Alien in Chief (35 page)

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Authors: Gini Koch

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dawned on me—Chuckie and Cliff were playing a live action game of chess right here. And though Cliff had opened himself up and Chuckie had taken advantage of his weakness, Cliff had recovered and just made an excellent move. It was a move we'd expected, sure, but it was still a good one.

He turned back to us. “From what we know, half of the Cabinet and Joint Chiefs of Staff are sick. If it's just that the President had a bad cold that he shared with everyone other than the few of us with really strong immune systems, then we still have a dead President and Secretary of State, as well as Speaker of the House, with no clear answers for what killed them.”

“So you like the bioweapon theory?” Chuckie asked him.

“I think we need to follow it through,” Cliff replied. “Even though you're right—there are always other options. Frankly, it could be a bioweapon that was released by the Council.”

“Okay,” I said, “well, if we're going to dissect the bioweapon theory, the Planetary Council wasn't here when we believe those people were infected.”

“When do we think the infection happened?” Green asked.

Figured we had to tell them. Cliff already knew, of course, but Green might actually end up an ally.

“The most likely time is during the meeting that was called in response to the Planetary Council's request to visit,” Chuckie answered. “And as Kitty's pointed out, none of the Planetary Council were on Earth at the time.”

“No, they weren't.” Cliff's eyes glittered. “At least as far as we know. However, if you're right, Jeff was in that meeting.”

“So were you.” The words slipped out without my meaning for them to.

Cliff nodded. “I was. So was your mother. But Jeff isn't sick.”

“As far as we know. You're not sick, either.”

“Strong immune systems,” Cliff said.

“My mother's got a hell of a strong immune system.”

“But she's still older,” Cliff said. “That alone could make her weaker than you realize.”

Lorraine and Claudia entered the room. I hadn't realized they were gone. They spotted me and hurried over, both looking as worried as Green.

“Where have you been?” Cliff asked them before I could.

“Researching what killed the President and Secretary of State,” Lorraine said. “I'd like to discuss it with the First Lady. Alone.”

“No,” Cliff said calmly. “If this is the disease-based threat Chuck and Kitty are thinking it is, then Wes needs to hear what you've found out.”

Claudia grimaced. “Not much yet. There appear to be foreign agents in their tissue and blood, but we can't tell what they are yet.”

“Rohini wants to run more tests,” Lorraine added. “So does Tito.”

“Have you determined if it's a disease or, say, a poison?” Cliff asked.

Both girls shook their heads. “Nothing's definitive yet,” Claudia said.

“So, what's the medical thought on quarantine?” Green asked. “Do we have a potential epidemic or a murderous conspiracy?”

“Both? Neither?” Lorraine shrugged. “We honestly don't know yet.”

“How long do you figure?” Chuckie asked.

“At least twenty-four hours, and that's with people working around the clock,” Claudia replied. “Unless we have a breakthrough, and we can't count on that.”

“White House Plan it is, then,” Cliff said. “We'll get back there, and then if it's not a medical issue, well, we were around to support Elaine and cheer for Jeff and Kitty. And if it is a medical issue, we'll figure out how to deal with it. That's why we have staffs, after all.” He grinned. “Get them to do the dirty work.”

Managed not to say that this was how Cliff normally did everything. Clearly he was really taken with this particular plan and wanted to ensure he had his many moments in the sun. Just nodded and smiled instead. “Sounds like a party. Girls, you'll stay here, keep on working with Tito and the others on determining cause of death?”

Both of them nodded. “I'd like Mahin to stay, too,” Lorraine said, without missing a beat. “And Abigail. They're not as trained as us, but that way we have help without exposing even more of our people.”

“Caroline will also want to help,” Claudia added. “She's with Tito right now, as a matter of fact.”

“Wes, is that okay with you?” I asked.

Green nodded. “That's fine. I don't know that it matters who's where, just that everyone is somewhere already quarantined.”

“Super, then we'd better get things rolling. I'm going to ask you and Cliff to deal with the press, if you would. I think it'll be better coming from you than from me or Jeff.”

Cliff grimaced. “Not sure that telling them that they're under quarantine and so is the White House is going to be better coming from anyone.”

