ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom" (6 page)

BOOK: ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom"
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"Yes Captain Xarr!" the lieutenant responded.

"Yet you still managed somehow to
be informed of the heinous attack on test subject group 32452013? The heinous attack on test subject group 32452013 that I have been told decimated their ranks and left only the progenitor of test subject group 32452013 alive to carry on with our experiment and to help complete our mission successfully."

"Sir, 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant Zeem has been derelict in his duty by not bringing this issue to my attention!" Lieutenant Jol whined, as he glared at his underling.

"Captain Xarr, if I may interject?" 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant Zeem interrupted.

"What is it Lieutenant Zeem?" Captain Xarr asked, glaring at both of his subordinate officers.

"It is true that only the progenitor of test subject group 32452013 is still alive; however that is only because of the swift action taken by me during the attack of the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures," the subordinate Lieutenant boasted.

"What swift action would that be?" asked the Captain, the look on his face telegraphing an insistence on a swift and concise answer.

"Well Captain Xarr, while I was diligently observing the movements of many of the test subject groups down on the planet, and monitoring the activities of the beasts that had been released to different regions of the planet from all of the other Annunaki ships assigned to your fleet.

I noticed a small drove of the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures that Lieutenant Jol had inserted the
microchips into and
correctly calibrated them for this particular mission.

They were seemingly driving themselves on their own initiative toward the test subject group in question, while ignoring many of the control subject groups within their immediate scope, which I found to be very odd behavior, considering that the animals were
programmed to only attack groups of control subjects.

Being aware of the possible interaction that might take place between the two groups if they were to meet, and the actions that would need to be taken under such circumstances to curtail any calamity as a result of both groups colliding. I ascertained that any decision to rectify the matter was well above my personal pay grade.

So with all of the factors in mind, I made a concerted effort to appraise Lieutenant Jol of the situation unfolding on the planet's surface," the gloating 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant answered.

"And what exactly was Lieutenant Jol's response?" the Captain inquired.

"Captain Xarr, after repeated attempts to contact Lieutenant Jol, and numerous inquiries as to his whereabouts on the ship, I received no response at all from Lieutenant Jol.

Later however, the scuttlebutt around the ship was that he was busy cavorting with the gynandromorph that calls itself, I mean herself Patty," 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant Zeem answered, smirking at Lieutenant Jol.

"That is a complete falsification Captain Xarr, nobody tried to contact me. It is true that I was on deck sixty-nine with the gynandromorphs, but I was not cavorting with them, I was administering their medicine to them. And the one that calls herself, I mean itself Patty was giving me a hard time, and at the same time to use one of the planet's more popular vernaculars,
creeping me out

I mean have you seen that gynandromorph? Yikes!" Lieutenant Jol said adamantly in his defense, as he denied Lieutenant Zeem's statement while trying to be as convincing as he possibly could.

"That is what they all say when they get caught Captain Xarr, deny, deny, deny," Lieutenant Zeem responded, still gloating.

"Indeed they do Lieutenant Zeem, indeed they do," Captain Xarr agreed.

"Well Captain Xarr, as I was unable to retrieve any guidance from my immediate superior and as time was at a premium. I had no other choice but to take it upon myself to try to salvage what was left of this portion of our mission, and save the remnants of the test subject group 32452013 if there was still time enough to make that goal possible. That is if there was any remnants of the test subject group left to save, after having to waste so much time endeavoring to hunt down Lieutenant Jol." Lieutenant Zeem explained to his Captain.

"I have noticed a flair for the dramatic in your story of Lieutenant Jol's incompetence," Captain Xarr noted.

"Yes Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem admitted.

"Just make sure that your flair does not border on fabrication Lieutenant, or one of the indoctrinating persecution chambers will have your name above the door, minus your rank.

Is that clear Lieutenant Zeem?" Captain Xarr asked, with a smile.

"Yes sir, Captain Xarr, perfectly clear."

As Lieutenant Zeem answered his superior, he thought.

If the real truth were known, I would be spending the rest of my miserable existence on a maximum security, hard labor penal colony planet, somewhere in the Qualone Nebula sector, and that is after a very long stent as a guest of the Annunaki Confederation, in a private indoctrinating persecution chamber, just as Captain Xarr had alluded to




real truth
, as 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant Zeem aptly put it, was a fact that he had conveniently left out of his discourse. Which was that he had taken it upon himself as part of his plan of ascension, to secretly readjust the genetic differentiation microchips in a small gaggle of the bipedal predators that could be traced back to Lieutenant Jol, using a remote control mechanism onboard the ship, sometime after Lieutenant Jol had them released onto the planet?

This nefariously devised readjustment, ultimately caused the attack on as they are referred to by the alien beings, as the test subject group 32452013.

The planned attack was meant to discredit his superior Lieutenant Jol and cause him to be replaced as second in command of the starship, by the one and only 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant Zeem.

Unfortunately for Jack, his family was thereby inadvertently and uncaring sacrificed as collateral damage in the process.




"But Captain, he's lying,
can't you tell
by looking at his face?" Lieutenant Jol implored, as he noticeably dropped the authoritarian military protocol, and the linguistic dialect peculiar to the specific region within the Anunnaki Confederation and surrounding quadrants.

Captain Xarr ignored the blatant lapse in Anunnaki military protocol for the second time, and the lack of regionalism in the speech patterns within the insubordinate plea from Lieutenant Jol.

