Your Man Chose Me (9 page)

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Authors: Racquel Williams

BOOK: Your Man Chose Me
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I'd met a lot of grimy bitches before, but I knew how to deal with them. What I didn't know how to deal with was a bitch who pretended like she fucked with me. I done fed this hungry bitch, let her wear my fucking clothes down to my drawers, and this was how she repaid me. After I busted out all his windows, I jumped in my car and pulled off.
Driving fast through the subdivision, tears started to flow as it finally hit me that my nigga was having a baby with another bitch. Not just a regular bitch, but one I knew. My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my body and there was a big hole. This shit wasn't going to end like this, mark my words; the game was just beginning. I hoped all the players were ready for the drama that was about to unfold.
I pulled up at Mama's house. God knows I didn't want to hear her damn mouth. I just wanted to grab my fucking kids and head on home. If only it was that easy.
I rang the doorbell and she answered with an irritated look on her face. “You really need to find you a babysitter to watch these children. I am sick and tired of you running over here dropping them off,” she vented.
“Damn, Mama, you act like you got shit to do. The way I fucking see it, you should be happy to watch them; after all, you were too fucking drunk to watch my ass when I was growing up,” I lashed out.
“Excuse me, you better watch your mouth up in my house. You lay down and made them, so you better put on your big girl's panties, you and that bastard. Shit, I was the one who kept them while you were in the hospital. So before you turn your disrespectful ass to tell me what I didn't do, look around. I am the only person you have.”
“Where are my damn kids? Diamond and Dominique, come on. Let's go home,” I yelled toward the back room. “You know what, you never liked me anyway. You always picked that bitch Tiana over your own flesh and blood. You know what, I'm dead to you.”
“I've loved you from the day I felt you growing inside of me. It is you who grew up rotten and spoiled, thinking e'erything should be your way. Hell, Tiana was more appreciative of the little things I did for her, but not you. You always fussed and carried on, whenever you didn't get your way. I'm not shocked that boy didn't stick around; your damn mouth done ran him off.”
“I hate you, bitch! You will never see me or my children any-fucking-more,” I said as I took a step closer to her face.
I grabbed my kids' stuff from the couch and dragged them out of the house. This bitch was another one I was done with. I didn't need no fucking mother anyway.
By the time I got home I was exhausted to the point where I wanted to just fall out. These fucking kids didn't make it any easier. They kept crying and asking for their daddy. I needed a fucking cigarette so I grabbed one out of my purse and smoked it. That didn't help so I went in the cupboard and took out a bottle of gin he had. I didn't bother to grab a cup; I took it straight to the head. Going down my throat, the strong, fiery sensation stung my throat. I wanted to scream out, but I didn't flinch. I continued drinking until the bottle was empty.
I staggered upstairs to my bedroom, grabbed my bottle of Percocet, and took out a few and swallowed them with bathroom water. I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I was hurt and broken.
I'm a bad bitch, my pussy is tight, and it stays wet. My head game is mean, so why would this nigga choose a boring
ass bitch over me?
This was the question that I kept racking my brain about.
I scooted down on the floor by the tub and cried my heart out, tears of pain, deep pain. “God, please let Ant come back home to his family. I need him. God, I swear if you let him, I will be the best woman to him. I promise, God,” I said as I bawled my heart out.
I was told by the doctors that I was dehydrated. The doctor also ordered an ultrasound to check on my baby. After the ultrasound, the nurse wheeled me downstairs and hooked me up to an IV. I instantly felt my energy starting to come back. I made a mental note to myself to do better. I was only four months away and I couldn't risk anything happening. The nurse asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby, but I told her no. Even though I knew Micah wanted to know, I urged him to let us wait until the day when I give birth. I wanted a girl, and he wanted a boy so I thought it was best to not know. Either way, I was going to love my baby.
I turned to my side and saw that he was asleep in the chair. I felt a slight bit of anger toward him. I mean, he should've settled that shit he had going on with Ayana before he even tried to holler at me. I told his ass I wasn't the kind of woman who messed with a nigga who had a bitch. I felt betrayed because, the way she was talking, it's like he was still sort of playing house with her ass. I swore I would leave his behind if he didn't get this straightened out.
Ain't no motherfucking way I'ma play any nigga's side bitch or even the main bitch who knows that he got a side bitch.
After a few hours, they finally discharged me from the hospital. I was happy that I didn't have to spend the night. Ever since I was a little child I hated the hospital.
The ride home was kind of quiet. I felt like he was as deep in his thoughts as I was in mine. I was trying to come up with the right way to let him know that Ayana had set up the whole thing with dude. I wanted to just blurt it out, but after the way he accused me this morning of being jealous, I had to do it differently.
“I need to talk to you,” I said in a low tone.
“Whaddup, talk to me,” he said as he continued staring straight ahead.