Patted his arm. “I have faith in you.”

“I'm going to get Jeff and the Planetary Council ready to leave,” Chuckie said. “I don't think you want the C.I.A. lurking behind you for this chat with the press, do you Cliff?”

“No, Wes and I can handle it.”

We separated, Chuckie going to who he'd said he would, Cliff and Green heading for the press corps. The four of us grabbed Abigail and headed for the medical area.

“We need a private place,” I said quietly to Lorraine, who nodded.

We headed to a woman's restroom far away from the big room we'd been in. As per usual, I had no idea where we were within the Rat Maze. “Talk softly, but we should be good in here,” Lorraine said while Claudia checked all the stalls.

“We're alone,” Claudia said. “Now, what's really going on?”

“Other than the fact that Adriana was clearly right to leave when she did,” Mahin said.

“So many things. We're about to be trapped in the White House, so yay for Adriana for seeing that coming, and we need to ensure that some of us can get out. But first, let me ask you guys something.” Told them about what I'd seen from Bizarro World Jamie. “So, what do you think the last message means, ‘he knows'?”

They were quiet for a few moments, Dazzler minds all working. Abigail cocked her head at me. “You're sure she meant the Mastermind, right?”

“Pretty sure, yeah.”

“Then, what would him knowing cause Jamie to warn you about? I mean, what thing that he might know would be a danger to you?”

“That we know who the hell he is,” Lorraine said with a laugh. Then we all stared at each other.

“Oh my God,” Claudia whispered. “That's it, isn't it?”

“Yeah, that makes total sense. And also explains why he's rolling this plan now. He's figured out that we know who he is and rather than play games here and there, he's upped the ante. I think he's triggered one of his doomsday plans, but one where he thinks he'll survive and come out on top.”

Mahin nodded slowly. “This theory certainly makes sense for what we know is going on.”

“That's why he targeted the President,” Claudia said. “Vince knew he was the Mastermind and moved Cliff away from us. Once Cliff figured out why he'd been put in charge of FEMA, then killing Vince was a double for him, right? Get rid of the President along with the top guy in charge who's willing to call you a traitor the moment he has a shred of proof.”

Heaved a sigh. “Sounds about right.”

“And this plan plays right into him being the Head of FEMA, too,” Lorraine added. “So that means he's had less time to work on this plan than many others. Hopefully that's going to help us.”

“God knows we're going to need all the help we can get. No idea why he's killing his own people, though, but that's truly the Bad Guy Club's Beloved Move, so I'm assuming it's that.”

“Drax had better watch himself,” Abigail said dryly.

“Yeah, about that. I don't think Drax is in on this.”

All the girls stared at me. “Why so?” Lorraine asked, clearly for everyone.

“Because Drax's foiled sales pitch is why we're not all sick as hell and why we're actually able to figure out what's really going on.”

“That and Wruck,” Claudia said. “As long as you're sure he wasn't lying to you.”

“I'm sure. Remember, the Crazy Eights weren't expecting the Invisible Commandos and didn't know about them. And . . . I truly think Cliff was terrified that Huntress was going to kill him. Meaning that Drax isn't his ally.” And that if Stephanie was indeed the Huntress she had some unfinished revenge business to take care of. “And Jeff read Wruck, too.”

“I think you're right, then,” Lorraine said. “So, what are we going to do?”

“We have to find the flyboys—and not just because two of them are your husbands. We need to rescue them and keep them from getting infected. Though they might actually be safer wherever the hell they are than the rest of us.”

“That's damning with faint praise,” Abigail said, keeping the Team Sarcasm Meter high.

“Yeah, truly. Adriana's after the Crazy Eights, but we also need to find our Friendly Neighborhood Assassins. Lizzie's worried that something's happened to them, and if I were our enemies I'd certainly want to immobilize them. Plus Siler may have Lizzie's father's original notebook hidden somewhere, and if he does, that may be all we have to use to find an antidote.”

“And you need to find Wruck,” Mahin said. “I believe he'll run from the rest of us, but he chose to bond with you.” She smiled. “As all those who see the real story do. Some sooner than later.”

