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“You want more, woman? My brute wants more of you.” He shoved against her rose-voluptuous lips, his cock in delicious torment.

“More, yes. Just a little more tickling. Just a little deeper, oh, yes, yes, tickle my petals. Ooooh, your tip feels so good, so big on my petals, so slippery and huge. Ooooh, yes, better and better. What a talented brute you have.”

Merciful Eros! She was driving him tornadic, whirling delirious for her. Volcano rubbed his cock’s head on her rosebud, slowly at first, then faster and faster.

“Yes,” she whimpered. Thrusting her bottom more to him, she displayed her rose swollen privates even more. “Oooh, tickle my naughty bud. Tickle and tickle.” She moaned, coursing fire through his blood.

“Here, woman?” He thrust his cock close to her sheath’s welcome.

“Please…let that enormous brute touch my naughty little opening. Oh, yes, yes! Oooh, what very lovely tickling. Yes, shove it in, just a little, please, please, oooh, how big your tip feels. I want it. I want your brute. Just a little, shove it, goddess, yes!”

Volcano thrust his cock inside his angel woman, inside her naughty little rosefire opening. His loins had never twisted this storm harshly before. He groaned. He’d never felt so physical. His brute pulsed, then glowed torturously hot for her. “Tell me, woman.”

“Oh, yes, yes, blazing pleasure, tingles of pleasure all through me. Oooh yes, yes, your tip is so bold. Too bold.” She squealed passionately as he pumped his cock a bit deeper. “Oh, such gentle thrusting, yes, yes. And tickling, more tickling, yes. Oh, I want your brute tickling me more.” As he shoved his cock deeper inside her silky rose, she cried out with bliss. “More. I want more of your enormous brute. Deeper, just a little deeper. Pummel me. Please, pummel.”

Volcano shoved deeper, then thrust harder into his woman. He groaned, primal and fierce as a cosmic tempest for her. Vigorously, he stroked his cock inside her sheath, inside her flaming silk.

“Yes. Use that big brute on me.” His Sedona could not move as he pummeled her. “I feel so heavenly fierce, yes.” She could only let him have his way with her. For a long time.

“Deeper,” she whisper-begged. “Your brute, force it in deeper, please.”

Volcano storm-burned, his brute red-hot radiant as he lunged deeply into her. She squeezed his cock unmercifully, a silken glove and an infinite rapture. His woman whimpered keenly as he drove his cock inside her. Then she opened herself, letting him have her as only a woman allows a man, a man she wants.

A man she carnal desires and wants with her heart.

Volcano felt her heart begin to trust him, begin to want again. Want him. He aimed his brute for her heart and took her. Pummeled his woman.

Each plunge kept his Sedona floating on bliss. Finally she allowed the ecstasy to bloom wild, to possess her completely. She fell limp with it. He gripped her hips harder, lunging to his own lightning orgasm.

His entire body flashed to red brilliance. Volcano glowed, so fertile orgasmic with her, his angel woman, he had to keep his feet firmly on the ground, not float upwards. She wasn’t ready for that pleasure yet. His Sedona. He gentled his grasp on her soft sumptuous hips, but didn’t let go. He enjoyed her this way, carnal raised to him. Rapture satiated with him.

Slowly he eased his brute from her. Slowly he stroked his hands from her. She collapsed to the ottoman while his glow held him in raw whirling ecstasy.

Sedona wondered as she continued falling over the beautiful edge to blissful nothing. How difficult would it be to keep away from him now?

Bliss owned her flesh, bliss owned her soul. She lay very still and merely felt. Gradually George the NightHawk, and his guests’ words penetrated, gradually. She tried to listen. She didn’t want to think about what she’d just done. And why. And how
sexually ridiculous
she’d been. If fun. If wildly and wickedly fun.

John, your website, Reptoids.com, has reproduced a front page article from the Los Angels Times newspaper of January 29th, 1934. Talk about that.

Sure, George. Our brothers, the Hopi Indians, have an oral tradition about their ‘Snake Brothers’
These reptilian brothers built and lived in huge underground cities throughout
Central America
and, of course,
, one such major city being built on the Pacific coastline, underneath
Los Angeles

Do you think these reptilians have returned? And are just waiting to pop up out of this underground city, during the guise of Maya 2012. They won’t even have to wear masks, John. People will think they’re just part of the celebration.

I’ll tell you what, George, I’ll be out looking. Three of my closest friends and colleagues will be with me, one a dead-on psychic. I’ve heard Mr. Icke will be here.

That’s what I hear. And he is dead-on at recognizing the lizards amongst us. You two ought to hook up. Hey! Alex, I’d recognize that bulldog mug anywhere. Mr. Mel Gibson, you two having an Apocalypto celebration? Are we all invited?

Lizard Apocalypto, George. If they’re good guys maybe we can recruit them to fight against the Four Horseman—the North American
, the
Block, the Russian Euro
and the United Nations.

You got it, Alex. I’m with you on that inner or extraterrestrial alliance. We can get all parties here, and have a radio first

Sedona rolled over on her back, knowing she had to look at him sometime. Even if her cheeks stung with embarrassment, even at her senior age. “What is this world coming to?” she muttered, amusing herself. “You’re red, red all over, gleaming red.”

“Cherub afterglow,” he teased softly.

“Stop looking enchanted with me,” she softly complained, and frowned a bit.

“Stop being angelfire desirable. Feel, Sedona.” He surged the energy of his words into her. She felt herself resist his truth. Still, she pinkly glowed. “Celestial woman beautiful.”

“Stop making me pink.” She tried a glare, knowing it would not have the slightest affect on him.

“You look good in pink.”

in pink.” She hurled her confused emotions at him.

