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“Your voice feels like black velvet sliding over me. Goddess, yes, are you?”

“I could.” he enticed, his fingertips grazing the bottom of her foot.

Sedona squealed a moan, and he felt her want him inside her
. She could not take her foot from him no matter how desperately she wished, or believed she should. He watched her loins ache, then become a wanton blaze, a fiery red sun-like energy. She wanted him.


“If I take my clothes off,” She heaved in breaths, her words forced. “Can you just be inside me?” She kept her eyes closed, and he knew she intended to keep them shut.

Volcano slid his thumb pad up the center of her sole, then lowered her foot. “Take off your clothes,” he softly growled, dissolving his own garments from his body. They formed in a pile close by.

Carnal glories
, there was so much he wanted to do to her. With her. But he was going to have her as she desired. What she could pleasure tolerate from him. She shimmied softly out of the jacket, then reached down, and rolled off her pants. Volcano moved them out of the way, the sexual scents of her were heady as dark grape Venutian wine, and drove him to a higher desire.

Beautifully, she parted her thighs, her knees bent. An offering to him, she angled her hips. He wanted to touch her everywhere, know her before rejuvenation. Instead he emblazoned the sight of her to his private memory. His forever.

“I don’t want to do anything,” she gossamer spoke. “I just want to feel you. Please.” She spread her thighs a little wider.

“It will hurt,” he tenderly growled. “Even I can’t change that.” He knelt between her thighs, the tip of his cock almost touching her moist rosy desire.

“I know. It’s been a very long time,” she whispered.

He touched her blossomed rose with his tip. “Sedona,” he velvet groaned, then plunged. He lunged with force. Thrusting inside her sacred silk. Then, he waited. She whimpered sharply, both her pleasure and her pain.

“Yes,” she barely whispered.

He watched her face as she experienced the strange mixture of pain and pleasure, pleased when she let it grip her euphorically.

Plunging deeply, he felt her surrender, and felt the reluctant stretch of her tight silk around him. Frenzy stormed through him, but he didn’t yield to his own tornadic need for her. Instead he rhythmically rocked her with his thrusts. Deep thrusts, paradise thrusts into her woman essence, to her core.

His gaze on her face, he felt her burning ache subside
. Her body welcomed his possession, and he knew she only felt him lunging inside her.

“A heaven I never thought would happen again,” she whispered.

Allowing his essence to merge even more with her, he felt her pleasure and knew her thoughts. His thrusts were excruciatingly wonderful to her flesh—male to her female.
A heaven lost, now found.
Her thought delicately flamed through him, a pleasure unto itself.

“If only for awhile,” she whispered, fragile as a butterfly wing.

With each lunge, she moaned her pleasure. If she ever
only allowed him this, he could live with it. But he vowed to know every flesh rapture with her.

“Your hands,” he passion whispered. “Let me have your hands.”

She raised her palms on either side of her head, and he captured them, pressing her hands into
the cushioning of the sofa.
He thrust more forcefully, more rapidly. She groaned with the absolute bliss of him taking her. Tears, like liquid diamonds, dripped from the corner of her eyes.

God's paradise, he wanted the taste of her tears. But he knew she would feel it as a violation. Now. Her bliss blossomed around him, into him. Caused him to strike deep, hold her still, storm his own savage bliss. Different. Radiantly different with her. Different than with any other woman.

It storm-blew him into eternity. Gently he kissed her mouth, gently enough she didn’t resist. He encouraged her bliss, longer and longer. Until he felt her gossamer floating toward her afterglow.

Sedona bathed
in her bliss. Way beyond her expectation. Which meant she would only desire more of him. If he wanted her again, she would be much more susceptible. A frightening thought, on so many damn levels.

But now, his kiss blazed through her tenderly. She felt no burden to please him, which was almost as much blissful relief as her orgasm with him. Him, the man cherub. Once his lips softly released hers, she opened her eyes naturally, a dare to herself.

“It will never be a burden to please me,” he whispered to her.

Shocked, her gaze flew into the silver glints of his eyes. She witnessed his pleasure with her. Recovering on quick breaths, she challenged, “If it is, you can forget it!”

“Still,” he tenderly encouraged her.

Sedona closed her eyes, felt him free her hands, then take himself from her gradually, very gently. Before she opened her eyes, she felt him cover her with a light plush blanket. Then she heard his footsteps toward the kitchen.

The flames in the hearth still danced and gleamed. The world still rotated, not yet exploded into nuclear smithareens. At least, to her knowledge. As she usually did, she blessed one and all to their highest good. Drawing the blanket around her, she stretched out on her side, and wondered what was going to come of the world, really.

She had put her own heart and soul into doing everything she could to bring forth a better life for all, simply because she believed that was the way it should be. She had believed in the brightest dreams of others, and the dreams within herself. Still the darkness had prevailed, with most of their dreams doomed to the cruelty of disappointment after disappointment.

December 21, 2012
, the end and the beginning, but of what? Earth’s solar system spun in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, meaning there was a change in frequencies affecting all of humanity, and every life form. Time on Earth whirled faster and faster. Did that mean an opening to the fifth dimension and beyond? Would the major astrological alignment truly be a catalyst for opening humanity’s sixth sense, soaring everyone to new heights, and new spiritual understandings.

Or, could the end of the Mayan calendar be considered a new salvation, one based on the truth? The very salvation the Dark Masters would deny all of humanity, using their powers to destroy in every way possible, the higher awareness available to everyone.

Sedona shook her head, weary from her own endless speculations, the ones running on a hamster wheel spinning in her mind. Releasing a long sigh, she went zen because emptiness was better than thinking.


