3 Hit the Road Jack (33 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: 3 Hit the Road Jack
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“Where there is a myth, there is a hunter. Where there is a story, there is some truth,” Imara stated.


“We exist, do we not? So they probably exist to some degree as well.” She sat down beside me, placing a hand on my thigh.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help feel like we’re just washing this all away, like we’re forgiving him for making our lives a living hell these past couple weeks.
How exactly would this have ended if it wasn’t for my surprise twist?” I looked directly at Jack, not willing to just wipe the slate clean quite as easily.

“I check. The pens were filled with berries and blood,” Kalel offered.

“So this really was just a game to you?” I checked.

He at least did look at bit embarrassed. “It gets lonely here. Bart is still human. No one can keep up with me.”

Which reminds me. Why did you send Rico after me?”

“Who is Rico?”

“Vamp army, double agent. You hired him to target me around Christmas. He said Black Jack when he was questioned.”

“Oh Alexa, you have garnered the attention of the second
vampeen ever created; the leader of the vampeen vampire war, Johanne’
s first son, Cesar. His game of choice is black jack, hence the nickname,” Jack explained. I felt myself pale.

Oh God. This is never going to end, is it?
I turned towards Kellan. He offered me silent reassurance to counter the fear in my eyes.

“Jack, don’t scare the poor girl,” Imara fussed. “Actually, why don’t you try your skills on Alexa.”


“You want to see your future Alexa? Do you want to see what your fate truly consists of?”

A chill ran down my spine at his words. Kellan bristled beside me; I sensed the others doing the same. Sensing it was big, I opened my

“Give me your hand Alexa. I can project the image into everyone’s mind,” Imara offered. I agreed, placing my hand in hers.

The second
s hand clasped down on my shoulder, it was as if all the air was sucked out of me. My mind was thrown into a projected scene. It was literally as if I was watching myself.

Barefoot, dressed in sweatpant capris, though not my usual, and a somewhat loose-fitting t-shirt, I looked out the window of the hi-rise condo. I was in the middle of a city, though I couldn’t say for sure which one. I must have been in the center given the view of roofs and another tall building adjacent to my own. I let the curtain slide between my fingers as I turned and walked away. That’s when I saw it; my baby bump. I must have been at least five months along.

I walked over and plopped down on the black leather sofa. The décor of the place was ultra-modern, certainly not my taste. It must have been a hotel then, though the computer cubby in the corner, set up with a full computer, books and more disputed my idea.
I jumped up, tossing the magazine, the second I heard the thud. Turning quick I saw the last of them land on the balcony. I wrapped a protective hand around my stomach and raced to the front door. A quick pe
k in the hall showed two racing straight towards me. I slammed the door, locking it before I leaned my back again

I scanned the apartment for a weapon, abruptly grabbing several knives from the kitchen of varying lengths. I could see the panic in my face as I glanced down at my belly, the tears already welling. There were four guys on the balcony, taunting me through the door, and another two right outside. I had no idea what they were waiting on, until I saw the Bluetooth in one of their ears. They were waiting on orders, an approval to bust through.

I stared longingly at the bedroom, but I was smart enough to know not to box myself in. I would have to face them head on, six against one, fighting to protect me and my unborn child at all costs.

“Where the hell is he?!” I
out in a whisper to myself. I saw the resolve beginning to take form on my face. My jaw suddenly became set as fire lit in my eyes. I actually looked like a f
rce force to be reckoned with.

I narrowed my eyes at the black girl with short twists on her head; she was focused on me, her eyes dancing between my face and my belly. Somehow I knew it would be her who did the most damage.

I heard the “Go!”come in over their headsets. I planted my feet shoulder width apart and firmed my grip on the knives, one ultra-long and another ultra-short. They crashed through the doors simultaneously. Like a trained assassin, I flew in circles around the men, quickly knocking three of them out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the blonde guy pull the gun and aim it for me. I yanked his partner in front of me the second the trigger was pulled. The guy fell fast to the floor right as I tomahawked the large knife into the assailant’s chest.

I turned towards the balcony where she was standing, arms crossed, studying me. She was smart. She’d stood back and observed my fighting skills, learned my style.

“Such a pity to have to kill such a worthy opponent. You could have made an excellent sparring partner,” she said, her island accent thick, as she began to walk arou
nd the out
er edges of the room. I watched her like a hawk eyeing its prey. My fingers pianoed the knife handle; it was all I had left, and it was short meaning I’d have to get close or aim hard and well. I instantly knew somehow though that it would be the first.

She continued her stalking, leaving me on edge, anticipating her spring, or perhaps she was hoping I’d be foolish enough to attack first. I heard the whirring through the air before I saw it; a tiny knife, the size of an envelope open
, flew pointedly towards my stomach. I dove down
my si
e across the floor knocking over the coffee table, barely missing its sharp blade. The second the item hit the
sofa behind me, it sizzled and the material began to melt and dissolve.

“Acid?” She merely nodded with her brows, folding her hands behind her back.

I began to fidget; I was losing my patience. I couldn’t afford to do anything stupid though. As if sensing my disquiet, she turned and faced me head on. She withdrew a weapon with each hand; a knife and a needle filled with some sort of liquid. I swallowed; my throat had to be filled with serum by this point. My left hand caressed my stomach; it appeared I was gathering my strength, knowing this fight wouldn’t be for myself.