Gave her a quick hug. “That was so many Operations ago. And we've always been glad you're with us, Mahin. And you're right—we're going to need him. We also need Stephanie, meaning we need to grab TCC and get him activated, hopefully without infecting him. Oh, and we have a lot less than a week to do this.”

“Why do you want Stephanie?” Abigail asked.

“Because I'm hoping that we're going to be able to find
enough evidence to convict Cliff. Not necessarily in a court of law, but in the Court of Public Opinion. One way or the other, due to what's going on now, it's going to be us or him standing at the end of this. I want to ensure that it's us.”

“This is going to take teams,” Claudia said. “Several of them.”

“And we're going to have to work around Cliff, too,” Lorraine said.

“Only in terms of escape, because Charles trapped Cliff,” Mahin said. “Cliff will be in quarantine with us, too, at the White House. Well, with Kitty. So he'll have to work through intermediaries. The four of us are to stay here at NASA Base, right?”

“Right, because I'm going to want the four of you to sneak out.”

“You want Caroline with us or staying here?” Lorraine asked.

“I think staying here. Caro's game, but she's not trained and Tito's going to need someone who isn't vital to determining what the disease is and if it's curable to keep snoopers and such at bay. And Caro's a master at that.”

“I think you're right to leave Caroline here as our inside woman, and I'm not against sneaking out, but won't we be missed?” Abigail asked.

“No. I have a plan. And you won't be alone. I and some others are going to sneak out, too.”

“Who are you taking, Chuck?” Claudia asked.

“No, he's too visible, honestly.” And Jeff was going to need him, especially since my plan couldn't include Jeff in it. The President had to be visible and able to respond to all the crap I knew was coming. “And someone has to be there to ensure that Cliff doesn't kill everyone in the White House while I'm out running errands. I'm hoping to take James, Tim, Richard, and Oliver with me. And, if things go well, Rahmi and Rhee.”

“How do you plan for us to get out, let alone you guys?” Lorraine asked. “Seriously, Missus First Lady, how are you going to sneak out anywhere?”

I coughed and sniffled. “I, like the rest of you, am going to be very sick.”


that Cliff would be watching me, each girl was assigned one of the four men I'd named and told to tell them that they were to wait for my signal once we were in the White House and then to act incredibly sick.

The girls were going to wait for their own opportunity and take it the moment they could, but definitely before anyone left this facility.

But first we all went to medical so I could tell Tito and Caroline the plan while the girls distracted everyone else in there and so my Dazzlers would be able to truthfully say that we'd gone to medical should Cliff or someone else ask.

Unsurprisingly, Caroline wasn't thrilled with her role. “I'm happy to be the distraction and inside point,” she lied, when I explained what was going on. “But I'd rather go with all of you.”

“Yeah, I know, Caro, but we need you here. We have to have someone in the know here who isn't trying to find the cure. It's not as exciting, but it's still a vital role.”

She hugged me. “Fine, Kit-Kat. I know when I'm beaten. Besides, I'm really enjoying watching Tito, Bettini, and Rohini work. The Shantanu are flat out adorable, kind, and brilliant. Makes me want to visit their planet.”

“Yeah? When they get a break, ask them about the
people who live in their oceans.” Headed over to share what was going on with Tito.

My favorite doctor was all for us sneaking out because he was no more enamored of dying than the rest of us. “You're right, Kitty—I can't leave, but I can cover for all of you, especially with Caroline's help. By the way, verify if Doctor Morin is sick or not when you get to the White House.”

“You think he's in on it?”

“I think it's possible that the Physician to the President might be a part of either a biological plot or another type of murder plot. Don't get me wrong, I like Gabe a lot. But we need to know if he's faking being sick or if he caught whatever we're dealing with from the late President.”

“In which case he's close to death, too, most likely.”

“Yeah. This is ugly as hell. I'm not as concerned with quarantine right now, because if this is a type of plague and we can't find a cure, then we're all dead, quarantine or no quarantine.”

With this cheery yet accurate pronouncement, the girls and I hugged everyone goodbye and headed off.

We were somewhere in the Rat Maze when we passed a door with a window in it and someone banged on the glass. We stopped and looked. It was Brian.

Went to open the door, but it was locked. “Don't!” he shouted.