“Listen, this is serious and I need you to know this has nothing to do with jealousy.”
“Come on, ma, stop beating 'round the bush already.”
“Well, since it's all out in the open that Ayana and I know each other, I have to tell you that she was trying to set you up with dude who shot her.”
“What the fuck you mean, B? You 'ont know what you talkin' 'bout. She is nagging and getting on my last motherfucking nerves at times, but one thing I do know is shawty is loyal as fuck. She wouldn't do no shit like that.”
“Really? Do you really know her, or do you just know the image she tries to portray? I know you don't know this, but I went to go see her in the hospital, and she told me everything that went down. How she fucked dude in y'all bed, and she called dude up one night when y'all was beefing and they agreed to meet up at the hotel. I guess the shit backfired, 'cause dude ended up taking the pussy then he shot her. Have you ever wondered how the hell she got to the hotel? Her car was parked outside of the hotel, so when did dude kidnap her?”
“Man, I hope you ain't making this shit up 'cause you mad. I heard some rumors the other day that dude was bragging that he was fucking my bitch. I laughed that shit off, 'cause I know shawty would never fuck wit' a nigga she knew I was beefing wit'. Now you sitting here telling me this bullshit,” he said through clenched teeth.
He banged his hand on the steering wheel, and then yelled, “Fuck!” I saw the anger displayed on his face as he started doing eighty miles per hour down the highway that was only sixty-five miles per hour. I grabbed on to my seat as I stared out the window.
“So how long you know this shit and didn't say anything to me about it? Damn, you supposed to be my bitch, my ride or die, my everything and you knew this shit and kept quiet. I could've lost my fucking life a few weeks back behind this bitch!”
“First off, lower your fucking voice. Don't you get a fucking attitude because that bitch betrayed you. True enough, I should've told you when I found out but I didn't know how to even bring that to you when you had no idea that you was fucking with two friends. But you need to man up and take responsibility; you are the one who chose her and got yourself into this mess. I learned a long time ago you can't turn no ho into a housewife so quit throwing the blame around. You chose a ho to wife.”
I knew I was a bit harsh, but he needed to hear it. I wasn't into sparing niggas' feelings especially when my feelings were crushed and nobody gave a fuck about mine.
I was feeling really down, so my homegirl came through to see me. She brought some good weed and a bottle of vodka. It was exactly what the doctor ordered to fix my broken heart.
“Bitch, so tell me what happened when you went over the bitch house.”
“Bitch, I was shocked as fuck when I saw it was the bitch I call my sissy. This bitch been fucking my nigga all along and my dumb ass didn't know it.”
“Are you fucking serious? I hope you dragged that bitch. If it were me, I would've given her an ass whipping that she'd remember for the rest of her fucked-up life,” she said. “So what the fuck that nigga say?” She looked at me.
“Girl, you ain't gon' believe this shit. This bum-ass nigga gon' tell me to leave because he's with her now. You should've seen my face when that bum said that.” I took a long pull off the blunt and passed it to her.
“You better than me, 'cause I would've whupped that bitch so bad and his ass would've got beat down too. Mari know damn well he can't play them kind of games with my ass.” She shook her head.
“Bitch, I swear, I'ma fix that nigga's ass real good. I just need a little break to clear my head. That ho gon' wish she never crossed me,” I warned.
“I 'ont blame you. That's your man; don't let no bitch step in and take your man from you.”
I remained quiet and took a sip of my liquor. They had no idea what I was capable of.
But soon, and I mean soon, they'll find out that Ayana is not to be fucked with.
I quickly snapped back to reality when I heard my door opening. Only one person had a key so I knew it was him. I couldn't believe that after all that went down, he had the nerve to come up in here. I knew he couldn't stay away from me and this good pussy. I got up and walked out into the hallway. “Hey, babe,” I greeted him with a big, broad smile.
“Yo, who in here?”
“Why, it's only Lori.”
“Yo, B, you need to go,” he said in an angry tone.
“What kind of shit you on? You can't just come up in here and put my motherfucking bitch out,” I screamed. I was livid at this nigga's behavior.
“Bitch, shut up! Nah, B, you heard what I said. You need to get the hell on before I throw you out.”
“Nigga, I 'ont know who the fuck you talkin' to like that, but I ain't this bitch. Girl, let me get outta here before I hurt this nigga's feelings.”
“Like I said, bitch, get out.”
“Yo, you are so fucking disrespectful. I don't disrespect your fucking friends, so please don't disrespect mines.” I locked the door behind Lori.
“Bitch, shut the fuck up.” He grabbed me by my hair.
“Let me go. What the hell are you doing?”
“Sit down.” He shoved me onto the couch.
“Boy, what the fuck is wrong wit' you? Don't come in here putting your fucking hands on me.” I was fuming with anger.
