3 Hit the Road Jack (13 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: 3 Hit the Road Jack
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“Sure.” Rafi nodded, cuddling close with Gabi. His body was relaxed, but his jaw was flexing as if he was tense about the situation.

“Kai and Kellan, you’re with me or whoever else needs you. I don’t want anyone going off alone. We have no allies here, and regardless of who we befriend, they’re not to be trusted. Your goal is to locate or find sources or information on how to locate Jack; it’s my mission to deal with him.” Kellan stiffened beside me, his hand gripping mine a bit tighter.

“You are not facing him alone,”
he projected. I opened my mind.

“I’m not saying I will or won’t; I am saying that I’m more concerned with you and everyone else’s safety over my own. This is my fight, my responsibility.”

“You need to stop being so self-indulgent. It isn’t all about you Lexi. It’s about both of us. We’re an item now, as in one.

“I don’t want to argue babe. I just know how I feel about the situation and especially about you, and I’ve learned that guilt can destroy love.”
He nodded, closing himself off to me again. It was hard being separated mentally so much. That’s how we’d strengthened our relationship over the last couple
. We had open communication and a clear understanding of each other’s intentions and desires. Nothing was lost in translation or mixed up in delivery. At the same time, I was glad to have a little alone time with my thoughts, particularly the ones surrounding this mission. I’d rather lose my life than Kellan or anyone else lose theirs.

“Wow, I must admit I’m rather impressed. You have thought this through,” Will smiled, offering me his respect.

“Thanks. Everyone is to carry weapons twenty-four seven. Don’t unpack; be ready to go at a moment’s notice day or night.”

“What do you plan to do until Jack is located Lex?” Gabi asked. For some reason Imara and John popped into my head.

“A special assignment. I want to track down a family torn apart by Jack’s league of black ninjas.”

A tiny gasp escaped Gabi. I locked in on her. We were the only ones sitting outside in the cold so I planned to take advantage of it.

“How do you know Jack Gabi? And don’t change the subject, avoid it or feed me bull crap,” I pressed.

She visibly tensed as her breathing became shallow; I heard her pulse speed up. The table was silent, all eyes on her, waiting; anticipating. She swallowed hard, glancing around the table. I never knew Gabi to be afraid of anyone or anything. She always seemed so in control.

“I, uh… Well, we…” She fidgeted, separating herself from Rafi and fussing with random things as she built courage. “We, um, had a one-night stand. I didn’t know it was him until the next morning, and the second his cover was blown he disappeared. I never heard from him again.”

Eyes were a bit wider around the table, yet no one spoke.

“Where did you meet him?” I leaned forward, the wheels turning. Where she met him would give us at least some indication to his lifestyle choices.

“At a masquerade ball nearly eighty years ago, but it was a friend
f mine in
Spain who was human
and I
were the only vamps.”

“Ok, so either he was scouting, hunting, socializing or horny. Well, that narrows it down,” I sighed.

“Actually it does. Clearly he’s a vampire that will take a risk and show himself in public, and most likely it will be where vamps aren’t since his personal mission, regardless of its basis, never involves them,” Will explained, penning notes even as he spoke.

“Ok. So that’s the plan then. We seek out human only locals.”

“Great gippidy googals!” Craig nearly leapt out of his seat with joy. Half the table responded with a raised brow. “I’m a vamp, but I don’t like those damper drankulls.” Now everyone had a brow up, including Kellan. “Except you mateys,” he grinned wide.

“Uh huh.” Gabi rolled her eyes.

“Actually, now that I think of it, why didn’t we send Craig with Lexi to the embassy?” Will prompted.

“They wouldn’t have trusted him and probably would have separated them,” Kalel stated. “It was better the way we did it, despite the end results after she left.”

“I agree,” Craig said. “
I couldn’t bite my tongue hard enough. Kellan knows that.” Kellan shook his head in agreement.

“Where is our food?” Will harrumphed.

“Well, we know who gets cranky when he doesn’t eat,” I chuckled.

“The waiter is coming now,” Kai announced. I looked at him across the table. He’d been fairly quiet this evening since we arrived; well, quiet for Kai. In studying him, I saw something in his eyes; some sort of emotion he was trying to
suppress, but was failing to do
. Kai was always unpredictable, but he seemed almost emotionally unpredictable, which was strange for a vamp. He lifted his head pointedly gazing directly into my eyes. I was locked into his hold. I felt like he was stripping away my outer layers as he exposed his vulnerable side to me.

“Eight rare pasta filets,” the server stated as he walked out; a waitress followed after him to help deliver.

Kai glanced away, breaking the spell. I blinked a few times and looked at Kellan. He’d been watching us. I felt it; I knew it by the way he was staring at me. It was as if he was trying to tell me it’s ok, but he held an edge of curiosity behind it too. I knew, had I asked, that he would have said that he trusted me, but not Kai.

The servers delivered each of us
a small salad bowl and a large bowl of spaghetti marinara with rare steak filets thinly sliced and fanned across the top with a sprinkle of parsley
and oregano
. The aroma that filled the air was
enough to make my stomach growl, a rarity for a vampire. My serum levels remained low though since I’d downed eight pints before we left for the trip.

“Anything else is needed?” the waiter asked, his English a bit broken. He was polite though. When he discovered I didn’t understand Euskara, he spoke as much English as he could.
I couldn’t help but be touched by his generosity. Most wouldn’t think much of it, but I appreciated his effort and would be certain to leave him a nice tip to show it.

“No,” Rafi said. The server gave a quick nod of his head and returned to the warmth of the indoors.

