Read Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance Online

Authors: Kat Emm

Tags: #scifi romance, #alpha alien, #alien romance, #Science Fiction Romance, #fangs, #alien

Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance (15 page)

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He would have intercourse with her on every piece of furniture, he vowed silently as he withdrew and thrust forward again.

Chapter Fifteen


nna gripped Zyn’s powerful shoulders as his eyes burned hotter each time he thrust into her. His hand spread over her tailbone and he lifted her into each thick drive of his shaft that filled her beyond capacity. Stars of rapid penetration twisted in her feverish temple as her ankles locked on his flexing rock-hard buttocks.

Her breath was only gasps through each piercing force of his shaft, and pleasure built like a storm inside her. This was nothing like the mindless lust his bite had created; this was a powerful connection of his body and hers. He went with her in passion and it was etched on his locked jaw, as he held back and searched for her release first.

“Z. Z. Zyn,” she cried, and he angled deeper, shattering her.

As her convulsing sex milked his steely erection, he groaned harshly, while she exploded in ecstasy and crashed against him. But even as she quaked through an intense climax, he hadn’t followed, but he’d chosen a new position to thrust against her.

When he turned their bodies, until she was on top and he was on his back caressing her breasts, he uttered his command. “Again,” he growled.

Her climax still pumped his shaft deeply, and she was unable to move on him. But he did it for her, powerfully lifting her ... as he held her waist in his big hands. He used his heels as leverage and swung his hips.

Her nails dug into his chest as her breasts bounced with each rapid drive. She could only gasp high mewling sounds as her body was jarred with pleasure. Until he pulled her down onto his muscular and sweat-slick chest, and then he used a new angle to pull her up and down his body. It rubbed her exposed clit, and made her legs thrash with pleasure.

His wide hands clamped each of her buttocks and he ground into her, while her hair flew over his face and she braced her hands beside his head. She bit her lip, nearly drawing blood, as she tried to hold her next climax back, wanting his release this time.

Their gazes battled, then she saw more intense pleasure as his eyes crimped and a lusty growl rolled in his chest.

“You undo me, woman,” he uttered, and he threw his head back with his muscular throat arched.

A heavy groan came from deep in his chest and he was so beautiful, so hot, she exploded with a rushing climax, just as his hot seed filled her.

She might have actually lost her breath and become overcome by her climax, because the next thing she knew, she laid limply over him. Her first thought was how could a man do that to a woman? She’d never realized it could be that way. But of course he wasn’t a human man, but a controlled Viper ... up until that last part.

A secret smile lifted her lips. She’d made him lose control too.

His breath was hot against her ear. “I like to make you senseless with pleasure,” he murmured deeply.

She felt their connection ... he was still buried inside her, while his hands roamed over the cheeks of her behind. Her lips kissed the tight sinew on his chest.

“Senseless is it? I damn well passed out.”

His chuckle startled her. Zyn chuckling. What a wonder ... besides what it did to their intimate connection as it moved him against her. His hand started to sift her hair, while his other hand stroked circles on the globes of her behind.

That couldn’t possibly be her clit making tiny little aches again, could it? Would she ever get enough of him? She lifted her head, suddenly worried.

“Maybe I missed the part when I was researching human and Viper interactions about heightened sexual responses even without the bite.”

Zyn looked at her, his black eyes piercing with intensity. “You feel we were unnatural?”

Ah oh, she thought, backtracking. She spread her hand across his chest to brace herself. “It’s just I have never experienced anything as amazing,” she whispered.

He went from intense, to slightly thoughtful. “My Anna, I have been trained to be amazing at this.”

Of anything she thought he would say ... it was certainly not that. Had he looked arrogant? He certainly had.

“Oh you!” she exclaimed, and she nipped his chin. “You were not that good.”

“I wasn’t?” he asked, and yes—very arrogantly certain of his sexual prowess.

She pouted. “Maybe you were,” she barely whispered.

He squeezed her. “Love you,” he uttered.

Her eyes widened as her heartbeat thumped. He looked slightly surprised or as surprised as he’d ever let himself look. She knew he cared for her, and if she thought about it at all she would have assumed getting a declaration of love from him might take years.