Let go of the doorknob. “Bri, what's up?” Realized that I hadn't thought about him being here, but he was an astronaut and it made sense that he'd have gone to his job when we went to Florida.

“I'm on the non-quarantined side, Kitty. Sorry about the President, congratulations to Jeff.” We were standing next to either side of the door, so it wasn't that hard to hear. “Didn't you notice I wasn't in the room?”

“Um, thanks? Is that what you wanted to tell me? And ask me? I figured you were working.” This was a lie. I'd
forgotten about Brian. The nature of our relationship, really. Felt bad, but we had a lot more going on than my forgetfulness in regard to former flames, married to a friend of mine or not, so found the will to carry on.

“No. Serene had already told me to stay away from you guys because we were putting various areas under lockdown, which is why I didn't go to the ceremony. I was going to go to the Embassy, but Walter won't let me in.”

“Yeah, sorry, no one in or out, just in case.”

“No argument, my son is in there. It worked out because Adriana found me, had me help her get a change of clothes, and told me to stay on this side and to see if I was able to help. But she didn't give me any more information than that. I was hoping I'd see someone I knew. Serene is at Dulce, though she's in the part that isn't under quarantine.”

“There's parts not under quarantine?”

“Yeah, just like here. Parts of both facilities are considered uncontaminated and we were doing our best to keep it that way. This door is reinforced for chemical leaks, which is the only reason I could get to it and hope to see one of you.”

“Good initiative.”

“Thanks. From what we heard, the head of the CDC is onsite and is going to stay here until he feels all the quarantine areas are set up correctly.”

“And then he's going to the White House?”

“That would be my guess, yeah.”

The White House was an easier quarantine, in that sense, similar to the Embassy. No one was to go out or come in, other than those already exposed to whatever the hell we'd been exposed to.

“Are you sure Serene is in an uncontaminated part of the Science Center? I'd have thought she'd have been doing the dissections on the dead bodies.”

He shook his head and shot Lorraine and Claudia a commiserating glance. “Melanie and Emily took charge of
that.” Those were Lorraine and Claudia's respective mothers. Heard both girls breathe in sharply.

“We're going to figure out what's going on before we lose anyone else,” I said firmly.

“I hope so,” Brian said. “I'm kind of out. I can leave the facility because I'm not considered infected with whatever it is we think we're infected with. However I can't go to the Embassy or Dulce. Serene's concerned that there may be more contagious in Dulce than we realize and I'm expecting her to lock it all down soon, just to be on the safe side.”


“So, since I can't go home but I can go out, and also since Adriana told me that I'd be needed, what do you want me to do?”

This was good news, in that we had another one of our people free and additionally one unlikely to be on Cliff's radar. On the other hand, Brian was a human not trained by the All-Seeing Oracle and technically not in the military side of either the U.S. Armed Forces or Centaurion Division, so I couldn't give him most of the assignments I needed handled.

However, that didn't mean I couldn't give him something useful to do. “Bri, the Mastermind is aware that we know who he is. I need you to get out of here ASAP and get TCC. Only him, no one else in the family. Keep him with you, keep him safe, and you, too, of course, and I'll contact you whenever I can.”

“Okay, will he go with me?”

“You're one of those he considers a god, Bri. Yes, he'll go with you.” Operation Civil War had been nothing if not interesting, after all. “If anyone asks why you're going to Alfred and Lucinda's, just explain that you can't go to your normal home options, so are going to stay with the nearest relatives.”

We wouldn't even need to clear that with Jeff's parents—it was what they'd expect any or all of us to do, so if they
were questioned by Cliff, the answers they'd give would match what we needed.

“Will do, Kitty. Do you want us to stay in their house?”

“Not if you can leave safely. Get out with TCC as soon as you think it's reasonable to assume you'd leave, then stay gone.”

“Should we be visible or go into hiding?”

“Good question. I'd say stay hidden if you can. We have enemies everywhere and possibly local Cuban assassins out there, too.”

“Beginning to be sorry I volunteered.” He grinned. “Don't worry, Kitty, I'll take care of myself and TCC, too.”

Brian effectively activated, we headed back again. By the time we finally returned to where the others were, people were already being divided up, with the White House group waiting for their floater gate. Apparently my presence hadn't been missed, though. Felt the love.