We passed around blood gravy we brought along with us. We all liberally covered our dishes with the delicious sauce, mixing it into the pasta sauce. I giggled as Will tucked his linen napkin into his shirt collar to protect himself.

“I refuse to walk around looking
mess,” he said, defending his actions.

“I know. I’m not making fun of you; just amused because only you would do something like that. And I can’t help but think if you had a wife and kids you would be doing the same to them.”

“Perhaps.” His response was low. His features stiffened and his eyes stared down into his bowl of food. I’d hit a nerve which meant he did have a wife and kids at one point.

“When you’re ready to talk about them, I
’ll be
ready to listen,” I offered him a small smile, gripping his hand and giving him a gentle squeeze. He returned my gesture, but was already pushing down what I’d inadvertently brought to the surface for a bit.

“O.M.G. This is the best steak and pasta I’ve ever had,” Gabi exclaimed, drawing my attention down the table. Everyone was chowing down.

“No prayer?”

“I’m not going to feel guilty for that this time around,” Gabi said, continuing to devour her food.

“Said a quick silent one,” Rafi smiled.

“Me too,” Kalel added.

“Oh.” Brows furrowed I said a quick silent thanks for all I’d been blessed with thus far. Regardless of the god you serve, or beliefs you have, being grateful for what you receive is a must.

The rest of the meal was filled with stories, memories and lots of laughter. It felt like an Italian family dinner; the one they have every Sunday at
ama’s house. These people, even Will, were my family. They were the closest thing I had next to Aunt Claire and Mel. Loss was inevitable, but occasionally, so were gains, and I’d certainly gained a wonderful group of people to have in my eternity.

Chapter 13


“Since we’re already dressed up, we should go to a local club. Hit the town and see what info we can dig up on Mr. Jack,” Gabi suggested, as we climbed back into the SUV.

“We’ll have to spread out and mingle with the natives, but I’m game,” I said.

“I guess,” Kai frowned. My brows furrowed as I looked at him. He was sitting in the back, arms folded across his chest looking every bit the dangerous vampire he was.

I looked to Kellan, opening my mind.
“Mind if I sit next to him? I can tell something is and has been bothering him.”

He took a deep breath and curtly nodded once. He leaned in and planted a solid kiss on my lips, a clear display of his ownership. Regardless I leaned into him and savored his touch. His hand was gripped firmly on the back of my neck, his thumb splayed on my cheek, pulling me in at the precise angle he wanted to take me. His tongue carried a merriment of flavor as it dipped and played with my own. I waited, allowing him to set the pace and determine when enough was enough. I knew he needed this since Kai was the last person he wanted me beside, regardless of what my mind showed him in regards to my feelings and choices.

By the time he broke away we were both breathing hard. I swallowed hard at the intense gaze of his emerald eyes on my own honey brown.

“Talk about suckling succotash, let the lady breath mate,” Craig laughed heartily. I instantly blushed at his announcing our PDA. Not that I didn’t know they knew what was going on; we all had sensitive ears and perfect vision after all, but saying it out loud caused me to flush. Another quick kiss on the forehead and Kellan released me to sit beside Kai in the back row.

The second I rounded the corner to the last row, Kai narrowed his eyes at me. I ignored him and s
between him and Kalel who was clearly amused by the entire thing.

“Give a vamp some bloody room Craig. You don’t have to sit in my lap,” Will fussed. Craig scooted closer to Kellan, though there wasn’t much room to
given they were sittin
g where two people should be.

“Calm your nuggling nippers mate,” Craig replied. I shook my head at the pair acting like little kids arguing over something frivolous.

I leaned in close to Kai, my chest firmly pressed to his upper arm muscles. “What’s wrong?” I whispered, trying to at least offer the idea of privacy. He gave me a quick sideways glance only to turn and look out the window instead of reply.  “Kai.” He ignored me. I said back on the seat, crossed my arms over my chest exactly as he had. “Fine, if you want to be an ass, then be an ass. I’m just trying to be a good friend. The least you could do is say you don’t want to talk about it instead of ignoring me completely.”

“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” he bit out.

“Fine,” I huffed, turning my head the opposite direction. Kalel chuckled, a broad grin on his face and mischief sparkling in his brown eyes. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” He tried to cover his smile.

I sighed. “What’s wrong with him Kalel?”

“Trust me when I say it’s not the time or place to discuss it.” I no
dded, allowing
to fall into my lap.

It seemed Rafi had become the official chauffer while we were in Spain. He quickly pulled into a parking spot along the street about a block from the club.

“Go ahead; we’ll catch up,” Kai said, grabbing my hand and holding me in

“Have fun you two,” Kalel smirked. He winked as he slid past me.

“You going to be ok?”
Kellan asked. I shook my head. He didn’t look happy, but he wasn’t upset by it.
“See you inside.”

”Ok. Love you.”
His head shot towards me. It’d been a little while since I’d said the words. He grinned goofily.

“Love you too.”

“Hurry up mate. The ladies won’t wait forever.”

“Hey! You’re taken remember!” I shouted, reaching forward to smack his arm.

“Ouch! Creepin
love.” He made a scene of holding his hand over his arm where I’d attacked.

“Oh hush. You’re fine. You won’t be though if you dare cheat on my best friend while we’re here though.”

“Hurry up Ellen before she starts bitin,” Craig pushed Kellan out the SUV.

Will turned back and stared at the pair of us, a strange look upon his face. It’s as if he knew what was coming; knew something we didn’t, but couldn’t share it. Goose bumps broke out over me a
his lingering appraisal. Serum began to climb in my throat; I began to feel uneasy.
Just as I was about to explode, demanding information, he closed the door and walked away.

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