A Home for Haley (9 page)

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Authors: Mary Jane Morgan

BOOK: A Home for Haley
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Haley listened to their banter,
thoroughly enjoying herself until Ethan addressed her. “You wanna be a nanny
for one more?” She stammered out something even she didn’t understand and
everyone laughed. “Ah come on,” Ethan teased. “Matt’ll pay you a million bucks
to give him a break.”

Matt snorted. “Chloe’s easy these
days. Kayla’s a lot harder work than her.”

“Actually, I’d love to watch Chloe.
It would be fun,” Haley said, stopping the conversation. Everyone turned to
stare at her as if in shock. She shrugged. “They’ll pretty much entertain

Ashley squealed with delight. “It’s

Ethan held up a hand. “Whoa there,
little sis. I’ve still got a lot to do here. We open our doors in a little over
a month.”

“Let Hank take care of things,”
Ashley said.

Ethan shook his head. “Can’t count
on him being around all the time.”

Ashley’s face fell and Haley felt bad
for her. She could tell Ashley was trying to find a comfortable place back in
the family she hadn’t seen very often since leaving home.

“If Hank knew ahead of time,
couldn’t he take care of this place for a few days?” Haley suggested. “I mean,
you’ve hired a cook and cleaning person. Right?”

“Right, but Hank isn’t going to
want to do that.” Ethan shot her a look meant to hush her up.

“How do you know? After all, he
does own half of the place,” Haley couldn’t help but add.

Ashley’s brows shot up. “Really? The
man sleeps in the barn for crying out loud.”

“I’m telling you guys, Hank prefers
animals. If he had to deal with people problems while I’m gone, he’d shoot me
in my sleep at the first opportunity.”

“What’s his problem? Does he think
he’s better than everyone else?” Ashley scowled at her brother.

Ethan’s brows drew together. “You
know better than that, Ashley. Hank would give his life for someone he cares
about. You just don’t get him. You never have.”

“That’s the damn truth.” Ashley
leaned back and braced her hands on the porch rail “So you’re saying you can’t
come to California because the other owner of this place won’t help out.”

Ethan let out a long sigh and
started to say something, but Ashley waved him off, turned on her heel and went
inside, letting the screen door slam behind her.

“Whew,” Matt said. “I think little
sister’s feelings are hurt. You gotta admit it was a generous offer. How about
Francie and I come out and host your guests while you’re gone? You’ll have
Chloe, so surely Francie and I won’t have a problem taking care of Elisa and doing
what needs to be done here. And we’ll bring Mom with us, so that won’t be a

“That’s really a generous offer,”
Haley said, as the hoot of an owl drew her attention out toward the field. A
month ago, she wouldn’t have known what that sound was. In fact, it would have
scared her. Now she wished she could see it.

“It’d be fun,” Francie said. “As
long as I can ride any horse I want,” she added, wiggling her eyebrows at her

Ethan shrugged. “Fine with me. All
but the black stallion. He’s Hank’s.”

“No problem.” Francie grinned like
a kid.

“Does that mean we’re going to
Disneyland?” Haley asked, excitement thrumming through her for the first time
in years.

“Guess so. And I’m going in right
now to tell Ashley.”

Haley’s smiled widened. “Tell her I
said thank you. This will be a huge thrill for Ryan.”

Ethan headed inside. Haley watched
him go, excited at the turn of events.

“You sore from riding?” Francie

“That’s the understatement of the
year. It hurts to move and it hurts to sit.” Haley rubbed her thighs, kneaded
them as best she could through her jeans. “I think I’ll go sit in the hot tub,
soak my achy muscles and hope I’ll be able to move tomorrow.”

“I’ll join you,” Francie said.

“I’d like that,” Haley responded.
Ethan had been right. She needed to start enjoying herself. “I’ll see you there
in a few minutes.” Smiling and feeling way more lighthearted than she’d ever
dreamed possible these last few years, she picked up Ryan and headed to her
room to put him down for the night and change into a swimsuit.




Ethan knocked on Ashley’s door and
when she didn’t answer, he shoved it open. “I’m sorry, Ashley,” he said to her
back. She stood in front of the window staring out.

He held in a groan of frustration. She
turned around and gave him a forced smile. “No problem. I figured you wouldn’t
come, but . . .” Her voice trailed off and she shrugged.