“Yo, I'ma ask you this one time and one time only. What the fuck happened the day you got shot? Bitch, you better think wisely before you speak.” He pulled a gun out of his waistband.
“I told you what happened numerous times. So what's up with all this questioning?” I was annoyed as hell.
“Bitch, was you fucking ol' boy? And how the fuck you end up at the hotel? See, at first I didn't question all that, 'cause I trusted you. But, bitch, I know you was fucking him, even in the bed I shared with you. You a dirty bitch for real,” he yelled.
Tears rolled down my face, but there was no way I was going to sit there and listen to him talk to me like I was a piece of shit. “Really, you over here talkin' 'bout loyalty? You been left; that is my fucking bed. The minute you started screwing that ho, you gave all them rights up. I am a grown-ass woman so if I want to fuck another nigga, I can.”
Blap! Blap! Blap! He slapped me across my face back to back. I grabbed my face and leapt toward him. “Bitch, I dare you to jump out there.” He looked at me with the coldest evil look I'd ever seen in my life.
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,” the girls ran in and said in unison.
I looked at him then back at my girls. “I swear on my girls, you will never get to see them again. You chose that bitch and her fucking bastard she's about to have. We good over here, I promise you that.”
He walked toward me again but my daughter yelled, “Daddy, please don't hurt Mommy.”
He pulled back, but mouthed, “Fuck you, bitch.”
“Now get your ass out of my shit before I call the police on you.” I folded my arms and stared him down.
“Come here, babies.” He stooped down to their level hugging and kissing them.
I turned my fucking head because I knew that shit wasn't sincere. How could it be? He left us to start a whole new family with that two-faced bitch. My daughters were his first children, but now he done moved out and replaced them.
He better get ready, 'cause come Monday morning my ass gon' be the first one at the child support office. I'll be damned if that bitch and her child is gon' take food out of my kids' and my mouths.
That bastard then got up, and walked past me and through the door. I ran to the living room and grabbed my phone off the coffee table and dialed 911.
“Hello, 911 operator. How may I help you?”
“Hello, hello, I need the police at 2654 Rock Chapel Road.” I started crying.
“Ma'am, can you tell me what the problem is?”
“My baby's father just beat me up bad, real bad,” I cried.
“Can you give me his name? And is he still on the property?”
“His name is Anthony Micah Brown. Oh, no, he ran out the door. I'm not sure if he's outside. I'm so scared. Please send me some help please,” I bawled into the phone.
“Ma'am, make sure the door is locked. Paramedics and the police are on the way.”
I didn't even respond. I quickly hung up the phone and ran upstairs. I knew this was going to hurt, but this pain was no match for the pain I was feeling inside. I took my head and banged into my bathroom wall until blood started spilling. I banged my forehead a few times, until the pain became unbearable. I then got up and grabbed a towel to stop the flow of blood. I looked in the mirror and was very pleased. I then went downstairs where the girls were watching TV. “Come here, y'all. You see what Daddy did to Mommy?” I removed the towel so they could get a good look at their daddy's handiwork.
My youngest daughter started yelling, “Daddy hurt Mommy bad. Mommy bleeding.”
“Mommy, I don't like Daddy, 'cause he hurt my mommy.” She too started crying. The crying from my babies triggered my tears. I sat on the couch and held them close as all three of us mourned.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
I heard loud banging on the door.
“Mommy, someone is banging on the door.” Diamond grabbed my arm closer to her.
“It's the police. No need to be scared. Remember if they ask you any questions, just let them know what Daddy did to Mommy, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
I got up and removed the towel so the blood could run freely and then I opened the door.
“Ma'am, you call 911 because you're injured?”
“Yes,” I said as I “fainted” in the ambulance worker's arms. I was careful not to go down too hard just in case that fool didn't catch me. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing down.
“Get a stretcher,” the female yelled.
“I got a pulse,” someone else hollered.
A few minutes later, I started to slowly open my eyes.
“She's coming to.”
“Ma'am, can you hear me? What's your name?”
I slowly opened my eyes and looked around as if I was confused.
“The oldest girl said, ‘My daddy hurt my mama.' Get her in the ambulance.”
During the ride to the hospital, they checked my pulse and asked me questions about what happened. I told them everything they needed to know and then I gave them that bastard's name along with that bitch's address.
“Ma'am, is there anyone we can we call to come get your daughters?”
“Yes, you can call my mama.” I gave them her phone number. I knew we weren't talking, but that bitch needed to come get these kids.
I watched as the officer wrote down the information that I was giving him. Ant's ass was going to regret ever playing his fucking games with me.
I closed my eyes as I daydreamed about them picking up that bitch-ass nigga. I could see the look on that bitch's face when her man was dragged off to jail. The DeKalb County court system did not play that bullshit. Domestic violence was a very serious charge.

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