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Deciding to ignore the cherub phenomena for now, she continued drying herself luxuriously. “Not that I don’t like it.” Fascinated, she tried to appreciate her slightly younger self. And tried not to wonder if it would continue, or how far it could continue.

“Rejuvenation would be nice,” she murmured to herself. “I think. I used to want it. Before the world fell completely apart. At the proverbial seams. Now, who would want to live here anyway?”

Picking up the blanket, Sedona draped it around herself. “He’ll probably want sexual favors,” she fiercely whispered, marching from the bathroom.

“Bed?” He lay on his side, his head propped up, watching her enter. He patted the top quilt, then invited with small sexy curve of his lips.

“You’re the one hanging around me,” she grouched, halting. Damn it, he looked like a sex god. Beckoning her with one finger, he smiled his cherub irresistible smile. “At least get under the covers.”

He made a grand production of rising, pulling the covers back, getting in, then waited expectantly.

“Do I have to rest with you?” Her irritation felt like effing razor blades.

“Energy infusion. You’re going to need it,” he seriously spoke, and tempted.

“Sure, I bet you offer that to all the fallen angels.” Sedona flounced toward him, intuitively knowing he spoke the truth. Knowing from previous experience he could achieve it. She let the blanket fall, then lifted up the covers sliding in. “This is completely awkward. And my hair is still wet.”

“Do you like dragons?” he asked, as if he might tell her a bedtime story. She stiffened in resistance as he brought her against him. “Yes, I do,” she answered, caught off guard. “Do you mean real dragons?” Goddess, he felt too good.

Volcano gathered her closer against him. Stunned, she felt his true appreciation of her
. Not by the impressive size of his cherub cock, but in how he held her, a cherishing embrace.

“There’s a real dragon who would like to meet you.”

“As long as he’s friendly, no problem. I say that, mean it, but it does feel weird. Having never met a dragon to my knowledge. At least, in this life experience. Who knows? Maybe I’d have a reaction I don’t expect.”

“I’ll be with you. He’s mostly blue. A water dragon.”

“Like Nessie, only the Loch Ness Monster isn’t blue from what I’ve seen.”

“Not a true dragon. Nessie is a hybrid pet.”

“Pet to whom?”

“Some of the Nephilim descendants.”

“The giants?”

“Genetic enhancements made to a race of humanoids to assist them beyond slavery. Some of the program backfired as you would say. It was also successful. There would be no freedom fighters in humanity.”

“Only sheeple
,” she murmured. It was difficult not to snuggle against him. Not to appreciate the male strong feel of him. Not to hunger since she’d been alone, starved for a man’s love for nearly thirty years. “Banquet. You’re too rich for my system.”

“If we were in my home realm,” he softly crooned, “I would be holding you on the happiness of my wings, only.”

“Suspended?” she delicately questioned, staggered by his words, the feeling of being beloved.

“Floating, yes, Sedona.”

“I don’t understand,” she murmured after a moment. “How can you feel the way you do?”

“How can I not?” he gently teased, yet spoke utter seriousness.

“Is it because you are around me? Would you feel this way if you were around another
whatever I am

“Another angel incarnate woman?”

“Let me put it this way. I don’t want to be the woman in every celestial port, just because I’m there. You’re designed for unconditional love. You would feel this way for any woman you protected.”

“No. Possibly I would feel a carnal attraction, but no, it is not an absolute. Do you speak of faithfulness between a man and a woman?”

“I think so. But I have no clue how that applies to you, to me. I don’t even know you, how you operate as a cherub. The bottom line.” She took a large breath. “I don’t want a broken heart over you.”

“Then you could love me as a woman loves a man.”

Sedona started, sighed over the joyful hope of his voice. “I just keep digging the hole in the cloud deeper, don’t I?”

“Cute. Your essence is strawberry adorable.”

“Is it my essence you see, and respond to?”

