Read Zeus (Frozen Origin) Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Zeus (Frozen Origin) (24 page)

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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“I’m sorry for that. Maybe you can do something for him.”

“I can’t even begin to imagine what.” Mark said with a pained expression. “Sierra, I need to see you alone for a few minutes.”

Zeus and Ares excused themselves leaving them alone in the room to talk. Sierra had always thought Mark was related to Kyler. She would have guessed first cousins, but brothers made more sense. They had always been so competitive, but Kyler’s stupidity had just taken him out of the game.

“I need you to come with me when I arrest him. The rest of his team will be added to your team, but
if there is any sign they are involved in this, send them straight to me.”

“Thank you for dealing with this so efficiently, and Mark…”


“I am so sorry this happened.”

“Don’t be Sierra, this is no ones fault but his.” They walked toward Kyler’s rooms together with two burly guards behind them. He really had nowhere to go and no way to get there.

Mark knocked hard on the door until Kyler opened it. “Were you trying to break it down? What the hell do you want, Mark?”

“Colonel Kyler, you are under arrest for crimes against your country.”

“You, they sent you to arrest me?” Kyler laughed.
“I’m glad to see you brought help.” His eyes flicked to Sierra and then to the guards. “This is fucking hilarious. My own fucking brother and the bitch that dumped me are arresting me.” They had stepped just inside his living room while they talked to him. “I guess I have nothing to lose.” He said as he lunged toward Sierra driving her hard into the wall. Her mouth opened on a gasp of pain and Kyler slammed his lips onto hers and sank his tongue into her mouth. Her reaction was fast and brutal as she drove her knee into his nuts. He fell back and bent over desperately trying not to hurl, the guards moved to his side to prevent any further problems.

“What did I ever see in you?” She
asked him before turning to leave the room.

“I fucking loved you!” He screamed after her. “I still do.” He whispered but her improved hearing just made it out. Damn him for making her feel guilty, damn him for making her feel bad after what he had done.
A tear ran down her cheek for what he might have been. He had everything he needed to be a hero, someone anyone could look up to, but he chose the easy path only to find out treachery and betrayal wasn’t so easy after all.

She hurried to the rooms she shared with Zeus and her baby. She brushed her teeth until they bled to remove the taste of deceit. She went to pick up Athena, staying to talk to Lucifer. He was always a lot of fun and tried hard to make her laugh but he finally gave up. “
I’ve heard that humans can disappoint you but it’s in their DNA. Stick with gods and you’ll be okay.”

Sierra laughed. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, that’s the way to avoid disappointment. Besides, “ he winked and grinned, “there’s just no comparison. After all, we are gods.”

“Someone wasn’t there when they handed out humility.” She said but if you looked like Lucifer and had his strength, speed, and brains, it had to be hard to be humble.
She said her goodbyes while he kissed Athena and she took her little one home to feed and change before Zeus arrived.

She was fixing lunch when Zeus came in with a
n angry look on his face. “So how did everything go with Mark?” He asked nonchalantly.

“There was a small issue with Kyler, but otherwise it went fine.”

“A small issue is what you call it when he sticks his tongue in your mouth?”

“He’s gone and that’s something that will never happen again. I can’t undo it, I didn’t want it.” She tried to explain it to him. A little jealousy was cute, endearing even, but this much was too much. “I’ve told you over and over, it’s you I love and you I want to be with.”

His expression eased as he took her in her arms holding her tight. “I feel so much for you that my anger was out of control when I heard what he had done. I stayed away so I wouldn’t scare you, waited until I was calm but lost my cool anyway. You and Athena are my whole life, my reason for living. Sometimes you’ll have to forgive me when I lose my head because I’m afraid I’ll lose you somehow.”

“You’ll never lose me,
I’m not that easy to get rid of, big guy.”

“You called me that when we first met, I remember following you down the hall thinking I would follow you anywhere.
” Sierra smiled remembering too.

“I remember when you took the lead, watching you walk in front of me, I thought you were so sexy. Now I know you are so sexy that I’ll never want anyone else again.” He started nibbling on her
lips then worked his way down to the cleavage visible at the top of her shirt.

“Someone’s wearing too much clothing.”
Zeus said as he stripped off his shirt and kicked off the sandals most gods now wore inside. Things had been changing and the gods were trying to adapt to outside expectations. He picked her up carrying her to bed where he quickly finished ridding himself of the rest of his clothing before helping her get bare too.

It wasn’t all about sex, that was just one way to express the feelings they had for each other while giving pleasure to each other.
He lay down with his head near the foot of the bed while she had hers at the headboard. “I want to taste you, Sweetheart.”

“You want me to sit on your face?”

“Yes, that’s what I want you to do.” She slid on top of him with her face right over his straining cock and her pussy feeling each breath he exhaled. She almost jumped to the ceiling when his hot, wet tongue licked her from her passage to her clit. She took her tongue rimming the head of his rock hard cock and he groaned up against her pussy sending vibrations shooting through her. She kissed the sensitive area just below his balls making him writhe before she gently sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time laving them with her tongue as she gently applied pressure with her mouth.

He was pressing his tongue on her clit making her squirm with need.
He slid around it then gently sucked her clit in, before once again licking it like an all day sucker. She ran her tongue up and down the under side of his cock before she finally just sank it into her mouth all the way to her tonsils. She tried to relax, but what he was doing to her was tying her in knots that threatened to make her explode. She moved up and down on his shaft until she sensed he was near the end of his control. She was so close, she was riding the edge wrapped in the pleasure he was giving her. She sank his cock deep into her mouth and the vibrations of his scream pushed her over the edge. She sucked harder as her body jerked as pleasure shot through her until she struggled to breath. She swallowed as stream after stream of hot cum hit the back of her throat. She finally let his cock go with a pop as she collapsed on top of him.