In his mind, the Lieutenant's appeal was a pathetic sign of weakness, a trait that he had never tolerated in any of his officers, and he wasn't about to start now.

"Go on Lieutenant Zeem, what did you do after you decided to take matters into your own hands?" the Captain asked, still glaring at Lieutenant Jol.

"Captain Xarr, by the time I had made repeated attempts to receive orders from Lieutenant Jol on the matter at hand and received no satisfactory results, the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures were almost upon test subject group 32452013, and the group had not yet seen the animals approaching.

In the time it took me to acquire the proper coordinates, and to descend a survival team equipped with the appropriate paraphernalia to successfully complete the task of saving test subject group 32452013, all but one of the members were already dead.

The remaining member, the progenitor of the group, was placing himself in grave jeopardy in what would have surely been a futile attempt to seek revenge upon his group's attackers that would have certainly resulted in his death also.

The descended survival team quickly put the lone survivor into a syncope trance and exterminated all of the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures that had annihilated the other members of his group.

Then as per directive P2134, the survival team transformed the scene of the incident to depict a contrived falsehood that was derived from the facts that the survivor would remember from before the syncope trance was initiated, and would recall after his consciousness was reinstituted." Lieutenant Zeem recounted in detail.

"Has the progenitor of the now demised test subject group 32452013 any recollection of the events that took place?" Captain Xarr asked, his unrelenting harsh stare remained fixed on Lieutenant Jol.

"Captain Xarr, the progenitor's only recollection is that of the fact that the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures attacked without warning and with malice aforethought,
most likely due to the miscalculated settings in the microchip implants
, and that their premeditated massacre left his family traveling along another plane of existence somewhere in the cosmos," the 2nd Lieutenant answered.

"So Lieutenant Zeem, am I to surmise that during the time that you claim to have tried to contact Lieutenant Jol, a claim in which he tenaciously denies I might add. And while you were addressing the problem that arose due to the malfunctioning implanted microchips, that Lieutenant Jol was cavorting with the gynandromorph named Patty on deck 69?" Captain Xarr demanded an answer, as he slammed his fist down on the arm of his command seat.

"Not exactly Captain Xarr, the genetic differentiation microchips that were implanted in the earther's prehistoric beasts were not malfunctioning, they were
-programmed. Although maybe a more precise analogy is that they were

Dis-programmed by a staff officer that was more receptive to the needs of a nymphomaniacal gynandromorph named Patty, than to the needs of our mission," Lieutenant Zeem clarified, as he once more smirked at Lieutenant Jol with a look on his face of one whom could be smelling one of his own farts.

The Captain nonchalantly leaned back in his command chair and looked at both of the lieutenants for a moment, and with a smug look on his face, he then asked.

"Lieutenant Jol, do you remember when the test subject group 32452013 was facing the overwhelming numbers of control subjects, and I told you that I didn't come half way across this galaxy, leave my female companion and our off springs, spend the last three kronal sections setting up this experiment on this ugly green and blue rock, just to see test subject group 32452013 eliminated prematurely?"

"Yes Captain Xarr, I do remember that statement," Lieutenant Jol answered, thinking that the temperature control setting on the bridge of the mother ship had been raised to an uncomfortable level, as beads of perspiration formed on his brow. "However Captain, technically test subject group 32452013 has not been prematurely eliminated, the progenitor of test subject group 32452013 is still alive, you said so yourself."

To address an Annunaki
officer by only their rank was a grievous breach in the standard military edict, however, again Captain Xarr seemingly chose to ignore the blatant lapse in Anunnaki military protocol.

"Lieutenant Jol I think I was wrong about you," Captain Xarr said as he smiled in an irritatingly smug and conceited way.

"Yes Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Jol answered once more, feeling a sense of relief knowing that he had violated a stringent rule of the Annunaki military and apparently gotten away with it.

"Do you also remember when I told you that under my tutelage you just might make it to the rank of Sub-prime Lieutenant one of these days?

"Yes, Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Jol answered enthusiastically, as panic and blind fear caused the delusion of wishful thinking to encompass his thoughts, and he now naively anticipated what he believed to be a long overdue promotion.

The smirk quickly left Captain Xarr's face as he abruptly stood up and shouted.

"Guards, take Lieutenant Jol into custody!"

The false enthusiasm quickly drained from the lieutenant's very being, like air being released from an overly inflated balloon.

As quickly as the lieutenant's dreams of promotion were ripped to shreds by his Captain's voice, they were immediately replaced by a queasy feeling in his stomach and visions of the reality of what was to become his very painful future.

As the soon to be former second in command stood quivering and weak-kneed in the firm grasp of the ship's security guards, he could feel his feces liquefy within his small intestine and his sphincter muscle controlling his rectum involuntarily flex several times before relaxing.

The bridge crew grimaced and moaned as they heard gurgling and squirting sounds emanating from the direction of Lieutenant Jol, as diarrhea ran down the inside of both of his legs and quickly filled his boots, in essence, he shit down both legs.

"2nd Under Prime Lieutenant Zeem!" Captain Xarr shouted, as he again sat back in his command seat.

"Yes, Captain Xarr," 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant Zeem answered, springing to attention.

"You are no longer 2nd Under Prime Lieutenant, you will take former Lieutenant Jol's station and rank as 1st Under Prime Lieutenant. Is that clear Lieutenant Zeem?"

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