A Long Goodbye (16 page)

Read A Long Goodbye Online

Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: A Long Goodbye
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He stepped in front of me as I placed my hand on his shoulder, tracing my finger down the side of his ribs, examining each one. “Like what?”

“War, death, love, friendship. What, you don’t like them?”

“They’re fine.”

His hand grabbed mine and held it to his chest. “That’s it, they’re fine?”

“What do you want me to do, drool all over each one?”

He grinned, knowing I was teasing. “Nah, maybe just lick ‘em one by one.”

I rolled my eyes and flopped on my stomach on the bed. I pulled my list with my pencil on top off the side table to check off the two new things I’d done. Woody hovered over me, his wet head dripping onto my sheet.

Quickly, I pushed it toward the pillow. “Hey, you’re getting it all wet and smudged.”

“How many more?” He asked as I felt his body come down on me. His arms trapped me inside as they rested next to either side of my body.

“Let’s see. I count five. Actually, make that six. I already checked off five.” I scribbled one more to add to the list.

“How did you come to five when I’ve only been a part of four?”

“You won’t there for a road trip with my best friend.”

“Whatcha writing now?”

“Will you take me to get a tattoo?”

“Grace, I don’t thin…”

I cut him off as I flipped him off me. As I straddled him to get his attention, his towel slowly slipped away. And I knew I’d get my way if I asked the way he liked me to ask. “Just something little to remember this trip.” I leaned down, knowing full well my chest was right in his face before I kissed him hard and long.

Woody groaned into my mouth as he flipped me over onto my back. “Your Daddy is going to kill you.”

“One, do not bring up my Daddy while I’m trying to have sex with you. And two, he won’t see it where I plan on putting it.”

Woody slipped his hand to undo the button on my shorts and pulled the zipper down. “It hurts like a bitch, Grace.”

“You didn’t seem to mind. Look at you.” Woody slowly tugged my shorts off and threw them on the ground.

“I don’t mind pain, but something tells me you do and I don’t want to see you hurting.” Instead of arguing over it, I just smiled and pulled him down hard, and a second later, he was inside of me.

After Woody satiated my appetite for him twice, we took a shower together where he satisfied me once more. Lu left a note on the counter that said she was meeting Brian and not to expect her until later on in the evening. I wanted her to have fun, but it also wasn’t like her to take off without making sure I hadn’t made plans for us already. I had. I stopped on my way back and made dinner reservations at this fancy place I wanted to take her. And of course, Woody too.

“What do you want to do today, girl?”

I turned and frowned.

“What’s the matter?” He asked.

I shrugged my one shoulder and handed over the note. “It’s not like her to not talk to me first.”

Woody leaned over and kissed my cheek. “I saw her earlier, she told me to tell you. I forgot seeing my mouth was occupied.”

“But I made reservations at a seafood restaurant I wanted to take the both of you too.”

Woody read the slip of paper and smiled up at me. “She says she’ll be back and
will be the one paying for dinner. I don’t do the whole woman’s lib thing.”

I placed my hands my hips and stared him down. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Look here, Grace, I am a man, and I don’t let the woman I’m with pay my way. If I go, I pay.” He paused and smiled. “Now do you want to get that tattoo or not?”

I could never stay mad at him when he looked at me like that. Excitedly, I stepped forward. “You really are going to take me to get one?”

“Is it on your list?”

“Yeah,” I said as matter of factly.

He held out his hand for me to grab on, so I did.



After hitting up a small pub and searching for the reputable tattoo shop that I’d googled, we headed out after I had Grace throw back two shots of Tequila.

Luckily, I called and they had an opening an hour later. So, after window-shopping and Ashton nearly biting every nail on her pretty little fingers, we arrived with a few minutes to spare. While Ashton went through the different designs, I approached the dude who was getting ready to see a part of Ashton I wasn’t too keen on sharing.

“Hey, man you got time for a quick one for me after you do her?”

“I can squeeze you in.”

We bumped fists. “All right. Go gentle on her will ya.” He shook his head.

Ashton came over, smiling but I could tell she was nervous. “Why’d ya pick?”

