A Risk Worth Taking (6 page)

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Authors: Zoe Mullins

BOOK: A Risk Worth Taking
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Matt shook his head at her. “Not your game,” he reminded her
as he gripped her hips and thrust into her. They came together with an audible
slap, and both cried out from the sweet intensity. “That’s nothing, babe,” he
warned her as he pumped into her a few times before pulling her against his
chest. “It’s about to get better.”

“Already too good.” She laughed.

“Never too good.” He smiled and looked over her shoulder
where Travis was kneeling between their legs. He was spreading a generous
amount of lubricant over his condom-covered cock.

“You have no idea how good the view is back here,” Travis
told them. “Her pussy is stretched so wide around your cock. I’m already
rock-hard again.”

Fiona ground her hips on Matt’s cock, aroused by Travis’ words.
Matt lifted her and pumped slowly in and out of her as Travis watched.

“I give in,” Travis said, one hand on Fiona’s lower back,
stopping the slow grind. He slid one slick hand down her ass, and circled the
tiny rosebud. Matt watched as Travis patiently prepared her, stretching her
with one finger, then two and three, before lining up his cock against her.

“Fuck you are so amazing,” he whispered to Fi as he watched
the veins in Travis’ neck throb as he worked the slick head of his cock into
her narrow channel. Matt groaned, as Travis’ cock slid in and out, then in a
little farther. Stretching her, letting her adjust to the primitive invasion.

“Don’t forget to breathe, Fi,” Travis reminded the woman in
their arms. That snapped Matt’s attention back to her, and when she began to
whimper, he smothered her cries with a kiss. She returned his kiss hungrily.

Their girl needed this as much as they did. She didn’t
hesitate to accept the penetration, its pleasure and pain, and as they kissed,
he felt her stir. She was pressing back against the invasion of Travis’ cock. Fucking
herself against Matt’s cock, grinding her clit against his pubic bone.

Matt felt Travis thrust deep inside her. His balls slammed
against his own, and Fiona’s pussy clamped down. There was no going slow after
that. Need overwhelmed the three of them. With a practiced rhythm, Matt and Travis
pumped into her, fighting her for control.
This is how it’s meant to be,
Matt thought as they passed her back and forth between them.

She whimpered as he and Travis kept her on the sharp edge of
pleasure, caught between it being too much and never enough. Matt was there
with her. “Fuck, baby,” he groaned harshly. “It’s okay, we’ve got you. Come for

At his command, she shuddered between them, begging them to fuck
her harder, deeper. They plowed her through an additional orgasm. They held her
as she strained and clenched and cried out against them.

It was heaven and hell, and it took no time before he and
Travis were crying out with her, their cum racing for home inside her.

Long minutes later, their sweat-slick bodies slid apart.
Travis rolled away for a moment to clean up, but was back with them in less
than a minute. They cradled her between them, unspeaking, but constantly

“That was amazing,” she said finally. “But I guess you guys
already knew that. You’ve done that before.”

Matt continued to stroke her hair. “Don’t do that,” he
whispered. “Don’t think about what we may or may not have done it the past.” He
looked over her head to catch Travis’ eyes. He didn’t want Fiona insecure.

“Yes, we knew that.” Travis caught her chin and lifted it so
she was looking at him. “Physically, we knew what to expect but it’s never been
like this. This is special. What we have is special. Because we also love one

Matt felt his breath catch. He’d never heard Travis use the
L-word. Travis’ gaze flicked to his, and that love was confirmed in his eyes. Matt’s
heart began to pound and the telltale prick of tears stung behind his eyes. He
closed his eyes to fight them.

“I do.” Travis looked from Fiona to Matt, and Matt saw Fiona
wrap Travis’ hand in hers. She smiled encouragingly at him.

“I have loved you for years,” Travis told him. “I have been
stupid and stubborn but I knew as soon as I left that I had made the biggest
mistake of my life. I had left someone who loved me, supported me, encouraged
me, unconditionally. And I missed him every day. It was about two months before
I admitted to myself that it hurt so much because I loved him. I saw my life
with him.”

Matt reached over Fi and wrapped his hand around Travis’ neck,
pulling him close for a kiss. He poured all his emotions into that kiss. The
years of longing and waiting. The fear of losing him. “I love you too,” Matt
whispered against Travis’ lips. “You stupid, stupid man. I love you too.”

They laughed and Fiona laughed with them. Matt realized she was
now holding on to both of them. Supporting them and also crying.

“Fi.” He looked at her, concerned.

“Happy tears,” she promised. “All happy.”

Travis laughed, and turned to kiss her. Matt’s eyes filled
with happy tears, then their tears and kisses mingled as his lovers pulled him
down to them.

Chapter Seven


Travis had never been in a relationship. He had never had to
do the
thing. Making small talk with friends and their wives. Complimenting
their ability to breed as sticky-fingered children screamed and ran through the
house touching everything. Fiona almost felt sorry for him.

She squeezed his hand and smiled up at him. “You’re going to
be fine.” He gave her an uneasy smile.