“Partially, of course. I am attracted to your goddess-angel essence.
Is it my devotion that concerns you?”

“Everything concerns me when it comes to the whole woman-man thing, and especially these days. Especially at my human age.”

“You require devotion from a man.”

“Don’t most women? At their heart. Their precious hearts.”

“You, Sedona. Don’t you?”

“I do,” she whispered after several terrible moments. The pain inside had almost prevented the words from moving past her lips. A pain telling her she would never receive such devotion. “I do want devotion from a man who truly loves me. A man I truly love.” She spoke the words because she was afraid to speak them.

“Your own purity of heart has led you astray on Earth.”

“True. I used to believe most everyone had the same purity of heart. The same integrity of heart. Especially the men I did fall in love with, until the school of horrible hard knocks.”

“Learning all the ways of the human heart, the darknesses, is a courage few would attempt and invaluable to the Seraphim realm. Or as you would hear it, you have gone where most angels fear to tread. Now, I am here to protect you. To help you. To help humanity overcome the Dark Masters as decreed by Divine Will. And only done by your presence.”

“I’m going to ignore that last part,” Sedona slowly spoke. “Not that I don’t want to do my sacred part.” Resisting the urge to sensually and slowly writhe against him, Sedona tensed instead. “You are carnal. Quite the manhood, cherub.”

“You noticed,” he wicked crooned. “My unconditional love of humanity does not include carnal desire for all human women. It’s you, Sedona. I want you.”

The hunger of his voice shivered through her, raw, intense.

“Let me suckle your breasts,” he powerfully seduced.

“Goddess,” she moaned. “First my breasts.” Her nipples flat-out ached for him, for his mouth. “Then I’ll let you take advantage

” She squeezed her eyes shut. Tried to tell herself
. It didn’t work. She turned toward him. “Just my breasts, don’t touch

Volcano caressed his hands over her, cradled her breasts. “Angel woman. My etheric wings beat with the sensual joy of holding you.” Gripping her breasts, he suckled her budding nipple tenderly. As she whimpered pure pleasure, he suckled her more and more ravenously.

Sedona moaned keenly as his mouth possessed her other nipple, and gently suckled. He was driving her deliciously crazy, driving her toward voracious need, toward yielding herself to him. She knew it was just a heavenly ticket to heartbreak, but right now, right now she didn’t care.

She only cared that he handled her breasts beautifully, and with a wicked finesse. Degree by degree she thrust her breasts to him, surrendering. As he suckled her nipple more savagely, she ached wildly, exquisitely.

“Volcano.” Her passion blazed and she grabbed hold of his arms. He didn’t feel angelic or ethereal in any way. He felt primitive, gorgeous, and almost dangerous. He was utterly male. When he scorched her thigh with the heavy strength of his cock, desire and guilt washed over her. “Goddess,” she burst, her loins wanton. Her clit jerked, ferociously aching for his touch. “Take me,” she pleaded. “Please.”

But it was also her guilt. She should return the pleasure her gave her.

“Sedona,” he growled passionately, then slid his finger over her pleasure-ripe bud. He rubbed her juicy heat with such tenderness, she moaned. “I don’t want your sacrifice. What you think you owe me.”

“What do you want?” she desperately whispered, her fingernails sunk in his arms. She opened her thighs, arched to his stroking finger, stroking her to exquisite madness. She moaned, abandoned. “How can you be so perfect? The way you touch me.” She undulated to his finger.

“I see your soul. I see the woman I want,” Volcano growled, storm fierce to take her, spirit-fierce to know her. “Carnal to ethereal I want you.” He stroked her clit harder, hedonistically.

“No,” she whisper-raged. “No, you don’t.” But he watched her ecstasy blossom on her face. He felt her orgasm slowly, agonizingly spread so she couldn’t speak. She could only feel. She winged her thighs open, an invitation to him.