She looked past me and to the tattoo artist. “I’d like this palm tree, please.”

“All right. Lay down on the table and I’ll be back in a minute.”

Grace wore a skirt with a loose elastic band so she could pull it down to bare her bikini area. I squirmed watching her settle back on the table. “Woody can you hold my hand while he does it.”

I stepped around to the opposite side of the tools. “Sure, Grace.”

He stepped out from behind a curtain and stood over her. “You ready?”

“I think so.”

The familiar buzzing sound started as he began working on the outline and I wanted to run out of there. Grace was squeezing my hand and praying under her breath and asked a  consistent, “is it almost over” question.

I stood behind her, leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Once the outline’s done, it’s a walk in the park. You’ll barely feel the color; it’s the outline that hurts the most. All right?”

She shook her head and I saw a tear fall from her eye. “Fuck, man hurry up.”

He was blotting and adding more ink while Grace stared into my eyes every few seconds.

“Almost done. How you doing?” the man asked Grace.

“I’m okay. How much longer?”

“You’re doing good, sweetheart. I just need five more minutes.”

And then the buzz of the machine filled the air for the longest five minutes of my life.

Once I was sure that Grace was okay, I sat in the chair and took off my shirt and told him what I wanted. “Right here, man.” I tapped the left side of my chest, just over my heart. He gave me one of those ‘are you sure, dude’ looks as he shook his head. “Just fucking do it. I got a reason.”

I made Grace stand behind the counter so she couldn’t see the piece I had him do. It was small, so it was as quick as Grace’s had been. “Let me see, let me see, let me see,” she squealed as she clapped her hands.

I shook my head. “I’ll show you later.” I turned and handed over my card to pay the damage.

“Woody, I’ll pay for mine.”

I pushed her back gently. “It’s only seventy bucks, baby. I got it.”

“Well, can I pay for yours?” She asked me, then stepped up the counter and turned to the guy. “How much is his?”

I took her hands in mine. “Already paid for. Now let’s go celebrate. If you promise to be real nice to me tonight, I’ll let you buy me a beer.”

“Gee, thanks,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“You want to thank me, then give me a kiss,” I told her as I pulled her into my arms.

She looked over my shoulder, but he’d gone behind the curtain already. Her lips came down on mine, and I slipped my tongue inside for a quick taste, because I knew she’d pull away since we weren’t alone.

“Thanks for my palm tree.”

She started to walk out, so I smacked her on her ass. “I expect a more appropriate thank you later.”

Lu never showed but a message was slipped under the door when we got back. Apparently, Lu and Brian were going for a day long, into evening date that left Ashton acting anxious.

It was just going to be the two of us tonight, and Ashton insisted on working on her tan for an hour before she wanted to start getting ready.

The sun was scorching hot seeing we were in the thick of summer and sunbathing in Miami. Grace had on this tiny little black bikini and her new tattoo peeked out some, which was driving me wild. I told her to leave that bandage on for a couple more hours but she wouldn’t listen.

I kept my shirt on and it was killing Grace to not know what I got on my chest. I had a sinking feeling she thought it was going to be her name and I hated to disappoint her, but I think she’d like what I got instead. I didn’t intend to get it at first, but then I decided I wanted something permanent to remember that moment we shared.

I woke up to hearing her voice as she talked to somebody. I held my hand up over my eyes to keep the glare of the sun away. “Yeah, I’ll tell him. Okay, you take care now.”

I sat straight up noticing her on my cell. “What are you doing?”

She handed me the phone. “You’re cell was ringing.”

“So you answered it?” I asked sternly.

She sat back. “I’m sorry. It kept ringing. It was driving me crazy.”

I looked down scrolling to the last call. Fuck! I was about ready to have a panic attack. “You spoke to my brother?”

“You’re mad I can tell. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have answered it. I don’t know what to say.” I knew I upset her by the softness in the tone of her voice. I just didn’t know what the hell to do at that moment.

“I’m going to head back and grab a shower. Why don’t you stay down here for a little longer?”

She swallowed and I could tell was holding back tears. “Okay. I’ll just take a swim and then meet you up there.”