Ethan wanted to get the hell out of
here, but he forced himself to go to his sister, who he knew was hurting. He
gathered her stiff body in his arms. “Why in the world do you say things like
that? We’d love to come to California.”

She remained silent, but didn’t try
and pull away. “Ashely? Look at me.” Still no response. He took her shoulders
and held her away from him, shocked when he saw she’d been crying. “Tell me
what’s going on. What’s
going on.”

She stared at his chest. “I’m fine.
I’m always fine, so don’t worry about it.”

Beam me up, Scottie
. “You’re
not fine. How can you not know that we miss you and we’d all love to come out
and see you? Not to mention that the kids will be thrilled to visit Disneyland.
And,” he added with emphasis, “we figured out a way to make that work. Matt and
Francie volunteered to bring Mom here while they play host.”

Ashley jerked her bloodshot gaze up
to his face. “Really?”

“Yep. Haley is as excited as a kid,
and I’m looking forward to hanging with you and seeing your world. I sure do
wish your world was here with us, though.”

Her eyes glistened with unshed
tears. “I doubt that would work for me. Too much has happened.”

“But it didn’t happen here. I think
that’s one of the reasons we’ve all landed in Tennessee. The whole family’s had
a lot of crap to deal with, and we wanted a fresh start. This is a nice area to
live in, Ashley. Friendly people, good weather and pretty land. But we all miss
you, especially Mom.”

Ashley pulled away and crossed her
arms over her stomach. “I made a fresh start in California.”

“Has it helped?”

Her chin trembled but she didn’t
say a word. He pulled his stiff body close. “Check your calendar when you get
back home, and I’ll check mine. As soon as Mom’s surgery is behind her, let’s
plan on me and the kids and Haley coming out there.”

“You sure? Don’t come just to
appease me.”

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that’s
me. A bona fide appeaser. You, dear sister, need to pull out of this funk, and
I aim to help you with that. It’ll be good for both of us. This last year
hasn’t been a walk in the park for me either. I should have gotten out to California
see you a long time ago. Kayla will be beyond excited about this.” He leaned
back and smiled at her. “It’ll be a good time and something we both need.”

Ashley finally smiled. Raising her
hand, she gave him a fist bump. “Deal.”

“Glad that’s settled. Now let’s go
get in the hot tub and drink a glass of wine.”

“I’m drinking more than one lousy
glass,” Ashley said as she shoved him out of her room. See you there.”

Smiling, Ethan went to his room and
quickly changed into his swim trunks, then checked in on Kayla and Chloe, who
were playing a board game on the bed. “You two okay?”

“Yes,” they answered in unison.

He walked over and kissed them both
on the top of the head. “Tuck yourselves in when that game’s over, okay?”

They nodded without even looking up.
Grinning, he left the room.

The minute he opened the back door,
he froze. Haley and Francie were sitting in the hot tub sipping wine and
chatting. Haley turned and smiled at him and his mood took a huge upward swing.
Haley in a swimsuit was the perfect end to this day. “Hey ladies, move over.  I’m
joining you.”




Haley almost choked on her wine
when she turned and saw Ethan standing behind her in his swim trunks. Good
grief, the man was ripped. She looked away, ashamed that she was ogling him.
For crying out loud, he was her boss and she was married. She felt her face
heat with embarrassment and took another sip of wine.

The water rippled beside her as he
stepped in and sat on the ledge with a sigh. “God, I’m glad I had this put in.
The guests will love it. I might have to install my own personal one.”

“Hey guys and gals.” Ashley walked
outside and sank into the hot tub with a huge sigh. She held up her glass of
wine. “To good times in California.” Everyone took a sip of wine. “Francie, you
and Matt are the best. Did you have to bribe Matt to do this?”

Francie shook her head. “It was his
idea actually. It’ll be fun. Besides, he needs a break. He’s been putting in
some pretty late hours the last few weeks.”

“Speaking of late hours, has anyone
heard Mom and Aunt Jo come in?” Ethan asked.

The women shook their heads. “It’s
passed Mom’s bedtime,” Ashley said with a smirk. “You suppose she’s really
interested in Amos?”

“I think it’s great that she’s out,
hopefully having fun.” Francie swirled the wine in her glass. “She’s been alone
a long time. I assume your aunt has, too.”

