9781631053283HeartsLastChanceMichaels (3 page)

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“How do I know you’re not using mind control on me? Don’t
aliens sometimes use hypnosis and deception in order to charm humans before
revealing sinister plans?”

Brock placed his hand over his heart before kneeling at her

“Tricia, my love, I do not use anything but my mouth and my
body to let you know my feelings. Come, I ordered room service for you and your
friend. If your other two show up, there is enough for them also”

“Was it a set-up?” Tricia placed her towel in the adjoining
bathroom. “Did you arrange for Lara and Jayne to meet men so you could put the
moves on me? And did you arrange Becky’s man also?”

Brock frowned as he stood up. “I don’t understand what you
mean. I have no control over your friends’ choices. But it is almost noon and
you need nourishment.”

Tricia took his hand. He led her into the other room and
watched as her manner changed from wary to excitement as she loaded a plate
with croissants, eggs, bacon, and fruit. He took the silver carafe and filled
her coffee cup.

“Vanilla-flavored coffee, just as you like.” Brock seated
himself across from her and loaded his own plate.

“Something smells wonderful in here.” Becky’s door opened.
“Yours stayed, Trish? Mine left during the night.”

“I saw him leaving when I came out to order the food. You
can do better than him, if you want my opinion. A real man does not tiptoe
across the room carrying his footwear out of a desirable woman’s hotel room.”
Brock poured the other woman a cup and indicated one of the chairs. “I’m Brock

. Thanks for
breakfast.” She sat down and reached for a china plate. “Trish, I vote you hang
onto this one. He orders food and so far seems to be an excellent judge of

Tricia coughed. “You don’t know the half of it. Turns out
Brock and I have known each other for a long time, so he’ll be joining us for
dinner tonight.” Underneath the table, Brock felt her squeeze his knee. “The
girls and I had planned to hit the downtown mall and engage in some retail
therapy this afternoon. What did you have planned?”

“I need to return to my apartment and change clothes, plus check
in at the office. I can meet you anywhere after six o’clock.”

“Perfect.” Tricia’s finger trailed up his inseam. “We ate
light last night, so it’s Surf-n-Turf for us at the steakhouse on the circle. I
secured the reservation yesterday, so all I have to do is call and add any
extra people to our party. Then we hit the nightclub again.”

Brock frowned. “But you already have me. Why do you want to
return?” He squeezed her wandering hand,
led it
to his crotch.

Tricia leaned forward. “Maybe I want to see how good of a
pool player you are. And seduce you again on the dance floor.” Her fingers
unzipped his pants and closed around his erection.

Becky coughed. “I’d say get a room you two, but since I’m in
it…” She rose and took her plate back to her room. “Trish, let me know when
you’re ready to go.” Her door closed with a click of the lock.

Brock pushed the table away and hauled Tricia onto his lap.
“Aren’t you sore? I’m trying to be a gentleman here. I even let you have
privacy in the shower.”

“The shower nozzle has a massage setting. And I tried it
out, but decided to let you finish.” With a cocky smile, she slid to her knees
and her lips closed over the tip of his cock.

, Tricia.” He bucked his
hips to the rhythm she set.
When he
could stand no more, he tugged her hair, causing her to release him with a
sucking sound. “Stand up and remove your pants.”

She shimmied out of her tan Capri pants. “Do we have to have
a condom? I’m on birth control.”

“I know. But just to be extra safe.” Brock snapped his fingers
and a foil packet appeared in his hand. “Sometimes things fail. And I don’t
want to take a chance until we make sure you’re my mate.”

“How did you—never mind. Give me that.” Tricia’s face
registered surprise,
her desire overrode her
emotions. Brock felt her feelings wash over his mind and knew without a doubt
she enjoyed being with him, but like all Earth women, was holding back. He
watched her eyes darken as she sheathed him,
straddled his thighs in the chair. She positioned her pussy just out of reach
of his cock. “You want me?”

“Oh yes.” Brock reached up to stroke her moist petals. “And
you want me too. What are you waiting for?” He slicked a finger over her clit
and felt her body shudder. “Come to me
Put your body around mine and feel how much you
please me.”

She lowered herself onto him, grinding her pelvis against his.

When they were sated, she sagged against his chest.

“What did you call me? It sounded French.”