Happily, Oliver was in the White House group already, so I wasn't going to have to figure out how to demand he be with me. While he could sneak out with the girls, wanted to have him with me at the White House, for a variety of reasons.

However, Oliver and the other men I wanted on Sneak Out Duty hadn't been advised, though, thankfully, they were all still in the room. So, we split up, with me going to talk to Cliff about whether or not it was safe to let food and such come in and out from Dulce.

“They're on lockdown, too,” Cliff said after I'd dragged him off to a corner so we wouldn't be overheard.

“Yes, but I think they're on lockdown in the same way NASA Base is.”

“So, not fully contaminated?” Cliff verified.

“As far as I know. I could be wrong, but that was my impression.”

“Who'd you talk to?” he asked casually. But I recognized a probing question when the Mastermind phrased it.

“Just heard it when we were in the medical bay. Like I said, I could be wrong.”

“Well, hopefully you're not. But if that's the case, I don't think you want anything going back and forth from Dulce to any other areas, just in case. No reason to increase the risk.”

“And Guantanamo?”

“That's harder.” He grimaced. “Your uncle's there, isn't he?”

Chose not to ask him how he knew that. “Yeah, he is. Cliff, I feel like I'm at risk for losing my entire family.”

“Well, your kids are safe, right?”

“As far as we know, yes. I don't think they've been exposed.”

He looked very serious. “Kitty, I promise—if something happens to you and Jeff, I'll take care of your kids.”

Shocker. The Mastermind was going to take my exceptional children if my husband and I died. On the Surprising Scale from one to ten, this rated about a negative two. Chose not to mention that my father was with my children in relative safety—why give the Mastermind more incentive?

Instead I gave him as tremulous and grateful a smile as I could. “Thanks, Cliff. That really makes me feel better.”

Didn't point out that he was apparently quite confident about surviving, but I did find his lack of attention to detail interesting. Either he was trying to lull us into some weird form of security, or he was just so damned confident that he was at the endgame and about to win it all that he just wasn't bothering to sweat the small stuff.

Wondered if he knew that we all knew he was the Mastermind, or if it was only Chuckie who Cliff felt was on to him. Prayed to all the various Powers That Be that Cliff was only aware that Chuckie knew. It wasn't a big advantage, but a sliver was better than nothing.

I'd stalled all I could so we went back to the rest of the crowd. Cliff headed off to talk to Chuckie, probably to try to trigger a mood swing or a migraine. Chuckie was doing really well, all things considered. Which might mean many things, but the likeliest was that we were in an active situation that was requiring a great deal of mental focus from him and he just wasn't allowing himself to falter.

Per our visit to the medical area, Rohini and Bettini were staying at NASA Base to continue to work on autopsies and such. But the rest of the Planetary Council was coming to the White House. Justice Quinn was coming, too.

Jeff wanted Alfred and Lucinda to come to the White House with us. Lucinda agreed, in no small part because Elaine really needed someone good with comforting around her, which both Mom and I were not. Elaine was clinging to Lucinda when she wasn't actively doing something and it was clear she was one breath away from losing it. Could not blame her, at all.

But Alfred felt that he needed to stay at NASA Base for a variety of reasons, it was his job and home turf being the most compelling. Couldn't argue really—I'd seen what the Alfred in Bizarro World had created. Frankly, the best hope we had for a cure could easily come from Alfred.

“I can always just take a gate from one quarantined facility to the others if I need to,” he pointed out as Jeff tried to convince his father to come to the White House with us one last time.

“I think you'll be more comfortable with us,” Jeff said stubbornly. “I could make it a Presidential order.”

Alfred grinned. “I know you want to show off your new house, son.” He hugged Jeff tightly. “I'm so proud of you,” he said quietly. “But I'm going to do more good here.”

“I don't want to show off,” Jeff mumbled. “I just want to know my parents are safe.”

“Jeff, your dad's right. Elaine really needs Lucinda right
now, but we need to let your dad do as much of his job as he can. He's got everyone here and then some to protect him—he'll be fine.”

Alfred hugged me now. “That's my little First Lady.”

“One day I might even get used to you calling me that. But I doubt it.”

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