“You assume right,” Ethan said. “It’s
been too long for both of them. But Amos?”

“Oh hush.” Ashley kicked his foot.
“The same could be said for you and me. At least Mom’s trying to do something
about it.”

Ethan glared at her. “For all you
know I might be trying to do something about it, too.”

Haley’s chest constricted. The
thought of Ethan with a girlfriend bothered her, but what bothered her even
more was that it shouldn’t be a problem. Her feelings were wrong and way out of

Ashely rolled her eyes at Ethan. ”Sure
you are. Just like me. Matter of fact, I’m about to sign up on a dating sight.
Want the name?”

“No. And quit giving me grief.”
Ethan poured himself more wine. “For all you know I could have a harem out there.”

Ashley laughed until she snorted.

Ethan arched his brows at her and
gave her a ‘wouldn’t-you-like-to-know’ look, and Ashley and Francie laughed.
Haley tried to get into the teasing, but her smile felt as flat as road kill.

Ashley held up her hand. “Shh. I
think I hear the old folks coming in. Amos must have gotten boring.” Ethan laughed,
a full belly laugh that filled the crisp night air.

Haley couldn’t help but laugh right
along with him. She rested her head against the edge of the hot tub. “Want me
to ask her if she’s got the hots for Amos?”

“Yes,” both Ethan and Ashley

The backdoor opened and Jo and
Dottie stepped outside. “Thought I heard you all out here gossiping about me,”
Dottie said.

“About time you got home, Mom. It’s
nine forty five. Past your bedtime for sure.” Ethan grinned at his mother.

“I go to my room for peace and
quiet. Don’t think for a minute I go to sleep that early. Besides, what’s it to

“Nothing.” Ethan took a sip of
wine. “Is Mom keeping you up past your bedtime, Aunt Jo?”

“I’ll have you know young man, your
mother and I could both out last you kids any day of the week.” Aunt Jo sat in
a nearby chair and Dottie followed suit.

“Where’s that oldest son of mine?”
Dottie asked. “Has he turned into a wuss just because he has a baby?”

Francie laughed. “Actually, he
kinda has and so have I. I’m guessing he fell asleep in the recliner holding
our little darling.”

“He did that with Chloe, too.”
Dottie smiled. “Time sure does fly.”

It hasn’t flown for me
, Haley
Except for the last month or so.

“Is this family overwhelming you,
Haley? You’re kind of quiet,” Aunt Jo observed, looking at Haley with sympathy.

“I guess I am a little quiet, at
least compared to all of you. I’m an only child, so I didn’t have siblings to
joke with.”

“Or maybe you’re quiet because all
the Richardsons are so mouthy.” Aunt Jo arched her brows at Haley and smiled,
and Haley felt as if she’d just made a new friend.

“We might be mouthy, but we’re
pretty entertaining.” Ashley kicked her foot and flung water onto Ethan. He
promptly drenched her with a huge splash.

Dottie looked at her sister and
shrugged. “I never have been able to get them to behave, but at least they’ve
kept me young.”

Ethan splashed her. “I thought we’d
made you old. You’ve told us that about a million times.”

Dottie tapped the top of his head
with her cane. “I’m trying to make Haley think we’re halfway normal.”

All eyes turned to Haley. She
smiled, even though she felt put on the spot. “I think Dottie did a great job
raising you hoodlums.”

Francie poked Haley in the ribs.
“Good one, and I’d have to concur.”

Dottie rose from her chair. “I’m
off to bed. Breakfast comes early around here. You kids have a good evening.”

Aunt Jo stood. “Ah, to be young
again. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” everyone said in unison.

“You guys are so lucky to have each
other,” Haley said, holding her glass up for more wine.

“You’re right,” Ashley said,
filling Haley’s glass. “From this day forth, I promise not to gripe about my
overly protective big brothers.”

“Here, here.” Ethan took a gulp of
wine and Ashley followed suit.

Haley watched the exchange, jealousy
niggling her. These people had what she’d always wanted, a close-knit family
with siblings who obviously cared about one another.

Francie stood. “I hate to be a
party pooper, but Elisa rallies way too early, and Matt’s had her most of the

Ashley wiggled her fingers at her.
“Night. I’m going to take advantage of not having to get up early tomorrow and
stay a while.”

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