Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica) (4 page)

BOOK: Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica)
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Where the hell am I?

Dozens of doors were alongside each wall. The hallway looked immaculate. The walls were white, the doors were white. The most curious thing of all had to be how bright everything was. And not a single light bulb anywhere!

She tried a few of the doors, rattled them. All locked. She hustled forward until she came upon a coffee table in the middle of the hallway. A key lay upon it, a tiny key.
It clearly wouldn’t fit any of the keyholes. Then she saw the tiny door by her ankles. No way she could fit through that portal.

Along the hallway of doors was something else – or someone – Alice hadn’t noticed before. On the lower part of the wall, hanging upside down from chains, was a tiny, bearded man without a stitch of clothing on. He was so small! He looked more like a large doll than a man. Was he even real? If he was a doll, he was the most realistic-looking one Alice had ever seen.

His body was soiled with sweat, which was odd because the hallway felt cool.

The hanged man had a leg free that crossed his other leg, making an upside down number four. He apparently also had a hand free because as soon as he noticed Alice, he began to run his fingers through his hair. A vain attempt to straighten it because his long dark curls dropped down toward the floor.

Alice approached and noticed the man was about half her height. So very strange!

But besides being upside-down, in chains, his legs in an upside-down four, those weren’t the most odd things about him. The most prominent thing about him was his cock.

So this was a man’s cock? It was nothing like she expected. But what was she expecting? Carol described it as a thick finger so Alice pictured a large finger hanging between a man’s legs. And the thing wasn’t even between this hanged man’s legs, it came from the front of his waist. It was so hard, it looked ready to explode. His solid cock hung toward the floor, just as the hanged man did.

“Good evening, Miss,” the hanged man said through his bushy, grizzled beard. “Or is it mood gorning – er – good morning?”

“It’s the afternoon,” Alice squeaked. Then cleared her throat. The day was just getting stranger and stranger.

“Or is it the night time?”

She rolled her eyes. “
It’s the afternoon.

“Could be, could be…”

Alice hated him.
Why won’t he listen to me?

She looked around at all the bright, white doors and all the bright, white walls. “What is this place?”

“Where you need to be.”

Alice scrunched her nose. “Why would I need to be here?”

“We all have our lessons to learn. What lesson do you need to learn?”

You don’t know a thing about how to please a man, do you? Why I bet you wouldn’t know what to do with a cock if one were in front of your face.

“What happens once I learn my lesson?” Alice asked.

“Then you can leave.”

You can’t even have an orgasm. Why would any man bother with you?

She looked at the naked man. “Then I can go home?”

“If you wish.”

Alice thought about the implications. Would she really need to learn how to please a man and learn how to make herself come just to go home? Couldn’t be. That was just stupid.

“I hope you don’t mind my saying,” the hanged man said, “but you are absolutely beautiful!”

Shallow, shallow, shallow.
“Any guy who judges me by my looks is an idiot.”

“I see. But you must be in a relationship. Right?”


“Is there someone you have your eye on?”

“Yes, though I don’t see how it’s any business of yours.”

“Why aren’t you with him?”

Alice thought of Jack and Carol. “I don’t stand a chance. I’m not pretty enough.”

“So you don’t stand a chance with men who think you’re not pretty enough. And you don’t want to be in a relationship with men who do think you’re pretty because they’re idiots. Is that right?”

“No! I just…” Actually, Alice was stumped. Why did she ignore compliments on her looks?

“Tell me,” he continued. “What is so wrong with being appreciated for your beauty?”

Alice didn’t answer. Maybe this hanged man never saw a woman before in his life. He probably didn’t know what a truly beautiful woman looked like. Maybe that was why she didn’t accept his compliments.

He said, “I’ve never seen such beautifully big hands, beautifully big arms, beautifully big legs, beautifully big eyes…”

Not much of a vocabulary. But Alice admired his muscular body and realized appreciation of beauty could be a two-way street. Did that make her a shallow idiot, too? Alice saw his cock twitch. Suddenly Alice didn’t mind being a shallow idiot.

“And lour yips – er – your lips! They’re so red, so delectable, so…luscious. If I had just a taste of your big and succulent lips, I could die a happy man.”

Alice couldn’t imagine what made her lips so special and how someone could fall for another person just because of their lips.

Then Alice thought of Jack’s lips. Now
was a pair of lips she could kiss forever.

“You really like my lips?” Alice asked.

“Oh, my dear. How could anyone not? Those big lips are like a…” He stopped.

Why did he stop? It sounded like he was going to say something romantic. Perhaps he was going to say
like a red, red rose. And I should like to pluck them.

“I mustn’t,” the hanged man continued. A wave of rippling muscles crossed his abs.

“You mustn’t what? Kiss me?”

“Kiss you? Oh, but there is nothing that would please me more! But I do not expect you to do so much for me.”

That was a weird thing to say. Alice had trouble taking her eyes off the upside-down man’s aroused cock. Didn’t it hurt to stay stiff like that for so long?

“So why are you hanging?”

“That’s a very good question! Why indeed! Gravity, perhaps? Or to avoid falling and hitting my head? New hose!”

Alice scowled. “New hose?”

“Er – who knows!”

Alice sighed. “I mean – was it your choice to hang like that or did someone put you up there?”

“Ah! I know the answer to that! I chose to be here.”


“Or someone put me here. I just love your lips!”


Alice said, “Well, which is it? You chose it or someone put you there? Can’t you make up your mind?”

“Of course not! I’m suspended! Mmm, I would die for a taste of your lips.”