* * * *


Volcano stirred the cocoa he prepared, one of the few uses of a stove his mother would allow him on Earth after his many cooking debacles. Stirring slowly, he reviewed what now occurred from an eagle’s view point.

Hummer and cycle patrols, their light beams cutting through the ash darkness, littered the roadways all around them. Anti-grav crafts, five of them, cruised the sky above, using spectrum tech to search for them. Flight drones crisscrossed the land areas.

Psychics, several different types, and remote viewers attempted to spy them out. Satanists scried, using their black arts. A pale thin man with a belly pouch and a sharp widow’s peak of tan reddish hair directed them, his thin lips curling in a sinister smile. And his reptilian eyes glowed.

Volcano knew he was a hybrid several generations old, bred by the Black Ops elite in league with one group of the Grays, time travelers from Earth’s first age, who wanted a future on Earth, not just a past. Grays who wanted a home planet again, not just life among the stars in their great ships.

But then, many races fought for the right to inherit Earth if humanity destroyed themselves—inner-terrestrials, extraterrestrials, other dimensional beings. Petitions had been made, and plans made, the wars already fought.

Several galactic races sought to help humanity through to their Aquarian age, the next evolution of Gaia. Some of their intentions were spiritually benevolent, and understanding of the human condition. Some races assisted because it served their own celestial highest destinies.

Pouring out the cocoa into two mugs, he added dollops of the whipped cream. Careful to lessen his arousal to appear human-relaxed, he returned to his incarnated angel. Nude.


* * * *


Sedona watched him enter carrying the mugs. His entire body glistened like bronze as if he were a living breathing statue. Good Goddess! He was hunk o‘ licious built. He should be with some movie starlet type, one that matched his voice.

,” he proudly announced. “One of my few cooking talents.”

“I’ll be the judge of that. Hot chocolate is my specialty.” She accepted the mug, and tried not to look. Instead, she continued staring at all his male splendid assets.

Finally she turned her head, her cheeks flushing again. She sat up, taking a tentative sip. “Not bad, not bad at all. Thanks, cherub. Kind of you. Manna cocoa?”

He beamed a masculine smile, then leaned on the far end of the fireplace mantel. “Yes, manna cocoa.” He took a long taste.

“Something wrong?” Sedona arched a brow. “The Dark Masters?”

“We’re safe, Sedona. They’re covering all the routes. Land and air.”

“By sea, if there was one,” she dryly joked. “And Maya Toga Days in LA is important because?”

“Who you are. Your light joined with all those of the Light. It heralds a beginning. A new dawn of golden rays, the sun breaking through for humanity, therefore, for All.”

“No opening a convenient portal? Just a little wormhole to the festivities. Personally, I don’t want to miss the gay pride parade, all those feathered serpents on display.”

Volcano smiled. And the room lit to bronze golden warmth.

“Wow, neat trick, cherub. Especially

” Sedona lowered her mug, staring unabashedly. His ‘serpent’ glowed with white golden light.

“No feathers,” he teased.

“No feathers,” she murmured after a long moment. “So, how do we get to LA., if it’s so divinely important.” Sedona blinked, but couldn’t take her gaze off his anatomy, all of it.

“Portal energy would be detected and bring the Dark Masters closer to us.” Volcano smiled with masculine smugness. “Enjoying the view

“Yeah, yeah, you bad cherub exhibitionist.” Turning her gaze away, Sedona concentrated on the incredible taste of the cocoa, and thought. “Mirrors,” she murmured. “Turn us into a traveling mirror. Maybe we’d just look like part of the scenery.”

“It would deceive the black ops tech enough, but if an evil one observed us, they would know our angelic force, if they didn’t see their reflection.”

Sedona shook her head. “If they can’t see their reflection, how?”

“They would see the mirror effect as we moved, discover it wasn’t a technology. Then know our deception.”

“And do what?”

“Know where to focus their dark force, their black arts’ manifestations. If they can’t capture us, they would stall us long enough, to keep us from reaching the Serpent Vortex of the Milky Way.”

“So, it is real.”

“It is real. The purest starlight delivered to humanity, milk from the heavenly breast.”

“And I have to be there, not that I wouldn’t want to be there. Spiritually, I would love to be there. But I’m tired. Most of the time I feel drained of everything. Like my life force has vanished. To be honest.”

“I know, Sedona. Your angelic force has been suckled dry by the needs of humanity.”

“Probably because I don’t put up enough barriers.”

“You love humanity.”

“I do, even if I can’t stand to be around a lot of them anymore. Although, to tell the truth, I don’t feel the pure love as much as I used to. Disappointment is a killer. I thought we should be way ahead. You know, love and light, thriving instead of surviving. Dancing in the streets. Dreams realized. Robot maids. Maybe I didn’t understand the amount, the high level of evil in the world.” Sedona smiled wanly, then took another sip to comfort herself.

“Few did know. Good versus evil, the battle has been brewing almost since the beginning of humanity’s life on Earth. For ages now, the battle has fed on blood sacrifices, and been fueled by the manufactured hatreds of race against race, religion against religion, ego power against ego power, all manipulation of the Dark Masters, and by those in their service.” His silvered gaze beamed into her, from on High.

Sedona nodded, feeling his words live inside her soul. “Divide and conquer, cherub. You tell people that, and most of them decide mad cow disease has taken over your brain.”

She took a moment to savor her cocoa. “I know my love for people is still there. I feel it winging sometimes, the beautiful grace of a dove. I see the miracles, the freedom fighters, experience the good of humanity and I know I’m willing to help however I can, then I feel lost. Entirely lost.” Straightening her shoulders, she breathed deeply for a moment, then fully gazed at him. “We’ll just have to run the gauntlet, cherub.”

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