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I just need an angelic boost. Your energy to mine.

Not your mind to my mind.

We’re already on the telepathic wavelength, foxy lady.
Volcano raced faster along the straight section of highway.

This would be fantastic fun if we were just riding, cherub.

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Wrap your arms around me, woman. I need your angel vibes.

If you say so. Is this like the feminine energy supporting the male energy, sort of thing?
Sedona slid the weapon back in his pocket, then tightened her hold.

Your Venus angel to my Mars cherub. Higher on the vibe scale.
Volcano straightened, tall in the cycle saddle. He detached his amplifier weapons from beneath his handlebars. He aimed forward, ready to shoot.

No hands, cherub. Do I worry?

Hang on for the ride, cycle babe. Keep feeding me your angel cake.

My own bad ass cherub
, she dryly mocked, but thoroughly enjoyed.
Except for having no weapon.
She peeked over his shoulder, her body started. A goliath phalanx of tanks blocked their way. Their turrets nightmarish turned, their guns aiming at them.

Sedona squeezed her eyes shut, flattened her face on his back.
Energy, energy
, she concentrated. She felt him battle-tense, blast both of his weapons at once. There was no sound, just the repercussion. Instead, the sound of tank fire rocketed toward them, landed on both sides. She knew he had eliminated the center tanks.

Volcano dodged a path through the exploding shells. He blasted the most dangerous tanks away—quantum particles transformed to Universe energy. His angel woman gave him all she possessed in supporting frequencies, more easily than she realized.

Entering the gauntlet of tanks, he demolished the guns aimed at them. Swerving a path of least resistance through the twenty mechanical monsters, he knew what faced them next. A blockade of weapons’ heavy Hummers. He quantum-splattered the middle two, charged ahead. His amplifiers on ruthless, he exploded two more, a hail of hellish bullets whizzing around them.

Microwave cannons attempted their burning destruction. Pretty corpses baked from the inside out for the viewing populace. Volcano dispersed the energy easily.

Screeching waves of sound attacked them. Following the frequencies, Volcano reversed the sound quickly. The Hummers flew through the air, crashing down on the sides of the highway. Useless.

Black as a vampire night, the v-wedge of cycle riders appeared, flying toward them. As Volcano aimed, they split. Resetting his amplifiers, he fired, suspended six of the riders in frozen time. They zoomed past the broken wedge. The fourteen other ninja wannabes wheeled in unison. The chase had begun.

“This is going to look spectacular on the headline news feeds,” Sedona muttered, glancing back over her shoulder, watching the black ops cyclists race after them. “Exactly what they want. We’re the demon enemy, defying the great sanctity of UN law.”

Looks spectacular.
Volcano gently corrected. He replaced his amplifiers, gripped the handlebars again.

We’re the feature chase. Figures! Always wanted to be in the top ten UN cops chases for the day.
“My goal has been met,” she muttered, glancing back again. “I can die happy now.”

No death by the UN keystone cops,
he promised.

Sedona heard his chuckle inside her.

So hilarious, cherub.

You can shoot them if they get too close, Buffy babe,
he soothed.

Buffy babe?

You’re adorable handling a weapon.

You’re just saying that because my hand is in your pocket.

You’re not gripping my ‘gun’.

No! I’m gripping the ‘gun’ that counts! Right now
, she amended, sensitive to his male ego.

Volcano laughed inside her.
Are they gaining?

No. Does this weapon work on them?

Point. And think ‘stun’.

Just ‘stun’?

Think of it as a continuing hell on Earth for them.

I just don’t want them continuing my hell.

In the continuing heaven of my arms, Buffy babe.

Cherub instead of Angel Vampire?

I want to drink your essence,
he badly imitated Count Dracula.

Ooooh, take a drink of my essence,
Sedona sexy crooned.
Where do you want to suck?

Answer later. You’re distracting the driver.

Ooooh, spank me.

Volcano swerved sharply to shake up his angel woman. Enough to halt her ‘carnal distraction’ of him.

Got the message. But you started it.

I’ll finish it. One enemy combatant is gaining on us. Want to ‘stun’ him out?


Sedona twisted, took aim, thought ‘stun’. The black rider let go, flew off. The riders behind him expertly avoided his skidding out-of-control cycle. They closed ranks, continuing the chase.

“Everybody and his brother, that still owns a gun can take a legal shot at us. Earn the UN reward. An updated firearm, hooks into computer grand central Tyranny,” she muttered, remembering.

Cherub protection, Buffy babe.

I don’t look like Buffy. I never looked liked Buffy.

Much more dangerous curves, my woman. Redheads are more fun than blondes. But you’re still my Buffy babe with a weapon. Stun the—

Sedona whipped around. Two riders crept up on them. With fierce enjoyment she stunned them, watched them sail off. The other evil ninja riders avoided the wobbly cycles.

Still on the UN’s most-wanted live feed?
she asked.

Still the feature chase. You look babe ruthless.

Mmm, I like it. One dream come true. Finally.

You are one cherub’s cloud wet dream.

His tone was so straight, Sedona hesitated, then decided she’d have to spicy address his ‘wet dream’ later. There were black ops ninjas on their tail.

There must be a method in your cherub madness.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

It took seconds to click in.
You want us notorious.