“Zyn,” she whispered, then not allowing him to rethink or think too much about his break in emotion, she scooted up his powerful body. “I love you too,” she said, and then she kissed the daylights out of him.

Later, they took a shower together and Zyn had showed her how incredibly powerful he was by lifting her up and taking her against the wall, until she’d screamed his name and clutched his wet body. The thing she found about Zyn was he didn’t just do one sexual position, but four, maybe even five. He also didn’t do just giving her one orgasm, but several, as he worked through his thrilling positions.

So it was no surprise to her to be dripping wet and bent over the bathing chamber's counter, as Zyn pumped powerfully into her from behind, while she was a quivering, wailing mess. But this time as he spread her thighs wider and he thrust upward at a different angle, which had her shuddering on the edge of a climax, he was coming along too.

She thought his hoarse cry of release was the thing that had sent her over the edge, as she felt his hot seed spilling into her and the tips of his fangs barely grazed the back of her neck.

Anna froze, pinned beneath him, and waited the strike of his fangs, certain they had overdone his usual mammoth control. She could feel his thick shaft pulsing deep inside her, as he growled for release, and she thought maybe control.

“I love you,” she gasped. “I don’t care if you take my blood, but it will make us both mad with lust, baby.”

“I am not near to biting you, my hot little Anna,” he said, with a growl in his voice. “I have heard this is an erotic point on a female’s body, and I wanted your sweet ass to wiggle more as I ejaculated harder than I ever had.” Then he added, “Selfish, I know. But you do that to me.”

Anna stifled her laugh into a giggle. “More erotic sensations? I will die if you do more. I cannot hold up, you will have to bury me in a casket capsule from dying of too much brilliant sex.”

His fangs grazed her nape and her ass did indeed move against him, and she indeed hadn’t died.

Even later still, she laid on top of him on a comfort-monitored mattress that had replaced his hard and unused cot bed. They were nude, and he rubbed her back, as she purred over it.

“So if we bond, which takes me drinking your blood at the same moment you are drinking mine, it will fundamentally change us?”

“I think so,” she murmured, as Zyn lifted a finger to her lips and traced them as if he was testing their softness. So she nipped him. He merely smiled without as much as a flinch. Damn Viper control.

“It is much to try on only a ‘think so’ Anna,” he said, and he moved his hand to her behind, that time for a deep squeeze.

She traced his lips back as they looked very close into each other’s eyes. “I think it would calm you around me. Help your control. You could feel me.”

“I feel you now,” he said, as he cupped her behind.

Her finger traced over one of his fangs. “You know what I mean,” she said.

“I have always thought Vipers used up and killed all Tellurians for their blood. To find this did not happen to all of them is a new concept to me,” he said, with a healthy amount of honesty, she thought.

“Well it mostly takes you not wanting to use me up, more than you want my delicious blood, I guess. Because I cannot stop you.”

She dropped her finger to his chest and traced that, while looking innocent.

His eyebrow raised. “You can stop me, you just don’t realize it.”

She grew quivery inside as she braced on his chest and looked at him more deeply. “Zyn? You mean if I just said ‘no’ you really would stop, no matter what?”

“Yes,” he said, with such conviction she totally believed him. “You mean that much to me, Anna. I will grow to dust, if you command it.”

Tears formed in her eyes, as she whispered, “You are so not unemotional, you damn sexy Viper.”

Then he kissed the daylights out of her.

Chapter Sixteen


hey slept. Even Zyn slept, until the darkest part of the solar cycle and he woke with Anna’s soft curves pressed against him. He had never woken like it before and after a few moments he had decided he enjoyed it. He could feel his erection growing hard into her softness and he appreciated having such close access as he rolled her slightly and pulled her to face him. The erotic sensation of her breasts pressed to his chest was enough to thrust his shaft inside her as he worked his thigh under her leg to lift it open.

“Zyn,” she muttered on a sweet moan, and then he worked to wake her fully with slow thrusts, until she was writhing and grinding back on him.

