Read Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance Online

Authors: Kat Emm

Tags: #scifi romance, #alpha alien, #alien romance, #Science Fiction Romance, #fangs, #alien

Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance (13 page)

BOOK: Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance
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“The effects of feeding,” he uttered, and his gaze blazed down on her, while she writhed beneath him.

“More,” she moaned. “Give me more.”

“No,” he snarled, and he made her body flinch from the force he’d used.

Her hands ran over her body, where his touch wouldn’t stroke her, and she moaned desperately and needy.

“You would beg me until I killed you, wouldn’t you,” he accused.

“Zyn, please,” she moaned, as she cupped her breasts and lifted them to him, while she rolled her naked hips and tried to entice him back to her.

He shook his head, and then jerked back to raise onto his knees. Then he left her there moaning as she gave herself several more orgasms, because she seemed helpless to stop herself. It must have been at least a long time later when the last dredges of whatever had affected her finally let her loose, and she rose from the cushions as she clutched her temple. Tears burned her eyes and she felt so ashamed.

“Now we know why we can never be together.” Zyn’s voice was as flat as a thin edge of sharp ice.

Anna flinched with her gaze lifting. Zyn stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows at the end of the space, past an easel with the drawn painting of a Star Dancer on it. She was nude. He was remote, cold, and back in charge of his emotions—obviously he was working at cutting her off.

Maybe if she hadn’t felt so ashamed at how she’d reacted, she might have tried to fight, but she was tired of fighting off his coldness. She couldn’t trust him to keep her safe in his arms either, when she’d been helplessly beside herself. That hurt.

“Fine,” she said, as she rose and tried to adjust the stupid black suit.

“Axi will stay. You will follow her orders,” he said, without feeling and his voice sheer ice.

Alarm rushed through Anna, but she hadn’t let it show. She hadn’t let Zyn see how much she feared she might not see him again.

“I will, until you return,” she said stubbornly. Then she turned, and with her suit barely up over her breasts, she marched to the lift and got on it.

“Anna!” Zyn’s voice barked out, but she ignored him.

Instead, she had pushed the thing that made the lift drop to the bottom floor, then the second it started to move, she’d wildly grabbed it to hold on. When she reached the training room with a surprised yelp, she was glad she’d just used the lift without thinking about being terrified of it. Then she flipped back her hair and tried to adjust her suit to close over her breasts, as she stalked forward.

She might not be able to tell Zyn to be safe and that she’d worry about him, but there was something she could do.

Luckily, she found Brax pacing the front living area. He’d turned at her steady march toward him and his gaze lowered to her chest. Well, so her breasts were barely covered, she couldn’t let that stop her. She was fiddling with the suit still, but it had slipped again.

“I cannot get this to close,” she muttered, then she gasped when it fell too low and exposed more than she was comfortable with. Brax's large hand swung into view and his fingers snagged the inky black material. He tugged it and pulled it over her nipples.

Their heads touched, as they looked down together. “You must vow to bring him back alive,” she muttered, ignoring her predicament.

“Your Viper?” he asked, and she nodded, while he lifted the material of her suit up to her collarbone. “And if I don’t?”

“I will reveal that one secret I know about you,” she challenged. His fingers jerked and he lost hold of the material.

She heard the growl in his voice. “Little did I know what a hellion you are, Knave of Shoes.”

She grabbed his chest, and then thumped it. “Don’t ever call me that again!”

“Anna,” Zyn growled from the side of them.

Anna turned her gaze to see Zyn glared at her with fury marking his hard angled face. Fury? Zyn? Zyn looked down at her chest, then up to Brax where they leaned together. Ah oh. She quickly grabbed the black material and whipped it over her breasts.

“Bring him back,” she hissed at Brax, before she stepped back.

Then she heard Axi’s voice on her other side. “You’ve been very busy, precious. Two of them eh?”

“No.” Anna shook her head.

Brax also growled, “No.”

But Zyn had moved to her so fast, Anna couldn’t track him, and the next second he had her over his shoulder and he was stalking away with her.

“We need to leave!” Brax bellowed behind him.

“Soon,” Zyn snapped back.

Anna felt more air leave her lungs as Zyn flung her across the bed in his retiring room. She screeched with the suit falling to her waist. Again. Then she’d scrambled back away from Zyn, but he’d come after her, until he had her pinned beneath him on the bed.