“You work with kids all day?” he asked as if he only just

“Not this young.” She shuddered as their host ushered the
kids out to the back yard. “My kids are in high school. Teenagers.”

David passed them both a beer. “So Claire said you work in
their guidance office.” David pulled out a seat at the table across from them.

“I’ve been at both of the east end’s public high schools for
about four years now.” Fiona shifted uncomfortably. Travis had known very
little about David and his wife, except where they lived and that it was
David’s second marriage. She would have taken exception to his lack of
detective skills except her own skills were just as lacking. She’d known Claire
for a lot longer and knew even less. She hadn’t even known she was married to a

“I’m a counselor, a psychologist not a social worker.”

“I’m taking it that’s an important distinction.”

“It can be. I deal a lot with youth who are trying to work
through issues of gender identity, self-esteem and sexuality.” She caught
Travis looking at her and he squeezed her hand. She felt a blush rise as she
realized he looked proud of her. “We run a variety of programs to support
positive self-esteem.”

“That’s great.” David nodded. “It’s different than when we were
in school. It seems the bullying has gotten worse. Someone needs to make sure
kids have the skills they need to respond to that sort of thing.”

“And she is an amazing coach of girls’ volleyball,” Travis
said, raising her hand to his lips.


“Ours is a small club. I started with the team of twelve-year-olds
and have stayed with them for the last three years. We have two more years
together and then I’ll start back with a new group of twelve-year-olds.”

“That sounds like a great opportunity.” David looked
fascinated. “And I guess we know who we want on our team should we be out on
the beach next summer.”

“What are we doing next summer?” Claire breezed into the
kitchen, looking fresh despite having her hands full of a cranky baby just ten
minutes ago. “And does it mean I can send the kids to the sitter? Puh-leeze.”

She bent down and kissed her husband on the cheek.

“Beach volleyball.”

“Oh that would be fun.” Claire turned to her guests as she
sat down at the table. “Fiona, I am so happy to see you again. I kept meaning
to give you a call and see how things were going with you and, well, I just
lost track of time.”

“That’s okay,” Fiona told her honestly. It had been only a
few months since she’d gone to Claire’s shower. “I had the same good
intentions; at least the barbecue gave us an excuse.”

“Well, we can catch up now since I know David is anxious to
take Travis out to the garage to show him his latest toy,” she whispered
conspiratorially behind her hand. “His motorbike.”

“I won’t say no to that.” Travis’ eyes brightened.

Fiona raised a brow at Claire as the men headed out back.
“Okay, out with it.”

“I thought you were dating the physiotherapist, not his best
friend, the cop?”

“And I didn’t know you were married to a cop.”

“People are weird when they find out my husband is police.
It’s a question I’ve been able to avoid.”

“Can I avoid the question of the physiotherapist versus the

“Not if what Lucy has said about the two of them is true.”
Claire winked.

Fiona groaned. “Lucy?” Lucy was the one who had recommended
Matt’s physio clinic in the first place, and later told her about how hard he’d
taken Travis’ leaving. “How do you know Lucy?”

She laughed. “Lucy is my brother’s wife.”

“Damn it. Why do all of you have to keep your maiden names?
I can’t keep track of who is married to whom.”

Claire gave her a sympathetic look. Fiona chewed her lip. It
wasn’t as if Claire wouldn’t be able to figure it out, and it was better to find
out now if she had an ally.

“Matt is meeting us at the barbecue,” she confessed.

“You look miserable about it, and I’m thinking those two
hotties should be making you anything but miserable,” Claire said.

“It’s more the potential fall-out should the wrong people find

“I probably never told you how I met my husband.”

“You were sleeping with his best friend too?” she asked
brightly, sipping her drink.

Claire laughed. “Not quite. His older brother Michael was
dating Lucy.” Claire stopped and took a sip of the root beer her husband had
left for her. “And my brother.”

Fiona tried to hide her surprise. She’d met Lucy and her
husband Sergeant Russell Fergus, and their best friend, Michael Troy. Best
friend, damn it, how had she not seen it? But then she hadn’t known what to
look for at the time.

“You and David aren’t…”

“Goodness no!” Claire laughed. “David’s horny enough on his
own, I couldn’t imagine handling two. Okay, I’ve imagined it…” She grinned.
“But I’m good as it is.”

“So David will be cool with Travis and me being Travis, Matt
and me?”

“I can guarantee you it won’t make a difference.” Claire
shook her head. “Russell’s on the regional force too, you know. They know how
to be discreet.”

Fiona sighed in relief and took another sip of her beer.
“Damn it. We may owe Matt twenty bucks. He said it wouldn’t be as big an issue
as we worried it would be.”

Claire tucked an errant curl of her strawberry-blonde hair
behind her ear. “At least now you know that if you need to talk to someone you
can talk to Lucy or to me. And when I say talk, I mean every naughty detail if
you need to.”

* * * * *

Travis checked his watch again and looked across the
pavilion to where Fiona sat with Claire and some of their friends from work. He
liked watching her in these unguarded moments. She’d already been dragged into
an impromptu game of beach volleyball. He had joined her team, but was man
enough to admit he couldn’t keep up.

