3 Hit the Road Jack (26 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: 3 Hit the Road Jack
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“Thanks for trying,” I smiled, gently disentangling myself from his tight hold.

“You all should go. Will and I will stay behind and pack everything. I have an old friend who owes me a favor up the coast; I’
ll call him in. I trust him,” Al offered.

“Sure you’ll be ok

“I’m sure. Keep your eyes open though,” he warned.

“Will, it’s time for you to get a little dirty. Borrow one of Kellan’s outfits if you need to because your buttons are about to be popped off. I need you to be more than just a sideline right now. I need you to step up your game and become more of a supporter than a cheerleader right now.” He frowned, already wrinkling his nose at the suggestion. “Help Al help us. Wouldn’t you like to write down a bit of what you did in that journal of yours?”

He seemed to contemplate my words for a bit. “My role isn’t to be involved Lexi. My role is to
; to assist you in staying on the right path. Nothing more.”

“Well you can either help Al or pack your crap and go. I don’t need another body to watch; I need a soldier. You’re a freaking vampire Will. Don’t be snooty about this.”

He took a deep breath, his eyes traveling the room. “Fine. I’ll help.”

“Thank you Eislom,” I beamed overly enthusiastically. He rolled his eyes, a pout on his lips.

“I’ve located an abandoned factory a few blocks away, heading back towards the marina,” Kalel announced.

“Awesome. Let’s go. I can’t wait to kick each and every one of your
s,” I laughed.

“Keep talking that
, but we’ll see who’s still standing in the end,” Kellan bantered.

“Right on mate,” Craig

“I definitely want a piece of your ass on a platter,” John growled.

“I’m not going to read into that any further,” I replied.

“Neither am I or else we might start fighting early,” Kellan stated

“Kick his ass for me please Lex,” Gabi hollered.

“I will.”

“Tag teams then one on one,” Kai said. “It’ll help us to work as a group, but also be prepared if we’re caught alone.

“Sounds good to me.”
And it felt good too. I finally felt like I was back on the right track; like I was finally making use of all my resources. We’d be prepared for sure the next time Jack and his team came at us. I had enough emotional ammo to fuel a bomb that could knock half the world off the map.

Chapter 25

The factory still held all the manufacturing equipment in it. A few broken windows near the top of the
foot walls had allowed the salt from the ocean infused air to rust a lot of the pieces.
“This is perfect,” I smiled, rubbing my hands together. The pieces were perfect for simulating a fight around real objects that very well could be in our way. We’d already fought in a hotel room; and before then in other locations that had obstacles to be aware of during combat too. We had to be prepared for anything; I was learning that slowly but surely.
We had to b
e ready for anything at any time in any place.
“Let’s start by breaking up into two even teams. Kai, Leka, and Craig; you’ll be fighting me, John and Kellan. Start out in opposite corners of the space, it’ll give us practice in hiding, keeping a low profile when approaching our enemy and also just maneuvering quietly in general.”
“Get ready to be slaughtered,” I smirked, turning and heading to the other side of the factory where the belts began their assembly line roller coaster.
“Sliggy worm is who I am,” Craig chanted.
“Why a worm?” I saw Kai shake his head in dismay beside me, probably wondering why I even bothered entertaining Craig.
“He’s the worm that lives in Bikini Bottom but is never eaten. He’s super smooth, super slick; he’s a super slug.” He added some sort of karate hand jab at the end of his sentence.
“We need to focus. This could be life or death for any of us,” Kai said, quickly sobering us back to reality; a harsh reminder that this wasn’t a game.
,” I nodded. “Should we head around the perimeter or cut straight through?”

“Both. Two of us can go down the center of the room while one person stalks the perimeter in case you two get caught head on or are converged in on.”

“Based on your words, I take it me and Craig are heading straight into it as the targets.”

“I have more experience and am more aware of my surroundings.”

“Shouldn’t you be in the middle of everything then?”

“No, I’ll be better on the outside.”

“I’m down mate,” Craig agree

“I guess that works.”

“It’s best to save your energy. Dodge their attempts until they get so frustrated that they get sloppy. Then hit them with a swift, straight blow to the chest, and never attack straight on from behind, they could easily turn at the last second and stab you head on.”

“Well then. I guess let’s split up. See you on the other side,” I said. Kai nodded and sunk down
, quietly inching along the back wall towards the right side of the room.

Craig and I looked at each other, nodding in understanding that we were to watch each other’s backs at we entered the war zone. He jerked his head, signaling for me to go first. I ducked under a table-height belt, scanning the area as far as my eyes al
d in the darkness before waddling a few feet. I stood, pressing my back against a pass through, where something used to stamp, mold or cut the items that were on the line. Craig followed my moves, arriving at the post right when I turned and squatted to head further into the trenches.

We maneuvered our way through the maze of equipment, slick and silent. When we neared the other end of the space without seeing the others I began to worry. Anxiety coursed through my veins. My body was on edge. I was anticipating an attack, someone springing themselves at me at any second, but the longer it didn’t happen, the more careless I became with my moves. I was inviting them to take advantage of my reckless behavior.

I glanced to the right and found Kai approaching us, not even bothering to hide his movement. He must have hit the same impatient point I was at. We’d taken over ten minutes darting around the space silently. The second we all came together, I heard the whoosh of air above us. Kellan, Kalel and John flew down from an overhead metal walking plank.
Crap. We didn’t look up!

