9781631053283HeartsLastChanceMichaels (5 page)

BOOK: 9781631053283HeartsLastChanceMichaels
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Brock bent his head and took her breast in his mouth for a
few moments, then withdrew and kissed her lips. “I need to talk to you.”

She flung her arms around his neck and held him close.
“That’s what we’ve been doing all evening. What’s so important you have to wake
me up at three am?
Unless you want to make love again.”
He felt her fingertips slide down his chest and encounter his waistband. “Why
did you put your pants on?”

Brock rolled so she lay against him. “Remember our
discussion about my brother?”

“Yes.” Concern laced her voice. “Has something happened?”

“In a matter of speaking.
My older
siblings went after him and there is a situation to be dealt with.”

Pushing her hair out of her eyes, Tricia struggled to sit
up. “Do you need to return?”

need to
return. If I go alone, then I will not be allowed to come back for you.”

She frowned. “That’s stupid. This is an emergency! How can
they hold that against you?”

Brock held up his hand. “It doesn’t matter,
you contact your business partner and let him know you’ll be gone this week?”

But you don’t know how long this crisis will last. How can you guarantee you’ll
have me back in a week?”

Brock gripped her hands. “By the time we arrive, nearly a
week will have passed. I need to be there with my mother, in case the mediator
is unsuccessful and I lose two, maybe three members of my family.”

“Oh Brock, I’m being selfish.” Tricia threw her arms around
him and held him close. “Let me call Justin. I’ll tell him a family emergency
has come up. I’m sure he can handle things while I’m away. Secondly, are you
sure you can get me to your planet without me getting sick or worrying about my
atoms realigning?”

Brock laughed. “Like I said, you’ve watched too many Star
Trek episodes.” He cupped her head and kissed her. “Go make your calls and make
sure you wear something blue. My mother will loan you something for the rest of
your time on my planet.”

“I can’t take a suitcase?”

“Not this time.” He released her to scramble off the bed.
“If we are approved, you can show my sisters your fashion sense on other

Tricia reached for her cell phone. “I trust you.”


* * * *


Am I insane? Am I
going to wake up in a cell, being forced to endure torture? What happens if I’m
not allowed to return home? I’ll never see Becky, Jayne, or Lara ever again, or
even my family!
Tricia gripped the cell phone, staring at Justin’s number
on the screen.
But everything Brock told
me sounds so sincere. If he is telling me the truth, why the hell am I
hesitating? If it was my family in crisis, I’d want to be there for them, too,
instead of being ten thousand light years away.
She laughed to herself.
Already thinking like a space traveler, instead of a global one.
Follow your heart, Trish. Remember,
you’re the adventurous one.
Pushing the ‘call’ button, she took a deep
breath when she heard Justin’s sleepy voice.

“Sorry to wake you up, but I’ve got an emergency. Can you
look after things until I get back?”

“What’s going on? You’ve never taken any extra time off.”
Justin yawned.

“It’s a family thing, Jay. I have to go out of town for the
next several days. I need to know if you’re okay with this.”

He yawned again.
“Sure, Trish.
all the time you need. The place will be fine without you. Not the same, but I
promise not to make any major changes while you’re gone.”

Tricia smiled. Justin had always griped about needing more
decorations in the place, and threatened to bring in more, but she was happy
with the way it looked. “Thanks. I’ll see you when I get back.” She clicked the
‘off’ button and went in search of her blue suit.

Brock entered as
she struggled with her skirt. His fingers helped with the zipper,
his arms circled her narrow waist. “You look

“What’s the weather like on
Tricia leaned against him as she stared at their images in her full length
mirror. “Will I be too warm with the jacket? I know it looks better with it on,
so I’m wearing short sleeves underneath. Is that okay?”

His lips teased her earlobe. “You look beautiful. My sister
will ask if she can borrow these pretty earrings.”

Tricia touched the blue and silver beads which dangled from
her ears. “These have always been my favorites to wear with this outfit.” She
pulled away from him to slip her feet into ballet flats. “You said we’d be
there nearly a month. Since I don’t want to be barefoot, I’m leaving my high
heels behind. Will this be acceptable, or will your mother and sister be

“I think they will applaud your sense of prudency.” Brock
took her hand and led her to the bed. “Lie down and close your eyes.” He
stretched out beside her. “To make this easy for you, I’ll wait until you fall
asleep.” Brock placed his arm around her, held her close, and speaking softly
to her. Tricia felt her body relax,
drifted off
to sleep.

Voices roused her.

…you’ll scare her! Use the
translators. She’s waking up.” Tricia felt a hand squeeze her shoulder.
Blinking her eyes against the bright light, she squinted in the direction of
Brock’s voice.
Stretching her arms and legs,
she burrowed closer to his chest.
“The light.
It’s too

“Oh, sorry sweetheart.”
She heard
saw the light dim to a more comfortable
level. Tricia cracked one eye open, then another, and rolled over to see a
group of silvery-toned strangers. All had shades of purple hair of varying
lengths, which blended into shades of red or blue toward the ends.

“So you are
.” A woman with silvery blue hair ventured closer,
holding out her hands. “I am
. Welcome to our
home and

Tricia scrambled to sit up and whacked her head on the
shelves near Brock’s bed. Tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them back for
a moment before standing up. “Is it—I mean, on Earth, it’s customary to shake
hands in greeting.” She held out her own hand, imitating
“I am Tricia Alexander.”

grasped her hands. ‘Welcome
should have warned
you about his room before you arrived.”