Later he held them connected as their breathing slowed, and she pressed her lips to his chest. “You may wake me like that any time, baby.”

“Next time it will be my tongue,” he assured her.

He received a sexy moan and she wiggled on his semi-hard erection.

“Zyn?” she asked softly after a few moments. “Do you star dance?”

Zyn held back his reactive flinch. He’d known those questions would come eventually, and he still didn’t know how to answer them. In the pitch-blackness, she pressed closer and hugged him tightly.

“Don’t answer. I don’t need to know, baby.”

He knew his body had tightened and that was a telling motion against her.

“Yes, I have star danced,” he finally said. “There were times when they made us take leave. I had nothing to do, and could only handle so much training in the long allotted time.”

“So,” she whispered, near his lips. “You picked up a hobby?”

He sighed. “Impossible for me, you think.”

“No, because you did it.”

“I would tell you it helps me fight, by keeping me flexible, but that of course does not explain the painting, which I started first.”

“I’ll never tell anyone,” she softly promised, and he appreciated the vow. It had made him uncomfortable to think others would know about his slips of discipline. Her soft lips kissed his cheek and he held her tighter. “I think it is part of the real you trying to get out. Those irrepressible things no slavery can destroy.”

“You make me love you more,” he said hoarsely. “But I must go slowly.”

“I know, Zyn. I don’t want you to change that much. I just want you to consider not holding it so tightly. I love you.”

Zyn held her until she fell asleep ... they were still connected, and he thought about her words. But something had called to him from the first moment he’d heard of it; it had beckoned him, until eventually he’d rose.

After a quick shower blast he’d dressed casually with no shoes, applied grip pants, and a relaxed exo-skeletal workout shirt. Then he prowled to the Re-cooler unit where Anna had claimed she’d stored her blood for him. Maybe he was growing soft, but it was too much of a temptation to not look at it.

Besides it was time for him to feed, perhaps half a day early from his forced consumption schedule, but feeding from Anna had lasted longer than any synthetic blood he’d ever ingested.

When he opened the door to the Re-cooler unit all the blood he normally stored there was lined up and tagged. However one lone bag was carelessly slumped off to the side. The blood thirst inside him instantly came alive.

Did it look redder than the others?

Then he wondered how she had done it. How had she put her precious blood in a cold sterile bag for him? It seemed nearly perverted to him, but he knew instantly that was the temptation of his body calling for him to take it from the source.

He would ignore that ravenous call, until the universe had imploded.

He would never harm her. Besides even tasting her blood from a sterile bag was ten million times better than the synth blood. He grabbed the bag, while he worried about how she had drained so much for him. He would have to get smaller bags. She need not give so much, and leave herself weak.

But the minute he touched it, it had felt alive in his hand and he’d finally believed that a Viper and a Tellurian had a chance. It took him several minutes of controlled meditation to school himself to only take a certain amount from the bag. He wanted to test his willpower over and over to always make certain it was under control, but he did believe with a steady diet of his mate’s blood he would be less ravenous and primal.

As usual the moment Anna’s thick rich blood touched his tongue it exploded with pleasure through him. And he caught his reaction and held it just at pleasure, not allowing it to leap to rapture, which it could so easily do. He decided, as he tasted it, that he must always do it alone. It would strain his control too much to see Anna at the same moment he’d tasted her blood.

Just as he was finishing the small sample he had allowed himself, to begin testing the exact amount he needed for a predetermined amount of time, he heard a whisper behind him.

“I’m going to take a quick shower, baby,” Anna said. “Then I need a snack too, I’m hungry after all those positions and orgasms.”

Zyn had looked back at where her voice came from and he saw a glimpse of her, before she’d disappeared, while he licked his fangs, and then willed them to recede. What was that unusual aftertaste, he wondered? Maybe it was the bag. Whatever it was, it had degraded the blissful taste, and he’d have to figure it out.

But then something very strange had happened when he realized that he’d dropped the closed bag of blood onto the floor.

“How did that happen,” he muttered. There was never a time he was not in complete control of every muscle of his motor functions, except for sleep.

BOOK: Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance
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