They all landed behind one of us, their arms making quick work of our necks trying to snap them.
Kai, Craig and I held tightly to their forearms and sent them flying over our heads. Their bodies s
lammed into each other, launching
off the limbs of another in their collision

They landed on their feet despite the mid-air fumble and came at us directly. Kalel came at me strong; John not going easy on Craig, and I heard Kai and Kellan going at it pretty harshly at my side. With that match up though, I think they’d been waiting for an excuse to really spar.

At the last second Kalel darted right
thinking quick, I turned to my right so we would collide head on in the middle. I lifted my leg to kick him right as I rounded fully; he caught my leg and flipped me backwa
rds, tossing me into the heavy metal of a nearby machine. I immediately leapt to my feet in one swift move. I launched myself at him, aiming slightly off center having a feeling he would move. He did, but I caught his left shoulder, taking him down to the cement floor.

A struggle of strength ensued as we rolled over and under each other. He squeezed my knee cap between his muscular thighs, effectively popping it out of place. With my free leg I delivered a kicked straight to the back of his head
with the toe of my shoes
, catching him off guard with the move. He stumbled, letting go of his strong lower body grip. I took advantage of his weakness, sliding my hands down his chest, grabbing his shirt and sending him flying backwards. He landed on one of the belts, the metal below it creaking and cracking under the pressure.

I popped my kneecap back in place and wasted no time with my onslaught again. He blocked my punch, catching my wrist and twisting my arm behind my back and upwards to dislocate my shoulder. I winced as the pain shot through my upper back and arm. Damn he wasn’t playing fair. Weren’t there lines we weren’t supposed to cross in simulated fights?

I swung around and kneed his family jewels earning a gasp from him. His arms went out right as I ducked and punched his knee. I leapt up and over his jerk reaction as he kicked out at me. On the
down though he
caught my chin with an uppercut that sent me flying into the air. I landed on my feet on a belt heading up at an angle towards the second floor line. I turned and ran up the track, reaching the top in no time. I looked below to find Kalel heading up another line across from me. I raced towards him, hoping to build more speed than him, which would give me more strength when I pounced.

We launched ourselves at the same time; him doing a round kick, me springing straight towards hi
extended limb. I wrapped myself around his leg and bit hard into him. He hissed trying to flick me off as we landed with a loud thud on the cement floor, effectively cracking the concrete beneath us. Only then did I release him, but not without yanking a chunk of his pants and skin off.

He narrowed his eyes at me, growling fiercely as I wiped his blood from my mouth with the back of my hand. His chest puffed in and out as he watched me. I knew he was calculating his next approach, but I couldn’t help but think something else flashed through his mind as well.

I caught sight of movement overhead. I instinctively jerked my head in that direction. Kalel cocked his head in front of me. I pointed a finger upwards. He stepped in front of me, withdrawing his dagger. Without warning he took off at top speed, racing up the maze of belts. Before he reached the top a ninja dropped out in front of me.

“Guys!” I yelled as a flood of them flew down from overhead. “Holy sugarplums.” I knew my eyes were wide with horror. There were at least eighteen of them.

I tackled the closest one to me, flinging two off me as
came at me from behind. I was barely missing their attempts as I ducked and jumped, spun and twirled in and out of their three against one slaughter. I got lucky and two attacked each other when I escaped at the last possibly nanosecond, leaving me to handle the one.

A flash of silver in the moonlight caught my attention.
“John!” Ignoring the ninja in my way I raced full force, with all my heart, soul and strength. I’d be damned if these guys got another one of my family members or friends. John heeded my warning blocking the downward stab with his forearm.

Adrenaline screamed from within my veins. These guys were pissing me off! I was tired of their freaking herbal elixirs delivered with a fast, harsh blow. I’d lost so much already and I didn’t deserve to lose anymore. I shouldn’t have to lose any more. It was time Jack felt what it was like to lose.

I arrived in front of the ninja John was holding back, my anger palpable in my every move. I reached out without thinking and ripped the neck off the ninja.
It was so quick that blood didn’t even spray out immediately.

“What the fuck?!” John exclaimed. His eyes wide as he glared at me, taking a few steps away from me.

“What?” I looked around to find every ninja in the room had stopped and were starting to back out of the space. I sought Kellan. “Kellan?” I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he looked me up and down.

I looked down and gasped, immediately finding what had stopped them dead in their tracks. My veins, the blood coursing through my veins, was glowing, like a toxic river running beneath my skin. I held my hands out in front of me watching the steady lamination; trying to hold onto my sanity when I just wanted to
lose it
. “What’s wrong with me?” I cried. “Oh God,” I shuddered.

My breathing became erratic as panic began to set in.
I pushed down on my skin, but nothing happened. The light flexed beneath my pressure, but didn’t dwindle. I looked around at each of them helplessly, pleading for an answer.

Like my Savior coming forth, Kellan walked right up to me and pulled me into his arms. “It’s ok babe. Nothing’s happening beyond a neon light show. I’m here, and I’m not leaving you,” he soothed, rubbing his hand up and down my back. I wrapped my arms around him, pressing my face into his chest.

“Holy shit,” John stated. I pulled back and looked at him, unsure how it could get much worse. “When he touched you, it
… it
went away. It’s like he’s your bloody light switch,” he gawked.

I looked down at my skin, relief washing over me the second I saw I was back to normal. I exhaled, letting out a shaky breath.

“Damn, that Sir Staten fellow was no joke,” John harrumphed. There was a bit of awe in his voice, but no reverence. He was impressed by the power, but didn’t respect the idea of it.

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