his phone it kept going to voicemail. I lay in the bed twisting and turning. I couldn't sleep so many thoughts of hurting him and his bitch invaded my mind.
I can't wait 'til he gets those child support papers and gets served with my restraining order I took out against him. He can't come within fifty yards of me and the girls.
I got up and took my Percocet out of the drawer. I went downstairs and poured me a huge cup of Cîroc. I downed around three Percocet. Within minutes I started to feel the effects of the pills mixed with the liquor.
I walked into my living room and cut on my stereo. I already had my favorite K. Michelle CD in. “These Niggas Ain't Loyal” was the first song on the CD.
I sang right along with her. I was mad and the alcohol made me even angrier. I picked up my phone to call his mama. I swore this bitch had to know about this bullshit.
“Hello,” I said when she answered.
“Yes? How my grandbabies doing?”
“My kids are fine, but I ain't call to update you about my kids. I want to know how long have you known your son was screwing my sister?”
“Excuse me, have you been drinking? Don't you ever call my phone and ask me no dumbass question like that. My son is a grown-ass man and is very capable of choosing who he wants to be with. You need to stop worrying about who he is screwing and worry about taking care of them babies. And, just so you know, I know my son ain't hit you like you said. I raised my boys better than that, but I tell you what: if my baby get any time behind your ass, I'ma be there to whup that ass.”
“You know what, bitch, it's women like you who's raising these dumbass niggas. I know your dumb ass never liked me, but I didn't give a fuck about that. My thing is you wasn't woman enough to tell me; instead, you pretended with your phony ass. My fucking kids don't need you or your fucking family.”
“I am not even upset with you. You're the definition of a scorned woman. Let me give you a little bit of advice before I hang this phone up on your dumb ass—”
I hung the phone up before that bitch could get out the rest of her sentence. Who the fuck did this bitch think she was? Tears continued flowing as I realized that everybody knew what this nigga was doing and they all laughed in my face.
I blocked my number and called that bitch Tiana. If I couldn't have a bit of peace, there was no way her ass was going to be enjoying anything, especially not my man. I sat on the phone while the bitch kept on saying, “Hello.” She eventually cussed some shit that I wasn't trying to hear. She knew what it was hitting for. I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I made up my mind. I was going to fight for my man, no matter how much it may have cost me.
I cried all night as I kept dialing his number, but it kept going to voicemail. Then I tried the bitch's number again but it was also turned off. I couldn't imagine him kissing her the way he used to kiss me, sliding up in her the way he used to slide up in me. The more I thought about it, the more my heart hurt.
This pain is getting to be too much,
I thought before my tired ass finally dozed off.
* * *
The next day ol' boy came through for me. He brought me a .360. I showed him how grateful I was by sucking him off in his car. Even though I liked him, he wasn't Ant, and that's who my heart belonged to. I swallowed his cum, wiped my mouth off, got the bag he gave me, and exited the vehicle. I wasn't feeling any better and didn't want to be around anybody for real.
I couldn't eat and I definitely couldn't sleep. The hatred in me just kept building up. All I did for the next few days was drink and pop pills. I felt bad that all I kept feeding the kids were noodles and cereal. I wasn't in the mood to cook shit. I remembered when I didn't want no fucking kids. All I wanted was to travel around the world. It wasn't until I met this bum that the idea of kids popped in my mind.
Now look at this shit; he don't even want the fucking kids I gave him. I had them for him, to keep his ass around with that money. Now I'm stuck with all this fucking aggravation of raising these fucking kids by myself.
A month later
Today was a great day for us. Our baby boy, who we nicknamed Baby Micah, was released from the hospital. My family was now complete. Just watching the way Micah interacted with his son made me aware that I made the right choice when I chose him to become my child's father.
That's why I knew he was going through turmoil because he couldn't see his daughters. About a week ago, we were outside sitting on the porch when a sheriff walked up and handed him a paper. When he opened it, he noticed it was a temporary restraining order against him. He was not allowed to go anywhere near his daughters.
As he sat there playing with our son, I saw a tear drop from his eye. “You a'ight, babe?” I quizzed him.
“Nah, man, I ain't good. I'm hurting, B. I want to see my daughters. Since the day they were born, I made sure that I was there. I'm their fucking daddy and they are my everything. This bitch is really trying it. On the real, I want to hurt her really bad.”
“Babe, listen, hurting her is not going to solve anything. You need to deal wit' her through the courts. Take her to court so you can get visitation. I'm not telling you to get full custody, but if that bitch playing, I say go for it.”
I hated that he was hurting and there was nothing I could do to ease his pain. That bitch was selfish and wasn't thinking about her children, only about her fucking feelings.