“Zyn,” she cried, at the red dots which blazed in his irises.

“You bared your breasts to another male,” he demanded.

This did not seem like the cold Zyn who had just ordered her away from him and closed their entire relationship. She punched his chest several times and hurt her hand, then she stopped.

“You’re a bully,” she whispered, and she turned her face to the side.

He grabbed her chin and pulled her gaze back to his. “And you will be clothed around other males.
all times,” he declared.

He was jealous! Anna was so surprised, her mouth fell open and her eyes widened. “I thought we could never be together,” she demanded right back at him.

His eyes narrowed with the red points in his irises flickering. “I am responsible for you, and you will be clothed around other males.”

She sighed. “When you come back to me, Zyn, from your mission, I will make you that promise.”

A rumbling growl started from deep down in his torso, and she quickly added, “And I won’t until then, either.”

He nodded once, sharply, and released her chin, and then he began to back off her, unpinning her body. But when he got to her breasts, he’d stopped and looked down at them. Under his intense gaze her nipples instantly hardened into pink points. His head tilted and lowered. Her breath held.

Then she’d felt his tongue lap over the curve of her breast.

A small squeak of longing had curled from her throat. But that was it. One lap of his tongue and he started to move back away from her again. Her gaze turned down and she saw the marks of his fangs were gone. Then she felt the suit rising. Zyn had it, and he covered her chest, and then he fixed the fastener at her shoulder.

“Do as Axi tells you,” he ordered lowly. “There is a bounty on my head. You must be careful.”

She nodded, and he grabbed her hands and pulled her to stand, while she saw the red lights in his eyes were dimming.

Chapter Thirteen


yn looked over Brax’s ship. It was a hybrid of the highest quality.

“What quadrant,” Brax demanded, as he sat in the pilot’s seat.

Zyn went to the second pilot’s seat. “Sixty Sixth on the outer ratio of the Farside.”

Brax raised a white eyebrow against his brown face. “Izard’s homeland.”

Zyn nodded as he strapped in. “Anna says only the jeweled shoes have traps, and she computed their workings into my Com.”

Brax’s gaze turned back to the pilot controls. “You didn’t tell her who I was.”

“You must,” Zyn stated. “She seems to think you are a friend.”

Brax’s rough laughter barked forward. “The scourge of the universe has a friend.”

Zyn ignored him; he knew a captured being when he saw one. He’d been his Keeper’s slave for too long, not to see another victim. Zyn knew when he’d killed his Keeper; it had freed him to go on a different path. Perhaps it would free Brax also.

If not, then Zyn would be sorry for Anna, when he had to kill him. None of it mattered right then because they had to live through penetrating Izard space first, to prove the damn shoes were destroyed.

“Alright, Viper, prove every shred of those shoes are destroyed, then I will be free to kill Soto.”


o which one of them do you want?” Axi asked.

Anna’s head jerked up. They were sitting in the training room, after Axi said she’d secured the perimeter. It was the only space to find a place to sit in. There had been a frown on Axi’s pretty face, ever since Zyn and Brax had left.

“Zyn, of course!” Anna exclaimed. “You can’t think I want Brax. He is, or was, a friend.” She bit her lip, then muttered, “I’m not certain what he is now.”

“See!” Axi said with a high voice. “Even you don’t know what he is to you. I say you don’t bare your breasts to friends.”

“It was an accident,” Anna explained. “I’m surprised Brax is here. I never knew he was like this.”

“I find this impossible to believe,” Axi said, and she flipped back her dreadlocks on one side. “No one could ever mistake him for anything but a warrior.”

“Well, you didn’t see him before,” Anna exclaimed. “He had glasses and his hair was in one braid, plus he wore servant’s tunics.”

Axi shook her head. “Warrior,” she mouthed, and Anna thought it was in a snotty way.

If she hadn’t known better she’d think Axi was acting jealous. Of Brax? That was interesting. But she had to be mistaken.

Then she blurted, “I totally lost it, when Zyn took my blood!” She smashed her hands over her face, and moaned, “What am I going to do?”

“It pleases me you are this concerned over my Zyn,” Axi said. “Lost it means?” she asked.

Anna couldn’t tell her she’d had multiple wild orgasms, the likes of which no human had ever experienced, so she’d just whispered, “I didn’t want him to stop.”

“Ah,” Axi murmured, as if she understood, but of course no one could understand the heights of that bliss.