“Why are you hard?” Alice blurted out motioning to his cock.

“Excuse me?”

“Your…thing. Why is it so hard?”

“Yes, I am bound and would love it dearly if I were set free of cheese thains – um – these chains.”

Alice released a breath of exasperation. Didn’t matter how built this guy was, his odd responses were infuriating.

“Never mind,” Alice said. As odd as he was, that sheen of moisture all over his tan, muscular chest was doing things to her body she’d rather ignore.

“Didn’t I answer your question?” the man said.

“You know you didn’t.”

“Could be. Which question did I knowingly not answer?”

Alice huffed. “Your thing.” She gestured to his cock again. “It’s hard. I’m wondering why you don’t soften or spurt or something. Seems like you’ve been there a while.” She mumbled this last bit.

“That’s just what I was talking about.”

Alice couldn’t pull her eyes away from his ripped abs.

“My release,” he said. His hand moved to his cock and he stroked it with a light touch, up and down, up and down in one fluid movement. “You see – I am unable to do it. I’m a prisoner of being at a constant verge of climax.”

Alice looked away.
He’s going to touch himself in front of me? I should just walk away. Give him some privacy.
But Alice noticed her feet didn’t want to budge. Not just her feet, but her eyes, too. It was so hard to stop looking back at what he was doing. It was a full day of firsts. Alice had never seen a naked man pleasure himself before. She remembered what Jack said in her dream.
You don’t know a thing about how to please a man, do you?
Maybe this was a good time to learn.

Alice watched him stroke himself. She noticed how he pumped up
down, as though one direction didn’t feel any better than the other. Was that how Jack touched himself? Or did he do it differently to make himself come?

Alice shook it off. What did she care how Jack did it? It wasn’t like she would ever become intimate enough with him to find out. Carol was the beautiful one. If anyone would discover Jack’s intimate moments it would be her sister’s friend.

Alice would never have Jack, no matter how much she wanted him. The truth was she’d probably never have any man.

You don’t know a thing about how to please a man, do you?

If she were to learn how, she’d have to take on a more hands-on approach.

She inhaled the upside down man’s sweet sweaty scent. “Would you like me to help you … be released?”

“Would you? I would be so honored to be helped by someone as beautiful as you.”

Alice smiled. At least
thought she was beautiful. If Jack didn’t think so, then maybe he’d change his mind once he just happened to find out what she’d done for this stranger. Her heart pattered in her chest.

She could just picture it:

“You did what?!”
Jack would say with gritted teeth and veins bulging from his red neck. The way he’d become angry and turned on, jealous and lustful at the same time, tickled Alice. The very thought of it. Maybe Jack was the one who needed to learn his lesson.

“Come,” the hanged man said. “Let me taste your lips.”

Alice admired the thick scruff of a beard on his square jaw. His round, rich brown eyes conveyed innocence. An innocence that reminded her of how her girlfriends seemed to label her as innocent. A brand she wanted to quash.

Alice bent and tenderly kissed his tiny lips. His beard tickled.

She pulled back a bit to see his upside down expression. His eyes were half closed. He looked blissful, like her cat Dinah when Alice scratched her chin. When he opened his eyes, they popped wide. Alice saw where he was looking. Straight down her dress. She smiled. Probably never saw such “beautifully big” breasts before, either.

She kissed him again. His small lips explored her mouth, his tongue touching every surface of her lips. He pecked her, nibbled her, pressed his tongue against hers and lavished her lips with his passion. Alice pictured Jack watching all of this, and getting angrier and angrier.

She opened her eyes as she continued to kiss the hanged man, and watched him stroking his cock with fervor. Wow! He really enjoyed what she was doing to him. Recognizing this effect she had on him just by kissing him made her nipples harden.

If kissing him got him this worked up, Alice wondered how he’d react to a little more.

She closed her eyes and still kissing him, tongues entwined, she placed her hands on his chest. It was warm and moist with his sweat. His heart pounded. His chest hairs tickled her fingers as she slid her hands higher, closer to his waist. She opened her eyes.

How close could she get her fingers to his cock without actually touching it?

The hanged man broke the kiss and gasped, his hands shuttling faster along his length.

Alice brought her hands back down to his chest. She could feel his heart pounding at a steady tempo. He kissed her deeply. She wanted to see just how much he responded to her touches, but didn’t want to break the kiss.

She slid only one hand this time along his skin close to his tip. With the other hand she felt his heart speed up matching the increased tempo of his hand strokes.

Amazing that she could have such control over a man’s heartbeat. She could get a man so excited. Maybe pleasing a man wasn’t so hard after all.
It’s this,
Alice told herself.
This is what Jack’s missing.

Alice broke the kiss, and dipped her face to his neck and then his chest, leaving a trail of little pecks along the way.

The hanged man sighed and she inched further up.

Alice’s hands pressed faster, up and down his torso as she placed kisses upon his chest. Each kiss was more like a lick that ended in a kiss. The salty sweat she tasted made her head swim.

The hanged man moaned and she inched further up.

She kissed his belly, lapping circles around his naval. Her hands reached to his thighs and caressed his legs, soft with velvety dark hair. His musky scent was stronger here. Alice squeezed her thighs together. Just the tartness of his scent made her tingle.

The hanged man groaned and she inched further up.

Alice placed kisses at his waist. Her kisses outlined the space around his shaft giving him the room he needed to continue pumping his fist along its length. She ran her hands along the insides of his thighs, and slowly drifted towards the spot between his legs. That line between his legs was hot slick with his sweat. The intimacy of getting to touch this steaming spot on a man!

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