ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom" (7 page)

BOOK: ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom"
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"Clear, Captain Xarr," answered the gloating new lieutenant, realizing that his nefarious plan had come to fruition.

Glaring at, and also smelling the now shit stained former
number two
(no pun intended, of course now he was really #2), the ship's Captain ordered.

"Guards, take
Jol to the indoctrinating persecution chamber in Bay 5, and inform the persecuting officer in charge that a senior medical aid is to be assigned to him to prevent any premature demise on his behalf. Is my order understood?"

"Indeed Captain Xarr!" the guards answered in unison, as they both snapped to attention as well, still holding the now
Jol in their iron vise-like grips.

"Then proceed, and get that stinking incompetent out of my sight, unless you would like to join him in the chamber for his indoctrination and persecution?"

"No, Captain Xarr!" the guards replied in unison once more, as they hurriedly escorted the soiled and miasmatic private from the bridge of the mother ship and out of the view of its commander. Being careful to avoid stepping in the puddle of anal expulsion left by the former Lieutenant.

Captain Xarr turned to his still gloating subordinate and gave the newly promoted officer his first order as 1st Under Prime Lieutenant.

"Lieutenant Zeem, recall
of the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures and reset their genetic differentiation chips to the proper settings, and keep them aboard their respective transport ships until further notice.

And keep in mind Lieutenant, the indoctrinating persecution chamber in Bay 5 is our largest chamber, and still has room for several more incompetent crew members if you so choose to join your former superior.

"Yes Captain Xarr!" the newly appointed Lieutenant answered. "I mean no Captain Xarr!"

"And Lieutenant Zeem, get someone up here to clean up that mess, it seems that Private Jol has leaked some of his inner being out of his boots and onto my deck."

"Yes Captain Xarr, I will see to it immediately."

"See to it that you do Lieutenant, Private Jol's miasma is beginning to give me a headache."

"Aye Aye Captain," the new Lieutenant responded.

"Oh, and Lieutenant Zeem!"

"Yes, Captain Xarr?"

"If I hear, or if I hear of, even one of the crew referring to the bridge of my ship as the poop deck, I will have them, one of the gynandromorphs housed on deck 69, and
drawn and quartered, and I will have all of your spines disassembled geometrically, and not necessarily in that order.

Is that clear Lieutenant Zeem?"

"Perfectly clear Captain Xarr!" the Lieutenant shouted, feeling
his own
sphincter muscle controlling
rectum begin to involuntarily pulsate then relax, as he felt the desperate act of unintentional defecation knocking at his back door as well.

"One more thing Lieutenant," Captain Xarr noted, with a solemn stare.

"Yes, Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem answered, feeling his sphincter muscle now beginning to palpitate.

"If you ever find yourself derelict in your duty by not bringing
issue to
attention, you'll find yourself being derelict of everything except for screaming agony for next fifty or so zytor cycles. Do you understand?" the Captain asked, spewing his warning with a maniacal stare.

"Indeed Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem answered in a high-pitched squeaky voice, as he felt the muscles in his throat contract in conjunction with his sphincter, and a small amount of liquefied feces fluxing out of his flexing hemorrhoidal anal canal.



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Son-of-a-bitch, another hot day in the Texas panhandle, I need to find a vehicle with working air conditioning
," I thought, as I walked at a slower pace down south Georgia St. in Amarillo, sweating like a hundred dollar whore on buck night.

After having lost yet another vehicle in yet another attack from roving road warriors, I again found myself hoofing it along the Texas streets in search of yet another means of transportation.

Seeing a small storefront sign with crossed pistols on it in the distance, I made my way toward the building quickening my pace.

"What have we here? The first gun shop I've encountered that isn't surrounded by a bunch of eaters, I hate those bastards," I whispered to myself. "Now's my big chance to pick up a silencer for my M-4 and maybe a couple of other choice items while I'm at it."

The door to the gun shop had been broken open signaling that I wasn't the first intruder to enter the former business, and it looked like whoever had been here before me wasn't much of a so called "gun-nut".

The shop had been ransacked but most of the inventory was still intact, not on the racks or in the display cases, but scattered all over the floor.

More than likely a few guns were missing and probably some of the ammunition too, but for the most part, it looked as though the business' inventory was still there, it had just been tossed all over the place.

There were still a number of guns lying on the floor, and the original burglars had left many boxes of ammo with them as well, ripe for the taking. You just had to dig through the mess to find what you needed.

My main concern at this time was not to salvage more firearms or ammunition, it was to secure a silencer for my rife, or find a pistol that would accommodate a suppressor, or both if I could manage it.

Kicking aside the abandoned accessories such as holsters, cleaning kits, and other assorted firearm related articles that covered much of the gun shop's floor, I was lucky enough to locate a Beretta 92 with a threaded barrel made for what I was looking for. I crammed the pistol in my belt and continued to search for a silencer for my long gun and my new Beretta.