Except maybe Anna’s ancestors who had been slaves of Vipers. They had understood, and likely begged their Viper masters to drink them dry. She did wonder though whether that ecstasy would happen with any Viper or was it increased because it was Zyn doing it to her.

“It is like receiving satisfaction in sex, neither male nor female feel easy losing control,” Axi said, very wisely.

“Losing control, that’s for certain,” Anna muttered. “I’m not certain I could ever control it with him.”

“Of course you can,” Axi stated, with obvious conviction. “But why you’d wish too, I do not understand.”

Anna glanced sideways at Axi; even though she hadn’t revealed what had actually happened, a lot of what Axi said pertained to it.

“He does not like it that I lose control.”

“He is strong,” Axi exclaimed, with a flip of her hand. “He will get over it!”

Anna’s eyes widened as she mulled that over. Zyn was extraordinarily strong. He’d obviously stopped taking her blood, even when the demand to do so had been so powerful.

“Axi?” Anna asked suddenly. “Is there a history research Com I can use somewhere around here. I think it’s time I look up the history between Vipers and Tellurians.”

Axi’s return smile looked sly. “This! Is what I would do.”

Later they’d had a meal off the replicator. She had pasta and sauce, while Axi had a bowl full of weird alien vegetables. Then Axi had shown her where Zyn’s Com was in a wall in the empty living space. But nicely, a flat seat folded out when Axi opened the Com desk.

“I’m going to recon the perimeter,” Axi stated, as Anna settled on the seat to research history.

“Okay,” Anna said, as she watched Axi’s long slender body sway toward the training area.

Anna wondered briefly if Axi knew about Zyn’s upstairs rooms. Then she turned to the Com. Thirty minutes later, she saw a red light beeping on the Com and she pushed the screen above it.

Axi’s face swam into view.

“Brief me,” Axi stated. Anna blinked at her. “Update,” Axi muttered. Anna still blinked as she wondered what Axi meant. She watched Axi shake her head, muttering, “Civilians.” Then Axi asked, “Are things secure there, precious?”

Anna looked about the open space, then back at Axi. “Yeah,” she said. This seemed to be enough, because Axi briskly stated, “Out.” Then her image had disappeared.

“Okay,” Anna drawled. “Must be some warrior thing.” 

The Com showed the text she’d been reading with graphic pictures offered beside it showing Vipers feeding.

“Yuck,” Anna muttered. Of course it hadn’t felt like “yuck” when it was happening, and it certainly hadn’t felt like “yuck” when Zyn was the one feeding on her. She sighed. Then it had felt like ecstasy.

But all she was reading about Vipers and Tellurians was not good. It seemed they so much lusted after each other ... unto death.

“There has to be some way to control this,” she muttered, and she pushed a space on the screen, as she stated, “Search for remedies. Viper, human, relations.” Data whizzed by her blinking eyes, then several articles appeared. She chose the one called, “Viper Andreous Knight and human Emma Knight. Married forty years.”

“Oh, that’s a good one,” she whispered.

Sometime later, right in the middle of learning some amazing facts, the red light on the Com began to blink again. Slightly annoyed, Anna pressed it, while she said, “Really, Axi, everything is okay in here!”

“Good to hear.”

Anna squinted at Brax. “Oh, I didn’t know it was you.”

“Obviously,” he stated.

Anna frowned at him. “I liked the old Brax I knew much better.”

Brax’s smooth coffee-colored features regarded her without expression. She remembered him laughing, joking, studious, and sincere. But never as expressionless. “Is Axi Illia feeling better?” he asked.

Anna tilted her head, as she wondered about Brax’s strange question. “I didn’t know she was feeling bad. Is she?”

“Please answer if she looks as if she feels well,” he asked again, in what Anna thought was a stubborn monotone.

“She looks, acts, and seems perfect to me,” Anna exclaimed.

“Good,” he nodded, and then his image blinked out.

Anna sat up straighter. “What the heck was that?” She stretched her back while she narrowed her eyes on the screen before her. “That was suspiciously like caring.”

The old Brax she could see caring, but this new one ... not so much. Still, the old Brax hadn’t been very social, basically with just her or Amp, an Osoft bodyguard that had worked for the Duchess. So in other words, he hadn’t been indentured, like she’d thought both she and Brax were. Now she didn’t know if Brax was anything.

BOOK: Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance
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