“I called you ‘my love’ in my language.” His arms tightened
around her.

“I liked it.” She pushed herself from him and went to the
bathroom, taking the used condom with her.
“Since I’m going
that way.”

Brock smiled and adjusted his clothing. He knew Tricia
More questions would come to
her. Right now, she was still in shock, and if there was anything he’d learned
over the years by watching her, it was to give her time to digest everything.
He hoped by the sixth day she’d accept things and take the next step with him.
That was the tricky part, since his beloved owned a prosperous
he’d have to petition the council for the
, or part
time residence. This was only acceptable in certain circumstances, but Brock
was confident the Elders would grant him permission.

He drank another cup of coffee and waited for Tricia to
reemerge. When she did, her hair was twisted up on her head. She sat down
beside him to put on her shoes,
gazed at him.

“I don’t suppose I need to ask you for your cell phone

Brock grinned. “No, just use your mind-speech. I’ll hear
you.” She kissed him and stood up. “And Tricia, I promise not to eavesdrop on
your conversation. When you’re ready to call me, think my name three times and
I’ll know to pay attention. Will that suffice?”

Tricia frowned. “What do you mean, ‘eavesdrop’? Do you hear
every single thought I make?”

“No, no, I can block it. But when you spoke to me with
others around, you always said my name three times. I didn’t know if you
remembered that or not.”

She visibly relaxed. “Okay then.” She slung a black purse
over her shoulder. “You’re sure you’ll be all right until tonight?”

Brock stood up and propelled her toward the door. “Go. Your
friends are waiting, and I have work to do. I will meet you back here or at the
restaurant when you call me.” He patted her ass. “Have fun.”




Chapter Two



Tricia enjoyed walking around the large, four-story downtown
Mall. She, Lara, Becky, and Jayne had similar tastes in clothing, music, and
art, but now she found herself wondering what Brock liked. He hadn’t mentioned
any specific likes or interests, except getting her clothes off.
Do they even wear clothes on his planet?
sort of foods are
found there?
She had a slight panic attack when they
passed the bookstore. If she had to travel to his planet, could she take her
books? What about TV? She was hooked on the crime scene shows. Or was there a
special computer where she could tap into the satellite? What about her
Oh God, please don’t tell me I
have to sell it.
Feeling short of breath at that thought, she sank down
onto the nearest bench.

“I’m fine, guys.
Just tired.”
Tricia hated to lie to her friends, but she couldn’t tell them the truth about
Brock yet. Not while she didn’t have all the facts.

, Becky said it sounded as if
you weren’t getting much sleep last night.” Jayne leaned in with a knowing
grin. “Mine wanted me to do all the work.”

“Tom was considerate, but after I gave him a blow job, he
had problems getting hard again.” Lara sighed. “I may go to the sex store and
see about one of those cock rings, if he calls me again. I don’t mind multiple
orgasms, but it would be nice to share one with him.”

“Okay.” Tricia struggled to her feet. Maybe sugar would calm
her down.
“Anyone for a snack?”

Several hours later, the four split up on their floor of the
hotel, to drop their bags and meet downstairs for afternoon tea.

“I think we need to try the wine tasting before we leave
tomorrow.” Lara bit into a cucumber sandwich. “That’s another thing I’ve always
wanted to do.”

“We could head over there after this.” Becky licked cream
from her fingers. “How far is the restaurant tonight, Trish?”

“Just up the block.” Tricia leaned back and sipped the hot
tea, feeling the relaxation flow through her.
She closed her eyes. “Just don’t eat too
much. I want to dance with Brock again tonight.”

“On the dance floor or in bed?”
heard Lara sputter on her own joke. Opening her eyes, she leaned forward and
placed her cup on the saucer. Selecting a chocolate chip scone, she smiled.


“How do you know he’ll keep his word and return tonight?”
Jayne poured another cup for herself. “I’m surprised he’s not texted you yet.
’s checked in with
me once an hour.”

Lara nodded. “Tom called me while you were trying on

Becky looked somber. “Bill snuck out on me this morning. I
think he lied about his marital status. I heard him talking on his phone about
a business trip and crashing at a friend’s.”

Tricia rubbed her friend’s arm. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.
Maybe tonight you’ll get lucky.”

“I hope so. But Jayne’s right. You haven’t talked or texted
Brock at all. What gives?”