“Mother, it would be pronounced ‘
I apologize for the shelving units.” Brock placed his hands on her head. The
pain subsided.

“That’s amazing.” Tricia turned her head to look at Brock,
then back at his mother. “I am happy to be here in your time of need.”

pale eyebrows lifted.
No one is with child.”

“She means she’s happy to be here while
are being held hostage,” Brock interjected.

“Yes, of course.
, greet your
brother. I can feel your impatience all the way over here.”

The group parted as a young female pushed her way to the
front and launched herself at Brock, who stepped to the side. When Brock set
her down, she pushed her fuchsia locks aside and grasped Tricia’s hands. “I am
happy to meet you at last,
. Brock has told me
about you, ever since he began watching you. I’m

Tricia smiled back. “Brock has told me a little about his
family. I hope I am acceptable.”

has told you about The
Council of Elders?”
looked startled.

“I had to, Mother. It was necessary for her to understand
the seriousness of my situation.”

“You know he was so desperate, he even took the form of
another Earth species, in order to be close to you?”
stepped closer to Tricia.

Tricia swallowed. His mother was going to be tough on her.
“Yes, he explained that. Also, how I thought I was talking to myself over the

“My son can be persistent.”
stepped back, her royal blue skirts swishing around her ankles. “Let me
introduce you to the rest of the household. Ladies, let us move into the living
area. My son’s room is becoming crowded.” Once again the group parted, in order
to let her pass.

followed, then turned back
to grab Tricia’s hand. “Come, since I feel I already know you. I can explain
probably did not.”

Tricia looked back. Brock smiled at her and took her other
hand. “I will not desert you.
, I will be with
her until I am summoned to speak with

Thank you. I feel
better with you here.

I know.

Don’t you know it’s
impolite to use telepathy when in a group?
voice sounded in her mind.

Tricia sucked in a breath.
I’m sorry. I thought only Brock could hear me.

stopped walking. “
, behave yourself. Put up your shields.”

Tricia felt the color drain from her face. She whispered to
Brock, “They heard us?”

“It’s polite to put up mental shields. My sister was teasing
us, but apparently my mother is monitoring your thoughts, to check for honesty.
Since she admonished
, she has accepted you.”
Brock squeezed her hand as they entered a spacious living area in shades of
brown, white, and green.
sat down at one end on
what seemed to be a horseshoe shaped cushioned bench. She patted the space
beside her, so Tricia and Brock joined her.

commandeered a large white
chair by the fireplace, while the rest of the group settled on the various
chairs, benches, or even the floor. The table in the center of the semi-circle
up popped a 3-D figure.

“Pardon the intrusion,
.” The
figure bowed its head. “Has
arrived with his

“I have,
,” Brock spoke up.

Report to me in an hour.
Blessings to all, and once again, forgive my intrusion.” The image blinked off.

waved her hand and servants
entered with trays of food, which they placed on tables.
clapped her hands.

“My favorite!
Thank you Mother.
, you’ll enjoy this.” She leaned forward and selected
a pink and green pastry on a plate. “These are delicious. Try it.”
picked up one and bit into it, closing her eyes as a
blissful look crossed her silvery face.

Tricia looked at Brock, who had chosen a plain green one.
“They are similar to your doughnuts,” he told her. “Go ahead, try it.”

She took a cautious bite.
Sweet, but not
overly so.
Brock was
it was like biting
into an airy croissant. The topping held a hint of cinnamon flavor. “You’re
right, this is wonderful.”

“Mother only has these made for special occasions.”
licked her gold-painted fingertips. She handed Tricia
a tiny cup of red liquid. “Here, try her special wine.
Just a
It’s rather potent for one who’s not used to it.”

Tricia swirled the two-ounce goblet and sniffed it.
A spicy aroma, with a hint of sweetness.
She took a sip and choked
as the liquid burned the back of her throat. Not wanting to seem ungrateful,
she blinked at the tears forming in her eyes and bit into her pastry again.

Brock offered her a cup of clear liquid. “It is water,” he

Tricia took a healthy swallow,
set it down on the table. “No wonder you ate that salsa so easily Saturday
night. You have no taste buds.” She squeezed his knee and took another bite of
the delicious pastry.

cleared her throat. “
, why don’t you tell us about yourself? Do you
remember the first time you spoke to my son?”

“I don’t really remember. I think I was playing in the yard
with my dog Charlie, and talked to him, only it was like I heard another voice
in my head.
We simply talked to
each other. I think my mother indulged me when I told her about the boy in the
backyard. I remember her telling my father about my ‘invisible playmate’. Over
the years, it just became a habit, to say things in my head.” Tricia ducked her
This does sound crazy! I don’t
if she doesn’t believe me.

, I do believe you.” The
gentleness in
voice made her look up again.
vivid blue eyes were full of compassion. “This is
how we make contact with other species. We observe, and when we find someone
who is receptive to our telepathy, then we know we’ve found our
. But we do not force our
to accept us; when the time is right, we present ourselves. If the Chosen
rejects us, then we return home and meditate, so another may be found.” She
sipped from her goblet. “You are the first Earthling to visit our planet, so
this is a new experience, not only for you, but for us. I am happy my son was
able to transport you. I hope you will be comfortable during your stay.
tells us you own your own establishment.”

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