Straight from the Divine Genius. Enjoy the ride.

Sedona checked over her shoulder. The black pack kept their distance.
Outlaw, Outlawess. Might as well be the best I can be. Be all that you can Outlaw be,
she sang to him.
Do we get to rob a UN train? How about one of the underground black gov trains?

How about a bank? The bank.

The Federal Reserve thugs?

Higher, my brave Outlawess.

World bank?

Gold bank.

Gold bank?

Gold storage bank. Bargaining chips used with several alien races.

Last I heard, no more gold at Ft. Knox.

Not much. It’s stored in northern California. Ancient caverns used by Chinese traders before the first dynasty.

We’d need a train to steal gold. Or your craft.

Or let the new California Republic find it, angel and cherub assistance.

Sounds good to me. Even more Robin Hood fun.
Sedona checked behind them.

Ten more?

Looks right.

Six jeep commandos ahead of us, Sedona.

They want a show. Or a showdown. The great UN saviors of the North American Union.

Target practice, Buffy babe. Pick off our cycle nemeses.
They’re about to attack.

With definite pleasure.
Sedona whipped around, aimed and noticed the ninjas aimed back.
Stun! Stun! Stun!
she staccato told herself, watched them fly off, helpless. Satisfaction was a deep pleasure.
Stun! Stun! Stun!
Flying ragdoll ninjas everywhere!
Ultimately, the emptied cycles caused a delicious, amazing pile up.

“I guess it was worth living sixty-one years for this,” she muttered, turned back. Immediately she saw the swift advance of jeep commandos, their array of big guns trained on them.

Heavens to Mergatroid.
They’re gonna murderlize us.


When terrorized go back to your kiddie cartoon roots. Exit stage left?

Exit stage right, darlin’.
Volcano swerved sharply off the highway, onto desert terrain. Sedona noticed an old highway sign for Wickenburg near a Joshua tree. Patches of teddy bear cactus still thrived. Instinctively she tightened her legs against being barbed, then looked behind them. The jeeps scrambled to follow, the guns re-targeting them.

Beneath them, Volcano raised the wheels. They darted a zigzag path over the desert floor, between the Saguaro cactus and the scrub trees. Never a still target, the rat tat tat of machine guns followed them.

What happened to the black ops weapons?
Sedona squinted, tried to determine where they were headed. She could only see sparse desert plants flying by and a small range of mountains in the far hazy distance.

Incoming. Drone attack,
Volcano advised.

Crap! There’s a voice in my head telling me I can’t win against the New World Order. Telling me you’re the enemy, to surrender, etc. It hurts!

Volcano swiftly sealed her inside a golden shield.
Beam thought transference. It hurt because you resisted, didn’t believe.

Great! At least, resistance isn’t futile.
She didn’t tell him how compelling the voice had been, as if all she had to do was obey and everything would be okay. She didn’t believe it, yet it had felt all too persuasive.

Resistance is only futile in my arms, foxy lady. Want some angel-on-
drone action?

Do I get to blow them out of the sky?

You get to play the Red Baroness. Up, up to the sky.
Volcano shifted his cycle to flight mode, soaring higher and higher off the desert floor.

You do realize I’m not the best with height?
Sedona grabbed onto him even though he had raised the back of the cycle, securing her.

Just think about destroying the
New World
Order tyrants. Dog fight, Buffy babe. Drones ahead.

“Destroy it is!” she ferociously muttered. All the hatred, all her rage surfaced. She aimed at the first one dive bombing them. “We are not your slaves!” It exploded, mere glittering pieces in the
bright-ash sky.

Fast and furious, from every direction, the drones attacked. The giant evil insects from sci-fi B movies. Volcano maneuvered constantly, giving her the best battle aim. “We are not your slaves!” she savagely shouted over and over. Like confetti, blown apart bits littered the atmosphere around them, and rained downward. Just as suddenly it stopped. They soared clear and straight, headed for the smallish mountain range.

“Red Baroness, unbelievable!” Volcano shouted back his praise.

“All without my angel wings!” she shouted back flippantly, feeling higher than the sky. “Do I have angel wings?”

“It can be arranged, for a price,” he shouted suggestively.

“Carnal no-no’s for angel wings. Isn’t that terribly sinful? Hey, is that a black ops jet headed for us?”

We’re going jet set soon.
Volcano grabbed one of his amplifiers. Aimed. The black jet, nearly upon them, stalled, hung, then dropped like an gargantuan rock, only recovering close to the ground.

Neat trick, cherub. This isn’t being seen on world wide UN TV.
But her cherub didn’t answer. Enclosing them, he flashed to jet speed. The mountains sped toward them like a fast-forward movie scene. Sedona shut her eyes, held onto her cherub even though she didn’t need to.

She opened her eyes as she felt them slow, and hover. Below them, a teal lake shimmered, cradled in a mountain valley. The lake was probably manmade. Sedona could see what looked like a simple dam.

. Used as a contact area for the rebels and their alien allies.
Volcano gently spiraled downward, as if they rode a thermal.

Yeah, Richard C talked about it one night with George. Knows some of the Contactees. Said most of the state park employees went rogue, took it over to keep the UN and the elite out.

They still have control. We’ve been granted a short meeting with Dragon Leader, Xanuvvi.

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