Fi glanced over at him and raised her shoulders in question.
He shook his head. He still hadn’t been able to reach Matt, who should have
been here an hour ago. Part of him wondered if he had gotten cold feet. Was he
worried they would be embarrassed by his presence? They already owed him twenty
bucks for being right—this could be done.

He tried calling him again. As he did so, he saw Sergeant
Fergus pull up in his squad car. He didn’t have sirens on and moved quickly to
talk to David. Time slowed. He saw David look over to him, his mouth a grim

His eyes flicked to Fiona and Claire who had also seen
Russell’s arrival. Fiona pushed away from the group with Claire on her heels.
She caught up to him just as he got to Russell. He wrapped her into his arms.

“Russell, what is it? What’s happened?” he asked.

Travis had often wondered if people really heard him when he
had to give them bad news. Tell them their loved one had been in an accident or
was dead. Or if they just heard words. Now he knew. He heard every word but at
a distance, the sound of the ocean, of all things, taking precedence in his
ears over words like T-boned, totaled, internal bleeding, CT scans.

The waves receded and he realized that Fiona was crushed in
his arms as he clutched her to him like a lifeline.

Russell placed a hand on his arm. “Come on now, I’ll drive
you to the hospital.”

“We’ll follow you,” David promised.

Travis knew he wouldn’t remember the trip to the hospital.
He would remember only the feel of Fiona in his arms, and the constant vision
in his head of the years he and Matt had spent together. The scrapes they had
gotten into, and those had been frequent. Matt wasn’t afraid of trouble.

“He’s going to be okay.” He kissed the top of Fiona’s head
and felt the waves recede. He knew Matt was okay. He sensed that deep down he
would know if it were otherwise.

Chapter Eight


By the time they convinced the nurse to let them see Matt,
he was already sitting up in bed. “She told the nurse what?” Matt asked Travis,
sure he was hearing wrong.

“She said you were our husband,” Travis said, looking at
Fiona where she was curled up on the bed against Matt’s side.

Matt started to laugh, but pressed his hand to his head. Laughing
and a concussion did not go hand in hand. He squeezed her closer.

“I didn’t mean to give you guys such a scare,” he told them.

“T-boned. Totaled.” Fi raised her head. “That’s what they

“Yeah, the car is toast, but the ass-wipe hit me on the passenger
side.” Matt knew Trav would understand the difference that made. “You see,” he
looked meaningfully at Travis, “you will never again laugh at me when I talk
about front and rear head-curtain airbags and front seat-mounted torso airbags,
will you?”

“I will never doubt your car-buying abilities again,” he
promised. “But I’m still going to give you grief if it takes you three months
to decide on a replacement.”

Travis sat down at the end of the bed.

“I wish they weren’t keeping me overnight.” He reached over
and grabbed Travis’ hand. “Not that I’d be much good to you tonight anyway.”

“Please, it’s going to be days if not weeks until you’re any
good to us.” Travis ran a hand down Fi’s shoulder. “Nope, you’re just going to
have to sit out on all the fun until your head is better. Watch me fuck our

“Nice.” Fi slapped him on the shoulder. “Kick him while he’s

“Not a kick.” Travis laughed. “Just incentive to get better

“I have a lot of incentive, don’t worry.” Matt looked at
them both. “So, do you two owe me money or what?”

“So no memory loss with that concussion?” Travis sighed and
opened his wallet. He pulled out forty bucks.

“Nope.” He grinned and palmed the money.

“You cheated,” Fiona scolded him. “You knew about Lucy’s
relationship, and that Claire and David knew and were cool with it.”

“Of course I cheated.” He didn’t look at all repentant. “I
would do anything to keep the two of you, but it was coincidence that I first
met them. I wouldn’t have believed, before seeing the three of them together,
that this kind of unorthodox arrangement could work.”

Travis and Fi shook their heads, but were quiet. Their hands
tangled with his in the blankets.

Claire, David, Lucy, Russell and Michael pushed in through
the door. “It’s harder to get in here than it is to jail,” Lucy complained.

“So how did you?” Fiona asked, looking at them.

“We showed badges,” David said, as Lucy chimed in, “We said
we were family.”

Travis sighed. “I should have thought of using the badge.
Instead Fi told the nurse Matt was our husband.”

“It’s not like they were going to ask for proof.” She stuck
out her tongue at him.

After answering questions about the accident and not giving
an official statement, though he would have to do that later, the group decided
to disperse. “We just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Claire squeezed
Fiona’s hand. “And we see that you are. Just remember if you need anything,
we’re here.”

David clapped Travis on the shoulder. “It’s cool you know.
We got your back.” Russell and Michael nodded before they all left, and it was just
the three of them.

The nurse rolled in a couple of chair loungers and some
blankets. She wasn’t going to argue the unusual arrangement, and she wasn’t
going to make them go home tonight. Matt shared a satisfied smile with his
lovers. It may not always be easy, but it would work. They would work. Because
they loved one another.

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