Volcano b
raced himself above her. Not touching her, he thrust. He thrust deeply, buried himself nearly to her core. He groaned harshly as delight cycloned through his being, and overwhelmed him. The harsh joy of his orgasm held him in its tight embrace, as tightly and divinely as her sheath held him.

Ecstasy flowed between them, burned bright and golden and soared.

“It’s okay,” she murmured long moments later. “Hold me.”

Volcano lowered himself, wrapped his arms around ‘his woman’, and rolled her on top of him. Swiftly he induced her natural slumber. He listened to her even precious breaths. Then he soared with the feeling of her. His woman, she had no way to conceive of how much he wanted her, and desired her.

How he flew with her on wings seared with their joined passion.

Volcano closed his eyes, but didn’t stroke her as he ferociously wished.
It would violate his promise not to touch her. Before he fully rested, he mind-patrolled, observing the dark psychic assaults being waged against them.

He also watched their ecstatic sparkle vibrations dance toward heaven and enhance, then feed the Light. The Light of the world fed, and nourished by lovers everywhere.


* * * *


In the far distant darkness, the Special Agent stood as if beneath some noir lamplight. Sedona watched her carefully, remaining inside a reddish pool of illumination. Bizarre, the sensations, as if they wanted to approach each other, and speak of important world matters.
Yet, an invisible barrier stayed between them, and kept them from approaching each other.

Sedona attempted to read her mind, concentrating. Her fedora acted like a repellant. Soon a dark shadowy man approached the Special Agent, convincing her to leave with him. Still, Sedona watched her look back, as if she wanted to speak, her face clear in a flood of light.

Time to awaken.
Volcano stood beside her.

Trick or treat?
she asked him.

Sedona opened her eyes, alone. She heard the opening music of George, the NightHawk’s radio show, and stirred to more wakefulness. Funded and protected by a group of the LA celebrity elite, the show broadcast on a network of pirate stations the government goons hadn’t shut down, either because they couldn’t, or wouldn’t for their own nefarious reasons.

This is George the NightHawk. Coast-to-Coast Freedom radio. Three days and counting. Until
December 21, 2012
. The Maya celebration has begun. The streets are teeming with revelers from everywhere. Be careful out there. No reptoids spotted yet, to my knowledge. If you’ve seen one, or if you are one, give us a call on our secure special Reptoid/ET/Time Traveler hotline

As you know we’ve been taking your predictions. End of the world as we know it? Endtimes or the dawning of a new age? The new Aquarian age? You tell us.

We’re still taking suggestions for our mass consciousness the night before. To make it fair for all of us, whatever is the most requested change will be what we will concentrate on. Prayer, meditation—whatever your belief is, it is time to change our world. And keep changing it. Enlightenment and freedom for us all.

The second hour John Rhodes will join us, our resident Reptoid expert.

Reptoids.com for those of you who still have web access, one way or another. We don’t ask those kind of questions here. We’ll see if he’s been contacted, if he knows when or whether the inner-terrestrial Reptoids will be joining our LA Mayan party.

Let me tell you from my secret lair window, the costumes are amazing already. Astonishing. More spectacular than on an old Cecil B. DeMille movie set. Feathered crowns everywhere. Feathered serpent staffs. Authentic to cheesy to cheesecake. If you have off-grid web TV, the cameras are rolling.

“What a show,” Sedona murmured. “Better than any shallow shiny stupid awards show.” She rolled over on her back, wishing she could watch. Wishing her body didn’t remember how sex-incredible the cherub stud felt, and wishing she didn’t remember. She propped herself up on the pillow, listening, knowing her angelic protector was nearby.

Talked to Charlie Sheen
just before air time, our own LA Security Chief. He tells me incidents of violence have been rare, mostly looting attempts on closed shops. One death. Again he has a personal warning for any agents of the illegal North American Union. You will be stopped, held if you’re still among the living. You will be deprogrammed by the experts at Lucas Ranch,
then deported into the gentle hands of the New Saudi Democracy.

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