* * *
I got dressed and left the house. Micah and Baby Micah were spending a daddy and son day together. I told him I was going to the mall at Stonecrest, but I lied. I was on a mission that I couldn't let him know about. I knew I was out of pocket for this one, but I'd be damned if I was going to sit back and do nothing.
I pulled up at Ayana's address and dashed up the driveway. I sat on the doorbell without easing up.
That bitch popped the door open with an attitude look on her face. “What the fuck would you want with me?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“Talk to me? Bitch, you funny. We ain't got shit to talk about. Now get the fuck off my property before I call the police on your ass.” She tried to slam the door in my face.
I used my foot to block it and pushed the door open wider.
“Bitch, you can't get just come up in my shit.”
“Like I said, we need to talk. First off, what the fuck is wrong with you? It's stinking like hell up in here. This place is a hot fucking mess.” I took a quick glance toward the kitchen. I could see dishes piled up, garbage on the floor, and leftover food all over the place. I was so disgusted that she was living like this. “Where are the kids at? I hope they are not here in this mess.”
“Ha-ha, you're a funny bitch! Now you're worried about my children? Were you worried when you was fucking their daddy and taking him away from them, ‘Auntie'?”
“I already told you already that it wasn't my intention and I did not know that he was your man. Now that I know, I see things differently. I don't want to fight with you at all. We are supposed to be better than that; you are my sissy.”
Clap! Clap! “Standing fucking ovation. Bitch, you need a fucking sisters of honor medal award for that fucking speech.”
“You know what? I came here in peace, but I see you're not trying to work it out.”
“Work it out? I see you had the little bastard so now you're his baby mama. What is there to work out? Can you bring my kids' daddy back home where he belongs?”
“Yes, you can have him. I don't want him anymore after I found out he was your children's father. I swear we're not together anymore.”
Her face lit up as she looked at me. “You lying, bitch.”
“You know me better than anyone else and you know I don't like to lie. We are done. I still can't believe you ain't cut his ass when he beat you up like that. I put him out the day he got bonded out.”
“Since y'all broke up, I know I can tell you. That nigga didn't do shit to me. I banged my head into the wall until I drew blood. I swear that shit hurt, but it was well worth it. I can't wait for our court date, but if he comes back home, I'll drop the charges against him. See, sis, this nigga don't know who really fucking with.”
You were lying? So you telling me your psychotic ass banged your own head into the wall?
“So he didn't hit you?” I asked.
“Bitch, no. You know damn well if a nigga hit me like that, I would be trying to cut his face up. I ain't playing that shit.”
I stood there. I was shocked this bitch was standing here bragging like that. I was boiling on the inside, but I couldn't let it show. “Damn! You a bad bitch. I swear.”
“Yeah, but don't tell anybody. I'm sorry it didn't work out between y'all. I'm sure there's a good man out there for you, boo. I just really need him in me and my children lives.”
“Well, you got him. Well, I got to run. You will see me soon.”
“Come here give your sissy a hug.”
“Sure.” I cringed as I hugged her because she smelled like the garbage truck. I assumed that she hadn't bathed in a while.
I was happy to be out of that fucking apartment and back into fresh air. I took a long sigh as I walked to my car. I got in, locked my door, and pulled off. I saw her peeping through the window. When I was well past her house, I pulled out the mini recorder that I had under my shirt.
Gotcha! That bitch thinks she is the smartest, but in reality she is just another dumb ho.
At first I was pissed off that Tiana came to my house, but I soon got over it after she informed me that she was no longer with my baby daddy. I was dancing on the inside, but I was careful not to let her see the joy I was feeling on the inside.
I wanted to knock myself in the head because I was so caught up in the moment that I told that bitch what I did. It wasn't until after she left that I realized that I fucked up.
Anyways that bitch better keep her mouth shut.
That bitch really thought that I fucked with her; hell no. I was just being myself by being fake to that ho.
Oh, well, now that Ant done left her ass
. . .
Yes, I knew she didn't leave him, with her weak ass. I knew it was only a matter of time before Ant was going to come to his senses and come home to me and the girls.
I Googled the number for the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services. I wasn't familiar with how the system worked, but I needed someone to get over to the apartment and check on the children. I knew they were not my kids and maybe I was overstepping my boundaries, but those were Micah's children and, after I saw the condition that house was in, I couldn't sit back and not report this shit.
The lady who took the report was very nice and listened attentively as I gave her details of why I thought the kids were neglected.
“Ma' am, I really do appreciate you contacting us and we will look into these allegations immediately.”
“Thank you. At the end of the day I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble. I just want the kids to be safe.”