“You like pink, my Sedona.” His amused knowing flared through her middle, and struck into her heart.

Mentally she groaned and shook her head. “Can’t we use those ancient lizard tunnels, cities into LA. Maybe join up with a friendly group?” Anything to district herself from him, him from her. Sedona averted her face, her hand over her brow. She’d caught a glimpse of ‘the brute’ still standing, brightly glowing red. Evidently with orgasmic happiness.
Good Goddess,
what was she going to do now?

Probably nothing. Probably nothing to do, but worry. Nasty human habit, worrying. She peeked back at him.

“The price of being human.” Volcano ribbed her, gazing at her adoringly. He sat down on the sofa, as if that would help her feel more comfortable. “There is a tunnel route into LA
Open enough. But the perils are more dangerous than what we already faced in the Atlantean tunnel.”

“Perils? Great!” Sedona hissed a sigh. “Can you turn me into a version of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer? Or, how about Xena, Warrior Princess? I have a particular fondness for her.”

“Old TV heroines?”

“Any slayer-warrior heroine, I don’t care. Bring out my Celtic warrioress side, so I can fight the
. So I can fight period.”

“Your avenging angel side.”

“Avenging angel?”

“Angel training and balance. The heart-wish granting angel to the avenging fierce angel. As a recruit you’ve trained in every angelic aspect.”

“I hope Earth is the advanced level. Or is it angel dunce school?”


“Lacking in intelligence, dull-minded. Having to learn over and over.” she sang sardonically.

“No. Compassionate level.”

“Yeah, I can see that. Be compassionate or perish.” Sedona attempted a dignified rising from the ottoman. Quickly smoothing the robe around her, she escaped toward the kitchen, for what she didn’t know.

“You are
,” he crooned after her.

“Talk about naughty!” She whirled on him. Her anger felt like sparks flying from her. She spun back around before her temper exploded. Nothing felt right anymore. And everything felt right in a strange, disorienting way.

And suddenly she was hungry, hungry for all the foods she used to crave, and enjoy, that she couldn’t have anymore. Everything was about whether or not you were
, just to shop at a regular grocery store. She sat down in the breakfast nook, and curled up. Every frustration she owned flew to the surface, fireworks of exploding pain.

“I should be over this emotional crap,” she whispered.

“You should kiss me.” Volcano velvet ruled.

She gazed up at him. Handsome, strong, adorable, his purple eyes held glints of silver demand. “Why?” she dared, and knew she sounded petulant. She was the one acting like a kid. Although she wasn’t sure she actually cared anymore.

Volcano sat down on his haunches, eye level with her. “You’ll know, feel how much I care.”

Tears spurted from her eyes. Hastily she swiped at them. He moved onto the bench seat beside her, and took hold of her arms. Gently he forced them aside, so their lips could meet. It was all there in his kiss—tenderness, his raw raunchy hunger for her, his exquisite caring—she could hardly even absorb it. And she could only respond, give to him what she had inside for him.

Besides his lips felt wonderful. Dreamily, he kissed her, then caressed his lips from hers.

“Do you know how to makeout?” she whispered, unable to stop herself.

“Carnal cherub 101,” he amused assured as he touched back strands of her hair. “But you’re hungry. So am I.”

“Munchies,” she murmured. “Manna corn chips, sour cream, guacamole, salsa?”

“Kiss me again. And it is yours, milady.” he princely affected.

“Are cherubs allowed to extort kisses?” she demanded, then kissed him. She felt like a princess. The sweet press of his mouth to hers, the silken tenderness of his lips as they moved against hers. She only opened her eyes, once his lips had caressed a parting of their mouths, and once he stood up from her.

“You can kiss me like that any time,” she breathy murmured.

“I intend to, milady,” he mischievous returned. “Especially when you’re very naughty.”

“You are sooo bad, a very wicked cherub, indeed. Forcing me to bare my naughty privates, just to be kissed.”

“Cherub wicked, the advanced course,” he velvet drawled, then magically placed the ‘munchies’ on the table. He grinned complete satisfaction, and sat down opposite her. “Designed for lusty angels.”

Sedona ignored him successfully enough to dip in a chip. Taste. “You’ve manna outdone yourself, cherub.”

“Memories are a powerful force, my Sedona.”

“You used my memory?”

“The stream of your memory. How I knew what tastes you prefer.”

“The manna bars.”

His smile was in the purple glisten of his eyes. He dipped a chip and crunched.

“What are your preferred tastes?” She itched with curiosity. Dipping in another, she munched happily.

“Cloud flavors.”

“Different clouds. Different flavors.

“Rain fog cloud.” Volcano held out a chip to her. “Want a taste, foxy lady?”

“I do,” she whispered, aching with curiosity. She took the chip, bit off a tiny piece. Rain fog dissolved in her mouth, as if she’d opened her mouth, brought in a heavy mist fog, then tasted. “Wow.” She ate the rest of it, savoring the taste.

“Moon clouds later,” he seductive tempted.

Sedona munched on more chips, the guacamole utterly divine. “What does the wicked cherub want?” she softly sang. “For the taste of moon clouds?”

“Later, I want to makeout with you. Steam up the celestial windows.” Volcano reached across, his fingertips stroking her cheek. “Now my duty is to protect you. That means we sleep until we leave in a few hours.”

“Such a masterful cherub.” she over-crooned. Yet a part of her felt relief. Sedona knew she was worn to the bone taking care of herself. But what was new? The cherub is new, she told herself. “I am tired again.”

“Don’t say it, Sedona,” he gently warned.

“What? Us senior citizens can’t keep up with our carnal youngsters?”

“You need a good spanking,” he warned, seduction and seriousness.

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