I bent down. “See you soon,” I said softly and kissed the top of her head.

I dialed Jason back as soon as I was out of earshot of Grace. “What the fuck, bro?” Is how he answered and I knew he was pissed.

“I know. I’m sorry, I fell asleep,” I stammered as I rushed back to the room.

“What if I was fucking Winslow calling you?”

“I know, Jay. It won’t happen again all right. I’m coming home in two days.”

“But they’re not leaving for three.”

“I know.”

He sighed into the phone and I could almost picture the look on his face. “All right. Anything new to report other than the fact that you’re enjoying your job way more than you should.”

“I’ll come by on Friday when I get in, okay?”

He hung up before anything else was said.



If I could kick my own stupid ass, I would. How could I’ve been so dumb to answer his phone? Even when I picked it up, I wasn’t snooping, or anything, I was just sick of hearing it ring as we laid there on the beach.

And I could tell he was upset with me and not once did he pass up on the opportunity to take a shower together. I had a lot of making up to do and I had just the outfit to make him forget my thoughtlessness.

Woody was already showered and dressed when I got back. I dropped my little beach bag on the floor of our room and walked over to the bed where he was laying watching television.

“You still mad at me?” I asked sweetly.

“I don’t like it when people snoop, Grace.”

“I said I was sorry, Woody.”

“I know you did.” He stopped and we locked eyes finally. “Why don’t you jump in the shower, our reservation’s is an hour.”

Crap! He was still mad. I only had three more days and three more nights to say goodbye to him, but deep down, I was hoping he would make some kind of grand move to keep us together. Heck, I even googled what it was like to live in West Virginia when he wasn’t looking.

When I stepped out from the bathroom, Woody was gone. I heard him rustling around out in the kitchen area of the suite. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to the closet to pull out my sweetest, but sexiest little red dress I owned. It was cherry red with a dip in the front that showed off more cleavage than should be legal, but still it maintained a certain femininity to it.

After carefully blowing out my hair straight, I slipped on the dress and brushed on the little make-up I needed. Usually I wore a little more, but I had gotten a lot of color so, I just dabbled on some gloss and mascara. The last thing I did before I walked out to find Woody was put on a pair of heels that I loved, but dreaded wearing. I wasn’t really the heel type, but I couldn’t very well wear my cowboy boots with this beautiful dress.

Woody was reading the paper that we received under the door every morning on the sofa. When he looked up, his mouth dropped open and wordlessly he got up and came toward me. I thought he was going to throw me down and rip my dress off with the way he was looking at me, and although this was my favorite, I didn’t think I’d mind.

“You’re forgiven,” he whispered as his mouth came down and captured mine.

I pulled away. “So you like the dress?”

He took a step back and scanned me from head to toe. “Darling that isn’t a dress, that’s a masterpiece on you.”

I smiled excited that he liked the way I looked so much that I almost fell over as I jumped into his arms, but luckily he was ready for me.

“If you don’t get those heels off my waist we’re not making dinner.”

I hopped down, smoothing down my dress. “I’ll be good.”

His hand linked with mine. “I like it better when you’re bad.”

We both smiled as we headed out to dinner.

After we finished eating enough fish to fill me for entire week, I suggested dancing. Woody didn’t like that idea, seeing he wanted a private dance, so we headed back to the room. I didn’t complain.

The suite was dark as we entered, but instead of turning on the lights Woody took my hand and led me to our room. Before I’d even stepped foot inside, Woody was undoing the tie around my neck that held my dress up.

I turned and grabbed his face with both of my hands as it pooled down to my feet. Woody quickly undid the buttons on his shirt, as I kissed my way down until my mouth was at the edge of his pants. I peered up smiling as I started to undo the button to give him a real special treat, but Woody pulled me back up and then threw me down onto the mattress.

He slipped my panties down with his one hand, and quickly undid his pants. He was between my thighs before his pants even hit the floor. Without hesitating, he slammed inside of me. His hands ravaged my body as I grinded into him.  His mouth came down hard on mine as if he was trying to siphon the air out of my lungs. I lifted my hips so I could feel every inch of him as he thrust harder and harder, his body trembling.

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