Tricia shrugged. “He said he’d meet us at the restaurant at
six-thirty. He had a few things to do today.”
Brock, Brock, Brock, please text me in fifteen minutes.

What’s your phone
number? You never gave it to me.


Are you okay?

I’ll explain later.
Just a moment, please.

Becky gaped at her. “And you trust him to show up? Are you

“Trish! I can’t believe you let that man get away.” Lara set
down her cup. “That’s the oldest trick in the book, next to sneaking out in the
middle of the night. I can’t believe you, of all people, would fall for that.”

Tricia’s phone chimed.


we still on for dinner? Six-thirty, right?


She smiled and read it out loud.
“Told you
he could be trusted.”
She texted back.


thank you. We’ll meet you in the lobby.


problem. Wear something sexy?


your idea of sexy?


“No fair texting at the table,” Lara protested, grabbing the
phone from Tricia. “‘What’s your idea of sexy?’ What the hell is that about?”

Tricia grabbed it back. “He wants me to wear something sexy.
To some guys, it means no underwear. Others it means low-cut. I just want to
know if I should go for the stripper heels and the little black dress, or my
new outfit from
Banana Republic
.” Her phone chimed


bought something with bananas on it?


said you wouldn’t spy on me.


seemed to be in distress. Wear the new outfit. I like bananas.


She looked up. “He wants me to wear whatever I want.”

Lara rolled her eyes. “Sounds like a real winner. He’s
setting you up. If you’re not sexy enough to suit him, it gives him an excuse.
I’d wear the stripper heels; he’d have to be gay to resist that.”

“Not necessarily.” Tricia looked at her watch. “Are we ready
to head back? I’d like a nap before dinner.”

Becky stood up. “I’m with you. Breakfast was nice this
morning, but too early.”

Lara waved. “Give us a call before you head down, so we can
meet in the lobby.”

Tricia nodded as they headed back to their room.


* * * *


Brock whistled as he readied himself for the evening. He’d
been diligent about not checking in on Tricia’s thoughts until she summoned
him, now he was curious about this banana dress.
had been pleased when he disclosed Tricia was asking questions and seemed to
accept the explanations.
My mother isn’t
pleased with me or my brother, falling in love outside our species. Only
Chosen is the daughter of one of the Elders, and
is happy being the infant of the family.
He shook
his head, correcting himself.
His baby
sister, while enjoying the company of one particular male, looked forward to
her bonding.
She is too young yet.
Someone needs to take care of Mother while
I are away, and
is busy with his life. Who
knows if
will ever settle down?
Brock frowned at the thought of his
older sister.
Her time in the military made her too independent.
She has spurned the attentions of many
who sought to bond with her.
straightened his tie and smoothed the white shirt. Years of observing humans
had instilled the knowledge of appropriate attire for an evening with his lady,
even when accompanying her friends. Brock hoped Tricia would have more
He wanted her to be fully
aware of what would happen next weekend.
seems to enjoy the lovemaking, and I seem to please her in bed. Isn’t that near
the top of a female human’s requirement for bonding?

He noticed the clock, ten minutes till he was to meet her.
Brock shrugged into his suit jacket, checked for his wallet and keys,
left his upstairs loft apartment. He enjoyed the warm
breeze of the downtown area during the brief walk. Spotting Tricia entering the
establishment, he lengthened his strides in order to catch up to her.

“Have you been waiting long?” Brock greeted Tricia with a
peck on the cheek before linking his hand with hers.

“No, we just arrived. Tom and Austin should be here shortly.
Our party is now seven.” Tricia informed the
maitre d
, who in turn made a notation on his seating chart.
“Unfortunately, it looks as if Becky’s man won’t be joining us. Sometimes these
things work and sometimes they don’t.”

Brock nodded. The other two men joined them after a few
moments and it wasn’t long until they were seated at a round table in the
center of one of the dining rooms.

“You’re not wearing bananas.” He eyed her simple red lace
shift dress, which stopped just above her knees. With it she wore red and black
strappy sandals, matching bracelets, and ruby earrings.

Tricia squeezed his knee. “There’s a women’s clothing store
called ‘Banana Republic’. I love to shop there.”

