Zora and Nicky: A Novel in Black and White

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Authors: Claudia Mair Burney

Tags: #Religious Fiction

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What people are saying about …



“I love this woman! She puts into print what many people are thinking but
few confess. Unflinchingly honest and bold as brass, this story brings our
modern struggles over race and religion down to a personal, relational level.
While reading Claudia’s novel, I broached the subject of interracial dating
with our college-age kids and found out just how relevant these issues remain.
Clearly, Claudia Mair Burney knows her stuff.
Zora and Nicky
isn’t safe, but
it’s good.”

Liz Curtis Higgs,
best-selling author of
Bad Girls of the Bible


Zora and Nicky
is a great book—Burney can really write, and I’m thrilled
about this title. It really brings prodigals to life, and there are SO many out
there whose faith hasn’t yet become their own—but rather mimics their
parents’. If you like your tension high and your writing well done, order it
up. I’m impressed!”

Kristin Billerbeck,
author of
What a Girl Wants
She’s All That


Zora and Nicky
is far more than a love story, far more than a study in racial
contrasts, far more than just a good read. It is a manual for living a life of
honesty and relentless pursuit of wholeness in Jesus, disguised as a novel
that glides effortlessly between stirring, lyrical, and hilarious.
Zora and Nicky
challenges our understanding of what it means to live the Christian life; you
can’t read it and not be changed.”

Alison Strobel,
author of
Violette Between


“This is the best read I have had in a very long time. Claudia Mair Burney is
an accomplished novelist, and her
Zora and Nicky
will steal your heart away
long before they have finished telling you their story.”

Phyllis Tickle,
author and lecturer, religion editor (Ret.),


“No one writes like Claudia Mair Burney.
Zora and Nicky
will make you sit
up straight and pay attention to a love story of such courage, humor, and
unflinching honesty you will wish everyone in your life spoke to you with
Burney’s razor-sharp language of the heart.”

Kimberly Stuart,
author of the Heidi Elliott series and
Act Two


“Claudia Mair Burney’s
Zora and Nicky
is sassy and witty, pushing boundaries
and tugging at the heart. Anyone who has struggled in their relationship with
God will feel inspired and rejuvenated. Burney has painted a vivid tale that
will entertain and enlighten.”

Debbie Macomber,
#1 New York Times,
Publishers Weekly
, and
best-selling author


“Burney’s writing is unique, gutsy, and memorable. Her passion for
storytelling shines boldly from page to page as she raises to the spotlight issues
and questions that often remain buried within humanity’s fear of change and
the unknown.”

Mata Elliott,
author of
Forgivin’ Ain’t Forgettin’


“In this important book, Burney gives an achingly tender depiction of what
it looks like to love across boundaries and prejudices. This book will reveal as
much about you as it does about
Zora and Nicky
—I promise!”

Siri L. Mitchell,
author of
The Cubicle Next Door


Zora and Nicky
is brave and beautiful. Burney deftly reveals the twisted roots
framing our ideas about love, family, and community, while showing us the
power of love at the same time. I don’t know how she keeps doing it, but once
again she’s wounded me … sweetly.”

Marilynn Griffith,
author of
Pink and Made of Honor


“Claudia Mair Burney writes with a rare honesty that challenges who we
really are and what we really believe about race and faith, love and family.
Zora and Nicky
, Burney is not afraid to take us beyond the surface
to the deep, secret places of the heart.”

Leslie J. Sherrod,
author of
Like Sheep Gone Astray




Published by David C. Cook
4050 Lee Vance View
Colorado Springs, CO 80918 U.S.A.


David C. Cook Distribution Canada
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David C. Cook U.K., Kingsway Communications
Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6NT, England


David C. Cook and the graphic circle C logo
are registered trademarks of Cook Communications Ministries.


All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes,
no part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form
without written permission from the publisher.


This story is a work of fiction. All characters and events are the product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is coincidental.


Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version
of the Bible. (Public Domain.) Scripture quotations marked msg are taken from
THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1195, 1996,
2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.


The song lyrics on page 17 are from “Get Away Jordan.” The lyrics on pages 48 and 389
are from “Let us Break Bread Together.” The lyrics on page 312 are from Fred Hammond’s
song “Let the Praise Begin” from the album Hooked on the Hits, Verity Records, 2003


LCCN 2007939850


ISBN 978-0-7814-4550-4
eISBN 978-1-4347-6570-3


© 2008 Claudia Mair Burney
Published in association with the literary agency of MacGregor Literary


The Team: Andrea Christian, Lisa Samson, Jaci Schneider, and Karen Athen
Cover Design: The DesignWorks Group, Jason Gabbert
Interior Design: The DesignWorks Group
Cover Photo: © Masterfile Royalty-Free / Masterfile


First Edition 2008




Zora and Nicky
is a comedy/tragedy of errors about two
subjects held sacred in America: race and religion.

Like many of us, the characters often have more questions
than answers. There are times when they are plagued by doubt,
emptiness, and loneliness; times when they feel separated from
love—from God. If we are honest with ourselves, we have known
these feelings.

Zora and Nicky
is about our longing for love and the
sometimes dark places it can take us. It addresses the reality of
a broken world full of broken people who have distorted images
of love. Ultimately, these pages paint a beautiful picture of a God
who pursues us in our brokenness and forms us in His love.

This novel doesn’t offer pat answers or simple solutions. It is
simply a story, and like all good stories, we begin to see our own
lives reflected in the pages. We trust that the underlying message
will point you toward hope—toward God. 

Thank you for reading, 

Don Pape


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