She rolled off to lay motionless next to him, lacking any energy or any desire to do anything but bask in the afterglow and let sleep find her. Zeus pulled her up and into his arms so they could cuddle together as they slipped off to sleep. He was truly amazing and she was thankful for every day spent in his arms.

The next morning should have been business as usual, but Mark and his team had stayed the night. She was sure that Zeus had been aware of it but chose not to tell her fearing it would cause her worry. He was right, because she was worried now as she hurried to the meeting room where Mark had summoned her. He sat at the head of the table where she was used to seeing Zeus sit. She was already a bit unnerved, but that made it worse. It was just the two of them in a private meeting which was unusual though not unheard of.

“I hope you will overlook the last minute summons I sent you. I’ll admit, I’m a bit off my game. After you left last night, I realized I needed to talk to you before I pulled my team out. Kyler was a disappointment, on both a professional and personal level. I can’t even begin to guess at what damage he’s caused and I doubt he’ll tell anyone. I will send some
men to help security for the time before, after, and during the ball since the blame for the need of more security is on us.”

“Thank you, I’m sure everyone will rest easier knowing trained professionals are helping.”

“I’ll admit, at first, I blamed you and the break up for his deceit, but I realized he became involved in this the moment he found out you were here and the facility was under our control. He was never happy with his achievements, he always wanted more. I’d hide this from our mother if I could, but I fear it will make the news.”

“I don’t think the gods will want that. It’s negative press and attention for everyone, it should be kept quiet.”

“Can you speak for them?”

“Of course not. I’ve just become familiar with their way of thinking. I’ll have to check with Zeus, but he is all about positive publicity, not negative coverage. I hope that will help you with your mother. I didn’t think your mother was still alive.”

“I’m not surprised. Kyler never comes to see her and rarely talks about her. He resented her inability to keep his father at her side. He never wanted a half brother and certainly not so soon. I’m only a year younger than him.” Sierra thought that explained a lot. She had always noted Kyler’s dislike for Mark and never understood it. She had sensed the jealousy and thought that was why Kyler disliked Mark. She had never felt that Mark disliked Kyler. Now it seemed Mark had only wanted his big brother’s love and respect which was a perfectly normal desire. Mark looked tore up, which brought her sympathy for him out in spades.

“I feel so bad about all of this but I never saw it coming either. He was always competitive, but never would I have expected him to go to such lengths to achieve his ends.”

“I’m not even sure what he wanted, money, status, or something else entirely?”

“I take it that he’s not talking?”

“No, and I’m worried about the state of his mind. He may have gone over the edge. I fear he’s quite crazy.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I don’t want to upset you, but he thinks you had his baby.”

She laughed. “Is that a joke or something?”

“No, he seems to be quite serious and he insists that is true.”

“I never saw a sign of madness, not one, Mark, I swear I would have told you.”

“I know, but maybe it will help him avoid a death penalty or life in prison if they can help him.”

“I never considered he might get the death penalty.”

“He conspired with our enemies against our allies even though he was representing our country. I would be surprised if they didn’t scream for his death, but if he’s insane, he was taken advantage of and couldn’t help himself. I hope they will show some mercy. Sierra, I need you to keep all of this, including my relationship to Kyler, quiet.”

“That goes without saying. Everything I do is confidential, Mark.”

“I knew I could count on you. I’m going to leave soon, but I will need to come back once we figure out what Kyler did and how he did it. You need to keep security tight and interview all his people. I would do it, but I’m the only one who has a chance of getting that stubborn bastard to talk. He won’t even acknowledge anyone else who tries to question him. If you have any doubts about their loyalty, send them on the next chopper straight to me, understand?”

“I do. I’ll handle this so you don’t have to worry.” Mark reached out pulling her into a bear hug. She could feel him shake as he held her and he breathed in deeply but he didn’t put his hands anywhere he shouldn’t nor did he attempt to kiss her. Maybe the man was just falling apart and needed some comfort. It was so unlike him, it astounded her. “I have to go, but you be careful.”

“I will be, you take care of yourself and I hope you can save Kyler’s life.” She said it and she meant it. She wanted him gone and out of her life but not dead. Mark left to join his brother who had left the night before with half of Mark’s team. Sierra couldn’t deny she was glad to see him gone. She wished the remaining three members of Mark’s six member team had left with him. Now she would have to meet with them and it would be expected that they would play a large part in the investigation she was expected to conduct.

She decided to try out her new powers aiming for Eres who she had a close relationship with. Instead, she got Ares.
“How did you contact me? Have you been hiding your powers?”

“No, Zeus said I would gain his powers once my change was complete.”

“Shit, you can get in my head, can you read my mind?”

“No, Ares, can Zeus?”

“He says he can’t, but I’ve always wondered if it’s true.”

“You think he would hide it from you?”

“I think he wants me to think he can but he doesn’t want me to be sure. Of course if he could read all the gods minds, he would be crazy with jealousy for many of them would have mated you, had Zeus not gotten to you first.”

Sierra felt her face heat at his words. She really had no interest in any male, god or otherwise except
for Zeus.
“Ares, I need to know where Mark’s team is because I need to interview Kyler’s team and they need to help.”

“They were put in
rooms in the god’s old wing. Want me to send them to you? Are you in the meeting room?”

“Thanks, Ares. That would be great.”

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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