After a delicious meal of steaks, seafood, and desserts, the
group migrated back to the nightclub. Brock shed his jacket, loosened his tie,
and rolled up his sleeves to join Tricia on the dance floor again. Hours later,
they retired to the privacy of her hotel room.

He peeled the lacy dress from her and admired her as she
stood wearing only her sandals, thong, and pushup bra.

“You are beautiful, Trish. No matter what you have or don’t
have on, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

She arched an eyebrow. “I’m a thing?”

He took her in his arms.

Tricia pulled her head back to look at him.
“And what about you?
Are you a person? Or are you a little
green man on your planet?
A wisp of light?
A hideous creature?”

“While I’m with you, I’ll be in human form.” Brock touched
his lips to the sensitive area under her left ear.

“But when you’re not?”

“Darling Tricia…do we have to go through this now?” His
hands peeled the straps of her bra down her arms. “I want you naked in my arms,
my lips on your body, and your sighs in my ears.” He scooped both breasts into
his palms, loving the way her nipples hardened into points. “Does my language
turn you on?” Brock traced the swell of each breast with a light finger.

Her breath hitched. “I just wanted to be sure I wouldn’t
wake up and find you in your natural form, whatever it is.” Tricia’s voice
dropped to a whisper when he sucked her left nipple into his mouth. “Brock…is
that even your name?”

Brock lifted his head. “It’s the closest translation of my
. Now I see the only way to get you to be
quiet is to either kiss you or give that mouth something to do. Which will it
be?” He picked her up and laid her on the bed, pulling her thong down her legs.

Tricia licked her lips. “What will you give my mouth? You’re
wearing too many clothes.”

Brock unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the floor, then
slipped out of the rest of his clothing. He cupped his erection in his palm.
“Where does my vixen want my cock?
In your mouth or your
glistening pussy?”

“I’m a vixen now?” She grinned up at him and spread her
legs. “In that case, get over here, alien.” She slid one hand down to play with
her clit.

His erection grew. Collecting a condom, Brock climbed onto
the bed and took his time protecting himself. “That’s so hot, watching you do
that.” He moved into her inch by inch, feeling her excitement grow. Brock
cupped her face in his hands and covered her lips with his, their tongues
mimicking their lower bodies.

Tricia’s arms crept around his neck as he kept the pace slow
and steady. Groaning in ecstasy, she tore her mouth from his, scoring her nails
down his back. When he picked up the tempo, he pulled her legs higher up his
torso. She sobbed her release during one last plunge from Brock. He collapsed
onto her, panting with exertion. Brock felt her pelvic muscles clench around
him and reached down to slip an arm under her knee. He moved in a slow manner,
and was rewarded when Tricia writhed, then shattered around him again.

What was that?” She shoved
her wet hair away from her temples.

“That was me loving you, and our bodies recognizing each
other.” He eased her leg back to the bed. “Have you noticed it gets better each
time? You amaze me.”

“I’m amazed also. Normally by the fourth time with someone,
I figure out their technique. But you surprise me every time. Is that part of
our connection?” Tricia looked up, still panting.

“You are my
. I have
loved you from the first time I slipped into your pillow when you were thirteen
and practiced kissing. I don’t understand the horrible music you were listening
to at the time, but it was the first time my lips touched yours. And I forgave
you for calling me ‘Steve’.”

“Oh my god.”
She buried her head on
his shoulder. “I’d forgotten that. You were there?
In my
I’m so embarrassed.”

“Lots of girls do that. But you were the only one I ever
wanted to touch.” Brock kissed the top of her head. “
what are you doing?” Her pussy clenched around him in waves.

She threw her head back and laughed. “How many teenage girls
did you watch?
Any of my friends?”

Brock thought for a moment. “I do not think you were
friends. Her name was Suzy
. Then there was
Tammy Staircase. But neither of them appealed to me. I did not like the way
they treated you.”

“You watched Tammy Stairs? Oh my God. She made my life a
living hell in Home Ec.” Tricia swatted him with a pillow.

Brock retaliated by withdrawing and moving backward on the
bed. His lips settled on her clit, and soon Tricia’s thighs were clamped on
each of his ears. He slithered his tongue into her channel, tasting the
unpleasant latex residue mixed with her salty sweetness while working her into
a frenzy
she’d collapsed, he stood up and disposed of the used condom. Brock held up the

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