“Thank you. I wish more people would do the same to protect our children.”
“You're welcome. Have a good day.”
“Babe, who was that you were talking to you?” Micah startled me.
“Oh, that was one of the counselors at school. She was just going over my leave of absence with me.” I smiled. “Speaking of school, are you gonna go before you get dropped from the course?”
“Babe, I ain't gon' even lie to you. I ain't focused on that right now. My life is fucked up, I'm looking at time, and I can't see my fucking kids. I need to grind harder so I can have more money so you and little man can live comfortably if I go to prison.”
“Don't you talk like that! You're going to beat it, you hear me? You need to do a leave of absence for a month or two, but don't just give up on getting your degree.”
“I wish I could be as positive as you are, but this shit doesn't look good. This is the motherfucking South and they love to lock niggas up without proof.”
“What if I tell you I got proof?” I looked at him, not caring if he got mad about it. Shit, he should have been happy that I was smart enough to get him his “get out of jail” ticket.
“What you talkin' 'bout?”
“I don't want you to be mad at me, but a few days ago I went to go see Ayana.”
“What the fuck you do that for? I thought I told you to stay away from that bitch. I 'ont want her to keep feeding you no lies.”
I got up and opened my drawer. I took out the recording and threw it on his lap.
“What's this?” He looked puzzled.
“Just cut it on.”
I sat back on the bed as he listened to the voices of me and his baby mama. This tape was even clearer than I thought.
“What the fuck? How you get her to tell you all this shit?”
“I knew that you didn't do that shit to her; plus, I was mad that she was playing games with you, especially using the kids as a pawn.”
“Damn, babe, I'ma call my lawyer and tell him about this. This shit should clear my name. Ma, you just made my day.”
“You know I love me some you. I just hope it helps because I can't lose you.”
“Shit, I can't stand to be away from you and little man for a day much less years. Y'all my life for real.”
He started kissing on me and boy was my body reacting. We hadn't had sex since I gave birth to my li'l man and that was almost two months ago. I'd been to my six-week visit and my doctor gave me the okay. I started kissing him back. He didn't waste any time. He pulled my drawers down and start playing in my pussy. My pussy was wet and he dug his fingers deep down then licked his finger.
“Just go ahead and taste it. I know you miss me, daddy,” I teased.
“Say no more, baby girl.” He flipped me onto my stomach and positioned me on my knees. He started licking me from the back. The touch of his cold tongue sent chills up my spine. I wanted to fuck but he had me pinned down. I couldn't move at all.
“Ohh, ohh,” I moaned and groaned. My body shivered as I busted in his mouth.
He didn't move; instead, he licked up all my sweet juice. He turned me around and started kissing my breasts slowly. I felt his hard dick throbbing between my legs. I wanted him so bad, I felt like I was losing my mind. Then he slid all the way up in me then he paused for a quick second. I ground on his dick until he started grinding back. He held me close and slowly fucked me. It wasn't rushed and our souls were definitely in cahoots.
“Baby, you need to pull out.”
“Damn this pussy too good. I swear I want to bust up in you.”
“Well, don't. We just had a baby; plus, I don't want no more kids right now. I got to finish school.”
“Babe, I'm about to busttttttttttt,” he yelled out as he jumped up off me and came all over my stomach.
I lay there trying to catch my breath. A bitch was getting old because I was breathing all heavy. He wasn't no better because his ass looked like he couldn't move.
“Let's take a shower before the baby wakes up.”
“Yeah, 'cause you know he is almost up.”
We got in the shower and instead of washing up, he got behind me and started rubbing his soft dick on my ass. In no time he was rock hard again. He slid up in me and started fucking me real hard. I threw my ass back on him, as he threw that dick on me. After we were finished, we washed each other and got out.
Worn out from fucking. I lotioned up and got dressed in my pajamas. It was safe to say that nigga rocked my ass to sleep.
* * *
I didn't see the need for a big wedding. I didn't have any family to invite. His family and a few of my friends from school were the only ones I knew. I didn't have anyone to walk me down the aisle, because my sperm donor was unknown.
Micah's mother was happy to assist me with planning the wedding. I wanted to wait until his case was over, but he didn't want to wait. I think in his mind he was scared that I would leave him if he went away for a long time. I wasn't tripping because he was really my soul mate and I wasn't going no-damn-where.
I found a cute Maggie Sottero wedding dress online, so I ordered it. I also found a pair of heels. I planned on killing it on my big day; after all, I was marrying one of the hottest niggas in DeKalb County. I knew bitches were going to be screenshotting pics and there was no way I was going to be caught slipping.

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