She released a war cry as she raced straight towards me. I waited until the last second to flee. She caught my neck with her arm yanking me back towards her; I threw her over me by her arm and kicked the knife out of her hand. Her free hand gripped my foot and sent me backwards on my ass. I used the foot she held to kick her, but she merely slid away for a split second and slid back, her grip on me tight. She looked at me, a gleam in her eye right as the needle jammed into my

“No!” I screamed as the reality of it hit me. Summoning an unknown power,
a light glow illuminating off of me,
I did the same thing to her as I did to Keira. I was on her in no time ripping her to shreds with my nails and the knife. She fought back, but it wasn’t enough. It was as if I didn’t feel it because I continued on as if she weren’t attacking me in return, as if she weren’t shredding my clothes and scraping my skin. Blood covered the both of us.

I looked directly into her eyes. She lifted her chin in defiance, spitting in my face. Without further thought, I jammed the knife harshly into her chest. A second later her head turned sideways and she was dead. I burst into tears, blood and water running down my face.

I carefully slid off of her and removed the needle from my calf. It was still full, but I looked empty. Using the unharmed edge of the sofa, I hoisted myself up, wrapping my arms around myself, hugging my baby as I drowned in despair.

I glanced up at the sounds of someone running down the hall. I jumped back, preparing for the worst, though it didn’t seem like I had anything left in me to fight with. The second he saw me, Alejandro was at my side taking me in his arms.

“Where is he? Where is he?” I kep
t crying as he held me, surveying the disarray of the room and the fight I’d just been through.

I gasped when Jack released me. I felt the tears running down my cheeks. He gave me a hard gaze, one brow lifting then falling quickly, the only question he was asking me over what I’d seen.

I looked around at the others, their faces full of
either anger or
sadness; the worst of what I saw though was pity. They were looking at me with eyes fully of pity. I huffed, blocking my thoughts
Now I finally understood why Will had kept the future to himself. It did change you. I would be waiting, expecting this fight, praying I could find a way to avoid or change it.

“Next time, kee
p your skills to yourself Jack,” I said.

He shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

“Well, again, I apologize for my son Alexa. I’m sorry I didn’t get here in time for your show; I heard it was spectacular. I was hoping to visit Charleston soon and would love to stop in if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not. Just let me know when.”

“Jack, walk your dear mother out. It was a pleasure meeting all of you,” Imara waved.

“Fumbling juju beans,” Craig laughed. “Wait until Mel gets a load of this crock.”

“I don’t know if she’s going to laugh her butt off or be pissed that she missed out.
Probably a bit of both now that I think about it.” I looked at Al and grinned wide. “Wait until Auggy hears about this!” Al chuckled for the first time, his eyes lighting up with amusement.

“That’s if you can pull him away from Claire,” he

“Oh God Kellan. Could you imagine calling him Uncle Auggy?”

That’s a negative son,” he did his best Auggy impression, which was surprisingly almost spot

“Alright ladies and gentlemen,” Jack clapped his hands and he walked back in. “I hate to do this, but I’d like a little alone time with my future wife.”

“Future wife?” My brows couldn’t go any higher on my forehead.

Gabi was blushing like a school girl, and was as giddy as one too. I hated to admit it, but she was never this happy with Rafi. “Jack’s agreed to align with the Bladangs and Vamp Army if I marry him,” she beamed.

“Doesn’t the saying go, ‘Don’t mix business with pleasure?’”

“Oh I always mix business with pleasure,” Jack smirked, pulling Gabi to him and kissing her passionately.

“Ok! And we’re going. Bart! I need directions out of this place!” I yelled.

“Of course,” the man appeared with a smile. “You can use
elevators. It will deliver you
to a one way tunnel. Follow it out to the basement door. Go up the stairs and you will find a vehicle waiting for you. Have a wonderful day, and thank you for coming by.” He bowed as if he was a butler.

I grabbed Kellan’s hand. “We’re all walking out alive,” I smiled.

Chapter 31


“I can’t
I missed all the fun!” Mel cried. “But zita zappitas is it great to have you back!” She squeezed me and Craig at the same time. She’d been waiting for us at my house with Beth when we returned and immediately made us tell her everything.

“Well, in less than
you’ll be one of us,” I reminded her.

“I know! The time is flying by. I swear I’ll blink and see everything just like Bella,” she sque
led. “Of course there’ll be a whole lot of freaking out in between, which you’ll have to hold my hand through. Which reminds me. Party of the century is being planned for me! It’s going to be the week after I turn. I’m praying that they take some of what they whittled off of you and stuff it in my boobs and butt.”

“You didn’t get out much while we were gone, did you?”

“No. I sat glued to the phone, freaking out that I’d miss a call from you guys. Which
reminds me, spa day, me and you, and of course Gabi when she gets back from her honeymoon. I can’t believe she flew to Jamaica and got married the next day! Jack must be some vamp.”

The rest of the afternoon was spent catching up with Mel and Beth who
I was surprised to find
had gone out a couple times shopping together while we were gone. Later in the day
I called Aunt Claire, but was advised by Auggy’s assistant that
she was doing wonderful,
was otherwise preoccupied with her employer. I had a feeling wedding bells wo
uld be following them soon.

“Hey babe, I’m gonna go out for a bit. I’ll be back later.”

“Oh, ok. Have fun?” I didn’t know where he was going. He’d been a bit quiet all afternoon, although with Mel around, I didn’t know if he didn’t have anything to say or just wasn’t being given the chance to speak.

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