Beneath a pile of broken glass from one of the display cabinets, I found one of the silencers that I had been searching for.

Before the end of the world as we knew it, the display case had housed several suppressors of different makes and models that were manufactured for a variety of different guns, rifles and pistols alike.

There before me was an M-4 sound suppressor with a dark earth finish. It didn't match the color of my 5.56mm rifle, but color coordination wasn't my highest priority at that moment.

I picked up the newfound asset and stuffed it into my pocket, and continued to dig through the pile of broken glass, which was mixed with other goodies that had little or no interest to me at the time, looking for a silencer for my new 9mm pistol.

As I perused the stockpile of what would have been ill gotten gains a couple of years ago, I heard a noise coming from outside the front door. I knew that it definitely wasn't the police or a security guard, as the laws that had been legislated regarding looting no longer applied, and even if they did apply, there was nobody around to enforce them, at least nobody that wouldn't get their head blown
clean off
for trying.

"Probably eaters," I muttered, as I reached for my tomahawk without stopping my search for the elusive 9mm suppressor.

Suddenly, the noise got louder as the door to the shop was pulled open farther; however, I still could not see anyone (or anything) in the doorway.

I was too far from the door for my combat hatchet to be of any use to me if the noise was being made by anything besides eaters, such as someone with a gun.

Quickly, and none to silently, I dropped my tomahawk to the floor and raise my rifle.

I flipped the safety lever onto
, and I slid my finger onto the trigger of the weapon and gently put pressure on it.

Still crouching down I whispered.

"Who's there?"

Waiting for a reply and not receiving one, I whispered again with more authority.

Who's there

"It's me, don't shoot, or stab, or hit, or whatever, don't hurt me, I'm not dead," a man's voice whispered back.

"You're not dead yet, come out into the open so I can see you or you will be," I answered back, aiming my M-4 at the doorjamb knowing that my rifle could easily shoot through it.

"Ok, I'm coming in there, I don't want any trouble."

"You won't get any if you don't start any," I said. "So let's go, come out where I can see you, and keep your hands where I can see them too."

A shadow cast by the noonday sun first inched its way into the doorway, and then the silhouette of a man holding a rifle in his hand took its place.

The man was holding the gun by the end of its barrel, so there was no need to have him drop it and risk the sound of it hitting the floor, or worse, accidentally discharging, and attracting more unwanted company.

Both of his hands were well away from the weapon's trigger, and I knew I could easily kill him long before he could even get the gun aimed at me.

However, if he had chosen that method of self-destruction, I was willing to risk the sound of an intentional discharging of
firearm attracting that unwanted company that might be in the area.

"Step in here so I can get a better look at you mister," I ordered, still pointing my gun at the man, with the mindset to stitch him up if he even looked sideways at me.

The man took several steps inside the shop and stopped.

"I'm just looking for some ammo, I'll take what I need and leave," he said, as he held up his own M-4 type rifle in his right hand. "Like I said before, I don't want no trouble."

The man looked haggard, and his age seemed to be somewhere around his late fifties, but looking through the dirt and the scruffy salt and pepper beard it was a little hard to tell.

He was dressed in blue jeans with a big rodeo belt buckle and a dirty white Stetson hat. All of which went well with the cowboy shirt he was wearing that was reminiscent of something that Randolph Scott might have worn in one of his western movies.

"Like I said before, don't start any trouble and you won't get any trouble," I reiterated to the man, still slightly pressing on the trigger of my M-4 which was now aimed at the man's head.

I really didn't give a shit about whether or not I needed to kill him. It didn't matter to me if he started trouble or not, I'd just as soon blow his head off his shoulders as look at him.

The only thing that was stopping me at the time was that I didn't want to take the chance of drawing a bunch of zombies into the shop before I had found what I was looking for.

"Are you completely out of ammo?" I asked.

"Totally dry, thought I might find some in here," the man answered.

Well Mama
didn't raise a total fool, and I wasn't about to take this man's word for anything at this time. I'd known him for every bit of two minutes and would kill him in a heartbeat if he even looked cross-eyed at me, zombies or not.

"Put your weapon down on the floor and turn around," I ordered. "And do it quietly."

"I told you I'm out of ammo, and this rifle is the only weapon I have," he insisted.

"Shut your trap, drop the gun, and turn around. You've got three seconds before I separate your head from your neck, two... one...

The sound of the man's rifle hitting the floor echoed off the empty back wall of the gun shop as he turned and faced the front door.

"Okay, okay, I'm turning around," he said, as he raised his hands in the air.

"Failure to follow simple directions, strike one," I whispered, glaring at the man. "If that noise draws eater in here, you're the first one I'm going to kill."

"You said to drop the gun," the man retorted, with a look of panic on his face.

"I'm going to come over and search you," I told him. "If you make another sound, or if you as much as even flinch, I'll drop you like third period French, do you get me?"

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